The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 24, 1937, Image 1

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Fntered as Second Class Matterat Postoffice, Omaha, Nebraska- OMAHA, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1937 Vol, XI No, 13
Norris Is Convicted in Scottsboro Trial
Judge Callahan Up to Old Tricks;
Leibowitz Says “I’ll Appeal The
Sentence To Hell and Back;”
Decatur, Alt., July 23 (ANP)—
“I will appeal the sentence to
hell and back.”
That was the grim s atement
of Chief Defense Counsel Sam
Liebowitz of New York as
Claretncd Norri^ firdt of the
eight Negroes to go on trial in
the new chapter of the Scotts
boro cases, was sentenced to
death Thursday afternoon by
an all-white jury in the court
of Judge W. W. (“Speed”) Cal
lahan. T
. Despite holes torn by the de
fense in the testimony of Mrs.
Victoria Price, complianing
witness, Judge Callahan all but
asked the jury to bring in a
verdict of guilty in his charge
to them Thursday afternoon.
He aaid “ the law would au
thorize conviction on Victoria
Price’s testimony alone.”
However, he added, “This
suit is not Victoria Price ver
sus Clarence Norris, but the
State of Alabama versus Clar
ence Norria Victoria Price has
no more to do with this case
than any other woman. She was
called and brought here by the
state to testify for the state.
“Reimember She’s White” .
“I also want you to remem
ber th£fr where the woman is
white, there is a strong presum
ption under the law that she
did not yield to the advances
of a Negro.”
This is the third time in
moi’e than six years of the case
that Norris has heard himself
condemned to die in the electric
chair. Twice he has been saved
by the IT. S. Supreme court. Tie
hopes tha,t again the nation’s
highest tribunal will intervene,
if need he.
Due to the illness of C’ ••
The Baccbanite Club’s Carni
val Dance tickets are on sale at
the following places of business:
Bobbins Drug Store 24tli and
Cran,t St.
Tuxedo Billiard Parlor
24th and Grant Sts.
George Lewis Chicken Hnt
Council Bluffs
General Admission 50c. Before,
you can save a dime, if you buy
a .ticket on time.
Girls and Women ***)
to go to work immediately. Make
money daring vacation. Good pay.
pleasant work, short hours. Call
Mrs. M. Gilbert each morning at
8:45 or each evening at 8 p. m. at
the Omaha Guide office, 2418
Grant Street Phone WE 1517.
Watts, Alabama lawyer who
played a leading role in the
trials beeause'of the belief here
that harmonious settlement of
the case could be brought ab
out with a local attorney add
ed to the defense. The trial of
Charlie Weems, is scheduled to
begin Thursday was later post
Three on Venire; None Called
Three Negroes were included
in the venire of 100 prospective
jurymen sworn in Monday
when the case began.
As Callahan administered
the oath, one asked to be .ex
cused because he had a “fixed
(Continued on Page G)
Mob Lynches Two
Negroes in Florida
On the eve of the passage of
the anti-lynching bill in the
Senate, two Negro youths,
Richard Hawkins and Ernest
j Ponder were lynched by a
mob in Tallahassee, Fla. Each
of the youths were about eigh
teen years old they were accus
ed of stabbing Patrolman V. F.
Kelly, Sunday.
Mrs. P. W. White, 2512 N.
27th St., who has been ill for
some, weeks, is improving.
Hummel Proves to be
True Blue Friend
' -
Mr. J oe Hummel proves to
the commuui.y that he is not
in favor of discrimination in
the bathing beach. A few days;
ago, it was reported to the
president of the National A>ao-j
ciation for the Advancement of
Colored People, that the CCC
boys were running Negro boys
out of Municipal bathing beach
at Carter Lake. President Jon
es and Mayor Johnny Owen
called on the Mayor in regards
to the same. The Mayor refer
red them to the WPA City Re
creation officials. When they
called on Mr. llummel, he was
very much surprised that such
a complaint had been register
ed. He requested the commit
tee to recommend to him a Ne
gro that could pass the exa
mination for life guard. The
president and mayor, Johnny
Owen recommended Ray Rich
ardson known for Tils acrobatic
water stunts and an expert
swimmer to make application
for the job. Park Commisioner
Hummel appdjinted 'Raymond
Richardson as life guard in
Municipal Bathing Beach. This
proves that he will not stand
for any abuse or discrimina
tion on account of color or race
in our city parks. Commission
er Jepsen promised to give po
lice assistance to prevent the
attempt of interference with
Omaha colored citizen’s rights
in the Municipal bathing pool.
Woman’s Eye Jumps Out
_ 4__
One of the most extraordi
nary cases in medical history
occurred Monday, June 28,
when the left eye of Mrs. Sar
ah Mills of 2029 N. 21st street,
completely jumped out of its
socket and hung suspended by
a tiny particle of flesh on her
left cheek.
According to a statement by
Mrs. Mills, she started suffer
ing severe pains on the left side
of her head and in her left eye
Monday morning at her home.
Later that day she went to the
home of her daughter, Mrs.
Dora Brown, 2019 Grace St.,
where the latter applied ice to
relieve the pain. But nothing
seemed to offer any relief, and
at about midnight, unable to re
tire, Mrs. Mills was sitting on
the porch, without any warn
ing, her eye jumped out.
Greatly alarmed, her daugh
ter and son-in-law tried to sum
mon a doctor, but owing to the
lateness of the hour, were un
able to do so and the police
were called. It took a great deal
of explaining to persuade them
that Mrs. Mills had not been as
saulted by someone, as they
could not conceive the idea of
a person’s eye voluntarily jump
ing out of its socket.
She was rushed to the County
Hospital where the case was
met with even greater constern
ation. Dr. Martin, the attend
ing physician, had no alterna
tive, an operation was immed
iately performed and the dan
gling eye was removed. So rare
was the case that physicians
from Omaha and various parts
of the state made studies of
the patient.
This case has been declared
by doctors as one of the most
phenominol in their experience,
and the eye which is now pre
served in alcohol at the hospi
tal is one more puzzling factor
for medical science to solve.
Mrs. Mills, who can be seen
joyfully going about her daily
activities, is regarded by doc
tors as a person of unusual
physical stamina to have over
come such a ratety and to 'still
retain the sight of her Pther
LastMinute Snappy
News Items
FromNational Field
(By Albert Barnett for A Nil’)
Atlanta, (la., July *22
Struck by a locomo.ive of the
A. B. and C. Railroad and suf
fering a broken back, fractur
ed skull ami broken arm Man
uel McGhee, 30, married and
the father of one child was
found in a dying condition last
Friday near Bankhead under
pass. Removed to Grady hos
pital, the mangled victim died
the next morning.
Galveston, July 22—Leaping
into the bayou here last week
in a vain attempt to save his son
who had fallen into the wa
ter, Edward West, apparently
attack by cramps failed to arise
to the surface. Father and son |
were drown before rescuers
could reach them. J
Norfolk, Va., July 22—A com
mendable project launched re
cently by the missionary socie
ties of a score of local church
es of all denominations is lb
Colored Anti-Tuberculosis As
sociation whose first objective
is establishment of an open-air
health camp for under-nourish
ed, debilitated chidren and
those who have been expos
ed to persons afflicted with
luberculosis. Says Association
Chairman Dr. T. W. Murray:
“We are striving to start with
a five week camp on August
ldt, with a few, but we hope
the project will develop so
j that all the children we seek
! to help can eventually be eared
for during the summer months.”
Oklahoma City, July 22—A.
heart attack last Tuesday pro
ved fatal to Mrs. Zelia It. Page,
87, revered, highly respected
Oklahoman and a graduate of
the class of 1875 at Wilber
force university, receiving her
B. R. degree. A native of Alex
ander, Va., she was the widow
of the late Dr. Inman E. Page.
A lawn social was given by
the Ladies Auxiliary of Roose
velt Post (3) on Thursday ev
ening, July 15, on the beautiful
lawn of Mr. and Mrs. John Gar
diner, 2622 Maple St. A light
luncheon was served. The color
scheme was pink, white and
green. Everyone left rporting
a most delightful evening. The
social was a high success.
Oh Brother, “Don’t you want
to save a dime T” Get your tick
et on time to .the season’s great
est Carnival Barn Dance, on or
before Sat., July 24, 10 P. M.
N. A. A. C. P. Holds
Meeting at Center
Oil Tuesday, July lltli, the
NAACP held a very interest
ing meeting at the Urban Lea
gue Community Center at 8
p. m. with the president Dr.
Wesley Jones, pi\ptdditng and
secretary Charles T. Utavies
and a group ot citizens. A very
interesting meeting was held.
Mr. Chester McDaniels filed a
u complant with the Associa
tion about an insult he receiv
ed in the White Castle Ham
burger Stand on 24th and Lea
venworth. -Atty. Ralph Adams
registered u <‘ase with the local
branch about the Jones Bros.,
junk dealers, and second-hand
automobile salesmen of Norfolk,
INebr. Chairman of the Legal
Redress Committee Senator
John Adams, jr. made the fol
lowing statement concerning
the Jones Bros, case at Norfolk:
“The Jones Bros, and their sis
ter. who were born, reared and
educated at Norfolk, Nebr. had
built up a substantial worth
while business and seemingly
had a choice location. They
had made application for li
cense with the city council and
had been refused and the po
lice department had ordered
thm to close their business.
When they went to see the
city officials concerning their
case the chief of police had or
dered them out of the city hall
and told them that if they were
seen around there again, they
would be thrown in jail.,,
A motion was made by Mr.
C. C. Galloway, that the secre
tary of the NAACP would be
instructed to write a letter in
forming the Jones Bros. that, if
they would fray the expense,
the Omaha Local Branch would
make a thorough investigation
o f the status of their case.
Everybody’s Going!
WHERE? To the big Carnival
Dance featuring Anna Mac Win
burn and her Swing Band on
Mon., July 26, at the beautiful
Drcamlaud hall. The Bacchanite
Boys will be on hand to see that
everybody hai fust.
Mrs. B. Love, owner of the
Love Apartments, has been ill,
but is reported convalescing.
Rush to Adjourn May Sidetrack
Anti-Lynch bill Unless Senators
Hear from Home: Act Quickly
Urban League Sec’y
Return from Vacation
Miss Lucy Mae Stamps, of
fice and industrial secretary
of the Omaha Urban League,
has just recently returned
from a two weeks vacation vi
siting town in Arkansas. Miss
Stamps was the house guest
of au aunt, Mrs. Louella Dem
psey, in Prescott, Ark. She vi
sited in Texarkana, Hot Springs
and Little Rock. Whi/i there
she was the recipient of many
benutiful affairs. Mr. John
Carter, jr., a cousin, entertain
ed with a lovely moonlight pic
nic on the spacious ground of
McRae school park, with 16
guests present, after which Bhe
was his guest at the beautiful
Masonic dance hall where they
swayed to the syncopating tun
es of Harry Walker’s orchestra,
of Shreveport,' 1*.
■ — o-—
Dillard university will have
Miss Charlatt E Crawford, A.
B. from Wessesley and Ph.
D. from Tale as instructor in
English next school year.
Last week Home new students
enrolled in the Althouso Beauty
School: Lena Rowland, Clara
Coleman an<l Alberta Franklin.
Honors Prof. Anthony
Mrs. Ester Ilicks honored
Professor Anthony of Bombay,
India and Madame Maisonette
Parker of New Orleans,, Julv
16th, with a beautiful appoint
ed dinner in her charming an
artment, 2432 Bloiulo street.
Covers were laid for four
■ ■ ■ o ■
Little Misses Ehtel Michael,
Irene Harris and June Jokes
left July 3rd, to spend the
summer with Mrs. Bertha Har
ris, the daughter of Mrs. Al
berta Michael. Letters from
them, tell of a wonderful time
Sing! Swing! Dance!
.That Swing, Sing and Dance
Orchestra will be in town soon
featuring Anna Mae Winburn,
the Mid-west’s most popular en.
tertainer. - *
Be A Booster
When our solicitor calls at yourjhome, 'be sure to show
by giving him or her a newsy item or taking a subscription for
12 months, 6 months, 3 months, or even 1 month.
When you BOOST THE GUIDE, you are boosting Omaha,
and are enabling us tfo give employment to more of our own
boys and girls.
Washington, 1). 0., July 22
—The death of Senator Joseph
B. Robinson majority leader
of the Senate has thrown Wash
ington circles into a turmoil and
may result in grave danger to
the anti-lynching bill.
The Senate was being dri
ven through u hot summer ses
sion by Senator Robinson, lead
er of the administration forces,
in un effort to get action on the
President’s suprme court bill:
With the death of the leader,
there is lalk on all sides of
dropping the court bill and go
ing home ispeedily.
If those opposed to the court
bill ure able to have their way,
they will sidetrack it by recom
mitting it to committee aiil
then dump overboard all con
troverhial legislation, and drivs
for a quick adjournment.
Unless the friends of the anti
tynching bill act with speed,
the measure will he pushed to
one side in the mad scramble
to wind up Senate business and
Mitchell Loses Appeal
For New Hearing;
May Die August 20th
Clarksdale, M|«., July 2‘J
(ANP)—William Clark Mit
chell, S5-y,ear-old white World
war veteran who burned a
Negro father and son to death
in a robbery, Tuesday, lost his
uppeal for a new hearing on
his mental condition before Cir
cuit Court Judge J. M. Kuycn
dall at Coffeyville and was
again sentenced to be hanged.
The date is August 20ih.
For the torch murder of
Louis and Coot Bryant in Yalo
busha county during 19’2, Mit
chell has been sentenced to die
six times and has been saved
five times. The state supreme
court upheld his death sentence
and the govrnor refused to in
tervene after the slaye waa
found sane in examination by
state doctors, but his life was
saved through a writ of error
coram nobis issued on the
ground that questions of sanity
had not been properly brought
before the court.
Gaddis Williams, white, state
commander of Disabled Veter
ans of the World war, declared
after the hearing Tuesday that
he believed Mitchell would es
cape the gallows since “we do
not believe him sane.” His at
torneys announced a new ap
peal to the state supreme court.
There is considerable resent
ment in some circles against
breaking precedent and hangi
ing a white man for the mur
der of colored people.
Featuring Anna Mae Winburn at the Dreamland Hall on July 26th