The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 17, 1937, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    Attend Church . .
m'itrn*** *» • * * • •
• NOTICE to all church, civic, re- |
ligious. secret and social clubs; to |
pastor.-, presidents nnd repor^rs. !
All news of the above organiia*
lion must he in our office on or be- 1
fore Monday at 6p. rn, each week
for the news items to appear in the
current issue. Your members want
their paper on lime. Please be
prompt and cooperate with ns.
C. C. Calloway, Acting Editor
Dr. R. A. Adams, Pastor ,
The attendance at Sunday
pcltool and church were fine.
1 >r. Adams preached both morn
■ug, evening and in the after
noon. lie and his choir appear
on the Kigh h Anniversary pro
gram of Rev. .1 S. Williams, at
the Hillside Presbyterian ehureh
Dr. Adams took for his sub
ject Sunday morning, “Scoff
Iht* sick tit tile eh lire.!) art*
sluing fine.. We express our '
sympathy to the family of Sis 1
ter Ward who passed some
lime ago., and Sister Hanson,'
w hose husband passed last week
Sunday duly IHth. will he
Homecomtng day at, St. John
and it is hoped that every
.Hemher and former St. John
members, and fr ends will he
present. The fourth Sunday
will he the last quarterly meet
ing day of this conference
Visitors at St. John last
Sunday were. Miss Margaret
Lamb. Mrs. Fred K. Douglass,
jr., Mr, ami Mrs. H. J„ Derlcins
nil of Kansas City, also Miss
Frederick Smith of Muskogee.
Miss Claiiormnl Crop, Miss El
en rim Donielson, Hazel Minor,
and Aodoll Jacobson, all of
Omaha Miss Huth Moore of
You may get your Omaha.
Onide and be well posted on
church, social, and fra'ernal
news. Why not have it sent ,to
your home,, or see the Onide
hoys Fridays and Saturdays ol
each week and get Hie news.
Rev. A. Phillips, Pastor
Services were good at. Bethel
Sunday as usual. Pev. A... Phil
lips preached a soul stirring ser
mon at 11 o’clock. Sunday
afternoon Pev. Phillips prea
ched in St. James AME church
at Fremont, Nobr. At Pev.
Piggue’s quarterly meeting
quite a few of the members at
tended. The ACE League met
-*t the usual hour with offi
vers present. The lesson was
beautifully discussed. Our les
son for next Sunday is, *,Jesm
flie Available Friend.” Scripture
Lesson, John 1f>:12-1G. Pev„
Coolv preached Sunday night.
The Senior Stewardesses are
giving a Lawn Social July
23rd on the church lawn. Come
'out and enjoy yourself.
Katie Johnson, Reporter
Sunday school at usual hour
wj.s conducted hv Supt.. Joe
Eddens. Many thoughts were
received from the lesson on
“ITow God Provides a Leader.”
At 11:30 BroS. S Spaight
brought the message.
The evening services were
high. The Lord wonderfully
blessed our souls- Brother S.
S- Spaight brought the message
Come and worship with us. Ev
eryone is welcome.
isi*1 *™<1 room »nd bcCIivhs for * free
\ '-♦iVVw'] Sai-.ple of S veet C«*«»B.Wn Hsir Dreiaintf
I ✓ j FwWdf *. «« r»»A Wei Em
L ' A I’ • l^wythfr wl')> pt'i M .*•
- . N « ri •; .11 Ft Wri ^
lut .na Avc. CllkRt, U.
Rev. M, B. Bilbrew, Pastor
Sunday school started the
day with a group bf eager pu
pils to be taught the word of
Clod. The llayride given by the
sup', for the children was en
joyed by all. (Kir pastor preach
ed at 11 a., m. from Exodus 3:10.
Last Sunday the BY PIT cole
brated its flth anniversary of
the president, Mr. W. M. Coop
er. During the many years that
In* has been our lender he has
been very capable and efficient.
11 Ik winning personally has
made for him many friends. The
twin rally which terminated
Sunday was successful. The
amount raised was $40.86. Our
pastor preached at 8 p. m. from
Joshua 218. The sick are Mrs.
Pearl Hunter and Mother Ken
nedy. Visitors ore always wej
— -.. ~.Q. . ....
Rev. D. W Bass, Pastor
HcLirjre'ta Making, Reporter
Sunday school was well at*
tended with many visitors and
new pupils. As this is nearing
Jubilee lime, tbe young people
are very busy; everyone is busy,
I diehard Hass is tbe delegate
from the Sunday school. Mrs.
Elizabeth Barnes (white) spoke
.to the Junior church on cus
toms in Turkey. Mrs. Barnes
spends much of her time in the
old country. The sermons prea
ched both morning and evening
by our pastor were very in
spiring. Epworth League is do
ing fine. Clifford Mn.kins is tbe
delegate from the League. Tbe
Young Peoples Jubilee will be
held in Kansas City. Plans
being made .to carry the Junior
choir to the conference. Mrs.
Bertha Bell and family have
as their guesls Miss Vendetta
Brownnnd Miss Louise Brown
of Fort Riley, Kns. The funer
j] of Mrs. Be'tv Fervvilda, Hill.
170S No. 27th street, was held
Friday. To tbe sick, Job 7:1,
“Ts there not an appointed
truth to man upon tbe earth?
Are nat bis days also like tbe
days of a • hireling?'’ Our
thought And ye shall he hn.ted
of all men for my name’s sake,
but. be that shall endure unto
Ibe end, tbe same shall be snv
ed—Mark 13:13t
Rev. M. K. Curry, Pastor
Sunday school opened at 9:30
a. m. There were 171 in attend
ance. Many fine thoughts were
gotten from the lessin. At 11:00
a. m. the pastor brought us a
wonderful message, his subject
was, “The Rejected Stone.”
The sermon was full of fire and
inspiration. At fi :30, the B^ B1T
was opened with a large num
ber present. At 8:00 p. m~ the
pastor preached another soul
stiriling semon, “God Prepares
a Leader,” was the subject. The
one particular thought was. if
God prepares us for leadership,
I we will he successful leaders,
, otherwise we cannot lead. Come
i to Zion and worship with us.
Rev. J. G. Gates, Pastor
Dolly Dixon, Reporter
i The Sunday school opened
[with an average attendance.
The lesson was reviewed hv
Mrs. Paris who gave some very
I good thoughts followed by a
few remarks from our pastor.
I Morning service was inspiing.
Evening scvioe was well attend
ed and a goodly sermon was de
Rev. F. P. Jonas, Pastor
i iiCf Sri man 41* ino inoriiin^ scr
vce was that salvation is the
cure for sin.The Jones chorus
1* % *j{ If! (1
The chorus choir also appeared
oti program at the Hillside Pres
byterian church Sunday after
noon, presenting two spirituals.
The third Sunday in this
mouth begins a week of prea
ching. Various churches, their
pastors, and choirs will be as
sisting "during tlo^se services.
The Blue Jays, White Eagles
andthe Children’s group mov
ed their airplanes considerably
Sunday evening. The Blue .Jay's
plane, in the lead, is well on
the way to Australia. Visitors
present were Mrs. Kecse and
Mr. Bright of Kentucky, Mr.
George Turner of Chicago.
Mrs. Bright made an interest
ing talk. Mrs. Brown, who
has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. B- C. Hitl for the past
three months is leaving for her
Mrs. Ernest Henderson, 2113
No. 25th St., left .July 2nd for
Chicago. She will visit her fa
ther and brother-in-law. Mrs.
McCraty and Mrs. DaVidson are
still ill.
Visitors are always welcome.
Rev. Johnson, Pastor
Mrs. W. Williams, Reporter
Sunday school opened with a
large attendance. Bro. Porter,
our president, invites you 1o
come. At 11 o’clock, the pastor
preached from Psalms 51:10,
subject, “A Clean Heart,” 6
o’clock is Union time. You are
cordially invited to attend. At
8 o’c’oek ,the pastor preached
from St. Mark, 5:30 ,“ Faith.”
There was a large crowd pre
sent. Saturday night, the choir
is sponsoring a Hay ride to Elm
wood park. All ears will de
part from the church at 8:30.
Anyone wishing to go see the
psstor or one of the choir mem
The Woman’s Auxiliary of the
Postal Alliance met at the home
of Mrs. Mary Pegg, 4308 Pa
trick Ave., Wednesday, July 7
- ..... —O -
Mr. and Mrs. Win. A. Davis
2219 Ohio street left Friday
July 16th, for an extended trip
motoring to Minnesota, Illinois
and Iowa and other points in
the East.
You Don’t Own
Any Trains,
You don’t buy trains when
you buy transportation ser
I you bhy transportation ser
i vice.
Neither do you buy tele
phones, pole lines, switch
boards and other telephone buy com
munication service.
Your telephone is part of
a nationwide system of com
, munication which has re
quired more than 50 yearfc
and four billion dollars to
bulid......which requires more
than 300,000 persons to ope-j
i rata it.
Your telephone charges go
toward the necessary ex
i penses of providing service,
such as wages, taxes, depre
eia'ion, materials, and sup
I plie3, and payment for the
; use of the money with which
the telephone plant has been
built. These charges are as
low as efficiency and econ
omy can make them.
Visitor Feted
(Continued from Page 1)
sixteen guest* were present.
The prizes were won by Mrs.
•Janies C. Jewell, Mrs. Blanec
[Moore, Mrs. Carrie Cany and
I Mrs. (’lias Davis- Mrs. Lee pre
1 seated her with a beautiful sil
j ver vegetable dish.
On Tuesday, July *>th, Mrs.
i Dana Murphy and Mrs. Cunni
gan Wilson honored Mrs. Ro
binson with a cocktail sip at
the home if Mrs, Wilson on No
33rd street, followed by a sup
per dance at the beautiful din
ner palace of Mrs. Murphy, on
West Center s.reet; twelve
guests were present.
Wednesday, July 7th, Mrs.
C. H. Singleton gave a most
delightful and beautiful lunch
eon at her home, 2628 Maple
street. Four tables were plac
ed for players; prizes were
won by Mrs. I. S_ McPherson,
Mrs. Jessica Wright, Mrs. Theo
dore Thomas and Mrs. Florence
Branch. Mrs. Robinson received
a lovely serving tray.
.Thursday evening, Mrs. Cecelia
Jewell and her daughter-in
law, Mrs. James C. Jewell, gave
one of the most delightful
affairs of the season, w'hen
they entertained more than
three hundred beaufifully
gowned guests at a dancing
party in Dreamland Balleoom.
' We honor Mrs. Robinson, who
[ wras charming in an imported
gown of blue lace. Several out
' of-town guests were also pre.
1 sent.
IMieceeding the Jewell dance
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Robinson
had twenty guests in for cock
tails at their home, 2701 No. 2,tli
' street. Following the dance, Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Harin, enter
tnineed Mrs. Robinson and a.
party of guests at a delicious
Dutch lunch at the popular II
and M Tavern.
Sunday morning, Mrs. Jess
ica Wright had eighteen la,dies
to a delicious breakfast. The
guests were seated at one large
table in the spacious dininj
room of her home at 2509 Bin
ney street.
Sunday evening, Mr. and Mr;
Theodore Thomas eutertainci
fifteen guests at a Buffet Sup
per, honoring Mrs. Robinson
Her table was covered with a
gorgeous lace cloth and had a
centerpiece of colored snap
dragons ami gladiolus, from
which the guests were served
a most appetezing and deli
cious supper.
Among the oilier affairs
for Mrs. Robinson were: a
theatre party, followed by a
i dinner given by Mrs. A. L.
I Hawkins; tour of the city, by
Mrs. Florence Granch; Bridge
luncheon, by Mrs. Gertrude Fau
ster; dinner, by Mrs. Paul Holli
day; Farwell party by Mrs.
J. S. Turner and her daughter,
Mrs. M. Davis.
Mrs. Robinson left Thurs
day for a few days visit in
Kansas City, Kas., her girlhood
home. She will spend some time
in Chicago, enroute to her home
in Detroit.
Mrs. Octavia Glover, 2423
Parker street, is visiting her
father-in-law, Rev. S. R. Glover
in Chandler, Okla.
Mrs. Lillian Horne, of Cedar
Rapids, Ia«, is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Eva Watkins, 1818
No. 25th St.
•m . __
while you
Now—almost over
night—you can make
your skin many
shades lighter—free
from freckles, pim
ples, blackheads,
large pores, blotches.
, lonignt at Dcaume spreau iwuuwia
i Bleaching Cream on face, neck and arms.
; While you sleep it gently dissolves dark
pigment. Remember—Nadinola is double
acting. It gives results you have never
found in any ordinary bleach.
jnv Get Nadinola today at any toi
1"1 let counter or by mail postpaid,
AT OUR 50c. If not delighted, money
dick cheerfully refunded. NADI
n.oi\ is’QLA, Dept. 93, Paris, Tenn.
Beautifully washed and returned just
damp enough to IRON.
1 Minimum bundle 46c
: Eiiholm St Sherman
2101 North 24th St. ' .. We 60o.i
| Biggest Value Ever Offered.. Newl937j
A 1 1 V
Motorola's Priced as Low as
1 Model 65 dSL-sitf
Nit nnv’fl PAYMENT We have two c*w equipped with
MU rft I nltil i Motorola* .. . PHONE AT 8100
It S • • • 've’U gladly demonstrate
4? m WFFM £ Y th® distance-getting ability and
•| £ ■ clear reception of a Motorola
•Obi » . . WHILE YOU RIDE , , ,
tries Soma OnrryIn* Chanel ' without obligation to buy.
FjpMHAT 8400 Ojm Evenings Till JO
Sing! Swing! Dance!
-That Swing, Sing and Dance
Orchestra will be in town soon
featuring Anna Mae Winburn,
the Mid-west ’s most popular en
Re-roof low
wi h Vulcanite Roofing, Mliler
ized for longer life at no addi
tional cost.
Chicago Lumber
14th and Pierce JA 0191
Njmbere appear like Mag o to aal.ea. Writ#
guici (or greatest agent's ea-» niottey-tnaking
proposition, gel Free Sampler Incense. Face
Pcv/dcr, Hair Oresring, new 3ii page Beauty
We Sjy Old Gold
Watch and Jeyvelry Repairing
We Loan Money on Everything
Gross Jewelry
and Loan Co.
Corner 24th and Erskrne
2414 No. 24th St. Omaha, Nebr.
r~. -'r-r—-*•<*■■*"*—-*••«- ■
— the only tires in the world with
Golden Ply Blow-out Protection
• Right now is the most dangerous time
of year to be riding on tread-worn, unsafe
tires. Because with long week-end trips
and evening drives, you'll be piling up
more mileage,putting a greater strain on
your tires than at any other time of year. ,
Be sure of your tires this summer.
Come in and let us equip your car with
Goodrich Safety Silvertowns. Remem
ber, Silvertowns are the only tires in
the world with the Life-Saver Golden
Ply. This amazing invention is a 1 ayer of
special rubber and full-floating cords,
scientifically treated to resist the terrific
blowout-causing heat generated inside
all tires at today’s high speeds. And don’t
forget Goodrich Golden Ply Silvertowns
actually cost much less than other super
quality tires.
I Goodrich SAFETY j
'— - d
DOUGLAS AT 20TH ' ' ‘ o"Pen e'S'^ " | 2406 L STREET
Phono JA 4024 ar.d Sundays I Phone MA 0460