The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 17, 1937, Page FIVE, Image 5
Enjoy It At the Fountain Serve it At Homd FAIRMONTS ICE CREAM C]%e ‘Peak of Quality I TRADE AT TUCHMAN’S Food Stores, Inc. Butterf’ut Coffer Regular or Dripgrind 1 Lb 3oc Two lbs 59c p WE 0402 24th & LAKE I FREE DELIVERY ■EaMBtSMaHaBBHHBMaaaMt WINTER GARMENTS CLEANED anti REPAIRED Free Storage Pay Next Fall Fully Insured J. C. Wood and Co. 1406 Farnam St. JA 161!) ! --» - . Henson Greets Soviet Fliers MATT HENSON, who accompanied Rober E. I', try t » ill- fansoK president of he Kxplorcrs' Club, Alexander Trowanos North Pole, is shown shaking hands With the Soviet trims mini ky, Soviet, Ambassador, Valeri Chkalov, pilot of the trnns po flyers at the dinner given June 30th at the WaldmT-.AAUma, lar flight. Alexander Belenkov, naviga or ami flam; n. New York Cfity, in their honor. Left to right: Valhjalmur S e- _ CLASS! FI Large front room for rent. 2423 Maple. Call WE 6070 Automobiles—See Russell Mo tors for used cars—Fine sel ection to choose from—all maStes and models. '20th ami Ames. KE 0830. Send 10i for six mo. subscriptioi to interesting magazine, MovU News and Pictures. Box 452 Dayton. Ohio. W ANTED—Experienced calcumAi for rubt-rr work glove* a* aid* line to retAil trade Liberty Rub ber Glove Co. Winona, Minn. Automobiles for Sale—1020 Ford Model A Tudor Sedan picedfrom $50 to $135. P is s -II Motors. 20th and Ames. snob REPAIR SHOPS .(l It OWN — LAKE SHOl NERVll E NONE BETTER 2107 Lake Street VIAKE *10 daily sellinu Negr dolls, pictures. National Co., HR W. 12<Uh St.. New York City. FOR ECONOMIC and comfort of living *ry DIXON APTS., AT 7435. Intelligence and Sales Dept. Good 5000 Representatives Wanted income assured. E. V- Publishing House, 301-306 Elm st.. Dept. N3 COLORED RACE ONLY- Nation wide social letter club: nev friends, romance; strictly confi dential. Particulars free. Klb MET, Boxx 6H56-E., Met. Sta Los Angeles, Calif. -----i HINEMAN’S GARAGE We always try to please you. Our prices are. low and our work is guaranteed. General Repairing—Greasing— Car Washing—A No. 1 Wax Job—Battery Charging. 2417 North 24th Street JAckson 9209 r Opportunities IN HOMES FOR SALE 22nd and Maple Street—Eight rooms, modern, reception lall, living room, dining room, den and kitchen, down itairs. four bedrooms upstairs: oak floors thoughout, full rninent basement, double gaage, large lot. )28 North 25th Street—six rooms, modern, $1,500.00. 3402 North 27ih Ave., five rooms, modem, $2600. )61North 27th Street, six rooms, partly modern, $500.00. These properities may be purchased with small down payment, balance less than rent, low rate of interest on rnpaid balance, abstract of title brought down to date, j ;axes paid up, properties free of any incumbrances. 0, F. Bavis Rea! Estate 3a. [ED ADS APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished Apartment. WE 6421 For Rent—Furnished room. WE. 2742. APT.—3 furnished rooms, hath, lights and gas. $5.-50 a week. Call WE. 3653. For Rent—A nice room for nice people. AT. 6827. Large front room. 2 men or n eouple. Employed prefen* I 2230 Willis Avc. AT 1995. 'OR RENT—Ixivp’a Kitchenette »nartments, 251B-18 Patrick, or c- 13 Grant st. Call We. 5653. '< ’ NTS—10 daily selling Negro Dolls. Write. National Co., lfi? West 120Hi St., N. Y AGENTS—Sell Emperor Hnil Selassie Picture. (Sample 25c t Negro Dolls, Flappers. Africar league, 254 W. 135th St., New York. .V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V New Lawn Chair, wood, wide arms . $1.75 New Porch Rocker.. 2.00 New Canvas Folding Cot.1.59 Used Steel Bed and Spring... 3.00 Used Dresser__3.00 Used Ice Refrigerator .1.50 NIELSON FURNITURE EXCHANGE JA 5807 2519 N. 24 h St. .V.V.V.V.V.W.V.V.VAVA1 Leroy Mills, 930 No. 25th St., is visiting his parents. He has been in the CCC Camp, Delta, Mo. and will return to camp Sunday, July 18th. NOW—FASTEST TIME to CALIFORNIA - CHICAGO on s and ‘ ‘ The Californian9 * Free Pillows — — Reclining Chairs— Supervised Low Cost Meal Service. Faster by Hours to the Coast 3 Buses Daily to ST. JOSEPH—KANSAS CITY 4 Buses Daily (o CHICAGO Ba.gain Excursion Fares tg CHICAGO C-n!/ ij.2. '0 Round Trip On sal© cv; / Ffkksy, Saturday and 2 * *r. . /—5 c*ay ) Ivtn limit LOW FARES EVERYWHERE FRY DAY A t A gtsnt about C VACATION TOURS : vernation — Ticket! ,<G « ON BUS DEPOT UNITED SABBATH CHURCH Elder Bcodle, Pastor Services opened as usual and we were glad to see so many on time. A wonderful sermon was preached by Elder Burden who is a veteran soldier for Christ. Speaking of ‘old time religion’ that is what you bear when you hear him. Elder Boo dle, our pastor is back at the Chicago church where he will be for two weeks. He reports that the church is doing fine. Come and pray with us. --o The Baechani.e Club’s Carni val Dance tickets are on sale at the following places of business : Bobbins Drug Store 24th and Grant St. Tuxedo Billiard Parlor 24th and Grant Sts. George Lewis Chicken Hut Council Bluffs General Admission 50c. Before, you can save a dime, if you buy a ticket on lime. / Brown ressmo 25< Make# your btfr beaut-full? If smooth and <•■*> to dr Hnma / 3-* ^ Dt« package that fold by nr1- f Hons at 50c. if vrur favorite y ding «tnre NOV\ *oO. f , 0LUCK BAG FREE! 50c Algerian Majo Luck Pnt' and samples Hair Drawing. P« der. Ointment Free Bend 10c to cover mailing cost Golden TJrown Chemical Co., Dept. G, Memphis, Ten®. CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU Kaeardlcu of whai your trouble may l>e you can look the world in the face. Solve all probiema, get whet you want and fear no man circumstance*. Your Heppineea and Suceeaa demand that you print your namo clearly end Bend it to - - - REV. CHAS. P. COLBERT MIOWEN AVL DETROIT. MICH. A BABY TO LOVE? If you yearn for a he. by of your own, won’t you write us n full con fidontv / I lot lis y ;>d y• • U 111 c-tin'r infoiinat’on <n ih:a subject? A11 Free. Write Kari >1 Company, 725 Ilall Bldg, Kansas City, Mo. " It's the tjfi WORKING MANS 1 BEER/js^v_ Men who work un der l he »l,u 1»1 ck Kobin Hood. It’s a I Man’s beer, slow I aged and mellow always bits the spoil ' r.OBIH \i ”A Man's Bser GIVE GOODS FREE AWAY TREE Keystone Agents Make Dig Money | Giving Things Away Free Ba Successful Writ* today lor agenu big money making plan, Ira* aamplaa Magic Number Incanaa, Roraan Hair Draaaing. Kcyatoae Labor# corice. Dope 9. G. 10, Memphla, Taa*. s Vr Avoid crowded highways — the heat and dust — the nerve strain of driving Iyour own car. Travel on cool, clean air conditioned Union Pacific trains. Low cosfc mca .;—numerous travel comforts. Low summer fares! General Agent 301 16tli phone Ja. 5822 ,_ oCnGh^Sln^^ _Omaha, Nebraska Sing! Swing! Dance! That Swing, Sing and Dance I Orchestra will bo in town soon feat tiring Anna, Mae Winburn, ♦ he Mid-west’s most popular en tertainer. Metz Cigar Store 2405 Lake Street Uelax and smoke your favorite brand of cigars, cigarettes, to bacco and soft drinks at the METZ CIGAR STORE Yes We Sell Better Auto Supplies FOR LESS Make Us Prove It. WORLD MO /OR Supply Stores 1919 Farnam patkonTze^ OUR ADVERTISERS ill BA NT ff here. Quality h Low Pl ied I Summer Sales 120 Summer Dresses Linens and cottons as well as a small group of our 3.95 crepes and acetates. All great ly reduced to DO Summer Dresses Attractive daytime dresses that sold originally at 3.95, 5.95 and 7.95. J Battmont—Whtrt Quality It Low Prlcod 200 OLD GAS RANGES i WANTED! i" fi" < LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR OUT-OF-* -- DATE RANGES UNTIL AUGUST 1st ONLY! TRADE YOUR RANGE ON A MODERN “MAGIC CHEF” (Model 1570—oi illustrated) sjjusr ■iy / S)oni Sill tftUn ia^y/ti junkman 0 This oiler also Includes the famous ROPER range. Model 1500, complete. Low monthly terms ON YOUH GAS BILL. No down pay ment required if you trade in your old range under the LIBERAL ALLOWANCE PLAN. Terms up to 3 years. I_Bl A:.i^p°!ilan "B^- . __