NOTEt—Yuttr ,,i:r-*ion w,' I he nnroered I'RFE In th'* col Mifti ON| V when a *1 pji di( of thU column i*> cneloM d with YOUR 4w«»uuiiy wide inter mat ltd tbowaauda of vbdfora Jf a * peeled ajt the project to Inmmi the new komaa hl.KNhN’s YAlU>* MHO!* 4«UM North Mill Street, Head earn,*at «d#aa*d fur wm M *tw be pwt M math bagrt tb4 Ltd - MM «bU#d fuf tM. Do you hop a change for husband and rne? I enjoy ilie column. Aim; Yea_a change for the lietler. Your husband will get i better paying job. It seems to me also that you will go on a ibort vacation this summer. Knjoy it thoroughly. If. H. Do you think that I prill ever get to see my brother igain in life? Ans; of course you will. He s just off roaming around the ;; 'try ci \ » i has any plat it particular to go. lie will Irop in on you at some future late just like lie dropped out >f your life. S. X. Should I get my mind ict on marrying the hoy that 1| lave been in love with for quite 10me time? Is lie sincere? Ans: At this time and for the, mst few years this boy lias teen madly in love with you. lowever don’t depend on bis narrying yon until you and he mve set a date and have com peted your training. It is true hat he has sought the company »f another girl during this last rear but you are still first in i is heart. A. D. .1. What does my hus band do with the money that lie holds out of his check? Ans lie spends it just as lie mes fit. Don’t try to deprive aim of}'he pi- usure of a few del lars each [ ■•> day to spend as lie pluses. Wter all..he brings home the majorityofhis money but anyone would like to have a little money especi ally the breadwinner. W. Ii. S. Tell me if we will ever pay for our home and what should we do in order to save more? Ans: Adopt a hu b’ t v should be able to save 1 each month out of the niot'c vour husband givPs you tn Uvop up these payment ;. Don t lose the plaee.—as yon have only a few more notes to pay. REROOF YOUR HOME NOW I to 3 Years to Pay Mkkl« arrange! all details, material, la bor au4 a finance |4aa that **ks a III tic rash month »lth N« Monty Down It's just good sense to fix your roof BEFORE sprint routs do dantate to frame and plaster. HAVE US ES TIMATE. there s a deaen types of Bird Shingles and roll roof ing! each In several colon In stock at Mieklin’s. A roof lor your home or any home M Omaha. The MickUn plan U«. MOW. MIZE Standouts'^? |j \lNG «uil SWING-" J m^EmLDl mwe riPvSf LAoy or $winc4 uas \3? monoNAuy> a“h«.w §§£• JTyiC t»4 &OHQ^" t LlA AQSttO 5TAV».r50VS VIA Ttt ' A*” \ACUA. H|AE ^ ih AArtv-C VA»i0 famc, ms WH«^ •stow Pino M TNt savox"anv ’X>') if.O^EO MC AMt VS/Ay^ WHC OyVjTAHVIH^ «5NW H'TS *-*-J I , f 0 l' -1 r,*r AT lMAl KPiU H3SJ ■' 1 Atlanta University . Holds Rural Institute Atlanta, Gu., July lb, (,ANl'> Conducted by Benjamin F. Bul lock, teacher of rural education in Spelmuu and Morehouse col legeM and having as special lec turer Miss Mabel Carney, asso ciate professor of education, at Teachers’ College, Columbia university, the ftHth annual in stitu.e for teachers Vn rural schools opened Monday at At lanta University Summer school “What the Rural Teacher Can Do Toward Building a Community” is the theme of the institute, —— o- ■ Everybody’s Going! WHERE! To the big Carnival Dance featuring Anna Mae Win burn and her Swing Band on Mon., July 2(», at the beautiful Dreamland hull. The Bacehanite Boys will he on hand to see that everybody has fun. -o Henry McCarvell, who lie.* been visi ing his parents for 10 days has returned to CCC camp. Ft. Leavenworth. Kas. Atty. Charles F. Davis Rm- 1 Tuchman Bldg. 24th & Lake PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of I.ula R. Thomas, deceased. Notice is hereby given: Thct the creditors of said de ceased will meet the executrix of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebras ka, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 23rd dny of August 1937 and on the 23rd dly of October 1937, at 9 o’cloe't A. M., each day, for the purpose of pre senting their claims for examina tion, rdi'ustment and allowance. Threo months are allowed for the I credit-> s to i->r' «e-t their claims, fiom the 23rd dny of July 1937. Ill ye f >awford County Jbdge Be. 7-2 En. 717 1937 Men’s Dress Shuts 13y2 to 23 Men’s Ties. $.29-4 for $1.00 Op n until 9 Gat. evenings ACE TIE SHOP 1402 Farnnm ” W 1 N K i w tl a A l L Y and makinir BIO 1IIT> with every player. Kl’RK WIN playing instruct ions included with every order. Free Secret Confidential Forecast for any day you wish if you send your name and address and enclose $1. Cash or money order, or send only name and address tnd pay postman, plus a few cents postage, upon delivery. Don't delay any longer. MONEY WILL COME BACK TO YOU in stall ly if the LUCKY NUMBER SELECTOR dies not MAKH A HIT with you. Rush your order at once toDept.P. yjiMrffi i.y" " i Arc you a Every member of tfiis Sub is matr ‘ f AMt’l V HITAHT? monially minded! Yon will know b!i LUlNtl,i MCiAnl f about your fellow member* of the oppo n j _ gite srx and have the privilege of chooa 1)0 yarMTfaMATF?fi ^ >ng the mate YOU want from member^ SOUL-MATE? everywhere! All Club matter* are han-j THEN JOIN TIHS CLUB died in .met privacy. No outriders need N0W! know anything about your membership nr activities. Nation-Wide WELCOME RECEPTION CLUB Send For Information And Get Fast RegdtJ 2jo BROADWAY IJiEW YORK CITY Confidential t Ideal t Colored Members Only t Effective t Reliable. ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We arc Equipped To Print Anything From Stamp* to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518 Clarfnda, la. News Mias Louise Nash, Reporter Regular services were held al the Second Baptist church on Sunday, both services were well attended. Rev. D*. Nicholson, our pastor, will start on his va cation nest Sunday. Anyone that would like to go .to Little Rock, Ark., see Rev. Nicholson. Miss Lisha Moss has return ed from .the AME conference hi Des Moines. Misses Darlean Baker and Frances Brown have returned from a vteit in Jjawrence, Kas. Mrs. Ed Stewart, daughter, and her t>on, of Red Oak were Sunday visitors in the Lawrence Beard home. Mrs. Cecilia Beard a.nd chil dfien have.' returned home from Maryville, Mo. Miss Rosnbelle Montgomery is s spending o short visitt wilh her father, Mr. Seth Anderson in Omaha. Mrs. Belle Mitchell and da,ugh i HERMAN’S ! MARKET | I HERMAN FRIEDLANDER * Proprietor I * “EAT FLEISCH MANN'S j YEAST FOR HEALTH” 24th and Lake Street! WEbste r 5444 I ters, Ella and Margaret Griggs of Maryville were week end gue»sf i’n the Lewis Montgomery home. > Nationally Known FAMILY SIZE DE LUKE MODEL Williams ICE-O-MATfC REFRIGERATOR FOR ONLY $ 50 . See this sensational value be : fore you buy any Electric R sfrigerator. Smart—Convenient . Dependable—Economical /AYS FOR ITSELF 1516 DODGE ST.—OMAHA S55 W. Broadway Council Bfufft IMPORTANT NOTICE! ! t . - Notice to Subscribers— Please notify the Omaha Guide office, by mail or telephone, as to your change of address. The post al authorities make a charge for the change of address when we are not notified, in time to prevent de livery to the wrong address. The Omaha Guide will be forced to charge a small fee of five cents for each change of address with out notice. Please call WE 1517 or mail us a post card with your new address on it, at one week before you move. This will prevent a du plication of papers and the five cents charge. Thanking you for your cooperation in this matter, THE OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. C. C. Galloway, Business Mgr. Robbin’s Pharmacy Ve Make Our Own Ice Cream Fresh Daily 2306 No. 21th St. WE 1711 ARE YOU ONLY A. THREE-QUARTER WIFE? MEN,because they are men.can never understand a three quarter wife—a wife who is ail love and kindness three weeks in a month and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your back aches —how your nerves scream—don't take It out on your husband. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through” with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of life: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age.” Don't be a three-quarter wife, take LTDIA E. PINKHAM'9 VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go “ Basiling Through," AGENTS WANTED TO UU Pancoten* ftnwhm F r Grower * Bleach Cream V, Strength) ||)wb>» Strength) 50- * 50c _ i: r. -'1 Cui 13 Other Cannolene Beauty Creation* f- ]hn!t i our New Advertlalaq Campalqa we w!H jlr* it Flee Start to intelll •rot. energetic dim at worn** who ere amblHouS to tnakil • ey a 4 build up a bualneaa of Chair awe aelhng beauty product* et the b tter kind. Our* la rtrictly * quality Bn* But! appeal* to the hast people everywhere. To* cask* more money with • quality Er-e and you win valuable prise*. Will* at owe* to Cannoi Ccazaclics Co«* Dept 20-A, Atlanta* Ga« N-N-f *r - _" The Omaha Guide 6000 New Subscrip tion Drive Is On.... Omaha Guide Campaign Drive opened June 7, 1937, for 6,000 new subscribers and closes September 6, 1937. You will have to hurry if you want one of the new valuable prizes to be given to subscribers during this campaign drive. Subscrip*ions to The Omaha Guide are only $2.00 per year. See the new Ford V-8 1937 Car in Hineman’s Garage display window, at 24th and Lake Sts. For further informa tion, call our office, WE. 1517. EXTRA ▲11 subscribers who pay at The Omaha Guide Office,2418420 Grant Street, dur. ing the month of July will be .given EXTRA 20 per cent discount on the year’s sub scription. Ton can subscribe for as many years as you like.