The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 17, 1937, Image 1

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    More than 12 times larger .. ...
r Circulation ' i } rFNT^i!
■ Than Any Colored * |H
News) aper Ever PER
Published In ____ I I
Nebraska -y (jUl *
_Entered cs Second Class Matterat Postoffice, Omaha, Nebraska- OMAHA, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1937 VOL XI NO, 13
NAACP. Gives Parts In Debate on Anti Lynch Bill
Open Letter Shows Arguments
Advanced in Congress During
First Hearing of Present Bill
To Editors:
The Wagner-VanNuys-Ga va
gaii bill, JI. R. 1507 was favor
ably reported by the Judiciary
Committee of the Senate on
June 21st by a vote of 13 to 3.
Senators Wagner and Van Nuys
are pressing for an early date
on the Senate calendar for de
bate and a vote on .the bill. Sen
ator Tom Connallv of Texas
who voted against reporting tkf
bill baborably promised
to speak against the bill
in the debate and vote against
it. He also said that other Sou- j
them Senators would do .the
same. In 1935, during the de-!
bate on the Costigan-Wagner
Former Omahan
Visits Friends Here
Always a joy it is. when Mrs. j
Robinson, a former Omahan, re
iuras to visit with her old fri
ends. All these friends have
crammed her visit with parties
and luncheons. One of the pret
tiest of these, was a luncheon
given by Mrs. Haywood Vaw
ter, in her beautiful home at
2717 No. 27th street. From .the
time they entered the long spa
cious living room, until they
bid the hostess good bye and
thanks in her beautiful flower
garden, they were graciously
entertained. Each luncheon .ta
ble was a picture not to be for
gotten. Guests were as follows:
Mesdames Foster. Pollard,
McPherson. Wright, Shipman,
Turner. Soloman, Lewis, Haw
kins, Thomas, Singleton, Frai
ser, West, Hanger, Lee, and
The Bacchaniie Club’s Carni
val Dance tickets are on sale at
the following places of business:
Robbins Drug Store 24th and
Grant St.
Tuxedo Billiard Parlor
24th and Grant Sis.
George Lewis Chicken Hut
Council Bluffs
General Admission 50c. Before.
y*u can save a dime, if you buy
a ticket on time.
«Girls and Women
to go to work immediately. Make
money during vacation. Good pay,
pleasant work, short hours. Call
Mrs. M. Gilbert each mom'ng at
8:43 or each evening at 6 p. m. at
the Omaha Guide office, 2418
Grant Street. Phone WE 1517
bill and in 1937 during the de
bate on the Gavagan bill in ,tlie
House of Representatives, cer
tain objections were raised by
these opponents to anti-lynch
ing legislation. These so-called
objections have been carefully
analyzed and certain facts have
been arranged which clearly an
swer them. We i're passing this
material on to you for back
ground information and what
ever use you may wish to make
of it.
The debate in the Senate and
the debate in the House of Re
presentatives were both very
lengthy. However, these debates
can all be narrowed down to
certain basic contentions. These
objections and in answer there
to are set out below:
Objection Raised: The hill 1?
an invasion of states’ rights1
The bill operates only a fhor
the state has forfeited its rights
by failing, neglecting or re
fusing to employ the lawful
means at its disposal against
Constitutional authority for
the bill is set out in the pream
ble to ,tbe bill which states that
the bill is to better assure citi
zens the equal protection and
due process of law .guaranteed
by tlie Fourteenth amendment.
Section five of the Fourteenth
amendment provides that “The
Congress shall have power ,to
enforce, by appropriate legis
lation, the provisions of this ar
(Continued on Page 6)
Visitor Feted
Mrs! W. II... Robinson, of De
troit, Mich., former Omahan, ar
rived June 26th, and has been
spending the past few weeks
here visiting among her old fri
ends. She has been the house
guest of Mrs. Edgar Lee, 2417
Maple street. “Eddie Lou,” as
she 5s popularly known ,to a
wide circle of admiring friends,
has been the inspiration of
many delightful social functions
during her stay here.
Mrs. Robinson, who is an ar
dent devotee of all outdoor
sports, was entertained on July
2nd, by the Sunrise Golfers, at
Fontenelle park. Nine holes of
golf were played followed by a
delicious picnic supper. The
members were Mesdames Rae
Lee Jones, James C. Jewell,
William Davis, G. B... Lennox,
Craig Morris, Earl Wheeler,
Bernie Corran, W. G... Haynes,
Saybert Hanger, Frank Black
well, Milton Wilson and Miss
Edrose Willis.
Mrs. Jessie Hardin honored:
Mrs. Robinson, July 4th, with
I a beautiful appointed dinner
at her charming home at 2006
| No. 28th street. Covers were
laid for six. Following the din- j
ner, Mrs. James Lee entertain-1
ed Mrs. Robinson and a parly a.t
an enjoyable cabaret party, at!
the Harlem.
,On Monday, July 5th, her host
ess, Mrs. Edgar 'Lee, honored ■
her with a lovely bridge lunch
eon, at her home on Maple St.
Her home was beautifully de
corated with summer flowers.
The dining table had a center
piece of roses and snap dragons,
(Cintijnued on Page 8)
Test Air-conditioning Plant
With Special Katz Thermometer
the air conditioning plant re
cently installed in the Metropol
itan Utilities District Bldg,
with PWA funds is functioning
perfectly before Utilities offi
cails accept it from the contract
ors, Utilities engneers are mak
ing delicae tests with a new and
rare instrument—the kata-ther-j
Recently perfected in Eng
land by the firm of James J.
Hicks, Incorporated with AY. F.
Stanley andCompanv, Ltd., the
kata-thermometer is designed
to measure the slowest velocity
and cooling power of air. AAThere
as the areonometer, usually us
ed in such tests will accurate
ly register as low as 30 feet
per minute velocity of air, the
kata-thermometer will accurate
ly register down to 16 feet per
minute. t
Specifications for the air con
ditioning plant—which condi
in winter as well as summer—
cover more than a a hundred
typewritten pages as ,t,he deter
mination of the Utlities official
that it should measure fully up
to thesd spe(eijficatiohs before
acceptance led to the acquisi
tion of the newly-perfected test
ing instrument from England.
There are only six other kata
thermometers in the United
States and the one at the Utili
ties building is the only onej
west of the Mississippi river.
The tests are being conduct
ed by B. Manchesterc and C. F.
Iloldrege, of the Metropolitan
UtiilSSes Engineering Depart
ment under the supervsion of
0. D. Robison, operating engin
—--- 11 .■■tst "ZZJ
Tourist travel is going to bring in
creased business to Negro mer
chants, service stations, and cabin
Cainp operators who cater to the
Negro trade, says Mr. Lurk, direc
tor of the Negro Branch of the
Conoco Travel Bureau, Denver,
Lastfflinuto Snappy
_v-‘ews Items
From National Fie!.
.Fort Gaines, Ga., July 15
(XP)_ *4Aunt Josie” Price,
102, is the oldest applicant for
old age pensions in Clay county.
Johannesburg, So. Africa, July
15 (ANP)—Eight natives and
one European, all workers in a
factory at Modderfontein, were
killed Inst Thursday when a
terrific dynamite explosion
shook the buildings of the big
plant, located about 19 miles
east of Johannesburg.
Tuskegee! Institute, lAla.,
July 15 (ANP)—Todd Duncan,
—bariton, in Gershwin’s Porgy
and Bess made his second ap
pearance at Tuskegee Institute
in sing recital. Mr Duncan was
assisted at the piano by Cecil
Cohen, of Howard university
- yj 1
Austin, Tex., July 15 (ANP)
—A litter of pigs owned by
Calvin Hughes, white dairy
man, was entirely black. Then
came a thrunderstorm and light
ning struck in the barnyard.
Next morning Hughes said he
found one of his pigs was
snow white. He attributes the
change in color of the pig’s
hair to fright from the light
ning. . —
Oh Brother, “Don’t you want
to save a dime?” Get your tick
et on time to the season’s great
est Carnival Barn Dance, on or
before Sat... July 24, 10 P. M.
(By William Pickens for ANP‘
1 am not .talking about the
speech which CIO has been
through its. “peaceful pickets,”
armed with baseball bats, brick
bats, and dynamite. I am re
ferring to the speech of a suave
“big shot,” trying to “explain”
that he and Jesus are birds of
a feather that both of them
were trying to help “.the poor,
the helpless and opressed” The
CIO leader who is president of
the U. A. W. A_., made a good
fifteen minute speech in an
hour’s time, he said,some things
well worth remembering,—and
littered a good mar'" 1 -’es
and rehashed mur _ .id
bunk,—which you can remem
ber if you want to.
But we all agree with him in
the following statements:
That white and cooeed work
ers can only rise together. (He
could have deduced that thev
may also fall together.) That
! where Negroes work in the ma
jority there you vill find as a
rule lower and more dangerous
(Continued on Page 6)
.. O
Mrs. Florence Terrell and her
daughter, Jean, left Friday
i evening for a three weeks visit
with her daughter, Mrs. Ethel
M. Henry of 67£8 Champlain
Ave. Before returning, Mrs.
Terrell and daughter, ' Jean
will visit some of the eastern
cities. In route home, they will
go through St. Paul and Min
neapolis and spend a few Jays
with Mrs. A. Gambles a former
Omahan. / «9 *
I •
Husband Goes to Hospital; Wife
To Jail, As Result of Argument
At Anniversary Celebration
Clevelond, Ohio, July 15
(ANP)—The Rev. Mr- Norman
James, 42, of 2325 East 63rd,
pastor of downtown Mt. Nebo
Baptist church, located on St.
Clair at 23rd street, was shot
and seriously wounded here last
week by his pretty 30-year-old
wife, Mrs. Sally James, after
he is reported to have struck
her several times, through jeal
He was shot in his left hand
and back with a 38 Nickel-Plat
ed revolver.
According to police, Rev. and
Mrs. James were celebrating at
Garfield park where a. group
of churches were sponsoring a
picnic. Rev. James became en
a.ged when lie discovered his
wife in the company of a
strange man. He accused her of |
Mr. W. M. Ransom, a well j
known old timer, who passed
Tuesday morning July 6th at
3.30 a. in. was buried from the
Myers Funeral Home Monday,
July 12 at 2 p. m., Rev. W. S~
Medcalf officiating. The funeral
was in charge of Iroquois Lodge
j No. 92. Burial was in Forest
Lawn Cemetery. Mr. Hanson's
funeral was one of .the largest
funerals in the history of Elk
Everybody’s Going!
WHERE? To the big Carnival
Dance featuring Anna Mae Win
burn and her Swing Band on
Mon., July 26, at the beautiful
Dreamland hall. The Bacchanite
Boys will be on hand to see that
everybody ha* fun.
Forest Lawn Perpetual Care
Fund Reaches $300,000 Mark
The perpetula care fund of
Forest Lawn Cemetery Associa
tion will amount to more than
$300,000 by the end of 1937, it
was predicted today by Frank
T. B. Martin and \V. B.|"Millard,
jr. president and treasurer, res
pectively of the; Association.
This unique fund which assures
perpetual groomng of the For
)eSt Lawn park amounted to
$298,678.26 on July 1st aceord
ingto Treasurer Martin. Appro
priations during the first six
months of this year have
amounted to ’4,681.24, he said.
Private endowments for perpet.
ual care have increased :2,000
this year to a total 038,321.81.
This is in addition to the regu
lar amounts set aside from the
! Assocd.ion’s inontjhly business
| for perpetual care.
The principal of these per
petual care funds can never be
expended for any "
Association trustees explained.
The income from the fund is
used exclusively for the care
of the cemetery.
Typical of the work .that is
being done with money from
the perpetual care fund is the
planting of 12,000’ pounds of
grass seed in the park since
March 21st, according to T.
Hilton Fonda, general manager.
Preparation is now under way
for .the Seventh Annual Chry
santheum Show to be held at
the park Thanksgiving wqck, |
Eleven thousand chrysanthe-}
mums of 35 to 40 varieties, plus
an assortment of carnations and
snapdragons, have been planted
in the last ten days, he said.
paying “too much attention” to
him. A slight scene was start
ed on the picnic grounds
Wishing to avoid this humilia
tion, Mrs. James requested that
they go home. They drove home
in the family automobile where
the argument became fervent. It
was during the second dispute
that the minister is said to
have struck her several times.
According to the story told
Sergeant Carl Rossback, she
went to a bureau drawer and
secured .the revolver, firing
twice at her husband. Friends
rushed him to the family car
and drove him to St- Vincent
hospital. Mrs. James was ar
rested by Sergeant Rossback
and charged writh the crime.
Rev. James is a native of
Memphis, Tenn., having come
Cleveland a number of years
ago. Rev. James and his church
were celebrating his first anni
versary which has five days
more before closing. There are
no children.
Ashton Leob Devilla and h'is
sister, Billie, of 2624 Blondo
street, have returned from
Monroe, La., where they both
were in high sehoil. Ashton was
graduated from Monroe high
school where he also won two
gold medals of honor. He is
an unusually brilliant bid and
is considered quite an orator.
From a class of fifty-three,
he was the olny one one re
ceived honors.
Sing! Swing! Dance!
.That Swing, Sing and Dance
Orchastra will be in town soon
featuring Anna Mae Winburn,
the Mid-west’s most popular en
tertainer. .‘v5f£!|
Mrs. William Richardson
spent the week-end and July
4th, visiting relatives and fri
ends in her home town, White
Cloud Kansas. Mr. Richardson,
husband, motored down to
White Cloud to accompany his
wife home.
Friends are Requested
For Assistance v
Mrs. Saddie Burton is asking
the friends of her daughter,
Mrs. Maude Ranson, deceased,
who died June 20, 1937, to
please aid her with the borial
of Mrs. Maude Ranson- Dona
tions will be accepted at the
Louis Woff Taylor Shop, 150$
No. 24th s reet, or you may
call JA 9384, and we send
someone for the donation- Mr
Louis Woff donates the sum of
..Maturing Anna Mae WSnburn at the Dreamland Hall on July 26th
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