The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 10, 1937, Image 1
'JmMK nL C CENTS I -n Any Colored ^ 0r% I>PI> New?) spor Ever H r FiK Published In ——\mJjM - HEW TO THE L1NE\ Entered as Second Class Matterat Postoffice, Omaha, Nebraska- OMAHA, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1937 VOL, XI NO. 13 JIM CROW IN HEALTH CALLED ‘MURDEROUS’ Dr. R. T. Wright Makes Fiery Speech On Dscrimination Of Negroes By Public . and Private Agencies and Ass’ns. Detroit, Mich. July 8—A fiery speech, bristling with facts and demands for no compromise fn the fight on segregation and discrimination in the treatment of Negroes by public and private health agencies was delivered by Dr. R. T. Wriiht cnairraan oi the national noara of directors of the NAACP at the opening mass meeting of the 28th annual conference of the association here June 29th at ('-ass Technical high school .Dr. Wright branded as ■“murder” and “lynching” the neglect of Negro health by the reguar agencies and condemned in forthright language the re strictions placed upon the train ing of Negro doctors and nurs ■es. He also reviewed briefly the work of the NAACP along many fronts. Celebrate 15th , Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Everett B. . Gibson of Seattle, Wash., cele brated their fifteenth wedding anniversary with a reception during the evening of .Tune 24 About 75 guests called and ex tended congratulations to the couple. Mrs. Gibson is formerly of j Omaha, being the former Miss Emma Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson have two sons, Everett Ray and Danny Parker, born in Seattle where their parents have made their home for fif teen years. Many beautiful pre sents were received. During the evening, Miss Ro berta Spencer sang “At Dawn ing.” Bobbie Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gibson, played “I Love You Truly” on the saxaphone while his sister, Jac queline, sang it. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson received an official church blessing from Dean Post, rector of the Episcopal church. Members of tlicP.-T. A. attended in a body to extend Mrs. Gibson, also an officer of the organization their sincer est congratulations. -o Mr. and Mrs. E. Burke, 2007 Clark St., and Mrs. Earl Rober son motored to Lincoln Mon day, July 5th, to visit Mrs. Mary Williams. 'JC - wanted - 'tc Girl* and Women men/ to go to work immediately. Make money during vacation. Good pay, pleasant work, short hours. Call Mrs. M. Gilbert each morning at 8:45 or each evening at 6 p. m. at the Omaha Guide office, 2418 Grant Street. Phone WE 1517. Rev. J. S Williams Celebrates His Eighth Anniversary The Rev. John S. Williams, newly elected moderator of Omaha Presbytery and pastor of Hillside Presbyterian church, 30th and Ohio streets, will ce lebrate his eighth anniversary on Thursday night and Sunday morning and afternoon, July 8th and 11th. Rev. Williams preached his first sermon in the Hillside church oh Sunday, July 8, 1929, and was unanimously called by the members of the church which numbered at that time 19 adults ami 5 juniors. The, membership has now increased to 71 with a tremendous musical following. The pastors and their choirs \ hich will take part in honor ing this minister of prominence include: The Broadcast Chorus, Salem Baptist church, Clair Chapel M. E. church, Pilgrim Baptist church, Cleaves’ Tem ple C. M. E. church, Bethel Baptist church, Mt. Moriah Baptist church, St. John A. M. E. church, Third Presbyterian church. Other artists and friends in clude a quartette from Mrs. Pinkston Mitchell’s studio; Mr. Richard F. Miller, tenor solist; Dundee Presbyterian church; Miss Claire Henderson, soprano soloist; the Civic Service orches tra; Dr. J. W. Pressly, Presby terian executive; Dr. A. F. Ernst, clerk of Omaha Presby tery and professor at Omaha Theological Seminary. Having been elected modera tor of the Omaha Presbytery, Rev. Williams won his way in to the hearts of the people of both races. Citizens and friends rejoice with him and his charm ing wife and heartily extend them their heartiest congratula tions. The anniversary sermon on Sun. morning will be preached by the pastor. The choir with its new slimmer re?jes will sing, “Come You Blessed,” by John Pringle Scott. The anniversary musical will be given at 3:45 p. m. A chorus of 100 voices is ex : pected to conclude the program [with the immortal “Hallelujah” chorus by Handel directed by Mr, If. L. Preston and accom panied by the City Service or I liestra. Iowan Elected Head Of Midwestern Elks < > ELKS NAME OFFICERS FOR YEAR P From the left: W. J. SHEPPARD of Dee Moines, who elected president ef the Midwest Association of Im proved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the \World Tuesday at conclusion of the six-state meeting; J. D. COLBERT of Atchison, Kan., and PAUL S. HOLLI- f DAY oi 3014 No. 28th Ave., elected vice presidents; A. B. , PULLAM of Kansas City, Mo., elected treasurer, end g SAMUEL JAM£$ CJjevcaae, elected • vice pretideiy. p Sesqui-Centennial Celebration By M. E. Webb The Sesqui-Centennial Cele bration held in Memphis, Tenn. June 22-27 inclusive was in commemoration of 150 years of African Methodism; for in 1787 Richard Allen and first bishop of the A. M. E. denomination, walked out of historic St. George church in Philadelphia because of the unfriendly atti tude toward religious freedom. Tins was more than just a mere celebration. It was a re kindling of the fires of Afri can Methodism. One could not help after seeing several thou sands of delegates from both domestic and foreign fields (the Memphis Commercial-Ap peal stated 7,000) returning with renewed determination to work the harder that their church might become more ef fective, religiously. To this end the Christian standard rather than the "Gold Standard” was emphasized throughout the meeting. Memphis is a city of Nearly 300,000 with a colored popula tion of 106,000. As far as could be determined, the delegates were well cared for. and the city extended every means of fri endliness, including ample mo torcycle escort during the par ade. Headquarters for the celebra tion were at the Washington high school where daily morn ing devotion was held. The many branches of the meeting were held in Porter school, study rooms of the high school, the St. Andrews and Avery Chapel A. M. E. churches. Our pastor represent — ed ,St. John A. M. E. church. Omaha. Its Sunday school and Allen League were represented by Misses Robbie Mae Edmun son, (iertrudo L. Rucker, De lilah Rucker, Edsie and Marion Webb and the writer. Return ing home we came by Nashville and Miss Delilah Rucker liked the city so well that she rcmain to visit with relatives and sis ters, Misses Ann and Fidelia Rucker. The entire trip was educa tional and inspiring and we thank the church for tlie oppor tunity 1 o attend and the Omaha Guide for this space. Mr. and Mrs. James Moore of 2816 Ilamiton St, entertained twenty-six of their friends on their first anniversary Tues lay, June 29th, at a buffet luncheon. Mrs. Moore was show ered with many beautiful gifts. The music by Mr. and Mrs. James’ orchestra was very ap propriate an dgreatly enjoyed. Mrs. M. T. l'atton presented Mrs. Moore with a large bou 1 quet of flowers and Mrs. Mar 1 garet Starks gave her a deliei I ous cake. The guests departed | in the wee hours wishing Mr. and Mrs. Moore many more ! happy years. --- Mesdames Olive Davis, Irma ! Nelson and Eva Mae Dixon, j were hostesses to a party of | .thirty a.t a breakfast Sunday morning given at Elmwoo-’ ! park, honoring Mrs. Magdolyn Brj 'soil of Chicago, Miss Sadie Coleman of Little Roch and : Miss Asil -c Dotson of Kansas I City, Kas. Mrs. Bryson is the J house guest of Mrs. Davis. Old Time Citizen Passed Away July 7 Mr. W. II. Ransom of 2918 Seward street, died Wednesday Juy Till at 3:30 a. in. Ransom had been ill for about 8 months and even at the advice of his physician, lie refused to stop work. lie was employed at 1 lie po lice station under Commissioner Jeps-en, and was known as a “3 A. M. man.” For years, Mr. Ransom could be seen on bis way to work at this hour. lie was the first Negro child to be born in the State of Wyoming and lie had lived in Omaha for the past 45 years. He was very active in civic, social, and fraternal activities, having served as a Past Chan cellor Commander of the K. of P’s., a Major of the K. of P. Uniform Ranks,-and Past Exalt, ed Ruler oflroquois Elks Lodge No. 92. The dee-eased always' took an active part in local political campaigns, serving with honor in the police depart ment for years and also as an employee of the Northwestern R. R. Co. lie was also an active member in the Masons lodge. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife, two sisters and many other relatives and a host of friends. -o — Mrs. S. Henderson, entertain ed twelve guests at a 10 o’clock luncheon Friday honoring Mrs. Magdalyn Bryson of Chicago. The afternoon was spent play ing Monopoly. -o Mr. Thilip Barge of 2536 Par I ker street, motored to Chicago j to witness the Louis-Braddoek ight. He reports having had a I very nice trip. ORATORICAL CONTEST One of the highlights during lie conclave of the Midwestern Association of the I. B. P. 0. E. of W., was the Oratorical Scholarship Contest held at the Zion Baptist church last Sunday night, July 4th. The following contestants, ns state representatives, delivered orations on the subject, “The Negro and the Constitution:” Miss Wilda Perkins, Kansas City; Miss Bernice Crice. Oma ha; Miss Annabelie Payne, Dos Moines, la.; and Mr. Charles, Knight, Denver, Colo. The fol owing ratings were awarded by the judges: Miss Wilda Per kins, first place; Miss Bernice Grice, second place; Miss Anna belle Payne, third place; and Mr. Charles Knight, fourth place. All of the contestants pre sented the subject intelligently and the winner, Miss Perkins, scored on not only the facts she presented but on her dramatic presentation and clear enunci ation. She received a four year scholarship to attend the col lege of her choice. This movement sponsored by the Elks toward the further ance of education among the youth of the race is one worthy of high commendation. BILL WOULD PROHIBIT GAMBLING SERVICES Washington, D. C., July 10— Senator Wheeler, Montana ask ed congress Thursday to pro hibit the sending of gambling information across state lines. The bill he introduced provokes fines and imprisonment for bookmakers and others supply ing gambling information and persons knowingly providing transmission facilities. The Elk’s Parade A Colorful Display The Elk’s parade beginning at 28th and Wirt streets and preceding down 24th street, the South Parkway of Omaha, waa indeed a colorful spectacle to behold. A unit block of black Americans were garbed in the colors of Elkdom, led by bands fi/oiu Kansas Citfl, Mo.; I>es Moines, la; and Omaha, Nebr. For ten blocks all Omaha was lined along the street to pay a howling ovation to their fa vored band, drill team or lodge. Within the line of march were approximately 75 beautifully decorated cars bearing deb ates from 7 different states and 17 lodges of Elkdom. The highlights of the parade were Master Willie Jones, 1711 E 26th street, Kansas City, Mo., who proved to those along the line of march that he knew what it was all about when it came tomaneuvering with a baton as he led the hand from Kansas City, under the watchful eve of^ Prof. W. L. Horn of Kansas City, Kas. Then came that well trained feminine drill team from Des Moines, la., who un der the leadership of Mr. ITarry Wilson literally turned 24th tree! into a drill field, execut ng beautiful formations all long the way. The. crowd went wild with applause as the beau tifully dressed leant would break into a unique formation. The parade proceeded down 24th and over to Pilgrim Bap ist church where it disbanded o listen to a battery of wel come addresses delivered by Hon. Dan Butler, Mayor of Omaha; Johnny Owen, honor ary Mayor of Omaha; Rev. M. C. Curry, of Zion Baptist hureh; Senator John Adams, r.; J. C. Carey; and A. E. Ton y, president of the association The day was completed with the annual oratorical 'contest, vith champions from Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Ne braska competing for that most coveted -schoLawhip to some ollege of the winners choice. -o Mrs. Willard Colien who was in the city for the Elks conven tion was the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Turner, 3018 Burdette St. Mrs. Cohen is a resident of Kansas City. Kas. ----O—— Miss Gladys Pierce of Mar shall, Texas and a student at Wiley college, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Pierce of 2532. ’arker street. -o-* Stephens Jailed, Freed New York, July 10 (C)— J. E. Stephens, former assembly man, was jailed then released on Wednesday on an old Post Office “fixing" charge under which he* was on bail. MEET ME AT THE CARNIVAL DANCE Featuring Anna Rlae Winburn at the Dreamland Hail on July 26th r-t—g ,g -ft g -g- g p Tg g § t g<«..fg. t ■! '■ |:~t g ig § § g,g it g g ,g ( ,g ,ai> tgggiggiiig. _ __ _ ggggggggggggggguggggiigtg ■ ■ ig_^i^