Attend Church . . *•••_* mm mm ••**** mm mm mm » 9mm mm * mm mm •••****• A FORMAL NOTICE PLEASE READ - NOTICE to all church, civic, re ligious, secret and social clubs; to pastors, presidents and reporters. All news of the above organiza tion must I e in our office on or be fore Monday at fip. m. each week for She news items to appear in the -current issue. Your members want their paper on time. Please be prompt and cooperate with us. NO ON TIME—NO IN THE PAPER. C. C. Galloway, Acting Editor METROPOLITAN NEWS Rev. R. W. Johnson. Pastor Mrs. Willa Varner, Reporter Thursday, June 17th, saw the opening of the fourteenth an niversary of the church. Present were Mb- p Taylor end Mother Poarl Woods, of Los Angeles, ■Calif Both spoke on the wonder progress that has been made on the building of the church. Mother Woods gave 1he pastor a beautiful Instruction in behalf of the minis ter’s work. Bishop Taylor will be Luck v i h us Wednesday night, June 23rd On Fi iclay night, Plea sant Green Baptist church was with ns. Rev. St. ( lair delivered a pow erful sermon. The choir sang somu very b auf/YJ J>r< g am 'fur the Pleasant Green church in the very neat’ future. Sunday was Royal Sunday. Mo ther Taylor from K. C., Mo., was in charge. Rev. C. L. Union preached prea ched the anniversary sermon Sun day night after wheh there wus Light Your Brother’s Light Service conducted by the pastor. Beginning Monday there will be special Help and Healing Services held each day throughout the week from 12 Everybody Welcome Ij •■.W.’.WAV.V/.V.WWA fF*n rFTl rF^n rr=*n n=»n n=* n rc=»n rc=an r?an i^an re Slvter Ice & Coal Co Ice 40c per hundred delivered anywhere between Dodge and Lake, from 16th to 30 Sts. 1301 No. 24th St AT 6355 CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes King: Yuen Cafe 2010'/, N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. Eat Spring Chicken ‘til Bacon Comes Down ... lb. 20c Georgia Sweet Watermelons lb. 3c Hardings ‘fee Cream, .Ets. 15c; Qts. 25c CAREY GROCERY 27th at Grant WE 6089 MODERN SHOE REPAIR 1410 North 24'h Street ! Women's Top Lifts. 15c Women s half soles.65c & up Men’s half soles and heels. ...... ...$1.00 & up Men's half soles.™..75c and up Men s rubber heels.35c and up Children's half soles and heels ....... 75c Children's half soles .50c up Quality Is Our Policy i HI 173(1 t73n rmn rmn r—in i—in r-™ .—_ CLASSIFIED ADS APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT-1105 No. 49th St-, 3rd floor. FOR RENT—4 room apartment, prvate bath. Quiet, cool place to live. $4.50. All bills paid. JA 0986 FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2616-18 Patrick, or 2613 Grant st Call We. 6553. WANTED—Experienced salesman for rubber work gloves as side line to retail trade. Liberty Rob ber Glove Co. Winona, Minn. FOR RENT. Modern furnished apartment. Call Webster 6421. MODERN furnished apartment, 2875 Wirt stret. Running hot water, gas, electricity furnished Rent reasonable. Call WE 4285. AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro Dolls. Write, National Co., 163 West 126th St., N. Y h (JRNISHED House, $15, Harney 0485. h OR RENT—Furnished Room JA 4326. 2 NICE rooms for rent for men only. 2817 No. 28th Ave. JA 0117 SHOE REPAIR SHOPS YOUR OWN — LAKE SHOE SERVICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake Street. MAKE $10 dally selling Negro dolls, pictures. National Co.. 16€ W. 126 th St., New York City. FOR ECONOMIC~and comfort of living try DIXON APTS.. AT 7436. Intelligence and Sales Dept. Good 6000 Representatives Wanted, income assured. E. V. Publishing House, 301-306 Elm st.. Dept. N3. COLORED RACE ONLY- Nation wide social letter club: new friends, romance; strictly confi dential. Particulars free. KIS MET, Boxx 6166-E., Met Sta. Los Angeles, Calif. AGENTS—Sell Emperor Haile Selassie Picture, (Sample 26c). Negro Dolls, Flappers, African league, 254 W. 135th St., New York. Send 10c for six mo. subscription to interesting magazine, Movie News and Pictures. Box 452, Dayton, Ohio. STARTLING FACTS 30,000 OF THE CONSUMING PUBLIC IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA READ Omaha Guide THE ACCREDITED FIGURES OF 16,500 NEGRO ABOUT CORRECT FOR THIS METROPOLITAN ! AREA, THAT IS, OMAHA PROPER I -A i 4 — f * THESE FACTS HAVE BEEN CAREFULLY COMPUTED The Average Expenditure Per Person, Daily is $1.25. The Total Daily Expenditure Is About $22,867.00. Making the Annual Expenditure of $8,346,455.00. The Women and Misses of Our Group Require $701,102.22. Clothing and Shoes for the Children, yearly the sum of $500,787.30. In Omaha Alone, the 4,800 Families Spend Annually for Bread $225,497,000. More than $250,393.65 is Spent in Omaha for Furniture. THE ABOVE ITEMS ARE A SELECTED FEW OF THE MANY NECESSITIES, COMMODI TIES AND LUXURIES CONSUMED IN THIS VAST EPENDITURE. OF THE $8,346,455.00 WHICH ALSO INCLUDES i Automobiles - _ Groceries, Meats, Poods, Automobile Accessories Wholesale and Retail Bakeries Hardware Stores Candy and Soft Drinks ' Jewelers Cigars and Tobacco Men’s Stores Confections Musical Instruments Construction and Building Materia^ Notions Druggist Wholesale and Retail Novelties and Toys Dry Goods Radio Dealers Electrical Appliances Shoes WF^'s't Stationery and Office Supplies THE REQUIREMENTS OF OUR LADIE S FOR TOILET PREPARATIONS EX CEED $100,000 These Include Many Kinds of nair Bea utifiers, Massage Creams, Powders, Rouge, Lip Stick, Eye-brow Beautifiers, Perfumes, Toilet Water**, Talcum and Body Sachets and Manicuring Preparations. THESE 16,500 CONSUMER S ARE SERVED BEST BY OMAHA’S ONE BIG WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE OMAHA GUIDE WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU Mr. Advertiser The Omaha Guide Covers This Metropolitan Area Like the Dew Covers the Morning. ADVERTISERS WHO USE THIS PAPER DO SO BECAUSE THEY ARE SURE OF REACHING OUR PEOPLE AND GETTING RESULTS THIS ATTESTS THE OMAHA GUIDE'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PULLING POWER PHONE OR WRITE OUR REPRESENTATIVE TO CALL The Omaha Guide Publishing Company THE Omaha Guide Goes Home, Is Read a nd Preserved and Referred to Constantly PHONE WEbster 1517—1518 2418-20 GRANT STREET ran rran r-m r—«n I m. . -m ■—*n ran l-~M see , M ... MM Mm m. Mm Mm Mm Mm o—M . . me. m^v—m .—.a. e ___ ■ —— __ .. m. . — M. . -rn . 'em. I im I "1 I - Ml PM M Mi