The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 26, 1937, Page THREE, Image 3
Mots . . caus« two thousand dollar blaze Wounds Mate, Other Ballet Sets $2,000 Fire Two bullets from a pistol in the hands of a jealous woman Monday evening are alleged by police and firemen to have put one man in a hospital, caused a filling station explosion, a fire loss of probably two thousand dollars — and eventually the woman’s arrest. Mrs. Iola White. 30, Negro living at 1831 North Twenty third street, is in jau held for investigation in connection v.'ith the mooting. Her common-law husband, Clyde White, 33, Negro living at the same address, is1n Nicholas Serin hospital with a bullet wound in his chest. Jack Holman, whitm owns and operates the filling station, lo cated at Twenty-fourth and Pat Dean Jordan Is Elevated by Board Quindaro, Kas., June 17 (ANP) —.Western university Trustees in session last week—Jkme 9th, elect ed unanimously Dean Frederick D. Jordan president of this most im portant AME Institution in the west. The meeting which was pre sided over l>y Bishop Noah W. Williams of 'the Fifth Episcopal District was enthusiastic over the accomplishments ef the school dur ing the past year. After the read ing of his annual report by Dean Jordan, Rev. C. A. Williams, pas tor of Ward Chapel, Kansas City, Mo., who was chairman of the Committee on Faculty and School employees moved that Dean Jordan be elected president, amid a chor us of hearty cheers the motion was seconded by the following: Dr. J. H. Wilson, Editor of the Western Christian Recorder; Dr. H. F. M. McClure of Southern Cal ifornia; Dr. W. H. Burnett of St. Louis, Mo.; Dr. John Adams of Omaha, Nebr.; Dr. L. L. Matthis of J.awrence, Kas.; Dr. T. W. Greene jr., of Wichita, Kas.; Atty. T. W. Bell of Leavenworth, Kas.; Rev. M. M. Matthews of Emporia, Kas.; Dr. H . W.. Kings of Topeka, Kas.; Dr. T. J. Burwell of Topeka, Kas.; Rev. T. L. Sanders of Tacoma, Washington; Dr. A. M Ward of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mr. J. B. Jones of St. Joseph, Mo.; Mrs. Minerva Jackson, of Kansas City, Mo.; Dr. F. D. L. McDonald of Kansas City, Mo., Dr. F. F. Moten of Kansas City, Mo.; Dr. S. R. Stanley of St. Louis, Mo ; and Dr. J. M. Brown of Calif. Rev. Peck of Detroit Commencement Speaker The Commencement address on Thursday, was delivered by Dr. William H. Peck of Detroit. Many trustees and friends of the. univer sity from the entire section cov ered by the fifth Episcopal dictrict of the African Methodist Episcopal church were present and the spir it was high. Over $4,006 was re ported for educational purposes. Rev. Jordan who was engaged in a brilliant pastorate at Chicago when he accepted the deanship at Western, is a graduate of North western university, Garrett Bibical Institute and regarded as one of the able young ministers in his connection. rick avenue, William Scott, who lives over the station, lost some of his household furnishings in the blaze. White's sedan also was burned. Mrs. White said she found her husband, the car and another woman in it at tne filling sta tion, that White threatened her with a pistol, and that in a struggle for it she fired it once. William V. Gordon, G6. Negro attendant, said Mrs. White ap pi i ' h d on ipot, pi. 'U in 1. r hand. She fired twice, Gordon said, one bullet shattering the glass container atop one of the pumps, a? 1 causing the blaze, : the other lie hclieves hit White. Police found While a blook I away. Duke Cables Roberts New York. June 21 (ANt5)— Luckey Roberts, famous purveyoi of music to the “400” received a cablegram from the Duke of Wind | sor last week. Mr. Robert’, who 'knew the Duke well, when he was the Prince of Wales and was invari | ably selected to play for the par ties where the Prince was enter tained during his last visit to Am erica, had cabled congratulations to the Dukp and Duchess on the oc fchsion of their wedding. The Duke cabled his appreciation of Mr. Ro berts' message. Luckey announced that he was sending the Duke and Duchess a group of phonograph records, one for each month of the year. This is no new experience for Mr. Roberts. After the then Prince of Wales had returned to Europe from America where he sent back a request to Rodman Wanamaker, his host here, asking that Luckey select a group of dnneo records for him. Mr. Roberts is repeating that pleasant duty. ;-0-_ Asks Amendment Springfield, 111., June 24 (ANP) —Following last week’s enactment by the State Senate of the Women’s Eight-Hour Bll—which covers all types of woman labor except, do mestics, farm workers and regis tered nurses—Rep. Richard A. Ha rewood, Third Senatorial dis district, declared that at the next session of the General Assem bly he will introduce an amend ment to the bill, which will bring cooks and domestics, who are in the main colored women, within the terms of this Act. LOANS We Buy Old Gold Watch and Jewelry Repairing We Loan Money on Everything ^ / Gross Jewelry and Loan Co. CLOTHING Corner 24th and Erskine 2414 No. 24th St. Omaha, Nebr. © 1937 IBIERNAIICHAL S30R0 fTt3S8 , petwo t1 l|| MM*Quick WksK 8&SR. IN Wo'H.ourtfts uystvweek. -this- Puts him first ' RW Lou AMBERS' AND &ARN&f ROSS' LtSHR VJEIGHT AND WEL7EE \NeK » LEGAL NOTICE Thomas and Thomas, Attorneys Omaha National Bank Bldg. To Iiiley McClung and John T. McClung, non-resident defendants and to their unknown spouses, heirs and next of kin: Take notice that there is now on file in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court in Douglas County, Nebraska, in an action in which Halley M. Bliznak is plain tiff and Riley McClung and Jbhn T. McClung and their unknown spoused, heirs and next of kin, the petition of the plaintiff, the object and prayer of which are to obtain' judgment declaring that all of said | parties are interested in real estate j situated in Douglas County, Ne | lii'uska, described as Lot Six (6) i in Wohler’s Place, an Addition in I Douglas County, Nebraska, as sur Iveyed, platted and recorded; that plaintiff owns an undivided five sevenths (5-7ths) interest therein, and the said aboved named defen dants each owns one-seventh (1-7)' interest therein and praying fur ther for the partition of said proper ty, and if the same cannot be equit ably partitioned, that it be sold by order of Court, and the proceeds of the sale be equitably divided be tween said parties according to interest and for equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 9th day of August, 1937. Halley M. Bliznak By THOMAS and THOMAS Her Attorneys 6-26—7-24 -o Gas, Gas AII the i ime, Can’t Eat or Sleep “The gas on my stomach was so bad I could not eat or sleep. Even my heart seemed to hurt. A friend suo Sested Adlerika. The first dose I took rought me relief. Now I eat as I wish, sleep fine and never felt better.” —Mrs. Jas. Filler. Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowels while ordinary laxatives act on the lower bowel only. Adlerika gives your system a thorough cleans ing, bringing out old, poisonous matter that you would not believe was in your system and that has been causing gas pains, sour stomach, nervousness and headaches for months. Or. B. L. Shoub, Naw York, report,t “/n addition to Inleetlnal eleantin/;, Adlerika greatly reducer bacteria and colon bacilli.” Give your bowels a REAL cleansing with Adlerika and see how good you feel. Just one spoonful relieves GAS and constipation. At All I.eadng Druggists TRIAL For SPECIAL TRIAL SIZE send 10c, coin or OFFER 8tai«ps, to Adlerika Dept. 72, St. Paul, Minn. _ At All Leading Druggists a , - . _ . ____ IMPORTANT NOTICE! Notice fo Subscriber.* — Please notify the Omaha Guid office, by mail or telephone, as t your change of address. The post al authorities make a charge fo the change of address when wo ar not notified, in time to prevent do livery to the wrong -ddress. Th Omaha Guide will be forced t charge a small fee of five cent for each change of address with out notice. Please call WE 1517 o mail us a post card with your ne-v address on it, at one week hefor you move. This will prevent a du pheation of papers and the fiv cents charge. Thanking you fo your cooperation in this matter, THE OMAFT \ GUIDE PUB. CC C. C. Galloway, Business Mgi WOULD YOU f LIKE TO HAVE t B w&M ,€ HAIR UKXTHIsp [ru fhis of tUiq. Hair Dressings - FREE LUCK BAGI 50c Algerian Majo Luck Bag and samples Hair Dressing. Powder. Ointment Free. Send 10c to cover mailing cost. GOLDEN BROWN CHEMICAL CO. Dept. G-2 Memphis, Tenn. ARE YOU ONLY A. THREE-QUARTER WIFE? MEN, because they are men,can never understand a three quarter wife—a wife who is all love and kindness throe weeks in a month and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your back aches —how your nerves scream—don’t take it out on your husband. For three generations ono woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with Eydia E. pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure In the throe ordeals of life: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age.” Don't he a three-quarter wife take LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUNDand Go "Smiling Through,'' Forbes Bakery Try Our Delicious Milk Bread 2 Loaves for 15c W.ViWAVi'i'iViViViViW. BOOST JOE LOUIS > |J\7ear a Joe Lewis button now ct. sale at your local drug t ore. - IA,"»”V.V.'.V.,.V»V.*.°.‘.V,* Carl Niffro Shoe Repairing: Best Material Expert Workmanship Service 1 3118 North 24th Street 1 r a-.a..#,-*,,#..*..*..04. HEALS THOUSANDS . Sores, Pellagra, Syphillis, Bad Blood, Gonorrhea, Bad Skin, Gas tric Stomach, Indigestion, Nervous ness, Run Down Nature and Kid ney Complaint. Guaranteed Treat ment, $1.80 Postpaid. Send $1.00 with C. 0. D> C. A. Williams Med Co., McKamic, Ark. Agents Wanted. PUBLIC STATEMENT Dmnha, Nebr,, June 20 Omaha Guide, \ Letter of Denial; l, Mrs. G. Clnyter of 2214 Lake Street, wish to state that I had no lung to do with the running away if Betty Louise Porter from the homo of Mrs, Wt bb Porter a week uro Saturday nbout 7 o’clock. The child, Betty Louise, came running through my yard, crying. ! asked tier what the trouble was and she said that she couldn’t stop, Mrs. Porter was trying to over take her. She also came through my yard and followed Betty to 24 th Street I tried to talk to Mrs. Webb Porter and she called me a name and would not talk to me. 1 am taking this means of reaching her and all those concerned. Anyone interest ed can see Mrs. Lucas of the Juve nile Court for verification of the alaive statement. Signed: Mrs. G. Clnyter 2214 Lake Street [The Elite Cigar Store I* Direct Wire On All Sports Events Come in Where It’s Comfortable Ladies Especially Invited Our Policy j,, Give You Service Eugene McGill, Mgr. HA 1225 2314 N. 24th SU Omaha Nebraska HOW OFTEN CAU YOU KISS AND MAKE UP? FEW husbands ran understand why a wife should tern from a pleasant, companion into a shrew for on® whole wnok in every mouih. You can any "I'm anrn ' and kiss and make n|> i. r ten,. i marriagetturn after, Flown*', It yon want, to hold your husband, you won’t Ik'a throe-< pi a tier wiie. For I hree general ions one wnm-,n has told another hour to go ' ei. ItiR through' w h i I veil,! [ I .. ham* Vegntahe Ooniimtin-I. it I helps Nature tone up tin* j thus tawdug t tie <t! eoififorim. .ej tho tuiiettoual di*owteM w n 'i women mils endure in tile llreo I Ordeal* of Ilf--: 1 Ttirulur, f,- . ■, (’iriiioixi to wnnun'liotul, " t‘ I flaring for motherhood. a | J'Touching "middle u • Don't be a tbft • no.'irter • tak-' IN!'.' 1 i I ■< 1Cit '■ M fi VI OKTA Hl,r < !<)M bOUJlL* an,!' GO "BlOlling TluoUgh,’’ • PATRONIZE OITR ! ADVERTISERS HEADQUARTERS FOR All kinds of Poultry and fresh Country Egg* direc* from the country. Live Carp - Buffalo and Catfish Special Prices to Churches and Parties Stoller’s Fish and Poultry Market 1C23 North 2-ltb Street JAckson 8699 J Damp Wa sh Beautifully washed and returned just damp enough to IRON. Minimum bundle 48c LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS Edholm & Sherman 2401 Norib 24th St. We 6lt55 The Omaha Guide 6000New Subscrip tion Drive Is On.... Omaha Guide Campaign Drive will open June 7, 1937, for 6,000 new subscribers and closes September 6, 1937. You will have to hurry if you want one of the new valuable prizes to be given to subscribers during this campaign drive. Subscriptions to The Omaha Guide are only $2,00 per year. See the new Ford V-8 1937 Car in Hineman’s Garage display window, at 24th and Lake Sts. For further informa- & tic®, call our office, WE. 1517. All subscribers who pay at The Omaha Guide Office,2418-20 Grant Street, dur ing the month of June, will be given a HKfe.' EXTRA 20 per cent discount on the year’s sub- i scriptiou. You can subscribe for as majiy fij years as you like. p