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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1937)
MODERN SHOE REPAIR 1410 North 24'h Street Women's Top Lifts__ 15( Women's half soles.60c & up Men's half soles and heels..,. _ _$1,00 & up Men's half soles....—75c and up Men s rubber heels 3oc and up Children's half soles and !heels ---- 75c Children's half soles —50c up Quality Is Our Policy BOOST JOE LOUIS Wear n Joe Lcais button now on sale at your local drug s\ore. RITZ SHOE REPAIR 2033 No. 21th St. Woarn'i Taps ••.. 15c Womens Half Sole* . 65c and up Men" lialf Soie* 75« and up Mens Rubber Heels _ 35c and up Children)! Soles __ 50c and up ANDERSON TAYLOR Decorator S» is factory Service in Pain ing- Plastering "Try Me" 2§30 Burdette Street .’.V.V.VAV.V.VAV.V.V.V. Duffy Pharmacy We. OG09 ?4th end LAKE STREET8 PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery AV.VW.W.'.W.VWM Johnson Drug: Co. Liquors, Wines and Beer Prescrip'ions WE 099R .. 1904 N. 24th St LOANS We Buy Old Gold Watch and Jewelry Repairing We Loan Money on Everything Gross Jewelry and Loan Co. CLOTHING Corner 24th and Krskine B414 No. 24th St. Om&ha, Nebr. 5VWWVAW.V J JOHN’S i 14th St. : Meals In City 2 y Weldbme 5 V.VAW/.VA CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes King Yuen Cafe 2010Vi N. 24th St. Jackson 857« Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. I made my skin shades [ lighter! j And bow you, to*, can have tne joy of a tighter, dearer skin—free from freckles, pimples, blackheads, large pores, blotches. Tonight at bedtime just smooth on Nadi noia Bleaching Cream—bo massaging, no nibbing. While you sleep it actually </is. so/re.s dark pigment—for Nadinola is double-anting. That’s why it gets results where ordinary bleaches fail. TEST Get Nadinola today at any toi let counter or by mail postpaid, AI UUR 50c. If not delighted, money RISK cheerfully refunded. NADI NOLA, Dept. 94, Paris, Tenn. QNhdwxAaffl&i&wifCh'om Attend Church . . CLEAVES’ TEMPLE C. M. E. Rev. I). VV. Hass, Pastor Ifenryetta Makins, Reporter Sunday in Cleaves Temple was Children’s Lay to the fullest ex tent of the word. Sunday school was most interesting as well as practical—the lesson being on “Rrot.herly Love." The pastor spoke to the Jitnior church. In addition to the Junior choir which as been In regular ser vice for more tiian a year, a staff of junior stewards, stewardesses, trustees and usoers completed the set-up. Each set of officers has hi.- individual work, just as the senior church. This is said to be th first complete junior church organised in th's section of the e< untry. May we extend our sym pathy to the sick and afflicted. A visitor in the church Sunday was M'-s. William Ryan, of Shawnee, Okla, I.ETHEL A. M. K. CHURCH Her. A. Pjiill ps, Pastor Services were good all day at Bethel. The Ch ldre.n’s Day pro gram was very good and a large crowd was present. The Masonic* are having their St. John’s Dny program at 3 o'clock Sunday after noon, at Bethel A. M. E. church, 2128 Franklin street. Rev. A. Phil lips will preach the sermon, anti the Eastern Star choir will furnish the music. The A. O. E. League had a very interesting short story telling and lesson discussion on Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. Our lesson for next Sunday will be “IIow True to Life are the Movies?" Come out and hear this discussion. -o SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH 28th and Decatur Streets Services were very good at Salem on Sunday. The Sunday school opened at 9:30 o'clock with Supt. J. Rosebaugh in charge. The Sun day school and BYPU had a very beautiful Children's Day pageant at 8 o’clock on Sunday. It was con ducted by Mrs. E. L. Young. The participant* played their parts well. Our pastor brought a wonder ful message at 11 a. m. His text was found in 2 Kings, 9:6. The buffet luncheon sponsored by the BYPU Sunday was a very nice af fair. Our pustor brought to us an other inspiring message at 8 p. m. The theme of the message was so cial contact. Visitors are always welcome at Salem. -o-— ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Ret, ' urrv, I’as'.o* Sunday school was well attend ed. Tho number is increasing each Sunday, and It seems that new life and spirit is being manifested among all groups. Rev. M, K. Curry was out of the city, but we received an inspiring message from Rev. F. C. Williams at 11 o’clock. The BYPU opened at 6:15 p. m. A very interesting topic for the evening lesson was discussed. At 8 o'clock, Rev. Williams preached a short, but interesting sermon. AU of Zion church was sadly shock ed over the death of Mr. Thomas Vann, 2403 No. 22nd street, who, while on his way to South Dnkota to attend the funeral of his wife’s sister, was instantly killed in an automobile accident. We are all very much in sympathy with the bereaved family. --o BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. P. J. Sears, Pastor A deal of credit is now going to Mr. Samuel Lee. For the past two Sundays he has had charge of our Sunday school and is seeing to it that it is opened promptly at 9:30 a. m. The pastor’s text was taken from Matt. 21:19. He used for his subject, “Nothing in Particular.” This was one of those old fashioned gospel sermons enjoyed by all. The Sunday School Alliance held its school with us last Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Mrs. I). Littlejohn made a partial report of the money re ceived by the club, $196.48. Mrs. Emma Cork reported $214.64. Both of these reports will be much higher next Sunday when the other members pay their pledge Bethel is much pleased with the way these two captains work and is using this method to say, “Thank you.” Read the Omaha Guido for the announcement of the old time revival meeting to be held in our church soon. PARK'S FUEL & ICE CO. We feature package feul. kindling, Coal of all kinds, kerosene W. C. Parks, prop. 2406 Blondo Street ■ •■■■■••■■■■•■•■■■■■■■a • • , MT. NKJIO BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. <i. Gates, Pastor Dolly Dixon, Reporter The Mt. Nefao Sun<lay school op ened with a large attendance, the lnsson was studied for thirty min utes, followed by a Children’s Day program. The morning service was enjoy ed by nil, the text being found in Daniel 3:17 “IF it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us’ Subject “Behold I see Four and the Fourth one looKs like the Son of God." Evening service was carried out on time, with a sp ritual message being delivered. Don’t forget next Sunday is Men’s Day and we want all the men who wdl to come and be with us. Services at three o’clock. ST. JOHN A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. R. A. Adams, Pastor Last Sunday at St. Jbhn was an other day, filled with very fine services. The attendance at Sun day school and church was good, and the spiritual aspect ran high. Lr. Adams preached at the morn ing service and the Sunday school had its Children’s Day program at the evening service hour. The tea chers and officers of the Sunday school were very glad to see so many of the parents and guardians of children out. They always feel it is very encouraging to the children to havo them there. Next Sunday, Juno 20th, is Father’s Day and the men of the church will have charge of the Sunday night service. Come out and hear them and their fine j men’s chorus, under the direction of Mr. J. C. Parker. You are asked to be a son or daughter of some man of St. John on the above date. We were pleased to have so many join the church last Sunday, both adults.and children. We were glad to see so many visitors present and invite them to St. JLhn church while they are visiting in our city. St. John will bo. well represented at the Sesqui-Centennial in Memphis, Tenn. during the week of June 21st. Tho Omaha Guide is negotiating plans to carry full details of the Sesqui-Centennial, as well as your local news. Get ft and read it as St. Jk>hn has some very interesting events comir4<? up in the near fu ture. INTERDOM IN ATIONAL CHURCH Elder W. I. Irving, Pastor Sunday morning’s attendance was fairly good. The regular service was quite inspiring with the ser mon centering on church work. It was clearly shown that the church must serve the people’s needs, both spiritually and temporally. Ser vices will be held as usual on next Sunday morning and night. -o EAT SPRING CHICKEN UNTIL RACON COMES DOWN. Choice Milk-fed springe,rs, 20 cents per lb. Hardings Ice Cream, pts. 16 cents; qts. 26 cents. Watermelon, sweet juicy, Georgia sweets, S'i cents per lb. at CAREY'S GRO CERY ONLY. Mr. Robert Wynn, of Minnea polis, Minn., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wynn of this city, was in Omaha during the week of May 30th. Many parties were given in his honor. Best of all was the par ty at the beautiful Jim Bell's Har lem. Mr. Wynn'had to confess that Minneapolis had not as yet worked up to such a beautiful night club as the Harlem. He was given such an ovation that he was almost J erupted to overstay his time. He wishes all his friends to know' that he enjoyed every min ute while here and that he shall look forward to another visit soon. Prior to 1923, Mr. Wynn was a resident of Omaha. -o Alanta, Ga. June 17—Forrester B. Washington, president of the Atlanta branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and director of the Atlanta School of Social Work should be made to leave Atlanta because he is a “dangerous Negro” acoording to the latest issue of the Georgia Woman’s World. The Georgia Woman’s World dur ing the presidential campaign last year published the vilest and filthiest racehatred propaganda against President Roosevelt and Mrs. Roosevelt. It is violently anti Negro. REMEMBER well dressed peo ple never look run down at the heel. Let us help you to look neat. LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street Full Line of Supplies .■.V.V.V.V.V.’.V.V.V.V.V.V Gavasran Urercs (Continued from Page 1) got them. Our j(ib was to get the bill on the floor and we did it. The job in the Senate is to get the bill on the floor and you people who elect the senators should insist that they use every method at their disposal o get the job done.” Congressman Gavagan told about tho threats which had been made against him for sponsoring the anti-lynching bill and of the names he had been called by opponents of the measure, but said: “I do not care about the names they call Joe Gavagan. This is not a sectional question or a color question but an American constit utional question. I seek only to re deem the honor and fair name of the country 1 love. “It is a shame that in our coun try with the pluin declarations of the 14th amendment and other sections of the constitution and the bill of rights that we should have men and women strung up to trees and burned to death by blow torches. It is a mockery. “ We want no hair-spl!tting on this question (by stuffed shirts) in the Senate; we want action and passage of tbi« bill. The right is >n our side and if we fight, we will win.” ."'so on the program with Con gressman Gavagan wa3 Walter White, NAACP secretary, who de clared that the spirit of lynch;ng was tfie underlying spirit nohind ■segregation, jim crowism and other inequalities ami that as long as lynching was allowed to live, col ured people would be held in con tempt and mistreated no matter in what section of the country they lived. -o Mr. and Mrs. L. Jones, 2610 Ma ple stret, are tho proud parents of a daughter. Mother and daughter are doing nicely. -o Mrs. Marie Anderson, 1524 No. 25th street left, June 5th, for Fort Worth, Tex. to visit relatives and friends. -o Little Miss Elnora Jones, 2811 Caldwell street, who clebrated her fifth birthday on Sunday, May 30th was promoted to the first grade of Webster school on Friday, June 11th. Elnora was permitted to en ter school last September at the age of four years and 3 months. Not only was she highly interested in her school work, but also shows great promise at the piano and in tap dancing. -o Mr. C. M. Huey, 2020 Clark street, is ill at his home. NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Phone WE5656 2414 Grant St Slvter Ice & Coni Co Ice 40c per hundred delivered anywhere between Dodge and Lake, from 16th to 30 Sts. 1301 No, 24th St AT 6355 WINTER GARMENTS CLEANED and REPAIRED Free Storage Pay Next Fall Fully Insured J. L. Wood and Co. 1406 Farnam St. JA 1619 “For the benefit of my many northside friends,” Mr Gross states. “I take pride in opening up a store exclusively for residents of this community. I promise good service in watch repairing, loans on everything liberally, crystals of all description, a complete line of wearing apparels from socks to a suit of clothes, jewelry novelties to diamonds all at a very reason able price. He also promisest to keep at all times one of our group in his em ployment. -o □XUNIVAL DANCE given by the Bacchanite Club, fea turing Anna Mae Winburn and her II Cotton Club Boys. Oh, that singing, dancing, and swinging or chestra. At the Dreamland Dance Hall on June 28th. If you buy your ticket before June 26th, ad mission 40 cents. OLE’S Battery Station WE SPECIALIZE ON BAT TERY SERVICE 2934N. 24th Ja 9999 TRADE As TU CHMAN’S Irood Stores, Inc. WE 0402 24th & LAKE FREE DELIVERY ,n h THEVRE X Start your vacation right! Union Pacific’s air-conditioned trains provide made-to order weather. No heat or dust to detract from the pleasure of your journey. No detours or parking problems. You can relax In restful coach seats or comfort able Pullmans and feel fit when you arrive. LOW SUMMER FARES Now you can travel by train for less than 2< a mile. Union Pacific serves all the West—Bryee Zlon-Grand Canyon National Parks, Colorado, Yellowstone, California and Boulder Dam, W’est SHIP AND cm Dude Banches, Pacific Northwest and Alaska. RIDE Ask Your Union Pacific Agent I About Low Pares to Western Vacation Regions. CLASSIFIED ADS APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Love's Kitchenette Apartments, 2616-18 Patrick, or 2613 Grant st. Call We. 6663. WANTED—Experienced salesman for rubber work gloves as side line to retail trade. Liberty Rub | her Glove Co. Winona, Minn. FOR RENT. Modern furnished apartment. Call Webster 6421. MODERN furnished apartment, 2875 Wirt stret. Running hot water, gas, electricity fumishod Rent reasonable. Call WE 4285. AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro Dolls. Write, National Co., 163 West 126th St., N. Y Send 10c for six mo. subscription to interesting magazine, Movie News and Pictures. Box 462, Dayton, Ohio. 2 NICE rooms for rent for men only. 2817 No. 28th Ave. JA 0117 SHOE REPAIR SHOPS YOUR OWN — LAKE SHOE SERVICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake Street. ! — MAKE S10 daily selling Negro dolls, pictures. National Co., 16* W. 126th St., New York City. FOR ECONOMIC~and comfort of living try DIXON APTS., AT 7436. Intelligence and Sales Dept. Good 6000 Representatives Wanted income assured. E. V. Publishing House, 301-306 Elm st., Dept. N3. COLORED RACE ONLY. Nation wide social letter club: new friends, romance; strictly confi dential. Particulars free. KIS MET, Boxx 6166-E., Met. Sta. Los Angeles, Calif. AGENTS—Sell Emperor Haile Selassie Picture, (Sample 26c). Negro Dolls, Flappers, African League, 264 W. 136th St., New York. /we stake our) \ REPUTATION < ( ON THIS LIFE*) ^SAVING TIREJ J — because it gives yeu REAL protection against blow-outs like this BWTTW--331 Only SILVERTOWNS give you Golden Ply Blow-out Protection * r % When you gamble on tires you put yourself, your family and your friends “fen the spot.” Because what chance have you if suddenly — EANG!^ blow-out snatches the car cut of ^ your control and takes you forattflm 1 . ~ Play safe. Let us equip your car with a set of GoodrlcH^ i Safety Silvertowns. In no other way can you get the remark- \ >J*ble protection of the Life-Saver Golden Ply—the layer of \ special rubber and full-floating cords scientifically treated to . resist the terrific blowout-causing heat generated inside p all tires by today’s high speeds. And don’t forget, Silvertowns k actually cost less than other super-quality tires, so you pay ~ nothing extra for Golden Ply blow-out protection—it’s FREE! * BUY NOW.„ k PAY LATER You can equip your car L with these first-quality, guaranteed,products and pay on your own terms, k No red tape, no embar * rassment or delays. Just ask for the Budget Dept. Goodrich SA!T?y ‘ witscouEsny CsWM*lA|i»| k > BLOW-OUT PROTECTION VJrJLlLV^JL iVlfll DOUGLAS AT 20TH . Phone JA 4024 | Open Evenings and Sundays 2406 L ST REET ^ Phone MA 0460