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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1937)
SOCIAL 4C 4 CLUBS AFFAIRS ''O-O-C-l-O- i-y ^ ORGANIZATIONS King Uorealis anil t|neen Aurora Enthroned _ at St, PhiIii£sCoronation^^^^^^^^ ^ I)R. G. B. I.EINOX, physician, was revealed as hma Jboreans Vn ot the coronation ball sponsored by St. Philip Episcopal cnurch. His train was borne by Willis Gray jr. and {lorman Johnson. .Tht king ^eluted to wear knickerbockers, preferring troflsers. t CELESTINE ALBERTA SMITH, 23, was crowned Queen Aurora VII in the St. Philip Episcopal church seventh annual coronation ball in Dreamland hall, 24th and Grant Sts., Monday evening. The gown was^designed by her father, John A. Smith. Central nigh cadets ane her hussajrs. | Mr. ami Mrs. S. M. Yancy, 2871 Maple street, entertained Mrs. Ad- ! elle Wade and Mr. Charles Hem- i mer of Chicago, 111., at a dinner on i Sunday, June 6t.h. Covers were laid for 12. The two guests left for Chicago on Monday, June 7t,h. Their visit in Omaha will ever be remem bered. -o Everybody in town is going. Where?* To the big carnival dance at the Dreamland Hall on June 28tS, given by the Bacchanite Club, featuring Anna Mae Winburn and her Cotton Club Boys. -o-— Mr. Leroy Porter, 3617 Blomlo stret, who has been ill for the past few months at the Veterans' hos pital in Wadsworth, Kas., is rapid ly improving and expects to return home around the first of July. His brother, Mr. Willis Porter, and his many friends gladly look forward to his return. -o CARNIVAL DANCE given by the Bacchanite Club, fea turing Anna Mae Winburn and her 14 Cotton Club Boys. Oh, that ainging, dancing, and swinging or chestra. At the Dreamland Dance Had on June 28th. If you buy your ticket before June 26th, ad mission 40 cents. Bargains In Homes 2432 Franklin, 6 rooms, modern, except heat. Price $1,000— Cash $100, bal. $12.50 per month. 2018 Grace, 5 rooms, modern ex cept heat. Prioe $1,000— Cash $100, bal. $12.50 per month. 2803 No. 24th St., 6 rooms, modern Price $1,600—Cash $300, bal. $20 per month. 2801 No. 24th St., 6 rooms modern Price $1,900-Cash $300, bal. , $22 per month. wr, ill .... 2421 Decatur St., 6 rooms, modem Price $2,500—Cash $700, bal. $20 per month. 2414 & 2416 Decatur, both modem Price, $3,750 for both—Cash $760 more or less. E. M- Davis Licensed Broker 2817 No. 24th St. WE 1166 Mrs. Luda ,Scoit, iicvrl Maple itreet, who has been ill for some ,ime, is now able to be up and out ignin, much to the delight of her imny lriends. -o ... Fiverybo ty in town is going. Where? To the big carnival dance it the Dreamland Wall on June 2Sth. given by the fiacchanite Club, featuring Anna Mae Winburn and tier Cotton Club Boyg. -o A birthday party was held at the home ol Mrs. Mary Gregory, 1917 No. 27th St., in honor of her two daughters Helen, 13 and Doris, 7, Monday, May 31st. Their little friends who were the guests of the afternoon on joyed a very delight ful time playing games after which ice cream, cake, pop and candy were served to all present. -o Mrs. Helen Taylor and daugh ter, Marline, have just returned from a very enjoyable trip to Muskogee, Okla. Returning with her were Miss Helen Harrison, sis ter of Albert Harrison and Mrs. Ethel Brown, of this city. Miss Harrison plans to go to school here in the fall. -o-— Miss Lucille Peterson entertain- I ed a small group of her friends at! a graduation party at her home on Thursday, 4une 10th. Games were played and then refresh ments served. Miss Peterson receiv ed many lovely gifts. An enjoyable time was had by all. -o The Los Cantores and Douglas Debate clubs will present a mock trial “The Divorce Case of Mrs. Smith,” Jlune 25th at the Urban League Community Center. Mrs. Smith (Bernice Grice) files suit against her husband Mr. Smith (Harold Biddieux) charged with neglect, due to an interference on the part of his beautiful secretary (Bertram Johnson). If you have or have not seen “Wife, Versus Secretary,” don't fail to sec “The Divorce Case of Mrs. Smith.” Mrs. Charles Cous.ns of Denver, Colo., is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. G. Scott, 2633 Decatur street. Lit tle Betty Biffle, also of Denver and a grand daughter of Mrs. Cousins is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Amanda Williams, 2614 Blondo street. They will be in the oity indefinitely. We hope for our western visitors an enjoyable stay while in our city. -o CARNIVAL DANCE given by th« Barchanite Club, fea turing Anna Mae Winburn and her 14 Cotton Club Boys. Oh, that singing, dancing, and swinging or chestra. At the Dreamland Dance Hall on June 28th. If you buy >our ticket before June 26th, ad mission 40 cents. -o Mrs. Fred McDaniels, 2620 Bris tol street returned last week from a lovely trip through the south and east. Her trip included St. Louis, Mo.; Nashville, Tcnn.; Atlanta, Ga.; Miami, Fla.; Washington, D. C.; Chicago, Illinois; Kansas City, Kas.; and Ooffeyvillc, Kas. In Nashville she was the house guest of Miss Rachel Taylor, former Y. W. C. A. secretary of Omaha and who is now secretary at Nashville. She was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Slater in Atlanta. In Washington she was thq recipient of a delight ful breakfast given by Mrs. Rob bie Tumer-Davis. Mrs. McDaniels reported her trip south, one of the most interesting and educational trips she has ever taken. j *.‘*..T--T--g- g » g g ,g | >n>nt u > t »■■■■■ Louis Larsen Garage For service and number one repair work Batteries and Tires Come to Louis Larsen’s Garage 3014 No. 24th St, JA 9220 BOOTHS FOR EVERYONE Candy, Ice Cream, Sodas and Soft Drinks Ritz Sweet Shop 2035 No. 24th ST **' " ' 'll'. 1 ■ ■ ■—■■■■ i... —— Airs, iiail liars. iota, ned last week from a two-week trip to Kan sas City. -o TTie Junior Auxiliary of Zion Baptist church will sponsor a hay ride on Friday June 26th, to Rim wood park. -o-— A surprise shower was given in honor of Master Windsor Elliot Wheeler, the infant eon of Ruth Wheeler, at which time the Sun rise Golf chib presented her with a Seven Year Baby Year Book. -o Everybody in town is going. Where? To the big carnival dance at the Dreamland Hall on June 28th. given by the Kacchanit* Club, featuring Anna Mae Winburn and her Cotton Club Boys. -0 Mrs. Etta Johnson of Kansas City, Kas., who has been in the city the past four weeks, was called to the bedside of her sick daughter. She is the aunt of Mr. Curtis Thurman, 2616 Grant street. DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish We do glazing and make window shades to order 1822-24 N. 24 WE 1607 RESULTS that make the time aud thought you put into pre paring meals seem really worth while are guar anteed you with Dinner's p0o mar* a m#af —> — tt\ftnitelyu.>rtA%tt__ MACARONI Mr. Cornett Lefall and Miss Vera Leach, both of 2877 Maple street, have motored to Texas to visit re latives and friends. They will be gone for about a week. --o □AHNIVAL DANCE given by the Hacchanite Club' fea turing Anna Mae Winbum and her 14 Cotton Club Roys. Oh, that singing, dancing, and swinging or chestra. At the Dreamland *Danee Hall on June 28th. If you buy your ticket before June 26th, ad mission 40 cents. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Everybody in town is going. Where? To the big carnival danco r.t the Dreamland Hall on June 2bth, given by the Bacchanite Club, l featuring Anna Mae Winburn and 1 her Cotton dub Boys. ---j Wflla’s Beauty Salon 1 WEEKLY SPECIALS _ | Mondi’.y and Tuesday, Hot OH Shampoo and Wave . $1.50 Tuesday and Wednesday only. Facial Pack .... 85c 2308 No. 24th St. WE 5699 I m .. I Hayden’s TRY HAYDEN’S FIRST Entrances: 16th, Dodge and Douglas Sts. ■ ' ' Our Reg. $1 WASH ^ Frocks Some Irregulars V£r "Stand out" values at their regular price . . . and here are GREATER SAVINGS! New summer styles in cotton sheers, organdies . . . novel* ties, crashes, blister doth, others. Hayden's Basement .— ■ 1 ..... SUNRISE GOLFERS The competition is really at its height among the Sunrise Golfers since the prize will be awarded at the next meeting on June 25th. There seams to be a race between Flora Morris and Rae Lee Jbnos, so be sure and watch for the de velopments. Eleanor Haynes has been chosen as the official score keeper of the dub. Rae Lee Jones is president; Edrose Willis is re porter. -• Mrs. Alice Wilson is home from I* isk university, where she received her Master’s Degree in music. A host of friends wish her much suc cess and welcome her home. MASON’S Bar-B-Q, Chili, Tamales and Fried Chicken to order 2024 Burt St. WE 6015 HINES TAILOR SHOP . Cleaning, Pressing and Re I pairing. f '..Dyeing and Hat Cleaning Dresses Cleaned and Press ed—Fur Grafting, Etc. 2523 Q STREET Magazines -ALL KIN ^3 (RITZ SHOE REPAIR SHOP) 2033 North 24th St Robbings Pharmacy Ve Blake Our Own Ioe Cream Fresh Dbily 2306 No. 24th St. WE 1711 SHANKLIN AGENCY 2314 N 21st St Omaha Houses and Flats For Rent $10, $12, $15 to $25 Houses For Sale $50, $100, $150 to $350 Down Balance like rent Furnished Rooms and Apart ments For Rent From $3, $3.50 to $5 . SHANKLIN REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY 100.000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20.000 Batteries 50.000 Auto Radiatom Are we Buyingr You Bet. If it's Auto Parts You Waut It Will Pay You to See Us First. We Are Here to Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming St. — AT 5656 Home of Kangaroo Court ARE YOU ONLY A. THREE-QUARTER WIFE? MEN.because they are men.can never understand a three quarter wife—a wife who is all love and kindness three weeks In a month and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your hack aches —how your nerves scream—don’t take ft out on your husband. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders whieh women must endure in the three ordeals of life: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood 8. Ap preaching "middle age." Don’t be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E PINKiIAM’8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go "Smiling Through,"