The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 19, 1937, Page TWO, Image 2

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    NOTE:—Your question w.’;l be answered FREE in th'a coP
omn ONLY when a «1 pping of this column js enclosed with YOUR
ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty-five e.i« and
a self-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEW ASI it o LOGY
READING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on
THREE QUESTIONS. Send all letter* to Abbe Wallace, care of
The Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
W. R. S.—Toll me if 1 will get
to take the trip this summer that
was promised me last year?
Ans: You will make the trip to
ST. IX)U!S in Uuly and visit with
your brother and his wife. They
are planning many surprises for
you and your t[ip will lie the most
pleasant month of your life. There
will he no end to your pleasures.
M. A. M.—I am in love with a
boy and he goes with another girl
and myself. Tell me which of the
two will he choose?
Ans; Neither of you. He isn’t
looking far a wife or even a re
gu'.ai girl friend. He is interest
ed in getting into some kind of
business before he takes any girl
seriously. Forget marriage /until
yon are through school.
14. W.—Did someone put some
thing on my mother to cause this
oondition of her knees ?
Ans: No one has tried to hurt
jour mother in any way. The con
dition is of natural causes but if
she were taken to a good doctor
ahe would soon he able to be up
and about. .See that she gets im
mediate medical rare.
M. B.—1 wnnt to know if I will
have a boy friend that ! can call
my very own?
Ans: Yes. but it will never be the
young man that you are going with
at the present time. You are wast
ing your time when you go with
him. It will be at least two years !
before you do meet your future
R. G.—Should I consider go in*'
to summer school this year? Could
I get a private answer also?
Ans: If you feel that your arc <
strong enough then the summer |
school will not hurt you. A few ;
months vacation does a lot to help
youngsters your age and you really 1
aren’t very much behind in school.
If you desire an Astrology Head
ing send a quarter and I will he
glad to give you free my personal
opinion on three questions.
G. G.—J enjoy rending your col-1
umn each weak. Tell whether or1
not I should take the trip 1 have j
in mind?
Ana: Don't take it if you must
go alone for I don’t think that you '
will find it as enjoyable as you j
think. Have a member of your fam
ily accompany you on this trip.
L. P. S.—My daughter is begging
me to nltow her to take up a busi
ness course and not return to col
lege, I am so worried about the
matter and would like to have your
opinion ?
Ans: There is very little that
you could do but allow her to take
ap the course. She is disgusted
with the course she is now taking
and isn’t interested enough to pass.
A business career would he just
the thing for her.
R. T.—Should I make the change
of location that I am now think
ing about and when is the best sea
son to make this change?
Ans: Right now. The location
would be very desirable for your
barbershop and you will be able to
get a new trade as well as keep
the old customers that you have.
Your present place is out of the
way and inconvenient to reach.
L. C.—Will the man that I am
thinking about ever return to this
city and if so how soon?
Ans: He will return_ hut he
won’t come back to be near you.
Business will bring him back
within the next eighteen months.
Try to forget about this party.
Everybody in town is going.
Where? To the big carnival dance
at the Dreamland Hall on June
®8th, given by the Bacchanite Club,
featuring Anna Mae Winbum and
her Cotton Club Boya.
Mrs. Mahammitt’s
School of Cookery
Pork Steak With Spiey Sauce
I thick slice of pork steak
4 tomatoes, medium sized
4 potatoes
IT vinegar
H cup finely whopped onions
1 t,. prepared mustard
2 T, butter
2 T. flour
% t. sagar
% cup hot water
Salt and pepper
Salt and pepper pork steak. |
Brown lightly on both sides in a
hot frying pan. (lover, reduce the
bent, and simmer slowly for 30
minutes or until tender. Place the
meat, on fire proof platter, and
arrange around it tomatoes cut in
halves with the cut surface dip
ped in flour and browned in the ;
ham fat. Place rosettes of mashed
potatoes between the tomato hal
ves. Placn plntter in a hot oven
(400 degrees F.) until potatoes
are browned, flour, blend in but- ■
ter making a brown sauce. Add the
ehop|H'd onion heated in vinegar to
the mixture and cook for 10 min- ,
Utes. Remove from stove and add
mustard, sugar and salt. Pour
sauce over pmrk steak. Place rings
of igVeen peppier aroupid tomato ,
hnlvem and garnish with parsley or
celery hearts.
Macaroni Salad
2 mips of cooked marnroai
1 cup chopped celery
1 green pepper, chopped
2 pimentos
0 sweet pickles, chopped
14 c. grated American choose
Mayonnaise and lettu’c
Fold in mayonnaise the above
mixture and put on lettuce and
Custard and Cake Itonscrt
1 pt. milk (scant)
'? i "*' . Mks
t‘ " . kti v Gelatine
1 i ' v ' pping cream
F 11 <• n of pineapple
ffnraseh r'o C-herrie*
] i'iiji r—nr
1 t van!l' i
'ii cup milk
2 egg whites
Stale cake crumbs
Boil together until slightly thick
ened, pint of milk, sugar and yolks.
I'isBolve gelatine in % cup of milk
and add to custard, also add van
illa. Cook until it begins to set.
Ad cream which has bo»»n whipp-d
and egg whites beaten stiff. Put
layer of c.ustard in mold and place
cherries at intervals pushing them
through the custard so they will lx*
on top when unmolded, then a lay
er of cake cruntbs and pineapple
t.hen custard. Chill and Unmold.
Serve with whipped cream.
'1 !
24th and Lake Street
WEbster 5444
Have your car washed and oil changed for Spring
Motor tuning and Battery recharging
2417 North 24th Street JAckson 9269
)n the Air and In It
Chicago, June 13—A typical week
on NBC Shows that spots for sepias
on that network have about reach
id maturity. Maturity, that is, that
conies whin one is old enough to
vote, for they have already passed
NBC program planners are to be
commended >^n their astuteness.
Statistics prove that the Negro
population is onlv f ictionally less
than ten per cent of the total pop
ulation of the fotin y. In large
northern cities th s proportion is
increased. Ixioking at it from any
angle, the. favor of ' nstituency
that large is not to be ignored.
Since radio in the United States is
mainly commercial, the purchasing
power of millions of Negroes
mounts amazing figures. When one
considers, also, that the vast mu
jo. ity of us live so close to the
margins of our incomes that we
must, will, and do spend—the im
portance of making a special ap
peal to us becomes more signifi
Nr,r' has taken the lead. To.
To NBC. our thanks and tbi? Walter
Winchtll orchid. To NBC also, a
That the timn given to s»p:a
spots so often conflicts with pop
ular and well established pro
grams often on their own network
—that one is at a loss to know
low to listen to both. Specifically:
Cleo Hrown_appcars on a split
Red network, and must rival Little
Orphan Annie for listeners:
Midge Williams splits the Red
igain, with House Jamison, com
nentator, Nat Brusijoff’s orchest
ra, and guests on the other part of
he network:
The Vagabonds may be heard in
he locality of Chicago only by tun
ng to small stations, encountering
Faulty reception. Moreover, the
it her part of the network carries
ho dramatic sketch, the O'Neills.
Good Time Society and Fibber
McGee and Molly leave Nfigro au
lienees in n guandnry as to which
a hear:
Cabin in the Cotton, featuring
be Southqmnires, and Barry
Woods songs are aired simultane
msly: and
Harlem Revue and Abe Lyman
must content themselves with di
vided audiences for the same res
2509 N. 24th, Street.
AM, KINDS of S \\T DWICM t->
Fine for Kidney and
Bladder Weakness
Flush poisons from kidneys and
bladder and you will live a health
er, happier and longer life.
One most efficient and harmless
srny to do this is to get from yout
Iruggist a S5-cent box of Gold
Medul Haarlem Oil Capsules and
take them as directed—the swift
results will surprise you.
Besides getting up nights, some
symptoms of kidney trouble are
backache, moist palms, leg cramps
and puffy eyes. If you want real
results, be sure to get GOLD
MEDAL- the original and genuine
Haarler Oil Capsules a fin»
diuretic—right from Haarlem in
When vour kidneys are clogged
and your bladder is irritated and
passage scant and often smarts
und burns you need Gold Medal
—a grand kidney stimulant and
cleaning once in a while.
... Look to your stomach
Start taking lloatetter's Stomachic Bitters right now
ami you will quickly note how its medicinal herbs
and roots help to revitalise your digestive glands
and give new vigor, energy and appetite. Fatuous
for 84 years. At all drug stores. 18or. bottle. $1.50.
Wouldn’t it scorn that just one
of these was good enough to war
rant a special spot without such
competition ?
• • • * •
A pleasant feature of NBC is the
number of popular programs on
which Negroes appear frequently
j as guest artists and subjects of
! comment—Walter Winch fall, Jim
my Fidler, Rudy Valloe, and Ben
Bernie, to muntion but a few. For
! years we have known that our ach
ievements, our adventures, were
i good ‘copy.’ TV't so large an en
terprise as NBC and its artists
have also found it out is indeed
Boston Singers In
Second Opera Concert
Boston, JHme 10 (ANP)—A large
responsive audienca of music lov
ers in Brown hall, New England
Conservatory of Music Building,
last Thursday applauded the ef
Iforts of the Colored Opera Society
who presented their second annual
opera concert.
Composer William A. Rhode* was
the conductor, fine of the fea
tured artists was Mac. Pattie
Yates In the role of Aida. Among
tho other siegers taking part in
the concert were William Richard
son, Eugenie Greeme, Virginia
Strother, Lillian Strother, Lillian
Harrison, Sarah McKenzie, Ann
Walker, Ida Wren, Matilda Birch,
Harvey Higgins, Fred Riggs, John
Powell, Irving Ridley, Emanuel
Mansfield and Helena Mayle. Ethel
Dunn was tho accompanist.
rets First Negro
Juror in 50 Years
Jacksonville, Fla., Jlune 11 (By
Richardson for ANP)—Marking
tho first time that a Negro has
sat. on a jury in that section in a
half-century, William Clark was a
member of the grand jury in Bruns
wick, Ga., a few miles from here,
when it returned a protest against
the proposed federal anti-lynching
Details of the reason for Clark’s
vote with the rest of the opposi
tion to the measure are not known.
Tho jury is said to have urged
Georgia politicians to vote against
the measure when given an oppor
i Brunswick ia a section that has
I had lynchings of its own during
the past few years.
Redeemable at face value on a
suit, overcoat, topcoat, tux
edo, lull dress suit, until
July 1/1937.
as gills or Christmas, birth- J
dfrys, graduation, anniver
saries, father’s day, Easter,
Charles H. Davis,
the Simpson Man
l WE 5627
Sores, Pellagra, Syphilli*, Bad
Blood, Gonorrhea, Bad Skin, Gas
tric Stomach, Indigestion. Nervous
ness, Run Dowa Nature and Kid
ney Complaint. Guaranteed Treat
ment, $1.80 Postpaid. Send $1.00
with C- O. D.’s
C. A. Williams Med Co., McKamie,
Ark. Agents Wanted.
Expert Auto Repairs r
- Orer haul inf Oar Specialty _ .
AH Work GoarantoodJ
Day and Xlfkt Berrieo
—Phone AT. 6697—
Merriweather’s Garage
We repair all make* and model*
H_ L_ Merriweather, prop
2299 No- Mad 8t_ Omaha, Nefc.
Entire Bundle Finished—All Men's Shirts Hand-Finished
at No Extra Cost. Bundle Must Contain 50% Flat Work.
2324 No. 24th St_WE 1029
Both Our Service and Printing. We are
Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps
to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver.
2418 Grant StreetWE 1517—1518
R and G means RENEWED AND
GUAR ANTEED! Many Used Car bar
gains offered by Ford Dealers are
R S G ears. They are the eream of
the Used Car market. You must be
satisfied or you get your money back
like that1 If you want the very hem
Used Car,look, for the R«SG emblem.
100% satisfaction or 100% refund.
Ever wonder why Ford Dealers sell so many good Used Cars? The answer
Ford Dealers can afford to give extra value in every Used Car they sell.
Ford Dealers are primarily new car dealers—they know the way to sell
more used cars is to price them right. You win — they win—everybody’s
happy! Payment terras are convenient — ns low as a month. Your
present car may more than cover down payment.
You can’t afford to wait with prices as low as they are now. See your
Ford Dealer’s stoek of good Used Cars today, and "drive a bargain!”
Raising> P amily- WhAl p« don't know /Ihmu «n>lqiies W0Lld (III a llbritryl _____IM
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( VIHERE IN MEHC1S / S~ Co6„ wove
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