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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1937)
Attend Church . . nnrrrrrr* ■ ■VMT« ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ BETHEL A, M. E, CHURCH 2428 Franklin Street Re*. A. Phillip*, Pastor The Memorial Day Service by the war veterans of the Spaniah-Am eriean War was well attended. The pastor preached. Two united with the church. The A. C. E. league met at the usual hour. Owing to the rainy ■weather, not many attended, but those present enjoyed the discus sion. The lesson for Sunday, June 6th is 'What Did Jesus Mean By Saving Your Life By Losing It?" At 8 p. m. the league will sponsor a program. Mr nday nigfht, June 7th, til Associated Board will have n pro gram sponsored by the young peo ple of Zion Baptist chaaeh. CHURCH OF GOD 2025 No. 24th Street Katie Johnson, Reporter Sunday school opened at the us- | ual hour and was conducted by Sup*. Joe Eddens. The luasnn was well taght i#id much was gained Atom it. At 11:30, Bro. S. 8. Spsght brought the morning message. At Hie evening 'worship Rev. Hpaght i again preached. His text "as tak en from Matt. 5:14, "Ye are the light of th« world. A city that sit teth upon a hill aannont be hid." When Jesus comes into our life, it is liko this city. He won’t be hid. Come and worship \^ith us. Mid wcW: riervicea >11 las luld on Wed hesday. ——-■— MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH 2608 Franklin Street Rev. Wm. Pruitt, Pastor Mr*. W. E. Frederick*. Reporter Buaday school opened at tho us ual hour with a nice attendance. Three new mem burs were added to th>* Sunday school roll. At II a. m., Rev. Pruitt brought t*> ua a splendid message from Ga latians 6:7. His subject was “Sew ing and Reaping." There, we«p two additions, Mr. Barnett, of Musko gee, Okla., and Mrs. Luella Jen kins, a former member. At 5:30 p. nr, President Johnson and a few ether members went to Bethel, So. Omaha, to the city B. Y. P. U. At 8:30, tho pastor again preached. His subject was “Come und See." Tho Mission Circle meets every Thursday at the church from two until four p. m. The Children’s Ac tivity club is doing a good work. Miss Fanny Tumor is president, Miss Etta Mao Davis, See’y. On Thursday, Mrs. Edna Lewis will be hostess to the Willing Workers club at 2019 Clark street* The 15th anniversary was a de cided success. We wish to thank tho pastors and churches for their splendid co-opcrntion. We also thank Rev. J. S. Williams and hfc chorus for their servkes. The sick of the church are Mother Hnyden and Mrs. Pruitt. Everyone is welome. -o CLEAVES' TEMPLE C. M. E. Rev. D. W. Bass, Pastor Mrs. Ilenryetta Makkis, Reporter Much honor was bestowed on Cleaves’ Temple last Sunday by the visitation of Legionaires with thoir memorial services, honoring the dead. Are we living that we may be honored—that homage may be paid to us as tried Christians? More than forty legionaires at tended this service paying tri bute to buddies left sleeping in France and those sleping here. All services were well attended, especially the pew rally sponsored by Board No. £0, including a pro gram given by the Ministers’ Wi ves’ Council. Next Sunday' afternoon at 3 o’ clock, the men are having a special rally. This is the men’s first effort and vewy seldom do they appear on a program. They are having a complete male program. Don’t miss this treat. To the sick (Psalm 26:18) “Look upon my affliction and my pain: and forgive all o fmy sis.” My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation; I will pay my vows before them that fear Him. -o LUCKY HEART INCENSE -DIFFERENT Numb*'* aypaar Uka Magta to toil* Wftt* auick^Tf i*aot’i e*w moiwj-maktos nropoaJUim. gi> Fr» Bampl* Intwin, Fata Ponder, Half Drawing, naw Boaui» LUCKY HEART, Dept. ‘ Q-523 Memphis, Tean ■ mmmmmmm • s ■ ■■ CALVARY BAPTL^ (Council Bluff* I»wi) Rev. J. A. Harris, Pastor Ethel Corbins, Reporter Sunday school opi ne*! at the us | nul hour, with n good attendance. ' At the 11 o'clock service# the pastor brought a soul-stirring message His subject was “Bringing Others to Christ." The BYPU opened ut 6:30 p. rn. with a fair attendance. Mrs. Dean and her daughter were with us. Mrs. Dean acted as pian ist for the BYPU nnd the evening *u*rvices. Since Rev. J. A. Harris has been with us, we have been able to ac complish much toward our d«b*. I am sure if we follow Rev. Harris w« will have a Calvary church sec ond to none. I feel that I cannot say too much for this man of God. BETHEL A M E CHtJRCH On Sunday, June 6th, Shteresting srvices are planned for Bethel AME chursh. Rev. Slater will preadh a speial sermon on ‘Joseph.* General classmeeting and special congrega tional singling will follow. It is ex isting to have a very good meeting 1r, the morning. At the evenfhg ser vices th** special feature will bt» “Tl*> Seven Ij»st Words of Jesus.” Persons appearing on the program will be Mesdames Slater, Hazeline, Minnie Herndon, Lillie Mills, Au drey Smith, Dorothy Reeves, Lulu Gillwrt. The choir will furnish spe cial music, vocal solos by Miss Ger aldine Herndon, Mesdanv'li Prod Smith, Minnie Herndon, Lillie Mills Means, Dorothy Reeves. Audrey and flelen Lyons, will irt^e<rsperse the speakers. This will he ia (hr form of a symposium. This is ex pected to Ik* a very fine program. Everyone is invited to attend. ffl. JOHN A ME CHURCH "The Friendly Church" Rrv. It. ,A. Adam*. Pastor The services at St. John on last Sunday were very impressive The Sunay school and church at tendance was good. Dr. Adams preached from Hebrew 11:13. His subject was “Shall We Keep Faith With the Dead?" After the morn ing service, one young woman join ed the church. We are always glad to have those out of Christ to cast their lot with the Christian people. At the evening rerviae, Rev. H. C. Siddle and wife, were with. us. Rev. Siddle delivered a very fine messngo on the subj. “Triumphant Grace.” TVe men are working to make Futher’s Day, the third Sun day in June, a successful dny. The following were visitors ia the church on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rivers of St. Paul, Minn.; Mr. W. M. Bridges of Chicago, 111.; Miss Ida Harris, Sioux City, la.; Tasiah Dixon, Des Moines, la. and Mr. M. E. Smith, Cincinnati, O. Visitors are always welcome at St. John, You will find the church, so cial and f rate mat news in the Oma ha Guide. •-o CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD C. W. F. F. 2319 North 25th Street Elder E. J. Clark, Pastor Mrs. C. A. Brayboy, Reporter Sunday school opened at the us ual hour. Many good thoughts were received. At 11:30 a. m., the pastor preached a sermon from Matt. 25th chapter. At 8:30 p. m., Elder C. A. Brayboy delivered a sermon, after which Elder M. L. Steel made some helpful remarks which wc all en joyed very much. On June 6th at 8 p. m., the Mis sionary Board is having a rally. Everyone is asked to cooperate. On July 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th the district convention will be held at tho chureh. We hope our many fri ends will join us. -o -■ . I, _ ■ - —— _ ZION BAPTIST OHUROH R*r. M- K. Curry, Pastar Sunday school was well attended Everyone seem to be putting on new life and the spirit is growing generally t.hrougr. <-very depart m nt. At 11 a, m., we enjoyed a splendid message brought to ua by our pastor. At 8 o'clock another spiritual message was brought to us on Sunday, Jkine ffch at 11 a. m., I at 3 p. m. and also at 8 p. m. We have as our guest speaker, Hev. E. Arlington Wilson of Dallas, Texa*i, who has won much fame as one of the outstanding spiritual orators of the day. Come early if you wish to get a seat, A large crowd is expected. Goldman to Condot 400-Piece Band Here Edwin Franko Goldman, general ly regarded as the outstanding bandmaster of the world since the death of John Philip Sousa, prill j lead a massed band of four hon- | died pieces and a nia#sed chorus of fivo hundred voices in concert at the Munioipal auditorium in Omaha, Sunday afternoon, June 6th, at 2:30 p. m. The concert wil be held in ob servance of the fiftieth anniversary of the Salvation Army in Omaha. In the massed band will bo the Salvation Army staff band from Chicago, the all-city high school 175-piece Band of Omaha, the band h# Omaha Post No. 1, Amerian Le gion, thu* 168th Infantry bund of Council Bluffs, the state champion ship band from Wahoo, and others. Tho oO' -voic'' chorus will ba re cruited from tho local high schools, am! will inslude the personnel of the nationally famous Central high school A’eapella hoin, Lytton Davis director of music In fhe Omaha pu blic schools, is assembling the band and cbiorns. The Rotary blub of Omalfti has assumed spnpisorship of the Con cert, and Frank D. Shields is gen era! chairman of the Ratary com mittee. Mr. Goldman will fly to Omaha from his home In New York City at his own expense. A close pe«» sonal friend of Sousa, he is organ izer and director of the famous Goldman band, which is in its nine teenth season of concerts on the Central Park mall in New York City. A brilliant arranger and leader, Mr. Goldman is also author of more than eighty original CQm positions, «f which “On the Mall’’ is -perhaps the most famous. Mr. Goldman is also author of two standard textbooks on band, and is recipient of innumerable honorary degrees and other distinc tions. * All seats for the Goldman con cert will be sold for twenty-five cents, and none will be reserved. All proceed will be turned over to the Salvation Anny to finance golden anniversary events. -o Golden Brown Hair Dressing NOW Make* your hair beautifully *mooth And ea*y t» dreaa. Bain# big peek**** that mid by mll lloua at 60c. at your farorita drug atort NOW l&o. LUCK BAG FREE! ROc Algerian Majo Luck Bag and aamplea Hair Dressing, Pow der. Ointment Free. Bend 10c to cover mailing coat Goldan Brown Chemical Co., Dept. G, Mamphln, Tena. CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes Kins: Yuen Cafe 2010*, N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m, NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2202-4-6 North 24th Street Phone WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers Our prices are reasonsable, see us first. Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids The only way your body can clean out Acids and poisonous wastes from ysur blood is thru 9 million tiny, delicate Kid ney tubes sr Alters, but beware of cheap, dr »stic. irritating drugs. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make you suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervous ness. Pains. Backache, Circles Under E>os. ) drzinesH. Rheumatic Pains. Acid ity. Burning. Smarting or Itching, don't take chances Get the Doctor's guaran teed irescription called Cyatex (Siss Tex). Works fast, safe and sure. In 49 hours it must bring new vitality, an l Is guaranteed to fU you up in one week or money back on return of empty package. Gyaiex costs only 9c a day at druggists and the guarantee protects you. Let Contracts For Omaha University Contract* totaling $635, 638.53 Tor the construction, ejectrieal wir j Ing and fixtxures, and plumbing ' and ventilatio of the first unit »f I the University of Omaha, at its new site on West Dodge street, ‘Were awarded by the Board of Ite gent at its meeting Friday morn ing. Work of construction will act ually start Monday, according to John La tenser, architect. Mr. I*atenser stated tHht, while the aetJUal costs were higher than estimated wh/n the plans werp drawn up last winter, the increase in cost is due to the increased costs of labor and materials. In spite of the higher cost, the total cost of the unit is well within the amount wich was allowed for the contruction and the contracts have already received the informal ap proval of PWA officials* The contract for ftie general contruction was awarded to A. Borchman Sons and totaled $469,, 025. The plumbing, heating and ventilation contract went to J. J. Honighen company, the contract price being $K8,946. The contract for electric fixture* and installa tion was awarded to the E* C. Ben nett Electric company for $27,567 .50. In adjourning the meeting, Mr. P. T. B. Martin, chairman df the Hoard, expressed hope that con tractors would patronize local esn ems for their purchase of materi als and supplies for the job. —- - o —• Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Waiter of San Antonio, Texas, stopped for three days at the home of Mrs. Mary Hill, 2702 No. 27th street, the sister of Mr. Waiters. Mr. and Mrs. Waiters are on their annual trip from the Pacific coast to the At lantic coast. They expect to make another trip in the summer by auto. -—o--— Mia. Effie Moore, 260C No. 27th street was called to the bedside of her father in Dallas, Texaxjs, who is ill. Her stay in Dallas will be an indefinite one. -o .v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v, FOR SALE . MODERN HOME To settle estate Will sacrifice for quick sale, Modern 6-rooto home cons'ructad very durable hot water heat Located a.t 934 N 25th Street! Inquire JEFSEN BROTHERS 2502 Cuming Stree t ■.V.'.'.V.V.V.V.V,V.V.V.V.y If your barber work is not becoming, then you should be coming to — L. II. BAKER’S SHOP 10 tears Satisfactory Service 722 SOUTH 13th STREET li Pays to Trade At** a TUCHMAN’S Food Stores, Inc. WE 0402 24th Si LAKE* free delivery HOW OFTEN CAN YOU KISS AND MAKE UP? FEW husbands can understand why a wife should turn from a pleasant companion Into a shrew for one whole week in every month. You can say "I'm sorry” and kiss and make up easier before marriage than after. Bewiso. II you want to hold your husband, you won't be a three-eiu arter wtl'o. For t hree gen orat ions one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. ham * Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of life: !. Turning from girlhood to womanhood, i.’. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ai> proachiag “miikHe age " Don't, bo a threw*-quarter wife, take l.VDiA K PINkttAM'i V EGETABEE COM POL AND and Ga "Sahihig Through." This Week in Thought- and Keligion Hy It. L Moody I GOO LN NATURE “0 Lord, our Lord, How Excellent : is Thy Name in all earth,” For a month or more w>e have been en joying ideal weather. We have nl I most forgotten the bitter discom fort of winter, but let us remem ber to be thankful for the early I summer. As we behold trees grass, as we hoar the robins sing, their gleefcl songs, how happy we should be to know that we too are a part of God's glory in nature. There are probably no words more appropri ate for this season than those of James Russell Lowejl, in ‘‘The Vi sion of Sir Launfal." "And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever. Come perfeflf da$rs; Then Heaven tries earth if ft be in tune And over it softly her warm ear lays. Whether w^ loaft or whether we listen I We h<*ir life mitrmur, or see it glisten.” Often we complain Justifiably .about te terrific heat, but we may be in sympathy for the homeless bums and hoboes, ^ey need not worry about starving or freezing. Tis is a time when it appears that God makes all phases of life bounti ful with food and shelter. In the language of Lowell, we joyfully hail this month of love making, marriage and Joy, by saying: “No price is set on the lavish summer; June may be had by the poorest comer.” WANTED TO BUY 100.000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20.000 Batteries 50.000 Autg Badiatorra Are we Buying? You Bet. If it’s Auto Parts You Want It Will Pay You to See Us First. We Are Here to Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming St. _ AT 5656 Home of Kangaoo Court ARE YOU ONLY A. THREE-QUARTER WIFE? MEN, because they are men, can never understand a three quarter wife—a wife who is all love and kindness three weeks in a month and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your back aches —how your nerves scream—don't take It out on your husband. For three gen erations one woman has told another how to go “smil ing through” with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It heljw Nat tiro tono up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the throe ordeals of life: 1. Turning from Rirlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching “middle age." Don’t be a three-quarter wife, i take LYDIA E PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go “Smiling Through," I A tty. Charles F. Davis 2504 North 24th St. uchman Bldg. In the County Court of Douglas ‘ O^inty, Nebraska. In the mutter of the estate of LULA R. THOMAS, deceased. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a pe tition has been filed in said Court, praying for the probate of a cer tain instrument now on file in said Court, purporting to be tl>e last will and tesament of said deceased, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before gaid Court on the 24Hh day of May, 1937 and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the »aid 29th day of May, 1937 at 9 o’clock A. M., to contest the probate of said will, the Court nauy all<*w and probate said will and grant administration of said estate to Lulu Stout or some other suitable person, enter heirship, and proceed to a settlement thereof. Bryoe Crawford 3T County Judge SPECIAL™" Shampoo_ JKto Press -03o CJroquignole maxcel_fiflo ALTHOUSB_ BEAUTY SCHOOL 2422 N 22nd St. WE 084fl TIRED, NERVOUS, EXHAUSTED! •.. Look (o your stomach Start taking Hostetter’s Stomachic Bitters right mow and you will quickly note how its medicinal herbs and roots help to revitalize your digestive i;‘nnaN and give new vigor, energy and appetite. Fa me las for 84 years. At all drug stores. 18 os. bottle. SPECIAL OFFER TO TENANTS! ~ - • UNTIL JUNE 30 * , . YOU. CAN PURCHASE - AN AUTOMATIC CAS WATER HEATER AND PAY SMALL MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS ON YOUR CAS BILL . 'i.vs—--- ' r # 1( yon do not own your home yon Will be interested in know ing that 'for a limited period (until June 30) you can have AUTOMATIC GAS HOT WATER en low terms, no more than the usual water heater rental. This wean* tiidt you can have an Automatic gas water HEATER installed by your plumber or the Utilities District (or as little as $1.95 a month. Including carrying charge, and PAY ON YOUR REGULAR GAS BILL. II you move, take your heater along with your fumiure. Call ATLANTIC 5760, the Utilities District or call your favorite plumber for complete information. COSTS AS LITTLE AS i ON YOUR CAS BILL SEE YOUR PLUMBER 24-HOUR FUEL SERVICE