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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1937)
SOCIAL Q ~ i .O. + , r CLUBS AFFAIRS ''LJ-y-C-i e-6- y *• ORGANIZATIONS 44 • ' I, , - - , r t-. ■ i Beau Brummel Danc< Proves Lovely Affaii The Decoration Day dance of the Beau Brummel club, Monday May 81st at the beautiful Dreamland ballroom was one which won com mendation from over 600 persons who came early and danced into the wee hours of the morning to the swing music of Nat Towles and his 14 Southern Gentlemen. The already beautiful ball room was draped in patriotic colors of rod and white, which proved fitting to the day and blended perfectly with tho soft lights and the beau tiful gowns worn by the smiling ladies, interspersed with the sport combination of white coats and dark trousers donned by the Beau Brummel gentlomen. Out-of-twon guests were plenti ful, Des Moines, Sioux City, Lin coln, Kansas City, Council Bluffs and St Louis were well represent ed. -o MODERN ART CLUB The club was beautifully repre sented by six of its members in the coronation of> Hollis Art club of Council Bluffs, la., at Eagle Hall on May 27th. The duchesses from the realm of Omaha were Mesdames Nicholson, Rogers, Mc Vay, Sterling and Jowers. All were beautiful in spring formals in pas tel shades. The annual birthday party for the members of the club was scheduled for «*‘unc 18th, but owing to the unexpected absence of several members the party has been postponed until their return in the fall. Mrs. Erving, Mrs. Hooper and Miss Calhoun attended the coronation us guests. Urban League Notes The JVmior Auxiliary of the Oma ha Urban League is sponsoring an all day conference on “Youth in our Community” on Monday, June 7th, for the purpose of getting an incite on the problems of youth to day as thlry affect the young peo ple of our community. They plan a very interesting day. At a ten o’oclock session there will be a speaker and open forum on “The Ideals of Youth." This pro mises to be quite a heated discus sion because of the varying opin ions. Miss Amelia Gearhart, who has worked with young people for over a period of years successfully as a teacher at Omaha Municipal university, will be ,thc principle speaker. The luncheon meetng will be spi ced with community singing and an inspirational talk by Mr. Benard Squires. At 3:30 there " ill he a panel discus sion led by Mrs. M. Rhone on the problems of youth today, with* the following persons participating: Lawrence Smith, Crismun ( lark, as the boys’ viewpoint; Mary Het ta Wiggins, Patricia Redd, as the girls’ viewpoint, Dr. Herbert Wig gins, as a father; Mrs. Mabel Da vis as a mother; and Mrs. Evelyn E. Murray, as to health and the viewpoint of an older sister. T hey close the conference with a lovely dancing party in the evening. -a Mother Rachael Allen, High Mo ther of 1st Spiritual Ass'n., who has been the house guest of Daugh ter Marion Quinn for the past month, will leave for her home in Leavenworth, Kas., on Friday morn ing. --o New York, May 28—Charles Weschecke of St Paul, Minn., for many years a contributor to the work of the N. A. A. C. P., has just made his annual contribution, and with it sends the following word of appreciation for the association’s work: “My, what an amount of work you and your colleagues have put forth the past year! Anl more and more as tne years go by, steady progress is made. Often enough discouraging indeed but men of vision never falter. I wish I could take your b*rd and press it to show ruy personal appreciation but that being impossible I enclose my us ual check." BOYS! GIBUS tattle a Spirit of Deeper afSon by joining the “QUID RE CUTB” Bead all about it la this ir ■ne. Join NOW. ' Mrs. L. A. Gardner, 2503 Granl ' street, prominent in civic, social ■ and religious works, and who hat j lived in Omaha since ' 1received her certificate in pub ^c speaking | from Central high school on Junr 2nd. Mrs. Gardner enter this class [last September. She stated to an j Omaha Guide r< porter that she was t very happy to receive thip ccrti I ficate and that since her son, the j late I.ararus Gardner, prominent j radio artist, had passed, she, being the only one left, denied to carry on ns best she could. She did not feel i that she could fill his place, yet | she thought that there was some thing sho could do, so she enrolled in the public speaking class at Cen tral high school. Mrs. Gardner is j the owner of several pieces of pro perty in Omaha and a member of St. John AMR chiircK She is dear ly loved by all who know her. -o Over 200 Guests Enjoy Spring Party One of the largest parties of this season among the younger set was held Thursday night, May 27th at the FonteiHle Pavillion, with Misses Annfelise McGee and Love etta Hawkins appearing ns the cor dial co-hostess of the evening. The young Indies were attired in beautiful spring frocks nnd sport suits which was indeed in keeping with the season of spring, this was appropriately matched by smartly dressed young men. Among those who helped make the party a gala affnir were ns follows: Mr. Jeffery and William Taylor, MissRuth Levison, Miss Lois Farthing, Mr. Leroy Broom field, Woodson Center Ball team, Miss Mary Harris and cousins, Mr. Harold Biddieux, Mr. Huey Har per and sisters, Miss Mary Stewart, Miss Hattie Northington, Mr. Ro bert Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Levison, Mr. Ernest Shields, Mr. Ellis Stephens and sister, Miss Ef fie Manuel, Cavalier Club, Miss Lucille Kemp and brother. Miss Lu la Mae Powell. Following the close of the lovely party many journeyed to tho Rits Sweet Shop. The chaperons for the evening were Mrs. Eva Levison, Mrs. Edna Williams nnd Mrs. falls. -o Personals On June 7th, the Gross Eickes will close their club activities for the season with a dancing party at the Fontenelle Pavillion. -o Misses Ida Harris, Alice Fulton, Mrs. Ann Alexander nnd Mrs. Bur dette Harris nccompani d by Mr. I Harris, Alvin and Alfred Harr s and Arthur Alexander were week end guests of friends in Omaha. While here they were the recip ients of many social courtesies. -—o Mrs. J. A. Crutnbley and Mrs. C. W. Porter will render a Joint program for the benefit of the twelve tribesof Iserael rally Sun day afteraoon at three o’clock at the Metropolitan Spiritual church, all are invited. -o Mr. Joe E. Herrifords, student of the University, and a resident of Kensas City, Mo., was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. LoveJoy Crawford, 2506 Maple street. -0 The Eastern Stars will hold their 0. E. S. service June 6th, 2 p. m. at the Masonic Temple, This Esther Day service will be conducted by Ruth No. 9 O. E. S. [*l made my skin shades [ lighter! And now you, too, can have the joy of a lighter, clearer skin—free from freckles, pimple*, blackheads, large pores, blotches. Tonight at bedtime just smooth on Nadi nola Bleaching Cream—no massaging, no rubbing. While you sleep it actually dit Baltts dark pigment — for Nadinola is doublt-aelmt. That's why it gets results where ordinary bleaches fail. TEST * iar °* Nadinola today at any toilet counter or by mail AT OUR postpaid, 50c. If not delignted, RISK your money cheerfully re funded. Nadinola, Paris. Tenn. cNbuddrtola^kacki^Oam rj isr ($) 1987 lUTZBUATIOHAL WliORO PRBBB M'LAfC 1 Summer is really here—nnd you'll be leaving the city for week ends, if not for a lengthy vacation. Not having the right clothes may mar your good times in the country, being l»oth cool and comfortable will make one’s pleasure more en joyable. The 3-p:ece play-suit of washable material can be worn mini!* the skirt. Many prefer the slacks, or trousers, for hikes, romp ing, etc. ■ ■ ■■<>. ‘Y* Activities It was erroneously stated in n previous issue that Betty Davis was the first Negro girl to serve on thn inter-club council of the YWCA. Miss Davis is the second, as Miss Ora I-ee Britt was the first to serve. On Saturday nnd Sunday of th's week, two delightful events have been planned {j>r the graduates of 1!*37. The Up-to-Date nnd Blue Triangle clubs will entertain the grade school graduates from four until six on Saturday, May 5t.h. The Boy nnd Gill Forum committee, with Rachel Covington as chairman 18 planning a tea in honor of the high school nnd college graduates. _ ' . Just send nam« and addran for h free Sample of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dr«#aina Pomade and ext re FREE Samples «f Fa, .* Pow ft .SM* !ER!t,^™E?jfl5j VALMOR PROOUCTS CO T Ave. Dept. 6S3 Chicago. It DOEGOFF HARDWARE Paint, Glass and Varnish We do glaring and make window shades to order 1822-24 N. 24 WE 1607 j'.V.'.ViV.VJV.VJ'AV/.-.'.V. :i COFFEE JOHN'S in so. 14th st. ■: I; Biggest lOe Meals In City I; ;■ Everybody Welcome £ MWAV.W.V.V.V.V.V.V. Louis Larsen Garage For service and number one repair work Batteries and Tires 0>me to Leuis Larsen’s Garage 8014 No. 24th St. JA 9220 BOOTHS FOR EVERYONE Candy, loe Cream, Sodae and Soft Drinks Rita Sweet Shop 3035 No. 24th ST A son was bom Saturday, May 129t.h at the Clnrkson hospital, to ! Rev. and Mrs. V. E. Holly. Mother , and son are doing nicely. Mrs. Holly was the former Louise Pryor, I eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. I P. Pryor. The Hollys have one | other son, James. Get Your Trading stamps at Car ey’s Grocery and secure a Valu able prize. It costs no more. Choice Com Fed Baby Beef as I Teed r as Baby’s skin. The choicest product of tl'e butchers art. Buy it. CARL VS GROCERY -o——— T'.< ■ V olrnce diristion Wid ow’s club No. 25 will give the sec ond anniversary sermon of its founding at Pleasant Green Bapt ist church on Sunday, Jjlme 6th at 3 p. m. Rev. Reynolds, pastor of Pleasant Green will officiate. Mu sic will be furnished by the choir. We are thanking the church in advance for the hospitality. We de sire the cooperation of the people. All are welcome. SHANKLIN AGENCY 2314 N 21st St Omaha Houses and Flats For Rent $10, $12, $15 to $25 Houses Tor Sale $50, $100, $150 to $350 Down Balance like rent Furnished Rooms and Apart ments For Rent From $3, $3.50 to $5 . SHANKLIN REAL ESTATE ALBERTA’S SANDWICH SHOP Barbecue—Cold Drinks Furnished Rooms MRS. HARRY NORMAN 4827 S 26 St. MA 0957 - Expert Auto Repairs - Overhauling Our Specialty . AH Work Guarantee*! Day and Night Barrie* —Phone AT. 6697— Merriweather’« Garage W* repair all make* and model* H- L_ lferri weather, prep SIM Na. Had 81. Omaha. Neh. --- Miss Ida Rowland, w4]I reeire her Master’s Degree at Omaha Cen tral hiigh school auditorium, from Omaha university. She is the only race student to receive this degree. ■-o——— Miss Almira King, 1814 No. 26th street and Miss Phyllis Love, 1610 No. 28th street, attended the Jun ior-Senior ‘Prom’ in Red Oak, la., on May 7th. They hail a three-day visit in Red Oak, Miss King visit ing her brother and h« family and Miss Love, her cousin. While in the city they visited the high school and dfferent points of in terest. They expressed themselves as having a delightful time and in end to attend the ‘Prom’ again next year. Both are students at Tech nical high school. Mr. H. H. Taylor of Topeka, Kas., spent the Memorial holidays with his niece, Mrs. Lillian Peace and his two nephews, Andres Si mon and Charley'Harrold. Mr. Tay lor will leavo for his home on Sat urday morning. First Spiritual Temple No. 6 wishes to thank its many friends and visitors for their kindness and cooperation while the Hon. Mother Bishop Sutton and her co-workers are in town. They will be in our city for servees until J'une 14th. -o Johnson Drug: Co. Lieuor*, Wines and B«cr I’erscriptions WE. 0998 .. 1904 N. 24th St Duffy Pharmacy We, 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery AWWAYAWWA'.W A*A Do Ton Need a Now Start! 1 Write Me. Today. Information Fron. I M. WILLIAMS, D*pt o Journal Square Station I Jersey City, N. J.I Don't Sleep on Left Sidef CAS PRESSURE MAY CAUSE DISCOMFORT. RIGHT SIDE BEST. It you toes in bed and can’t sleeo on right side, try Adlerika. Just ONE dose relieves stomach GAS pressing on heart so you sleep soundly. Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowels and brings out foul matter you would never believe was in your system. This old matter may have poisoned you for months and caused GAS, sour stomach, headache or nervousness. Dr. If. L. Shoub. New York, reports: "In addition to Intestinal cleansing, Adlerika greatly reduces bacteria and colon bacilli.'’ Mrs. Jas. Filler: “Gas on my stom ach was so bad I could not eat or sleep. Even my heart seemed to hurt. The first dose of Adlerika brought me relief. Now I eat as I wish, sleep fine and never felt better.” Give your bowels a REAL cleansing with Adlerika and see how good you feel. Just ONE dose relieves GAS and constipation. At All Lading Druggists TRIAL OFFER For special Trial Siae sen 10c, coin or stamps, to Adlerika Dept. 71, St. Paul, Minn. FLUSH KIDNEYS OF POISONS AND STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS live a Healthier, Happier, Longer Life Thousands of and womei wonder why backache bothers then —why they have to visit the bath room often at night—why flow k scanty and sometimes smarts aw burns. Any one of these symptom means that your kidneys and Mad der need attention now before thes minor symptoms develop into aeri ous trouble. To flash out waste poisons am add from kidneys, sooths your to ritated bladder and pnt healthy activity into them, get a 35-cent package of GOLD MEDAL Haar lem Capsules and take as directed. , This harmless, tried and true i medicine always works—you'll feel . better in a few days, as the su i premely effective diuretic and kid | ny stimulant drives excess uric add from the body which is often the i aggravation of joint agony, sciatica . and neuritis. _ t But be sure and get GOLD MKD . AL Haarlem Oil Capsules—the ori ginal and genuine—right from I Haarlem in Holland. AD good . things are imitated. Mr. and Mi's. S. C. Hanger mo tored to Kansas City, Mo., to at tend tho dance given by Alphh Phi Alpha fraterpity. They were guests of Mrs. J. S. Lillard. tv... Sgt. WiMiam Cullens and Coporol IT. V. Lewis of the Tenth Calvary and stationed at F<*rt Leavenworth, Kas., were visitors through' the Omaha Guide office Wednesday af temoon. Magazines -ALL KTNj^S (RITZ SHOE REPAIR SHOP) 2033 North 24th St ...« PATRONIZE OPR ADVERTISERS Opportunities IN HOMES FOR SALE 22nd and Map]® Street.—Eight rooms, modern, reception lall, living room, dining room, den and kitchen, down stairs. four bedrooms upstairs: oak floors thoughout, full sement basement, doubl©,gaage, large lot. 328 North 25th, Street—six rcoms, modern, $1,500.00. 3402 North 27th Ave., five rooms, modern, $2600. 361North 27th Street, six rooms, partly modern, $500.00. These properities may be purchased with small down payment, balance less than rent, low rate of interest on inpaid balance, abstract of title brought down to date, iaxes paid up, properties free of any incumbrances. C. F. Davis Real Estate Co. 3504 NORTH 24TH STREET * ** IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT! AND I'M STILL “THAT WAY” ABOUT MY MODERN ELECTRIC ROASTER The very first time I saw a Modem Electric Roaster . . . and learned how easily, deliciously and cheaply I could cook with it, I was sold! And now I just put my meal in the Roaster, set the temperature control, and spend the afternoon as I please. You couldn't persuade me to go back to my tiresome "pot watching" days. SEE YOUR DEALER • t j r, OR *■ f V J NEBRASKA POWER CO.