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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1937)
Wins $200 Prize ■—*— ~ ' r 1 " ” ”n ; The Dr. Fred Palmer Labora tories of Atlanta, Georgia, have an aounced Miss Frances Robinson of 210 West 146th Street, New York City, to be the winner of the grand prize ia the' recent “Name the Girl” contest. Miss Robinson, house maid, has received $200 in cash for her entry in this very easy con test, just exact'v as guaranteed by Dr. Fred Pfl' ~ - Laboratories. “I am so thrill d and happy over my good luck that I haven’t begun to plan how to spend the $200,” Miss Robinson told reporter who had been sent out to get the story of her good fortune. “I’ve used Dr. E'rcd Palmer's 8kin Whitener Ointment for nine years, and shall always use it be •aaso it has done wondoas in keep ing my complexion lovely. I also Dr. Fred Palmer'* Skin Delight Strap and .1 know *o many girls who Me tt too, and find it simply Marvekrms," *he u&led with QHthu gfetSHk Readers will rein emitter that dur tmg February and Mar«#i* the Dr. flood Palmer Laboratories of At lanta, fl*., in collaboration with the ■aow newspapers of the country, •eaduetod this big eontesfc. The pur Ijbwe was to name tho typical Ip-. P*rd Palmer girl. A total of $578 in £ash and awards waU offered in MS big prizes attracting thou sands of entries afl ever the eo un toty. With Miss Robinson announced tk the first prlne ($200) winner, ntswdorr who have entered the con teat wifi be anxious to learn who thto other winners are. Their names will aplponr in this paper ns soon »s the Judges come to a decision. Watch this paper for furtherv news •t the contest. ' In a statement issued to this newvpn^per, an official of the Dr. Prod Painter Laboratories said, "We are very glad tx> make these •ash awards to our customers who have been winners in this contest. Ever since Dr. Fred Palmer dis covered his Skin Whltenfcr formu la 38 years ago, we haw striven to merit an excellent reputation and keep faith with the public. The awarding of tbbse contest prizes Is Jus|fc aether e 'denee that we have kept faith and that we will con tinue to do so.1’ In the meantime tho Dr. Palmer Laboratories are offering our readers each a beautiful fan to help kt*>p cool with during the summer. If you have aut already obtained one of these fans, ask forur druggist for It toda#, as tho supply is limited. For free samples et Dr. Fred Palmers Skin Whiten er Ointment, wrjte t* the Dr. Fred Palmer Laboratbries, IJept. T, At lauta, Georgia. , — * -w -- Spain’s Premier Dr. Juan Uerria, physiclala and ftnanca minister in the Caballero cabinet, who heads the new loyalist jfoviewiraent, vh'ch took ofiiee with a program calling for discipline and a unified nuilitanr command. Federation Officers Weigh Action Sfic. Frank Morrison (loft) and Pres. William Green of the Ameri can Federation of Labor, which held an emergency meeting at Cin cinnati to plan next steps in the - ■ fa’------— . dispute with the Committee for Indusrial Organization. An Increas ed per capita was asked to combat the ‘dual, rival union.’ Sitdown 360 Feet Helo w Earth’s Surface .. Some of the BOO miners at the Superior Coal Co. at W'lsonville, 111., who called a stay-down strike in a mine shaft demanding that their families lowered fool to them. work be equitably shared. The su periatendent said they could stav until they starved, but members of their families sent food down. No Butter, No Battleships llflWW. i.'v*. WliiltHil— The Federal Shipbuilding and j IJrydock Co, U. S. Steel subsidiary 1 at Keaitiy, N. <fi, had 130,000,000 for war eraist-rs and other vessels, . but not enough to pay decant wages ! until 2,000 men struck. After fivo day* they won recognitton of th.* Industrial Union of Marine and #*flt Shipbuilding Worker# of Aju erica T.oorl for it# members, a J5 minimum wng-e, time-amd-a-holf for overtime, i -day, 40-hour week r.Mil recognition of shop atowards to handle ijrievancca. < / Because It’s TrueWhat They Say About Dixie r —----* — ■ ■ --gMmiigTi -ii.'ii ■ ... ni«——— nHnpmBmmwvgrir Tired of receiving a baa to Kfega of 45 pent# i>our, as against 63 feuls in rtorthern tnllla, 8,000 em ployes of the Alcoa, lena., plant c/ the Aluminum Co. of America, struck aguinat tha anfair dinferen tial. Here a worker, walking out at 10 p. m., at the end of a shift, is passing along the word that the strike has gone into effect. Union Head Ben Gold, manager of the New York joint council, who was elect ed international president of the Inti. Fur Workers Union ah its Chicago convention. The union also voted to affiliate with the Commit tee for Industrial Organization. Got Results 5532SJW-H-!n. i -5wilS5$5$S Frank I*. Crosawaith General organiser of the Inter national Ladi-*s’ Garment Vorkew’ Union, and Chairman of* the Ne gro Labor Committee, 312 West 123th street New York City, who ^ot results after n speech beforo ie anunl convention <rf the ILGWTJ in Atlantic City recently, when tfcat >ody passed resolution supporting tho Gavagan onti-lynching bill, which Mr. Crosswaith wrote de manded the freedom <»f the Scotts !>oro hoys, and pledged "moral and financial" support to tho movement So organize Negro lahor. Mr. Grors waith long has been a prominent tl^piro th tb« nstj e| orgajdred labor. (C) Surprise Performance Protests Relief Guts Tho audience at the TVPA dance theater in New York got two thrills for the price of one, when, as the curtain rang down, one of the lead ing performer* stepped to the ' —• - an i mm— front of the stage and invited the audience to participate in aji over right sitdown to protest threatened cuts in WPA and relief. Many join ed the workers in the stay-in, while outside a sympathetic picket line quickly formed. This was but one of hundreds of relief demonstra tions throughout the country. WOLK TAILOR 1506 No 24th St JA 9384 < HINEMAN’S GARAGE Have your car washed and oil changed for Spring Motor tuning and Battery recharging 2417 North 24th Street JAckson 9269 THE LIQUOR STORE 24th and Cuming' Sta. Free Delivery JA 6564 For Specials on Whiskies: Gins: Beers and Wines-Call Us. WINE—high class—5th ___85c DU BOUCHETT DRY GIN—5th__99o BEER ALL BRANDS Mete—Robin Hood—Falstaff—Stars and others i WE MEET ALL LEGAL PRICE RATES |Forbes Bakery Try Qur Delicious Milk Bread 2 Loaves for 15e PUBLIC Stenographic SERVICE Say It In A Typewritten Letter I — Letters, Contracts, Statements, Etc., Typed. No Job Too Small—No Job Too Large H. M. Funches 19h8Ve N. 24 St WE. 1517 HEADQUARTERS FOR All kinds of Poultry and fresh Country Eggs direct) from the country. Live Carp - Buffalo and Catfish ^ Special Prices to Ohnrohes arid Parties BtoUpr’s Fish and Poultry Market 1623 North 24th Street , JAckson 8600 . . I I II M I T I 1 1 f T 1 1 1 1 1 1 MlT 1 ' “ *1* — —- 1 " ... i TOBY’S ] Service Station j 24th and Grant Sts j DampWash Beautifully washed and returned just damp enough to IRON. Minimum bundle 48c LAUNDERER AND DRY CLEANERS Edholm & Sherman 2401 North 24th St. V Wt 6055