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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1937)
I - 1 1 ' ■ ■ I I I-—---- ■■ NOTE:—Your t|Ue^tion wi I be n>> ered TRb'E in tlrs col umn ONLY' when a «l ppinjr of this column is enclosed with YOUR QUESTION, YOUR FULL NAME, BIRTH!)ATE and '' "ifF.CT ADDRESS. For PRIVATE REPLY send twenty.five < and a soff-addressed, stamped envelope for my NEYV ASTROLOGY REACHING and receive by return mail my FREE ADVICE on THREE QUESTIONS. Send all letter* to Abbe Wallaco, care of The Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. M, T. C.—Will my boy friend re turn back to me? I don't know if ho cares for me uny more or not. Ans: Sure he cares but yyu don't give him any encouragement and he doesn’t know what to do. Why don’t you speak to him if you are no much in love with ’him? He cares few you and would love to be in your company often. C. C. S.—What would you advise me to da in the way of a career? I am undecided at this time. Ans: Go to college if you can possibly see your way clear to do so. If not ... then take np some kind of business training. A course in STENOGRAPHY and BOOK K BERING would be about I he best thing that you could take and get the best results from. N. CL—Should I forget this man that I sometimes think that I still love? Was he seared off from me? Ans: Forget if yoiia can for he does not rare an) thing for you. No. he wasn’t scare away from you ho just decided that he did n’t care enough to continue going with you. He won'te ver mean any thing in your life. W. R. R.—Please advise me whe ther 1 should do what 1 have medi tated so deeply in my mind and heart. Ins: Not nn.vtime soon. Give your self a little more time to think the matter over for it seems to me that you will want to change these plans altogether. V. M. F.—I would like to know if the man that 1 have in mind loves me like ,1 do him? Ans: This man doe* not feel ‘that way’ about you. The man (hat you have been going with right along is in love with you and you are only INFATUATED with the party that you have in mind. Give the old friend a chance. E. M.-Am I right in thinking as I do about myself and tell me what to do? Ans: See you doctor and he will give you the information that you desire. Take his advice as he is qualified to guide you in the right manner. M. D. B.—Will 1 get the songs published thnt I have had copy rigted or please tell mo just how to go about this matter? ..Ans: Why don't you apply at some Association of Song Writers and 1‘ublishers in your city or in aome larger eastern city and they will advise you how to handle the situation that you are up against. M. I. C.—Do you think there is any good in the party that 1 have in niind? Ans: Of course there is good ia this man but he doesn’t love you and is honest enough to admit it. He left your house when he found out that you were caring a little too much for him. He did the sensible thing, as he did net care to return the love. P. C.—Will we make the trip to California and up in that district this summer as planned ? Ans: Yes ...• and in the NEW TRAILER that your father has thought of purchasing for the past several weeks. You will certainly •njoy this vacation. CSarinda, la. j . News ; Miss Louise Nash, Reporter Regular services were held at | the Second Baptist church with, [Re*', Nicholson as pastor. The at tendance at both service was very nice. I _ j ■' Mrs. Harvey McNeal of fhnnha Was a visitor in the Cora Jones home; Mr. Leonard Oldham, Mrs. Mabel Monroe and a group of ladies from Kansas City were visitors in the j James Marshall home. Mr. Anderson of Omaha spent the clny with his daughter Miss Rosa ss lie Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sims of Wa terloo were visitors in the Luther Crown home. Misses Jessie and Willie Sweets It fl this week for Los Angeles, where they will make their future home. Miss Jean and Carrolyn Arnett Left for Kansas City. Mr. nnd Mrs. Merill Griggs and family of Shenandoah ware v sitorg in the Otto Baker home. Mrs. Mitchell and daughter, Mrs. Prances Griggs of Maryville were visiting in Clarinda Sunday. The son of Mr. nd Mrs. George Ongon has been christened Melvin Lee. ■ t»«, M*- M-' 'red Walker of Lincoln, N"' - s < .•' v short visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm, Walker. (Viwd n: The young lady pictured with Mrs. Willis in last week’s paper wns Miss Jessie Sweets not Biss Betty Jean Arnette. THEY’RE OFF AK-&AR-DEM RACES Daily Except Sunday—2 p. m. May 27 — July 5 RAIN OR SHINE Admission 55c Inc. Tax See the New CAMERA EYf Ladies Day BEAUTS •fROITIAIlEE; The Larteuse Beauty foundation was established by the Gndefroy Manufaeturlnij Company to study method* of preserving worn n‘s natural beauty, C and to m ke the results of this research available to the pubhe. M.VNHTKKR AT HOMES TVIh'R you Wat t to took your very best, there'* nut . : I ut pill# III** finishing touche* mi ' i d leaned ii(« reeling better i > u •= ring ymir nulls manicured by t < 'fessioiml cosmetologist. I’m i ills can't a (Turd to tune Hint d- .,.* regularly, and In between tilin'* they must care fur their own nulls If It I.* done properly, tlie manicure yeti give yourself at home can make your nails Mliuosf as stlraciive us u professional treatment. Here ale a Tew tips that will help you do a good ,|ob: l. 1 ou will need n long slender nail file, not too rough ; an orange wood stick! cuticle scissors, or cuticle remover: some emery board*: a nail blenching ^im: cut ' ** cream; polish and polt.-h reJ tno i If ttoil * t<mi tiig an Irtvear Uieill yea can US** olive oil Instead •if ctilh'ie cream, and it*** pure le nmn Juice for ii bleach, hut you will need the scissors tile him' orange wood stick. N s wise to liny a fair ly expensive pair of null scissors, a* the cheaper on*'* are recipient ly tun dull and too i****. ly mode to cut properly. If first Hi* Ho* null* to the de sired shape. r what we learned In the tu»t eoliimn —long nails are for long fingers, and short er nail* for shorter Hauer* I loti't smik yiiui hand* Is water first, toil do yotir tiling while limy are dry and the Bui** are stllT hut set ape l lie tile hack ned forih. toil stroke Iri ari upward direction, toward I he j lip of Hit* nail l ill the the toward i the under side of the null a little hit tills help* *lui|ie the null* even , ly. and help* gel under the corners | When the mill* are shaped propel ly i give them a few s' ole* with an, emery hoard or tile downward BfifSSR* rm r» mmata AMERICAN WIENER SHOP 2509 N. 24th, Street.. HKST i HU.I A,\ i> hi.s i I.’l.u HUTS J.\ i ill*; west AU, h IN'D* Ml > W'liW HUES _ _ across the ed e of the nafl to re move the I*' ti s of null which Will ll# clinging lo Ml# edge. 8 Soak yotir hands In warm, soapy water lo loosen Ihe dirt. If you have a stiff hnndhrusli. scrub (lie nails with it. This keeps Hie skin under I lie nails healthy, and gives It an attractive tint. 4. Clean Mia mills wiili the nr nngewood slick. Never use ihe point of ihe tile, us this will make a line across your nails. And your or* angewood slick should have u dull point—If ll is too sharp, twist a hit of cotton around it. ft. Soak the cuticle (ihe skin around ihe hot tom of Mie nail) with your cuticle cron in. or with olive oil. Then, with th# cotton wrapped around your stick, gently push itie cuticle back of the mill so that the "moons” will show m tin has#. If lhere are liny loose hits of cuticle, or "hang nulls.” clip tiicia off with your solssw-s or remove by applying cuticle iv (Many women are learning i se of cuticle re mover Is e lo the u»# of scissors. 6. With a dean piece ol i on the stick, apply nail Idea or plain lemon Juice to the under side < of ilie nail to whiten it. 7 If you don i use a polish, yon j can heighten ihe luster of your nails , by going over them with a buffer, or : by rubbing the mills of one hand ilgnwisi the palm of the other. If you use a 11 >| ll i 11 polish, either color- I less or Mined, meiel.v apply ii and lei Ii di.v don't hint ovei ll In case you lint vnur ninls ll is no | longer considered si.vlish to tint thrill all Ihe Wav lo lbs end let I he color slop r i1 ■ line where ihe blench um id ll . null begins. pivtor loo & r,o«i ('o i Ice 40c per hundred delivered inywhero betwe?n Dod ;e and < Lake, fro^i 16th to 30 Sts. ! 1301 No. 24th St AT 6355 | COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA i NEWS NOTES.. j -H. M. FUNCHE9, EDITOR Miss Joanne Spinks attended the Ak-Srr-Ben races in Omaha Mon day, ay 31st, The Clererettes enjoyed a So cial night st the home of iMss Lulu Mae Hall. Each Cleverette had two persons as guests. At the Hollis Art Coronation, Miss Virginia Ncvins was the chos en queen and Mr. Nathan Turner, [he king. Many Omahans were in ittcndanca, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Turner and ■hildren, Miss Virginia Nevins and Mr. Horace Goodlow, sr., motored to Glenwood, la., on Sunday May ?0th, where they were the dinner ifuests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Botts. Miss Jf. M. Punches spent Sun Jay in Glendwood, la. __n____ Clubs Mth CENTURY The 30t>h Century Civic and Art dub had a call meeting Tuesday night, June 1st, at the home of its f resident, Mrs, Lillie Mills. .... —.-ir; . BUY SIMPSON GIFT CERTIFICATES NOW j Redeemable at face value on a j suit, overcoat, topcoat, tux-1 edo, full dress suit, until July 1. 1937. GOOD as gifts foh Christmas, birth i days, graduation, anniver saries, father’s day, Easter, * etc. t CALL j Charles H. Davis, the Simpson Man WE 5627 ! i tJMme. C. J. ' > I \ I WON ft R F U L HAIR GROWER ■ .*- . \' * — I X r i ^ i ' <* ^ r j ** _,___ ; * . '’5**'“ __ _- _ - _ ’ - - - Mme. G J. Walker came from the great working class of people. She knew their •oils and hardships; of the sweat and grime and drudgery of life; of how little time and attention they had to give to their hair and scalp. Therefore, when she discovered a wonderful formula, she made it double strength so that the first application would Kbc far reaching in its effectiveness., 1 "jMme. C.J. Walker’s ' 1 WONDERFUL HAIR GROWER grows and beautifies the hair. At the same time, its rich penetrating secret oils go deep into the roots of the hair supplying the necessary scalp food and giving tone, quality and beauty to the hair. -• - - Thirty years on the market, and yet, in spite of the depression, hundreds of thousands of boxes are going out to women everywhere. ^ •*> t . -*■ • Is your hair short, brittle, thin or jailing oui, • Does it lack life? ’• Do yon have itching scalp? ■ If so, write for JMme. C.J. I Milker’s WONDERFUL HAIR GROWER . t s • I THE MME. C. J. V/ALICP. MANUFACTURING CO., INC. * WALKER BUILDING INDIANAPOLIS, IND. t Raising theTamny-_nq^ cv ____^sHen \ uhcce w-rts v f u4wr owe or ) ^c'i wewEBS BteH 1 on«wcwn* m% ***** yeM 0p <;tol J -1 1 KtE^N' THfvr BP^wO r ‘ -f! whksTA ' r ” 1 cone ur! j • i J “T"7' /. ... Mrs. Rosa B. Griffin and chiidre* were Omaha visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Simms were Omaha visitors Monday. The baby son of Mr. and Mis. Ernest Benegas has been named Richard Leo, Mrs. Benegas will be remembered as Miss Janice Russell. — Mrs. Lillie Mills visited friends in Omaha Saturday. — Mr. and Mrs. Ghas. Cagre and 1 small son were visitors in Omaha Monday. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 1618 Avenue B Elder A. D. Carter, Ptastor Sunday school at 10:30 a m'. Mrs. G. Mina, Supt. Services at noon. YPWW at 6:30 p.m., Mr. Gamble Duncan president. General services at 8:00 p. m. Weekly services on Tuesday and Friday nights at 7:30 o’elock. PATRONIZE OITR ADVERTISERS EJWOY IT AT HE FOUNTAIN SERVE IT AT BOMB FAIRMONTS ICE CREAM C]%e Peak of Quality HERMAN’S MARKET HERMAN FRJEDLANDER Proprietor ‘HAT FI J5ISCHM ANN’S YEAST FOR HEALTH” 24th and La ke Street WEbster 5444 “A NEW ALL FINISHED SERVICE” 15 LBS. BOR $1.98 11c EACH ADDITIONAL POUND Entire Bundle Finished—All Men’s Shirts ITand-Finished at No Extra Cost. Bundle Most Contain 50% Flat Work. THE IDEAL FALL AND WINTER SERVICE EMERSON LAUNDRY AND ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2321 No. 24th St \yy jpog ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anythin* From Stamp* to Newspapers. We Cali For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 24m^nmree^^^^WEj51^-4518 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL .. DIRECTORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places. CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 3422 No. 22nd St WE 0846 STEPHENSON BEAUTY SHOP 3087 N. 24th St.At 5810 MILDRED TURNER’S BEAUTY SALON 2624 No. 27th (St. WE 2514 MARTHA MAYO Beauty Culturist Mai celling Finger-Waving WEbster 0274 2512 No- 24th St. Omaha ( CIIARLENA LEWIS BEAUTY SALON JS55 Maple St. JA 6116 RABE’S BUFFET 2425 N. 24th St Ja. 9195 American Wiener Shop 2509 N. 24th Street king~yueiTcafe 2010 N. 24th St Ja. 8676 Alberta’s Sandwich Shop 4827 S. 26th St Ma. 0957 Raybon’a Midget Tale, 1922 N. 24th CHARLIFW PLACE 160* N. 24th St We. 4019 YOUNG’S GROCERY 1618 No. 24th St. WE 6211 Cigar Store* ELITE CIGAH STORE 2312 N. 24th St Ha. 4226 HOUSTON’S GROCERY 2114 No. 24th St JA 3548 Our Sau-'age a W * W Free Delivery Service and Transfer Stations NORTH-SIDE TRANSFER 2414 Ghent St. We. MM CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS 26*1 Canting St At 66*4 Drag Stores JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St We. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake We. 0609 Cleaners and Tailors TOBY'S IDEAL CLEANERS 2237 N. 20th St At. 6156 Phont WE 4676 I. GRAHAM TAILOR SHOP Cleaning — Pressing — Repairing 1006 No. 24tHOmaha Neb. Electrical Appliances DONAKOO & HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Farnam St.Ha. 0600 HINEMAN’S GARAGE 2417 Norh 24th Street General Repair Work Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Ave. Ke. 0813 Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We. 6444 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2824 N. 24th St We. 1029 EDHOLM A SHERMAN 2401 M. 24th St_We. 905ft HR EM AN’S TAILOR" SHOP ~ 1408 North 24th St Altrnationa our speciality Ladies and Men’s suits relmod Menumeet Makers HEFT A NOYES 40th and Forest lawn Ke. 1788 *_vs.t Predace Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE )MI N. 24* •*. We. 4T87