Attend Church. . ST. JOHN AME CHURCH "The Friendly Chureh" R|'*'. R. A. Adam*, I'aator The beautiful May Sunday caus ed the Sunday to start the day at St. John with a fine attendance. Rev. Adams preached a very strong and impressive sermon from Isaiah 60 chapter and the last ao important as it usually is spok Ject was ‘Lift up n standard for the people.* Some of the many thought that should he remembered w«re: Mdithers and fathers do not hold up the standard in the home a.< they should. The church denomination ia not aoimnortant as it usually is »pok eu of, but the ma:n th:ng is to have Christianity in the heart, and let Christ be all and in all. The world should he able to see Jl-sus through the Christian people all men should love one another regardless to raeo. We were glad to have Mrs. Wil lie Jackson join the chureh during morning service. The cho:r’s mystery service was very f ne during the evening church hour. The sick members of the church are reported as about the same. Wi> pray for their comfort. The visitors raids turned in last Sunday were Mias O. Vaise Jones and Mnrguerite Lead of Berkley, Calif, and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Price of Omnho. We are always glad to see our visitors and invito them to make, St. John their church home ■while in the city. Watch for great things to bo ac complished by Men's club on Fa ther’s Day, the third Sunday in June. See to it that you are the son or daughters of some man in St. «A hn church for this day. You "ill find your church, social and fraternal news in the Omaha Guide. G ot it and keep informed. -o FIRST SPIRITUAL TE’WPLE NO. G JMth and Blonde Streets Daughter M, Quinn, Leader Rev. C. Jackson, Ass't Pastor Fjrst Spiritual has been well blessed with high spiritual power any joy. Our honorable Mother Pishop Sutton and her co-workers of Kansas City, also the visiting Mothers from Leavenworth, Kna., have brought many blessings to our Temple and Omaha. Owing to the largo attendance, wo are having services at 1708 No. 26th St., known as Rev. Wagoners church. We are expecting a famous quartet from St. Louis, Mo., con ducted by Prof. Smith. Hearing these world wide gospel singers will mean a feast to all music lov ers. -o BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 29th and T Streets Rev- P. J. Sears, Pastor Joshua Henderson. Reporter Mr. Franklin, the president of Pleasant Gre^.i BYPU and Mr. W. M. Cooper with a few of his workers -were the visitors to our young people’s union. The City BYPU will hold its meeting in our church next Sunday at 5:30 p. m. “I wish to thank my many fri ends for helping me to win this crown. It doesn’t belong to me only, but to the ones who helped me to win ” Those are the words spoken by Miss Priscilla Gilden who was crowned as the Junior Queen in the Musical Festival. The Pastor preached on the weakness of Esau’ in the morning servioe. This sermon was very in teresting to us because so many had tried to discus* this suject in the church school. Mrs. Mildred Roberts says the young people are anxious to or ganize a Guidite club in the church. The Loyal Heart club is spon soring a big slab town convention on June 4th. Mrs. Naomi Hender son, the president, is offering a prize for anyone who doesn’t laugh Miss Addie Foxall is the directress. We are looking for you next Sun day. -o CLEAVES’ TEMPLE C. M. E. Rev. D. W. Bass, Pastor Mrs. Henryetta Makins, Reporter Cleave’s Temple was all a flutter Sunday, he day started off with a grand Amen. After Sunday school and Junior church and a very spir itual sermon at the 11 o’clock ser vice, Mr J. D. Young and Mr. Wil liams were taken to the Freestone Baptist church for baptism. There was much rejoicing. Mr. 3. N. Daeus Was the guest speaker at the junior service. The Loyal Matrons wish to thank ( nrrvvvwrrinnrirwvinnnfYrinni their many friend* and well wish era for a most successful pew rally and program. Their total for the service was $46.00. The club mem ber* can only say "Thai* you ’’ Epworth League was interesting , Rev. Adams preached the night sermon after which Mr. Young and Mr. Williams were given the right hand of fellowship. Next Sunelay Epworth League will be in the form of a mass meet ing and musical. Public is invitul. At the 11 o’clock service Cleaves Temple will be host to the Ameri can Ix»gion at a memorial service. Rev. Bass will preach the, ser mon. To the sick we pray you have faith even as the followers in Matt. 13-84. ^ - — CALVARY BAPTIST (Council Bluffs, Iowa) lin’. J. A. Harris, Pastor Kthel Corbins, Reporter The Calvary Baptist church Sun day school at 10 a. m.j services at 11 a. m. Rev. C. Adams of the Pil grim Baptist church of Omaha of ficiated. He spoke from Matt. 26th Chapter on the ten virgins .He brought out many instructive points which was enjoyed by all. Rev. B. C. Corbin of the Taber nacle Baptist church worshipped with, us Thjo Union Mission at 3 p. m., with good attendance, by Rev, Cla ton of the Beulah Baptist churoh. Subject ‘1 Must Work While It’s Day." He gave us a soul stirring message. Money raised was $4 05. The Circles are very active in creating many church entertain ments. Calvary is improving very much with ouj- present pastor. The Mission Circle has purchased a piano. Come Let us preach, pray and sing together. BYPU met at 0 p. in. -o CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 1618 Avenue B Klder A. I). Carter, Ihastor Sunday school at 10:30 am. Mrs. G. Minn, Supt. Services nt noon. YI’WW at C :30 p,m., Mr. Gamble Duncan president. General services at 8:00 p. m. Weekly services on Tuesday ami Friday nights at 7:30 o’clock. -o Fremont Church to Present Drama Here On Wednesday, June 2, 1937 at 8 p. m. St. James AME church of Fremont, Nebr., will present a re ligious drama entitled “Barabbas” at Bethel AME church, 2428 Frank lin street. The following program will be rendered: Holy, Holy, Holy . Choir Reading .... Marvel Smith Whispering Hope (solo) Mrs Dixon Selection.Gospel Chorus Vocal Solo . Lucille Patterson Barabbas Characters Barabbas . Mr. U. S. Watts Anna, his sister Marjorie Watts Gauis ... Donald Herndon Roman Soldier William Patterson Cleona . Marvel Smith Deborah . .. Mrs. John Dixon Mary .. Lucille Patterson Time: The afternoon of the day before Jesus crucifixion. Scene: A room in the home of Barabbas. Selection . Choir Scene II Time: The first morning after the crucifixion Scene: The same. Solo.Donald Herndon Remarks...Rev. Phillips Don’t miss this stirring religious drama, plan now to be present. -- o . ■ The Home Missionary and Young People’s M. VV. society of the S. D. A. church are sponsoring a missionary program at 8 p. m. Sunday evening, May 30 at the church, 2860 Lake street. The pu blic is cordially invited to attend, especially those who have been re ceiving free literature, which has been distributed for the past ten weeks by the literature bands. Come early and learn what we have been doing for missions right here in Omaha. -o The Missionary Board of the Church of the Living God will spon sor a tea Sunday at the home of the president, Mrs. Marie Wright, 2520 No. 25th street. Committee on arrengement; Miss Ha?el Moore Miss Betty Moore, Mrs. Pearl Far mer and Mrs. Louise Wright. The general public is cordially invited to attend. METROPOLITAN CHURCH Sunday school opened at 9:30 with Bvo. Porter in charge. There were some new facee in school Sun day morning. Bro. Porter’s desire for as many to come as will to help make the Sundays school a success. At 11 o’clock. Rev. CsMwell snoke briefly from T,nke. Sublect. "Iyeave the alone, they will need me again.” The membership at large will miss the pastor who is in Gary, Ind., conducting a revival. We are praying that some soul will be sav ed We have begun to make plans for our anniversary which will be j held at the church from June 17th to the 24th. As we are expecting a large number of out-of-town vi sitors to be present, so we ask you, too, to get ready to help us to put tho program over at 8 o’clock. Rev. Caldwell spoke from Ex odus 14:17; subject “Shake Rattle and Roll, You Can’t Pass.’ Rev. Caldwell is always faithful in helping us when ever the, pastor is absent. We appreciate Rev, Cald well. Friday night of thiB week the choir and members will go to the Pleasant Green Baptist church with Rev. Rev. Caldwell. Miss Mable Redd will be in charge of the choir. There will also be a three night fast given in the near future at the home of Mrs.Sadie Mitchell, 1511 V4 No. 24th street. MT. MORIAH BAPTIST OHUROH 21th and Ohio Streets Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor Forystecn Burroughs, Reporter The day was ideal God's beauti ful sunshine shed its rays upon the city and called many to worshin. In response a record attendance was the pleasure of the Sunday school department. Bright little faces eager for the truth listened attentively while they learned about the man who gnve away his birth-right. Dr. Wesley Jones gave s« rr * ir i resting ami timely re marks deriving from the lessen. The attendance at the morning worship was also above usual. Many visitors ware present. The sermon was spiritually inspiring and carried a deep moral. The re vival spirit still is present in the services. The Mission Society reports that the Women’s Day program and pew rally was a success The first Sunday in J> Sunday school opened at the usual hour. The superintendent was absent on account of being ill. At 11:30 a. m. the pastor Elder Clark preached a powerful sermon. One was added to the fold for bap tism, every ones heart was made to rejoice. At the evening service Elder C A. Hrayboy preached a wonderful sermon and one more was added to the fold, wo do thank God for our wonderful soul saving services. To us it is a monument for God. On the first Sunday in June the mission board will hold a rally at 3 [). m. and we shall be pleased to have all our friends worship with us. Ou,r district convention will be held here on the 15th of July. Pre pare to be with us. ■v.w.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.w PARKS1 ICE and FUEL 00. We feature package fuel, kind ling, coal of all kinds, kerosene. W. C. PARKS, Prop. 2406 Blondo Street AMERICAN WIENER SHOP 2509 N. 24th, Street. BEST CHIU AND BEST RED IIOTS IN THE WEST 1 AL^^cwT^^i/j^ri^^rrTTEs CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes Kin?? Yuen Cafe , 2010' i N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. Slyter Tee & Coal Co Ice 40c per hundred delivered anywhere between Dodge and Lake, from 16th to 30 Sts. 1301 No. 24th St AT 6355 _ NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2202-4-6 North 24th Street Phone WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers Our prices are reasonsable, see us first. CHURCH QF THE LIVING GOD Sunday school opened at the us ual hour with the superintendent Hr. Joe Elder, presiding. At 11 o’clock Bro. S. S. Spaght, preached a wonderful sermon from the subject “ Blessedness of Believ ng God’ and again at the even ing service when he preached from be subject of “The Value of Time.’’ The pastor and members of the Church of God invites its many fri ;nds to worship with them. -o Vature Baby Beef young and as tender as baby's skin. The choicest product of butcher's art. Sold only it CAREY’S GROCERY. MT. NEBO BAPTIST CHUROH Rev. J. G. Gates, Pastor Dolly Dixon, Reporter The Mt. Nebo Sunday school was opened on time with Mrs. U- Bill ingsley presiding. The school at large got quite a bit out of the lesson. The morning service was enjoyed by all, with our pastor filling the stand, the text was found Act 16:30 Subject “What Must I Do to be Saved ?’’ We had a large number of visitors, who are always welcome. The evening service was carried on with a splendid message en joyed by all. The fifth Sunday will be Mission Sunday and we extend the Invitation for all to come and worship with us. Valuably Coupon This coupon, with 20c is good for two regular pack ages of Raisin-BRAN - the wonder cereal with fresh California raisins. It’s Good.and Good for You Only two packages to a cus. tomer. Bring this coupon to ITUCHMAN BROS. Store, 24?h and Lake today and GET YOUR 2 PACKAGES Sign here ..... WANTED TO BUY 100,000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20,000 Batteries 50,000 Auto Radiators Are we Buying You Bet. If it’s Auto Parts You Want It Will Pay You to See Us First. We Are Here to Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming St._AT 5656 Home of Kangaoo Court CsiBsispaCcti 3© Years , “For thirty years I had stubborn constipation. Sometimes I did not go for four or five days. I also had awful ?as bloating, headaches and paint in he back. Adlerika helped right away. Now I eat sausage, bananas, pie, any. thing I want and never felt better. I sleep soundly all night and enjoy life.” —Mrs. M^bel Schott. If you are suffering from constipation, steepleseneea, tour stomach, and gas bloating, there is quick relief for you lif Adlerika. Many report action In thirty minutes after taking Just one dose. Adlerika gives complete action, cleaning your bowel'tract where ordl> nary laxatives do not even reach. Dr. H. t. Shoub, Now York, reports, "In addition lo intrttinoi c Iran ting, ddlortko chock* tho growth oj intotllncd bacteria and colon bocilli." « Give your bowels a real cleanaing with Adlerika and see how good you feel. Just one spoonful relievo* GAS and stubborn ce «4.lpai:on. At All Loading Druggists I RIAL OFFER: For special trial size send 10c, coin or stamps, to Adlerika Dept 76, SL Paul, Minn. TIRED, NERVOUS, EXHAUSTED! ... Look to your stomach Start taking Hostetler's Stomachic Bitters tight now and you will quickly note how its medicinal herbs and roots help to revitalise your digestive glands and give new vigor, energy and appetite. Famous for 84 years. At all drug stores. 18 os. bottle. $1.50. TOBY'S I Service Station 24th and Grant Sts ; Presiding Elder W. I. Burch of the A. M. E. Zion of Perry, Is,, will be in the city Saturday .He will hold hia quarterly conference af A. M. E. Zion. He will be leaving for the annual conference which convenes in St. Louis, June 1st. Mrs. J. D. Lewis, will be the prin cipal speaker at the 3 o’clock pro gram. Ttyfe presiding 'Eldqr will preach Sunday at 11 o’clock Ber nices. The pastor, Mrs. Howell will preach Sunday night, following which all will leave Monday for 3t. Louis, Mo. -_-a WWWVWVVVWWWWVft PLANT A GARDEN The soil is in fine shape for planting. We carry a fins line of gar den and grass seeds. Bare 60 per cent by using oar bulk seed. HOME LANDSCAPE SERVICE 934 N. 24th JA. 5115 ft CWU"* ; * 55 L 30 x 31/* t P a a/sP r y v \ 0 f | sHE WAR against “gyp” low-priced tires is on with a bang. -*• Goodrich has made a sensational en’ry into the low priced field with the Goodrich COMMANDER, a high quality, long-mileage full dimension tire that has motorists . all over town talking and buying. Commanders are made by the same engineers who build Goodrich Safety Silvertowns. Our shipment of Commanders has arrived fresh from the factory and at these rock- I bottom prices we’re expecting a landslide business. If you’re i looking for a low-priced tire that you can depend on let us I equip your car with Goodrich COMMANDERS before 1 prices go higher. > $055* $g65* $005* 30 x 3Vi 4.40 x 21 4.50 x 20 $035* $07O*~ S'JgO* 4.50 x 21 4.75 X 19 5.00 119 OTHER SIZES IN PROPORTION •Prices subject to change without nolle*. " ■ ' ■ u.MMMMM^> . ——— n™ Goodrich SAFETY is. Silvertown W.. ' -r- ; ^ > ■■■ t ' v t-i ■ v. '''“fiTTn ETnro rs^Wrni. sny^^n "YiwJt^aS1 * mi >i iii i3fc i* liini im^rJkm till A. M S, I All B HB DOUGLAS AT 20TH -and Sundaj” ' 7 2406 L STREET Phone JA 4024 Open Evenings / Phone MA 0460