A SikieriptioB Certificate im._am** _ Cenplete Retails 0> Paje t I Bead The Onafea Outdo Became ______—___.__ Oolore* '**&ens Should Subscribe for The Omaha Guide Became _____—_ _ Miss Bernice Grice Wins Elks’ Oratorical Contest Miss Bernice Grice, the versatile daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Grice of 1516 No. 28th street, won first place in the elimination round of the oratorical contest sponsored by Iroquois Lodge No. 92 I. B. P. O. E. W., at the Zion Baptist church Friday night. MISS BERNICE GRICE Miss Grice, a graduating senior at Technical high school and a very accomplished musician •will tak'e part in the regional contest to be held in Omaha July 4th. Winner of this contest will receive a four year scholarship to any chosen uni versity. In her case it will be Ho ward university of Washington, D. C., if she wins. The scholarship winner will also be sent to Cleveland for the Grand Lodge convention in August. Re gional winners will compete there for an additional cash prize. Her subject was “The Negro and the Constitution.” Other contestants included Ro wena Jones, Central high school; Grover Marshall, and Juanita Ma cey, both of Central and Woodrow P. Morgan and Alfonza Davis, who placed second and third respective ly both of Technical high school. Judges were Atty. W. B. Bryant, Charles Davis and S. Edward Gil bert. .yj - — • Progress Made By Local Co. The Omaha Guide is glad to bring to the attention of its readers the fact that many Negroes are begin ning to realize that there is an op portunity in the field of versified business for them. In the Omaha Outfitting Co., located at 2415 Lake street, operated by co-part nars, Mr. W. Morris and Mr. W. H. Davis, we have a business that of fers to the public a variety of use ful household appliances as well as clothing. Among the many house hold appliances that may be se cured at this establishment are: radios, refrigerators, gas stoves, heating plants, and many other such useful articles. Aside from the above line of goods there also may be secured through dealing with the Omaha Outfiting company a complete attire of tailored clothes. Visit the Omaha Outfiting com pany at your leisure time. -o-— ^ Mrs. Edith Hope left to visit her grandmother in R- F. D. 2 in Lexington, Miss. She left Sunday night at 11:45 p. m. and will be gone until the first ofJu ne. Another Adventist Wedding May 24th Wedding bell rang Monday night May 24th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gaines Partridge, 2816 Miami street. The bride, the former Mrs Bernice Nelson, the groom, Mr. George M. Wilson. Elder C. H. Lightener Joined them in wedlock. A lovely evening was spent after the marriage with a host of fri ends, after which refreshments were served. They are at home to their friends at 2218 No. 29th St., fcr an indefinite time Omaha Uni. Prizes To be Awarded On June 3rd at 8 P M. Seventy-eight graduates of the University of Omaha will receive their diplomas at commencement exercises in Central hitrh school auditorium at 8 p. m., June 3rd. Seventy-two will receive Bachelor degrees, while six will receive Mas ter’s degrees. At the same time, the various prizes offered during year will be awarded to the winners. Principal speakers at the com mencement exercises will be Dr. Robert J. Kemer, professor of his tory at the University of Califor nia. Dr. Keener, who served aB technical advisor to the American delegation to the Peace Conference at Versailles and who is often em ployed in a technical capacity by the State Department in Washing ton, is recognized as an authority on International Relations and on the Near and Far East, in particu lar. Invocation will be given by Rev. Clayton S. Valder, of the Miller Park Presbyterian church and the benediction will be given by Rev. Walter H. Traub, Wountze Mem orial Lutherar Church. A musical program will also be presented by the University orchestra and glee club. -o Miss Margaret Lovell, of Berk ley, Calif., who has just completed a course in Librarianship at the University of California, is visit ing Mrs. A. R. Goodlett, 2815 Bin ney street. She will teach library work at Hampton Va. Miss Ger vaise Jones also of Berkley, Calif., is house guest of Mrs. C. Solon Bell, 2618 Binney street. She is teacher of music at Okamulgee, Okla. -o ANNOUNCEMENT There will be a general mass meeting at Cleaves’ Temple, Sun day evening at 8 o’clock, May 30th. For protest of misconduct and nus iance on 24th street. DELINQUENT SUBgCRli The postoffice department of papers to delinquent subscri up to date, please mail or bring i or call WEB1517 for represent greatly appreciated' The Mills Brothers, who appear wiih the Count Berni Viei stage show at ,t,he Orplieum Theater starting Friday, will sing an all-requ est program over WOW for an hour from 11 p. m. to midnight!Friday for the benefit of The Omaha, Bee- News Free Milk and lee Fund Returns to Omaha To add to the list of visitors, formerly of Omaha, whose mar riage has given her an address other than Omaha, is the name of Mrs. Tessie Patterson of Pasadena, California, who arrived Wednesday to visit her sister and brother-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lindly, 2526 Wirt street. Mrs. Robinson has toured some of the eastern cities and reports a very lovely trip while in our city. She will be a gay one here for a short time. -o BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Tyra Richardson, 2509 Bur dette strteet, chVbbrated her 4th birthday, Sunday, May 23rd. Seven guests were present. She received many beautiful* gifts. Everyone had an enjoyable time\ -o Alphonso Hayden, 2509 Burdette street and Freddie Cromley, 2715 Charles street, wil leave for Cadet camp on June 1st. -o Eva Dixon of 2875 Wirt street, returned from St. Joseph, Mo., where she was at the bedside of her daughter, Ruth Dixon, who is ill and under the care of Di\ J. D. Crossland. HoweverMrs. Dixon reported that at the time of her departure, Miss Dixon was much improved. -o Mrs. L. V. Gray, 2209 Miami, en tertained eleven guests last Thurs day, at a “Vanishing Luncheon.” JERg—PLEASE NOTICE does not permit the delivery, jers. If your payments are not imount due to The Guide office sutive: Your cooperation will be T5he Management CHARITY CLUB The Charity club met at the Ur ban League Community Ceinter, Tuesday, May 18th, where plans were made for a bridge tourna ment, to be held there Saturday, June 12th. The first prize being cash of $5.00. -o HERE FOR RACES Mr. Lincoln Hardy, well known sportsman of New York and Chic ago, is here for the Ak-Sar-Ben Races. We hope Mr. Hardy a plea san visit. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. M. C. (Toby) James celebrated their 31st anni versary last Saturday, May 22nd. Mr. James married Miss Leigh Reeves, May 22, 1906, at the farm of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Plea sant Reeves. Immediately leaving there, set ting up their home in Lincoln, where during the following years, Mr. James gained considerable pre stige as superintendent at some of Lincoln’s larger cleaning and dying establishments. Coming to Omaha i 1924, Mr. Jlimes took a very de finite place in the community af fairs. The children of Mr. and Mrs. James arc all well known to this community. Mauranee M. James, Mrs. Lovejoy Crawford, Mrs. Chas. W. Johnson, jr., of Berkley, Calif.: Clinton V. James and Betty J'ean who is an honor student at Cen tral high school. -o CORRECTION Rev. E. Arlington Wilson, of Dallas, Texas, will be in Omaha and will speak at the Zion Bap tist church the first Sunday in JUne : There was an error in the an nouncement of his being in our city last week. Mills Swing For Charity The Mills Bros, are going to “swing” for charity in Omaha. Most famous of all popular quar tets will go on tha air at 11 p. m. Friday over station WOW and for one hour, they are going to give Omaha such rhythms, such swing, such melodies and harmonies as the town has never heard. You can make your request any time now, or you can make it when •in concert starts at midnight Fri day night. Just dial JA 6844 and tell them you want to hear the Mills Bros, sing a certain number Friday night. Tell them: “Have the Mills Bros, sing me ‘Never in a Million Years’ and ‘There’s a Lull in My Heart’ for a dollar,” Give your name. Any song at all. Just call up raido station WOW and tell them to have the boys sing your favor its. Of course, you don’t have to, but it would be nice to offer a little something for The Bee-Nws Milk and Ice fund, seeing that the Mills boys are giving their time and tal ents so freely for this show. -o TO ALL ATHLETES Any athlete that participates ir any sport at any time, or if you ttend some interesting sport event, the sport department of the Omaha Guide would appreciate you mailing or bringing in the news of such ev ents. Send to Billy Davis, Sports Editor, Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant street, Omaha, Nebr. —-o Mrs. C. Adams of 1313 No. 26th street who has been confined to bed for the past three months is able to be up and around again. We hope she will continue on the road to perfect health. V — Georgia Mob Desecrates Body of Posse’s Victim Mother Bishop Sutton On Tour of Omaha Mother Bishop P. Sutton of Kan sas City, Kas., founder and organi zer of the First Spiritual Temple and School of Instruction, is in Omaha to inspect and conduct a soul stirring revival for the First Spiritual Temple, No. 6, of which Daughter Marion Quinn is pastor. Several outstanding officers of the church are here to assist the Bishop in her inspection and in the conducting of the meeting which already has grown so large in at tendance that it has become neces sary to move the servicei from the Temple at 24th nrui B1 mdo streets to Rev. Wagoner's church 1708 No. ; 20th street, between Decatur and j Franklin. The association for the First I Spiritual church will convene Oet | ober 17th at the mother church 1437V4 Quindnro Blvd., Kansas City, Kas, with Moter Bishop P. Sutton j presiding. _ Former Omahan Elected President of Oklahoma G. R Misa Mildred Eilene Dotson, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Jaa H. Dotson, formerly of this city, now of Muskogee, Okla., elected state president of the Girl Reserves of the YWCA in Oklahoma at the an nual meeting held this month at Langston college (state school). Miss Dotson is president of the Manual high school Girl Reserve club and was vice president of the state for two years. She was pre sented with a G. R. ring. The pre sentation was made by Miss Ruth Seay formerly of Omaha, now a Latin and Spanish teacher at Man ual high, and sponsor of the high school club. Miss Dotson is quite a favorite among the younger set and active in school and church. She is treasurer of her class and vice president of the high school chorus. She has been a member of the YWCA for eight years. She will be graduated in the class of ‘38 and take a course in social service work. She was graduated from Webster school >.nd attended Central school here. VISITING IN OMAHA Mr. .himmy Murphy of Chicago, is visiting at the residence of Rus sell Bryant, 2817 Binney street. Mr. Murphy is very popular among the younger set of Chicago. He is here indefinitely. --- Miss Elizabeth Robinson, return ed from Des Moines, la., to the city, May 15 to make this her home. I Her many friends and relatives are glad to have her back. She is stopping at 1418 No. 26th street. She was entertained at Jim Bell’s Harlem and the H. and M. i by Miss Athalone Burton, Mr. Carl I Wick and Miss Mildred Burton. Baindridgc, Ga., May 24—In on» of the most dastardly acts of all times, a mob estimated at more than one hundred men, entered a Negro Mortuary here Monday night when all decent people should have been in bed and stole the ldfeless body of a Negro identified by Sheriff W. J. Catledge, as Willie Iteed, who had been shot to death by the Sheriff’s posse on the pre tense of an attempted escape by the Negro while deputies were tak ing him to Albany jail. a cannibally manner the life less body of the legally murdered man was tied to the rear of an automobile and dragged around the public square behind a proces sion of cars. . The procession of death moved Into a Negro baseball park at the edge of town in a true spirit of barbarism. A pryc was made of boards torn in a frenze from the park fence, and the lifeless body of a man accused of having slain two white women was burned. He had been arrested earlier in the day at Dothan, Ala., where the sheriff said he confessed the slay ing of the two women. The Trojan Club Holds Election of Officers The Trojans are still doing things. They are divided into groups and each group is doing its best to secure money for the club. The Shirley Temple rehearsals are coming along quite well- The date of this revue will be May 27th at the ‘Center.’ The election was held for the officers of the fall session. The new president, Mrs. Edna Carr; vice president, Mrs. Bernice Gerren; secretary, Mrs. Vernetta Mills; cor responding secretary, Mrs. Dorothy Pollard; Treasurer, Mrs. Margurite Curry; reporter, Mrs- Vivian Wa dell. We were honored by having with us Miss Bettie Mae Albert of Kan sas City, Kas. She is the* office se cretary of the Y. W. C. A. of that city. ■-o Synco Hi-Hatters Make Change We, the following musicians, Ted Summytt, Halsey Dorsey, Wal ter Harrold, Archie Brown, and Rod Thompson, wish the public to know that to keep our band from disbanding, we have definitely ser ved all relations with Dewitt Ray, who was in charge of the band prior to May 1, 1937. We have unanimously appointed Neal Parker as our leader, with expressed approval of the manage ment of the Clover Leaf Club, 15th and Douglas, where the band will play nightly. We announce at this time that the band is still open for outside engagements and will be known as “Neal Parker’s Orchestra,’ and will not be responsible for any previous engagements Dewitt Ray may have contacted. (Signed) Ted Summytt ■ Watch for Commencement lumber of The Guide t-t-t f t | n ri.i ii it r