V The O maha Guidites } “The Door of Expression” — — Edited by ‘UNCLE GIL* Miss Priscilla Gilden Named May Day Queen Bethel Baptist Church Queen Reports $120.64 The queen contest whieeh was the feature part of the May Day Fes tival was indeed a success, Miss Priscilla Gilden, the attractive daughter of Mrs. Carrie Gilden, S023 Mi R street and representing Bethel Baptist church was declar ed the winner and subsequently was crowned the May Day Queen of Omaha for the Year 1937. A total of $322.48 was reported by the following queens: Miss Priscilla Gilden, representing Bethel Baptist church, $120.64; Miss Marion Gray, Hillside Presbyterian, $81.04; Miss Evelyn Luckey, St. John AME $5600; Miss Winifred Williams, Zion Baptist church, $16 30; Miss Betty Porter, Metropolitan Spirit ual church, $10.75; Miss Jbsie Woods, Bethel AME, $9.60; Miss Jacqueline Johnson, St. John Bap tist, $6.10; Miss Marie Woods, Plea sant Green Baptist, $5.00; Miss Iola Williams, 2nd Baptist church, Clar inda, Iowa, $18.00. Miss Willis and her church are to be commended on their spirit of cooperation. It is tho hope of Uncle Gil that next year will find many other out of town churches sending their queens to this colossal affair. May Day Festival Program May 16th Negro WPA Stand and Ohoir Pro cessional. Prayer ...Rev. Oliver Butler Song “Onward Christian Soldiers” Led by William Davis Introductory Remarks . ..Tamer O'Neal, Mistress of Ceremonies America, the Beautiful . Chorus of 300 Voices and Audience Conducted by Miss Ethel Jones Festival Trumpeter Bernard Grice Festival Herald . Jesse Carter Voices of the Woods .... Children's Chorus Out of the North Comes a Storm Los Cantores Boys Chorus Rhythm Boy’* Chorus M*y Miming: I/>» Cantores Girl's Girl's Chorus Jtr. Culture Girl'* Chorus Trumpter .... Herald announces the arrival of May Quens Coronation March .... Entrance of ijneens ^ r ■ May Queen Song Herald announces Festival choirs to pay their tribute to queens Clair Chapel Junier Choir Cleaves Temple Junior Choir St. John Baptist Choirs No. 1 and 2 Mount Moriah ..James Murry, solist Hillside Presbyterian Frank Williams, pianist Bethel Baptist Junior Choir Christ Temple ..Gateway Quartette Third Seventh Day Adventist Celestine Lightener, pianist Booker Washington, pianist Metropolitan Spiritual .. Jr. Choir Zion Baptist Junior Choir Pilgrim Baptist .. William Davis, solist Archie May Young, pianist St. John AME Junior Choir Offering .. Dr. Wesley Jlones Introduction of Speakers . .. Mr. S. E. Gilbert Miss Martha Fulton, Supervisor of Adult Education Monre Coleman, 1937 South High School Graduate Bethel AME Junior Choir Crown of the 1937 May Queen Rev. Jf. S. Williams Queen Song Chorus of 300 Voices Closing Remarks..Rev- R. A. Adams Negro Nathional Anthem . ... Audience Benediction... . Rev. D. E. Stephenson PO YOU WANT ) 6top Worrying I Do You Need • New Start! Write Me, Today. Information Froo. M. WILLIAMS, Dept o Journal Square Station Jersey City, N. J. I ; THE PIANIST REPERTOIRE Pianists fine, both young and old should have a repertoire, I’m told. (That means the pieces one, can play from memory in a finished way.) With teacher's help I ehose with care, a list of numbers to prepare. ‘•E child,” said she ‘‘should learn to play some pieces from the class ic day.” So I selected Bach’s Musette and Motzart’s little Minuet; from the Romantic school I took. The soldier’s March in Schum ann's book. Beethoven’s Minuet in G, Grieg’s Birdling in the minor key. The Avalnnche from Heller’s pen. And Reinbold’s march of Fin gall’s men These with a modem group of four, Comprise my little repertoire. With careful practice every day, I'll always be prepared to play. —Selected -o MEMBERSHIP 300 New Members May Rose Nicholson 2709 Blondo David Nicholson, jr. 2709 Blondo Florence Murrell 3014 Miami Dorothy Woods 2323 No. 27th Ave. Donald Peak 2809 Ohio St. c‘»muel Morse 2506 Blondo St. P; niel Lee Ware 2715 Ohio , ( JLmes Lazine 2412 Indiana Ave. Bernard Maroney ' t, „ 24L8 Indiana Ave. Joe Peak t ***.’"' 2809 Ohio In ice Sanders 2880 Binney St. Josephine Anderson 3326 Emmett St. George; R. Barris 2308 No. 26th St. Johnny Lee Brown 2920 Franklin St. Robert Fry 2854 lake St. Louise Robinson 2807 Miami — -■ ft. - » Arithmetic 1. How many inches in a yard? 2. How many quarts in a gallon? 3. How milch water does a pint bottle hold ? 4. How many apples are there in a gross? North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL Celebrates the 15th Anniversary With a Big Shoe Repairing Sale Women’s To pi if ts _ $.15 Women’s half soles ..65c and np Men’s half soles 75c and up Men’s robber heels 35c and up Childrens Half soles 50c and up 1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240 Kidneys Must * Clean Out Acids The only way your body can clean out Adda and poisonous waatea from your blood la thru 9 million tiny, delicate Kid ney tubea or Alters, but beware of cheap, drastic. Irritating druge. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorder* make you Buffer from Getting Up Nlghte. Nervoue nnas, Leg Paine, Backache, Circles Under Kyes, Dizziness, Rheumatic Paine, Acid ity, Burning, Smarting or Itching, don't take chances. Get the Doctor's guaran teed prescription called Cystex (Siss Tex), Works faet, safe and sure. In 48 hours It must bring new vitality, and Is guaranteed to Ox you up In one week or money back on return of empty package. Cystex coats only 9c a day at druggists and the gnarantee protects you. CHOIRS AND OFFICERS Cl.AIR CHAPEL M. E Sponsor: Mrs. M. Dudley Organist: Miss Bertha Young Director: Mr. William On well Pastor: ev.. W. C„ Conwell PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST Sponsor: Mr*. F3"ie Wkrrick Director: Mr. Elmer Faulkner Organist: Miss Chalesetta Upahei Pastor; Rev. J. H.. Reynolds METROPOLITAN SPIRITUAL Sponsor: Mr. CL W . Porter Pastor: Rev.. R. W. Johnson PILGRIM BAPTIST Organist: Miss Roma Hatter Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. A. B Young Pastor: Rev. F. L. Stevenson CHRIST TEMPLE Sponsor: Mrs. Bertha Mallory Pastor: Rev. J. W Goodwin 3rd SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Sponsor: Mrs. J. F.. Allison Pastor; Prof.. Humphreys ZION BAPTIST Sponsor: Mrs. Lulu Bryant Director: Mrs. Helen McWhorter Pastor: Rev. M K . Curry ST. JOHN AME Sponsors: Mrs. Christine Alt house and Miss Tamer O’Neal MISSION FIELD Rev. P. M Harris, supervisor SECOND BAPTIST CLARINDA, IOWA Pastor; Rev. D. Nicholson ST. JOHN BAPTIST Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Willi* Organist: Mrs: Thelma Hall Pa»tor: Rev. E- D.. Johnson BETHEL AME Drieetor: Mrs. F. P.. Cloud Organist: Frances Covington Pastor: Rev. A Phillipe MT. MORIAH BAPTIST Sponsor: Mrs. F. P.. Jones Pastor: Rev. F. P.. Jones CLEAVES’ TEMPLE CME Director: Miss Mildred Wiley Organist: Mrs. Henryetta Makin* Pastor Rev. D. W.. Bos* MW HOPE BAPTIST Sj* «or; Mrs. Z. E.. MaGee » • .ui': Rev.. Z. E. McGee HILLSIDE PRESBYTERIAN Sponsor: Mrs. J. S.. Williams Organist: Booker Washington Pastor and Director: Rev. J. S.. Willlama BETHEL BAPTIST Sponsor: Mrs: Mildred Roberts Director; Mias Addie Foxall Organist: Mr. Sylvester Stroud Pastor; Rev. F.. P. Sears Who Knows? Last Week’s Answers 1. A spinet is a keyboard string ed instrument whiceh was in use a century before the invention of the modern pianoforte. , 2. MacDowell’s first names were Edward Alexander. 3. Beethoven wrote the “Minuet in G”. 4. “Morendo” means gradually slower and softer. 6. A bugle. (1) A huntin horn. (2) An instrument of copper or brass, similar to the cornet, but higher and more piercing in pitch. This Week’s Questions 1. What is a tonic chord, a domin ant chord, a sub-dominant chord? 2- Who was John Philip Sousa? 3. What is a “viola?’’ 4. What is a third? 5. What is a rest? ———o “Uncle Gil” Mr. S- E. Gilbert, known to thousands of boys and girls as "Uncle Gil,” successfully sponsor ed the first Guidite club May Day Festival at St. John A. M. E. church, Sunday, May 16th. Johnson Drug Co. Lienors, Wines and Beer Perse riptiona WE 0998 .. 1904 N 24th St WHEN KIDNEY TROUBLE CAUSES YOU TO GET UP NIGHTS WHEN BLADDER IS IRITATED, WHEN PASSAGE IS DIF FIOULT, WHEN BACKACHE BOTHERS Flush Piosonous Waste and Acid From Kidneys ii you aren,t ieenng just right-a are nervous—have dizzy spells and kidneys and learn more about yourself. Through the delicate filters of the kidneys, acids and poisonous waste are drawn from the blood and dicharged from the body these filters become clogged with poisonous waste and kidneys do not function properly—they need a good cleaning. One reliable medicine highly ef efficient and inexpensive is GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules— you can’t go wrong on this grand medicine for it has been helping people for 60 years—to correct their aches and pains and to ban ish uric acid conditions, the ag gravation of aciatit, neuritis, neuralgia, lumbago and rheumat ism. So if you have symptoms of Kidney Trouble as backache, ner vousness, getting up two or three time during the night—scanty, leg cramps—moist palms or puffy leg cramps—moitpalms or puffy eyes, get a 35 cent package of this grand and harmless diuretic at any modern drug store—it starts the first day on its errand of helpfulness. But be sure it’s GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules—the origi nal—the genuine— right from Haarlem in Holland. Sunset Tea Given The Junior Culture Girls honored their mothers at a sunset tea, giv en Tuesday evening at the home of their sponsor, Miss Ethel Jones. Lilacs amid a pink and white col or scheme decorated the rooms. Presiding at the tea table were Miss Fay Forrest and Miss Mary Franklin. A lovely program of Mother’s Day readings, solos, duets and pi ano selections were given by the girls. Those taking part were Misses Dovey Carter, Elsie Mallory, Doro th> Popps, Mary Franklin, Celes jtine Lightner, Irene Holts, Joyce | Hall, Bertha Carter, Addie Tate, Ozella Hudson, Thelma Jenkins. Edith Lewis and Fay Forrest. Miss Ruth Forrest was a guest soloist' The mothers enjoyed the even ing very much and expressed them selves as being quite proud of their daughters. Riddles Last^ week’s answers 1. Cell it. 2. He had twoand one smelt. 3- A yard measure. 4. Water. A Baby To Love? If you yearn for a baby of your own, won’t you write us in full confidence and let us send you in teresting information on this sub ject? All free. Write KadoJ Com pany, 681 Hall Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. C&HT5ELD t» *** tU *** KEEP CLEAN iNSIDE! Vow'll Ilk* thn way It inap« you back. ovtrnlaM, to tho fooling of "farin' to go" fit nnu and intldo clnanllnn*il Ellmlnoto tho loft-ovoi WO,tot that hold you bock cou«o hondaclioi, In dlgoitlon. otc. Goftlcld too it not o mlroclo workof, but It CONSTIPATION both.,, you, If wll cnrtotnty "do wondortl" 10* ord llf of — Of, WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES ol GorfjnW Tno and Gorflold Hoodacho Pawdort to; mARFIELT TEA CO., Dopt. C. Ireoklyo, N. V. sheTo$t1o~ POUNDS OF FAT Peel full of pep and possess ths slender form you crave—you can’t if you listen to gosslpers. To take off excess fat go light on fatty meats, butter, cream and sug ary sweets — eat more fruit and vegetables and take a half teaspoon fur of Kruschcn Salts in a glass of hot water every morning to elimi nate excess waste. Mrs. Klma Verllle of Havre de Grace, Md., writes: “I took off 20 'bs.—my clothes fit me fine now.” No drastic cathartics—no consti pation—but blissful daily bowel ac tion when you take your little dally dose of Kruschcn. APPLICATION-GUIDITE CLUB Please enroll me in The GUIDITE CLUB, I promise to abide by the rule* as set forth in The Omaha Guide. My Name in----—______ Age__ My Address i* .. City -----State . _ School Grade _ Name of School_ Parents’ Nam* .... ■ Date of Birth _ ■ ■ - ■■ - - Cut this out and bring or mail to "Uncle Gil”, Omaha Guide, OMAHA, NEBRASKA WANTED . WOMEN-MEN to learn Beauty Culture and Barber Trade FREE in our Chicago schools. Send three cent Ktamp for full information. BEAUTY INSTITUTE 3108 Rhodes Ave., Chicago III. NOW OFTEN CJ... tfOU KISS AND MAKE UP1 FEW husbands can understand why a wife should turn from » pleasant companion Into a shrew for one whole week in every mouth. You can say "I'm sorry" and Idas and make up easier liefore marriage than after, nowise. 11 you want to hold your husband, you won't be a tliree-ijuai u r wife. For t hree genera* tons one woman has told another how to go "turn ing through" with I.ydlu F ham's Vegetable Compound. It heljis Nature tone up the iq.di.ia, thus lessening the discomforts """! the functional disorder women must, endure In ihe three ordeals of life: I T" i girlhood to womanhood, paring for motherhooi.. h. proaehirg "middle age " Don't be a thnw-i r' • - '*■>, talte LYDIA E. PINK if* VEGETABLE CWMP LfvDkul Go "Buttling Titrougu." IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies’ and Children'» Work A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street flmade my skin shades lighter! j And now you, too, can have the joy of a lighter, clearer skin—free from freckles, pimples, blackheads, large pores, blotches. Tonight at bedtime just smooth on Nadi nola Bleaching Cream—no massaging, no rubbing. While you sleep it actually dis solves dark pigment—for Nadinola is double-acting. That's why it gets results where ordinary bleaches fail. TEST Get a jar of Naciinoia today at 11 any toilet counter or b” mail AT OUR postpaid, 50c. If not delignted, RISK your money cheerfully re " funded. Nadinola, Paris, Tenn. c^RjudmcAa^kaJungCkaM AGENTS WANTED i - to nu OmbmAbmi Redr Growec Bleach Cream glrrhlt Itmtol |P—fcU >hb|I|| m> 50c . j* And Our 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Creation* Boylunhvj oto Now AdwUto «• »tn • Tt— to latolBqoaL anar^attc toM to U9— »W *• «tobl8tolB to toUcp a»D«y tad build op a bruin—■ to Mr wwm —IBa« b—toy product* to (ha bailor kind. Oma to tortcdy a jnutty Baa M w—la »• to* braI paopla OTorywhera. Tan arb mot* bmd*t wlTh a StatlUr Baa tad yon wla valuabl* prize*. Wdl* to —a to Cannon Cosmetics Co„ DepL 20-A. Atlanta* Ga# ' _N-N-r. Kb. a Here's Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money-Be Agent for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. Its Easyj Do you need Money? Do you wish for the Roodthings that Monsywouldbuy to make you happy? Then become a SWEETT5EORGIA BROWN Momy Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS torSWSfci GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Bnghtener, Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You dont need any experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up to $40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. ■ FREE SAMPLES Send No Money! Just fill in coupon and mail it today for FREE SAMPLES of Hair Dressing, Face Powder and Special Offer to AGENTS. Don't wait. Mall the COUPON NOWI Valmor Products Co. °u7* 2241 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, KL —I ~1 ■ VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dopt. 1*5 2241 Indiana A**.. Chicago. III. I I want to make Quit* Money Please send me I Frso Samples and Special Offer to Agents right away. I .... j Address „ .—-— -—— ® falsing the Famlly-wntMadc _ ____plsftw rMti_uo! Cot.EM HOOO SO '^HE.Ce.'ilDejOvi N HO HAtJWiNS THlKIN . I JUST . I TOi-O ' Cot Bh&k Pbom *> TOJO. SOU ^ h4^AO _> OH HN epsa »s ccdTv< hO*-<6-* m ktn. .