The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 22, 1937, Page SIX, Image 6

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Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant Street,
Omaha, Nebraska
Phanea: WEbatw 1617 or 1618
Catered as Second Class Matter March 16, 1927 at the Poatoffice at
Omaha, Neb., undcrAet of Congress of March 8, 1879.
Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of God and the Brother
hood of Man must prevail. These are the only principles which will
•tabd I he arid teat of rood.
All News Capy of Churches and all Organiratiens must be in ewr
sffice not later than 5:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All Adver
tising Copy or Paid Articles not later than Wednesday noon, preceod
liig date of issue, to insure publication.
Tlu* other day an army plane winged Southward from
W. Mhlyigtoii, bearing a document that finally reached the pres
ident. a sea, whs quickly signed by him. This was the new nat
trtdfyy act, hurried through House and Seriate by nongresAmen
with an anxious eve on the turbid European war aituition.
The &:•) is a compromise between the tn/dvoelatles of manda
fttory neutrality and dtacre ionary neutrtality—'thnit iis, a law
which forces the president to forbid tirade with belligerent na
tions, pel one which permits him to i* bus judgment in the
light of eireumsQaneies. The new net is iiott perfect—but it is
regarded ns being about as good as could be bind, and
hopes for keeping Arneriog out of war iqre bound up in it. It
pLacus an embargo on anus shipments to fighting nations and1
in event of war, i| gives .he president di-f retioiuiry power to
list goods that cannot be exported To belligerents; to deny be
ligerants use of our ports e e. important provision extends
this authority to civil ai well as inter-nation wars.
“ \Vfar in Europe Uhis summer, perhaps; 'this fall, sure,"
is being talked by some. l$m tibcre has been much talk of tliat
kind for sev^qal years, and no geneiVU \yar has broken out yet.
It looks as if the powers are uncertain of t'heir relative strength,
(ire doing a considerable apnount of blustery bluffing.
Taximr the Little Fellow
People of small and moderate means miray thiitk they escape
taxation because they pay few or no direct) taxes, H,ut. they ate
in realty among the lieaviesi taxed of lajll people, on a percent
age basis. A study conducted in two typical stMeis, Illinois and
New York, by Dr. Mabel Newcomer, Vasiar economist, is of
special interest. In New Yorkk a typiciat wage-darner with a!n
income of $2,000, pays $27fi to $334 an!nu>illy iin tnxes. In Illi
nois, where there is a sales tax, he pays $279 to $359.
On H national average, taxes bake approximately 20 percent
of income. This money is collected mainly through indirect tax
es. The tax paid by the shoe manufacturer and the retail store
is passed on tfo .'he shoe buyer. The tjax levied against the elec- ]
trie, company is a 'necessary part, of the consumers hill. So it I
goes, with everything we buy, luxury or necessity?
You dam t] beat taxation. Government dam'i live off the rich
4here aren't enough of them. It. must rely on those of small
means for sustenance. These arc facts that should be under
stood by every citizen.
Value Placed on Life Insurance
Startling evidence of the vtalue which liile insurance poli
cyholders place on the protection, is found in a survey recent
ly conducted by the Lincoln National Life Insurance Oompany
on paid up policies which bore hdavy indebtedness, lhe survey
covered the ydajrs 1934 and 1935—years in which the economic
conditions were exceedingly unfavorable, ami unemployment
was about at its depression peak.
Despite this, surprisingly few policyholders allowed their
contracts to lapse. One-half of the policy-holders paid the in
terest on their loans, bud many partially or completely paid
tjhem off. Only 19 per cent allowed their loans to increase by
the iflpioimt. of tlie interest,, and none increased their loans by
additional borrowing.
This fine record is doubtless reflected by the statistics oi
other life insurance companies. Insurance policyholders will go
to almost any lengths before imperiling the money ihey ifttye
slaved up to protect their dependents in event of the wage-'
earner s death, and to guarantee themselves )a secure old age.
_- ,_
New Financing: Essential ]
Speaking on the subject of “Capital MVifrkets and Business
Recovery," Charles R. Gay, President of the New York Stock
Exchange, recently saiid: “The need for expansion, which in
many instances involves the securing of new capital through thc
issuance of bonds or stocks, makes the security markets of in
creasing importance to the recovery.
“Thc issuance of new bonds and stodks iln grebt volume by
U;igge scale enterprises is now essential, and may not with safe
ty be long deferred if we 'are to avoid substantial price iaina
tion. Such amounts of capital tajre mostly beyond the financial
resources of small groups; aud dependence must lie placed up
an the free funds of the nation's e^iugelassee if that essential
capital is to be publicly raised-The point which frequently
is not adequately emphasized is the importance of aeontinuous
hquid security market, as a prerequisite to thc initial purchase
«f securities by the investor. Funds available for investment
are in larga measure the surplus tliat) people have left out of
their incomes after paying their regular bilk*. Such funds are
accumulated against future emergency or contingency, and
must, from their owners' viewpoint, be continuously 'available.
If there is no way of converting securities back into cash, not
only at the time they 'are .firuti purchased, but always thereaf
ter, the initial purchase of them tends to be precluded.
A security exchange provides <x constant market for any’
listed sPinks and bonds—a market dominated by the natural
law of supply'\a(nd demand. And to assure the perpetuation of
uch a market, it is essential that the regulations governing ijt
be fair and reasonable and not of a nature that will discourage
legitimate investmenta and honest, open speculation.
The generation of youth af
ter the World War fanes th«
future with uncertain prospecl
Wilsons loudly proclaimed ' waj
and dimmed outlook. Woodrow
for D<emoej*i|cy‘ has served te
frustrate the J>emocratic’ spirij
throughout the world. A gene
ra ion of youth has all but lost
the demoerHic incentive and
the spirit of rugged individual
ity has given away tosocial reg
imentation and the to tali arian
st a e.
Religion, kvs a social force,
no longer influences the con
duct of nations of the earth,
and the youth of all lands have
lost the inspiration and guid
ing light of a supernatural na
ture. The world is engulfed in a
sea of spiritual uncertainty.
Youth no longer looks to the
faith of the fathers for the light
that ahineth from Above.
Socialism, which is godless at
hoart, in one or another of its
forms of manifestation, has
seized upon our day and gene
ration. In Russia they call it
Sovietism; in Italy Facism; in
Germany Nazism ; In Amerifna
the New Deal. In England, and
France and Spain and other na
tions of Europe, while il may
not yet hnve assumed a definite
name, its underlying spirit and
purpose are ever present and
dominant note in all lands since
the rise of industrial revolu
tion, have been greatly enfeeb
led by the outcome of the world
wide conflict and is threatened
by the rising tide of socialism.
I il the line of industrial and
economic enterprise one might
be disposed to say tnht there
iio new worlds to conquer.
New contingents been de
veloped and exploited. Virgin
lands have been brought under
tillage and their fertility ex
hausted. Science and inventive
genius li!ave made a trial of
their power and hiuve indeed
produced a Frankenstein that
threatens to turn again and
rend its maker. Railroads have
been built, telegraph wires' are
nstrung, the seven seas have
been covered with steamships,
the air filled with flying crafts.
We have manufactured more
automobiles than our streets
will hold. Electric equipment,
the telephone ami tne lrigm
aire have been installed in ev
ery household. Few new great
enterprises are under contem
plation for the simple reason
that the market is over-stocked.
Rapid development in technoc
racy swiftly outruns any new
enterprise that may be devised
or projected. The automobile,
the moving picture, the radio
and the frigidare have sprung
up during the present century,
but have already reached the
point of saturation. The enter
prise of the future needs to con
cern itself with replacement ra
tlier than augmentation. One
fourth of the working energy
remains unemployed because it
cannot be absorbed in existing
or projected enterprises.
Our surplus youth must seek
outlet in CCC camps and on fed
eral relief rolls. Our schools an,]
colleges are grinding out grad
uates by the tens of thousands
with no available occupations
suited to their talents and at
tainments. Those who are not
on government payrolls are reg
imented in great industrial pro
jects at wages little above the
This Week in
Thought and Religrior
By R. L- Moody
May the lflth was celebrated as
. “Pentecost” in many church bodies.
'|This should be the greatest lay in
|our church calendar because this
■ day is actually the birthday of the
, Christian church. It was upon this
day, centuries, that the Holy Ghost
male his advent into the world and
the power of God was manifested
to every known nation under Hea
As we approach the celebration
let us follow the example of the
disciples of old, that is,be found
in prayer and readiness for a
blessing from the Lord Today, as
never before, the church needs the
power and baptism of the Holy
Ghost. By this we do not mean that
some kind of fanatical frenzy or
human mania should occur, but we
I do mean that every member of the
j Church of God should lose himself
lor herself and tx- empty of every
thing that is carnal and selfish.
The very power of God will fill
(these empty vessels with the po
wer promised and we shall be wit
nesses of Him in these “uttermost
parts of the earth.” It must be
remembersd, however, that no one
can receive or celebrate this Pente
cost until he or she allows the con
suming of fire” burn up all sinful
dross and pray.
“Breathe upon us, Lord from
Fill us with the Holy Ghost;
Promise of the Father given
Send us now a Pentecost.
Lift us, Lord, oh lift us higher,
From the carnal mind set free;
Fill us with the refining fire,
Give us perfect liberty.
Breathe upon us, breathe upon us,
With Thy love our hearts inspire:
Breathe upon us, breathe upon us,
Lord, baptize us now with fire."
Woman Editor Triumphs
(Continued from Page 1)
guest of honor at a tea given by
Louise Morgan of the News-Chroni
| cle and regarded as Great Bri
: tain’s foremost newswoman. A lar
|ge number of ncwsfolk, novelist
'and writers of other nationalities
I were present including two of
|Time’s (American) correspondents.
Miss Jackson, who is ordinarily
, the Pacific Coast correspondent for
ANP, and editor of the California
I News in Los Angeles spent four
| months in London preparing for
coverage of the Coronation and she
| and Mr. Dunbar are to be credited
with one of the best reporting jobs
ever turned out for Negro news
papers. She sailed for Americu an
May 19th. Mr. Dunbar remained at
his London post. (ANP)
living requirements.
For this generation, at least,
the ambition of the youth of
the land must content itself
with the work of replacement
and carrying on the work al
ready laid out. or more or less
in accordance with pre-conceiv
ed patterns.
District of Columbia
i N.A.A.C. P Charter
New York, May 21—The charter
of the District of Columbia Branch
of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
was revoked here Monday, May 10
| by the board of directors at its re
jgular monthly meeting.
A resolution adopted by the
Board revoking the charter stated
that the action was taken for the
best interests of the association be
cause three persons in the District
of Columbia branch had incorpor
ated on March 12, 1937, an organi
zation known as "The District of
Columbia Branch of the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, Incorporated.” I
The resolution asserted that the
three individuals who formed the
corporation: A. S. Pinkett, John C.
Bruce and John T. Rhines: did so
without the consent of the execu
tive committee of the branch, of
he general membership branch and
of the national office in New York.
The revocation of the charter
followed the failure of the execu
tive committee of the branch and
its officers to repudiate the incor
poration. Demand for the repudia
tion was made by the national
board of directors on April 19, 1937
to take place within ten days of
he receipt of the official demand.
\To action was taken by the branch
membership or the executive com
mittee on the matter of repudiat
ng the incorporation and no reply
vas sent the national board of dir
ectors within the ten-day period or
since that time.
It was emphasized here at the
national office of the NAACP that
the revocation of the charter by
the board is simply and so!“'y be
cause three individuals connected
with the branch in the District of
C olumbia incorporated a local and .
nd wholly autonomous body bear- {
ing the name of the National As
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People withbut having
first secured any authorization for
such action either from the execu
tive committee of the branch, the
membership, or the national office.
This action by the board of di
c'ctors does not affect the rights
and privileges of the members of
tho NAACP in the District of Col
umbia, but was taken solely to pro
tect the use of the name of the as
sociation, which has been appropri
ated by three individuals who form
ed an autonomous corporation to
operate as the NAACP.
The board also instructed that
a full statement of the events lead
ing up to the revocation of the
charter be sent to each member of
the association in the District of
Columbia whose name and address
is on record at the national office
The question of the legality or
illegality of the election held by
the branch on January 15, 1937
does not enter into the revocation
action of the board, it was stated
WANTED 10 young ladies to work
in subscription campaign. See S.
Edward Gilbert, Omaha Guide of
fice 2418 Grant St. at once.
PRIM Standouts Ix’A'm,
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An Echo
From My Den
By 3. E. Gilbert
» ....
As I sit here in my den with
pen in hand, meditating as it
were there comes to my mind
that the Omaha Guide is offer
ing a brand new 1937 Ford V8
to {he individual who writes
the most interesting and sin
cere word sentence, containing
not more than 25 words on
‘Why I read The Omaha Guide
and Why The Colored Citizens
Should Subscribe to The Oma
lia Guide.'* Realizing that thou
sands of Onvnhans will take ad
vantage of this contest, because
of the chance to get the beauti
ful Washington blue Ford Y8
that someone will win, I desire
to have them know the vfclue
that may he received through a
year's subscription that The
Guide is 4lso offering in con
nection with this .educational
subscription campaign.
Since the beginning of time,
man has been iu search of the
truth and shall continue until
the end of time. The newspaper
should be one of his bosom com
panions. We owe it to society
bo be informed /o the fullest ex
tent of our ability to gain
Just as it is neeessary to turn
on the switch of your car in
order to supply the necessary
splark for motivation, so is it
necessary to read current ev
ents in order to supply the
proper mental food for the full
development of the mind.
The newspaper, though not
generally regarded as a special
medium for intellectual enlarge
ment, nevertheless has reached
a higher plane in bringing to
mankind current world inform
ation than any other institu
No other institution plays a
more important part or contri
butes more to the sum total of
human knowledge than does
the newspaper. These things
^rue, it is all the more fitting
that our racial group should
subscribe to, and read its own
newspaper; for except we do
chronicle our own records, they
who follow us will have no her
We must not leave the valor
ous achievements of the black
man to be preserved by others.
We must build a place for our
graddating sons and daughters
through a united spirit of coop
eration and support.
We must keep faith with pos
terity. We must write our own
history in collaboration with
Woman Stages
Funeral Rehearsal
To Hear Eulogy
Texarkana, Ark., May 21 (CNA)
—Zenobia Campbell held a rehear
sal of her funeral this week to
make sure that her pastor will say
the proper words of praise upon
her demise.
The farm woman was the living
corpse at her own la3t rites in St.
Jfemes African Methodist Episcopal
church here.
Hearse, coffin, pallbearers and
minister played their parts in the
I unusual drama. Absent only were
j flowers and a number of friends
i Mrs. Cambell had expected to at
tend- The small attendance was at
tributed to the fees Mrs. Campbell
i had arranged to collect to defray
the expenses of her obsequies.
Rev. R. T. Thomas, pastor of the
church, officiated. His funeral eu
logy pleased Mrs. Campbell so well
she offered neither amplification
nor substraction. Satisfied that
only pleasant things will be said at
her funeral, she put her coffin
| back in storage.
(Continued from Page 1)
ed the A mercian boys in th? tren
ches a few days before the broad
Negro Heads Machine Gun Unit
| !. was inspiring,” Ford declared
of his visit, “to see these heroic
| American boys from New York,
(Buffalo, Chicago, San Francisco
jand other cities, here in the tren
ches of Spain. And there was an
especial pride to find one of my
own race, a Negro, in command of
a machine gun section.
“Their spirit could not be better
and the American people can well
be proud of them and their heroic
deeds- One and all they tell us that
they are fighting in Spain not only
to defend the Spanish people from
the attacks of world fascism, but
to defend America, their hemeland
as well.”
Ford shed new light, in his
broadcast address, on the recent cn
successful three-day uprising in
Barcelona, principal industrial city
of Loyalist Spain and center of the
anarchist movement. That abortive
attempt to split the government
forces was lead by followers of
Leon Trotsky acting in concert
with fascist agents, the CNA eor
respondentreported. He revealed
that trade unions and other work
eis’ organizations were acting to
cleanse their ranks of the Trotsk
that of other nationalities so
that the coming generations
may hold our accomplishments
abiding stars of hope by which
they may be guided. Thus I be
seech you bllack Americans of
Omaha and elsewhere to do
your bit in building a monu
ment that all may be proud. A
place in which many more of
our groifp may find employ
ment by subscribing to The Om
aha Guide.