*ebrv * t « * C 4|Afy. &*• «„L '“br* *to?i /JUSTICE/EQUALITY HEW TO THE UNE\ _- j Entered m Second Clans Matter at Poetoffioe, Omaha, Nebraska- Omaha, NWbraaka, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1987 ' VOL. XI, NO. 8 Subscription Certificate NAME._ADDRESS _ _ Complete Retails On Page 3 I Read The Omaha Onide Because _. __— Colored Citizens Should Subscribe for The Omaha Guide Because _____—-- -- 2200 ATTEND 3 DAYS OF GUIDE EVENTS 1000 At Big May Day Festival - I' — 700 Children at The Ritz Theatre The Omaha Guide’s Guidite club first annual May Day Festival held Sunday, May 16th at St. J’ohn AML church was an overwhelming suc cess. Miss Ethel Jones, general di rector and her staff of co-directors are to be praised for the wonder ful display of musical talent, and you can rest assured that the Oma ha Guide is most grateful for the work done by the directors and the youth of Omaha. This festival under the chairman ship of Uncle Gil, editor of the Guidite Club page and directed by Miss Jones, promises to become the fore-runner of a wave of cultural education in music. It is hoped of the sponsors to establish cultural 1 groups in music in every church in Omaha through the co-oricration of Junior choir directors and sponsors. With the May Day Festival out of the way the next big event will be that of the first annual Omaha Guidite Club picnic, at which time the members of the Guidite club shall receive the free ice cream that Uncle Gil promised them. Watch the paper for the date. The Guidite club of the Omaha Guide was host to 700 youth of Omaha Saturday May 15th at the Ritz theatre. Uncle Gil who was present promised all that with the co-operation of the Guidites and their parents many more such pro grams would be sponsored by the Omaha Guide during the Summer and fall months, among which shall be a city-wide picnic, a talent night an art exhibit and many other pro grams designed for the pleasure ’ and talent development of the youth of Omaha. He advises that all Guidites urge their parents to subscribe to the Guide in order that they may keep abreast of the future programs that are in store for them. Summer Classes to be Held at Y. M. C. A. Summer session of the WPA commercial classes are being held at the Y. M- C- A. at 17th and Har ney streets. The school has been in session since 1934 and over four thousand have taken advantage of this op portunity. Anyone over 18 years of age with previous wage earning experience in a commercial field is eligible. The classes are all free of charge Classes in typing, shorthand, bookkeeping, business English, fil ing, indexing, business spelling, employmet phychology and com ptometer are offered Registration will take place on the 3rd floor of the Y. M. C. A., May 27th and 28th, and classes will begin June 1st -—o Mrs. Felix H. Payne, sr., of Kansas City, Mo- was in Omaha to attend the wedding of Mrs. Sen oval C. Carter. DELINQUENT SUBgCRli The postoffice department of papers to delinquent subscril up to date, please mail or bring a or call WEB1517 for represent! greatly appreciated* FESTIVAL DIRECTOR MISS ETHEL JONES 7th Day Adventist Church Scene of Big Wedding Miss Senoval C. Carter, the lovely daughter of Mrs. J'ulia Hanley, 2914 No. 28th street and John C. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson, 3020 Pinkney, were mar ried at 8:00 p. m. Tuesday evening May 18th at the Seventh Day. Ad ventist church, 2760 Lake street. The Rev. C- Lightner performed the ceremony. The bridesmaids were six in num ber, displaying beautiful color schemes in their attire of green, pink and yellow. They were Misses Emma Lee Williams, Fredericka Hall, Irene Harrold, Maryetta Hill, Doris Wilburn and Mrs. Gla-Nor mai (_xh>k. The bride wore white satin trim med in lace, her accessories were a long lace train, a silk net veil, floor length, white kid sandals and a bouquet of white roses, orange blossoms and sweet peas, held to gether by a beautiful shower. The bride was given away by her cou sin Felix H.Payne, jr. Both the groom and his best man, Mr. Bruce Johnson were at tired in conventional black suits. The maid of honor, Miss Helen partridge wore a beautiful powder ed blue chiffoon dress with acces sories to match. Following the maid of honor were four little flower girls and the ring bearer, Master Raymond Davis. After the ceremony, the entire bridal party and the many friends of the newlyweds enjoyed a most elaborate reception at 2918 No 2Sth St. Mr. and Mrs- Johnson will be at home to their many friends at 2856 Binney street. -o COLLEGE CO-EDS AT ORPHEITM THEATRE The Dixie Trio, three charming prsonalities, who appeared at the Orpheum the past week with Ma jor Bowes all-girl unit, were well received by the audience at each performance. Their style of sing ing is on the same order as the Bos well sisters. iERs—PLEASE NOTICE does not permit the delivery •ers. If your payments are not mount due to The Guide office ttive: Your cooperation will be The Management Ford Appeals for Support of Americans In Spanish Army New York, May 21 (ONA)— Speaking on a short-wave broad cast from Madrid, Spain, James W. Ford, Negro Communist leader this week aprnled “to the American people as a wWre, and especially to my own people, the American Negroes,” to support the colored and white boys in the Lincoln Bat talion with the Spanish Loyalists Army and “the anti-fascist strug gle of the Spanish people for which our boys of the Lincoln Batallion are fighting.” Ford, a world war veteran and Communist vice presidential can didate in 1936, is in Spain as cor respondent of the Crusader News Agency and the Baltimore Afro American. His address was made over Madrid's powerful station EAG which regularly broadcasts reports of the antifascist struggle in Spain across the world in Eng lish on Mondays, Tuesday and Fri days at 8 p. m., Eastern Standard time. Ford was introduced to his world audience by Robert Minor, white American Communist leader who was arrested several years ago while leading a demonstration in Wall Street, New York City, to pro test the American occupation of Haiti. The station operates on a short wave length of 9.4 megacy cles. ■ Both Ford and Minor had visit continued on Page 6) --o News worn an Triumphs *-———. - yisj MISS FAY M- JACKSON In one of the most brilliant epi odes in the history of Negro journ alism, Miss Fay M- Jackson was the only American colored woman to sit in Westminister Abbey dur ing the Coronation of King George VI. She was admitted as the special representative of the Associated Negro Press and with Rudolph Dunbar, AN P’s regular European correspondent covered every phase of the greatest royal spectacle of the century. Miss Jackson and Mr. Dunbar, who were the only Negro news paper representatives permitted within the Abbey, were shown un usual courtesies by English offi cials and the British Press. Their cabled reports covering every phase of the epochal event and giving particular emphasis as well as au thentic reports upon the part play ed by people of color during the great pageant, will appear in the leading colored papers this week. The American colored girl was assigned to a regular press seat in Parliament during her stay in London. On Monday she was the (Continued on Page 6) Senate Poll Shows Senators In Favor of Anti-Lynch Bill Washington,, D. C., May 21—A poll of the Senate on the question of whether or not senators favored the Gavagan anti-lynching bill has revealed that B6 senators—7 more than a full majority—are in favor of the measure. Of these 56 votes, 47 are posi tively certain for the bill, while 9 are for it with certain reserva tions. Only 20 votes are listed as defin itely opposed to the bill. Nineteen senators are listed as uncertain. The poll was an independent one conducted by one of the several leading information services oper ating here. These information ser vices collect information on legis lation and release it to subscribers. From time to time they conduct polls on important pending legisla tion. Supporters of the anti-lynch ing legislation had nothing what soever to 4f* with the poll and, therefore, the results have double significance since they can not be interpreted as inspirational propa ganda. Alpha Phi Alpha Sponsor Spring Party The Beta Beta Chapter of the Alpha Phi Aphli Fraternity of the University of Nebraska spon sored its first spring party at the beautiful Dreamland ballroom Sat urday evening May 15th. The hall was beautifully decorat ed in the colors of the fraternity with a beautiful insignia of the fraternity hanging in the center of the stage Vvith flickering kights portraying the colors of the Greeks. Approximatly 150 guests swayed to the syncopating music of Tur ner and his band into the wee hours of the morning. Among the out-of-town guests were: Miss Ethel Wadell, Los An geles, Calif ; Mildred Graves, Lin coln, Nebr-; Jbwell Casman, Bab Le, J. C. Davis, Miss Ruth King, V. A. Washington, Paul Beck, all of Lincoln, Nebr-; Mrs. Mae Wise, Montgomery, Ala.; also Miss Billie Wright and Janye Paige of Mont gomery, Ala. The Parade of the Queens Colorful Under a hazy sky, 500 youth turned out of Parker street Sun day afternoon proceeded up 24th to Lake and over to 22nd then down |to St. John AME church, led on by the every popular WPA band three Negro Boy Scout troops of Omaha who are under the leader ship of T. P. Mahammitt, Dillard Crawford and Charles Stewart. This host of young men and wo men were interspersed by cars beau tifully decorated bearing the queens of the day representing their re spective churches. Uncle Gil, w-ho enjoys doing things that brings happiness, an opportunities to youth is in high praise of the Negro WPA band and the Scout leaders for the won derful co-operation shown by them in making the parade of the May Day Queens a success. ■-o Mrs- Dora Blueford, 2864 Binney street, is home from the hospital. She wishes to thank her many fri ends for their kindness while she was a patient in the hospital. - I Women Proven the Best Drivers It will probably be a long time before any male automobile driver at Municipal university will dare to cast reflections upon the driv ing ability of the ffairer sex; for in a safe driving contest held at the school Wednesday, a co-ed, Miss Alice Mehaffey, 1937, of Council Bluffs, drove off with first honors. In the contest sponsored by The Gateway, student newspaper, Miss Mehaffey was the only one adjudg ed a “perfect driver” by members of the police department who serv ed as judges, LitAitenant Ray Strong and Officer Jbesph F. Swe tela of the traffic bureau. Mary Maxwell, 6204 Florence Boulevard, was awarded second in the women’s division, and Beth Campbell, 345 North 37th street, was placed third. In the men’s di vision, Harold Grau, 2617 So. 15th street was first; Charles Mangan, 1614 Wirt street, was second; and Edward Dulacki, 4406 So. 26t'h street, placed third. ■ The contest, ten block in length began and ended at 24th and Evnns strets. iAccording (ci fc iei.yV'naJit Strong, who accompanied most of the drivers, the most repeated fault of the contestants was fail cre to give the proper hand signals at turns. The test included backing into a parallel parking space, right and left turns, command turns from Lieutenant Strong, and an emergency stop when a dummy was hurled into the drivers’ path. The officer-judges failed to find a flaw in the way Miss Mehaffey drove. When ‘Mabel,’ the mummy was suddenly thrown into the path of the machine, Miss Mehaffey stopped on a dime. Some of the other drivers hit Mabel. But nei ther the winner nor any of the others picked up tihe hitch-hiker the officers had planted along the route. In the academic test, Miss Me haffey made one error. She under estimated the speed on arterial highways, placed it at 30 instead of 35 miles an hour. Grau made one driving error. He failed to put his arm out and down as a stop signal- The others were only fair in the driving recations or made one or more errors. Spring Style Revue **” ejiProves A Classic The Spring Style Revue sponsor ed Monday evening by the Omaha Guide advertising department of which Mrs. Mildred 1). Gilbert is bead, and uador the directorship jf Mr. John Albert Smith, consider STYLE REVUE DIRECTOR JOHN A. SMITH ed one of the foremost designers in ! the city proved to be a panorama of j hair and dress styles and sugges- j tions. The coiffure review which < proceeded the dress style review from the many shops in the city were unusually attractive to the large audience. This is the first time perhaps that such an elaborate £eaves for k. c. Mr. Leonard Dixon, formerly an entertainer of the Harlem night club, and one of the greatest tap dancers in the middle west, left for Kansas City to open with a new floor show at the opening of a new night club some time in May. Mr. Dixon also played in the Cotton Club in New York and with the late Florence Mills. Mr. Dixon leaves many of his friends in Oma ha. They all wish him a lot of suc cess. STYLE REVUE GENERAI CHAIRMAN, Mrs. Mildred D. Gilbert revue has been attempted in Oma ha, taking fully two hours to com plete the show which was inter spersed with advertising skits for the following firms; Roberts Dairy, Omaha Ice and Cold Storage Inc, Sears and Roebuck, Paxton and Gallagher, Deep Rock Oil Co. and Mor-Ann Shops and Furrier, the latter not only co-operating with the advertising department with an ad but played a large part in ont fitting the many dress models that paraded down the snow white deck ad runway. To these advertisers and especially Mor-Ann Shops and Fur rier are we grateful. Among the shops represented in the coiffure review were: Christine Althousq Beauty school: Willa’s Beauty Salon, Rose's Beauty Salon, Queens Beauty Shop, Northside Beauty school and Earl Robert’s Beauty Salon. Those who modeled for the abovq named shops, schools and salons were: iMss Elin Wright, Peuline Johnson, Evelyn Floyd, Celestine Smith, Betty Jlunes, Eva Mae Stewart, Ina Mac Milan, Christine Taylor, I'eiarl Winston and Ethel Terrell. The dress revue was divided in to six scenes, Garden, Sports, Sun day Afternoon, Formal, Boudoir and Afternoon Attire. The frocks worn by the models reflected the tono of the gay decorations of the ballroom which wus trimmed in red und w'hite interspersed with pot ferns. Those who modeled as represen tatives of 24 local and out-of-town clubs were: Messrs Chas. Davis, Geo. Camper, Eugene Murray, John Horton, Louis Carpenter, J. Westbrook McPherson, Misses Lorene Lewis, Ruby Reece, Myrtle Jumes, Ethel Terrell, Dorothy West j field Betty James, Doris Patterson, .tfuanita Macey, La Vern McGaugh, Evely Floyd, Margie Storms, Jean ne Spinks, Lorene Lewis, Cather ine Bullinner, Julia Mae Lawson, Zonetta Walker and Mercedes Fer guson. Atty C- F. Davis serving as chronicle for the evening was at his best in the introducing of the advertisers skits which supplied the spice of the affair. The crowd gave each of the acts a warm and enthusiastic reception. They ap pear as follows; Williams, Williams and Caldwell of Sioux City which proved indeed to be a threesome of sizzling dancers. The family quart ette of South Omaha, and “Wow” ow they could dance Ola McCraney with her soothing personality in song. The team of Lem and Angie from Chicago, they are indeed tops when it comes to rythmic dancing and last but not least Myra Taylor the girl with that most pleasing smile in dance and song. So well pleased were the 400 persons who witnessed this most unique show of the season that they are already saying that we shall be, back for the second annual Omaha Guide style Revue next year. Many scenes of the show were filmed by Rubin Taylor and is to be used 'in connection with his picture entitled “Murder in Black.” The prizes offered for the best model was won by Miss Doris Pat terson who was considered the best dress model, receiving a beautiful insignia ring. The Quack club was awarded the Gold trophy for having the best, club model, The Northside Beauty school was awarded the prize for the best hair model Following the show the crowd danced to the tune of Ray and hia band.