V The Omahoi Gviidites ^ _ "The Door of Expression” — - Edited by TJNCLE GIL* A Guidite Club Formed In Clarinda, Iowa i _. :— ...... Many Inspire! Youths Attend First Meeting Of New Club rt was my pleasure to journey down to Clarinda, Iowa, last week where I witness the crowning of the King and Queen of Clarinda in the persons of Master Earl Baker and Mrs. Iola Willis. While there upon an invitation of a wide awake group of, young people a Guidite club was formed with the promise, coming from their sponsor Miss Louise Nash, the Omaha Guide Re presentative for Clarinda, that big things may be expected of this newly formed club. The roster of this new club i» as follow*: Betty *7-an Arnett Jessie Sweet Rachel Cason Ruth Farrier Betty Baker Helen Arnett Darlean Baker Gerald Baker Earl Oldham Duane Beard Virgie Dean Beard Shirley Ann Beard Patty Arnett Fhylif* Willis Beverly Wilis -o Festival Highlights The crown for tjve 1937 May Queen is being designed by Mr. C W . Porter, 2217 Ohio street. It is to be of goM with a setting of bright jewels. Zion Baptist Junior choir of forty voices, r« rehearsing every Tuesday evening. They promise to give us a real musical treat. Bethel Baptist church, South Oma ha sends word that everything is fine and that they are ready and wnittoig for the day, Sunday May l(5th, 3:00 p. m. at St.. Jl hn AMK ohurch, 22nd and Willis. Quite a number of on* of town guests are planning to attend the Guidite chib May Day Fe^ival, Sunday May 16th. Are You? Over 1,000 persons are expected to attend the Guidite club May Day Festival, so it is indeed advis able to be on time in order to get a good <»eafc. The parade of the queen", which will begin assembling at 2:00 p. m. and move off at exactly 2:30 pro mise* to be a colorful demonstra tion of youth. EXTRA! EXTRA! The line of march for the May Day Queen par ade will be from 246h and Parker, north up 24th to Lake, over Lake to 22nd and down to St John church, 22nd and Willis street*, led by the Negro WPA band. The escorts for the queens will be the three Color ed Boy Scout troops of Omaha -o Jokes Poet—I have a poem here advo cating peace. Editor—I suppose that you hon estly and sincerely desire ptace? Poet—Yes. Editor—Then buft-n the poem Motorist—“IT give you fifty cents for this hen I’ve killed.” Fanner—“You-d better make it a dollar. I’ve got a rooster that thought a lot of that Hen and the shock might kill him too-’’ A young fellow who aspired to emulate Clyde Beatty, the wild animat trainer, was excited by the news that lion taming was taught by mail- He asked a circus acquaint Mice about it. “Well, if you ever graduate from that Bourse," advised the friend, “just be sure the lions recognize the diploma before you enter the _ _ __ tt cngpe> NEW—DIFFEHENT Sumbm appear Ilka Ma*»a ta ***• 38ek for greateat *!**• ■wney-eoakias propoaltion, cot Free Sample! Ineenie, Faoa Powder, Hair Dreirlng, new 30 paja Beauty LUCKY HEART, Dept- Q-523 Memphis, Tenn 9 9 • m 9 >• ' The Guidite World j of Music By Mum Bthei Jone* I i i _____ _ ________• • ■ ■ " ■ ■ * THE FINGER BRIDGES COVER THE KEYBOARD Marvin’s lesson was going along in “tip top” shape. Well almost, anyway; Marvin was ju**t a little 'Worried. The week before his tea ch e!r had reminded him that he should keep his fingers curved and his hands “arched,” but it was hard to keep his fingers curved when there were so many other things like fingering, counting and sharps and flats to remember. He thought maybe his teacher would not not ice his hands this once. He had ju/*t gotten to a spot where his hands floppd and flat ened out terribly, when his teacher stooped over and looked along the keyboard. What’s he doing? Marvin thou ght. He became »o excited that it was hard to keep on playing. My Goodness, your bridges have fallen down! his teacher exclaim ed. Marvin suddenly stopped play ing. “What do you mean?” He looked puzzled. “When I was a boy,” his teacher began, “I used to pretend that my hands were two little bridges. I kept my fingers curved so that the bridges could not fall down into keyboard river. My little fingdr had to be watched the closest be cause it liked to sort of straighten out and tip tha whole bridge over sideways. Marvin could hardly wait to put his hand* on the keys to see if they really looked like bridges sure en ough. First he looked his right hand, then the left. He could see the keyboard river flowing clear to the ends of the piano. When he practiced the next week ho began by curving his finger-* and arching the finger brid gs over the keys before ha began 1o play Fvery few minutaa he bent down t, ■•te if the bridgo» were »tili up. A week passed quickly by, and it was really fun to build and walc.i thu keyboard bridges! Try it for yourself. Kamer. -o— THIS WEEKS QUESTIONS Gide 1. WTiat is a spinet? 2- What were MacDowell’s first names? 3. Names? 4. Who wrote the Minuet in ‘G’? 6. What i* a "bugle”? Riddles 1. How do bees dispose of their honey ? 2- A man bought two fish, but after taking one home he found that he had three. How was that? 3. What has three feet but not one toe? 4. What is it that which every man can divide but no man can see where it has been been divided? -o-— ANSWERS TO LAST WEEKS’ RIDDLES 1. A pillow 2. A cloek 3- Cihop off his head on Saturday 4- He had no mother-in-law. -—o Arithmetic ANSWERS Addition 2,346 Subtraction 632 Division 13 Stop Worrying I Do Ton Need a Now Start* Write Me. Today. Information Ptoo. M. WILLIAMS, D.pt o Journal Square Station Jersey City, N. J.I fi CHOIRS AND OFFICERS CLAIR CHAPEL M. E. Sponsor: Mrs. M. Dudley Organic: Miss Bertha Young Director: Mr. William Conwell Pastor: ev.. W. C.. Conwell PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST Sponsor: Mrs. Elsie Warrick Director: Mr. Elmer Faulkner Organist: Miss Chalesetta Upsher Pastor; Rev. J. H.. Reynolds METROPOLITAN SPIRITUAL Sponsor: Mr. G. W.. Porter Pastor: Rev R. W. Johnson PILGRIM BAPTIST Organist: Miss R°ma Hatter Sponsors; Mr- and Mrs. A.. B Young Pa«tor: Rev. F. U. Stevenson CHRIST TEMPLE Sponsor: Mrs. Bertha Mallory Pastor: Rev. J. W.. Goodwin 3rd SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Sponsor: Mrs. J. F.. Allison Pastor: Prof Humphreys ZION BAPTIST Sponsor: Mrs. Lulu Bryant Director: Mrs. Helen McWhorter Pastor: Rev. M K . Ourry ST. JOHN AME Sponsors: Mrs. Christine Alt house and Miss Tamer O'Neal MISSION FIELD Rev. P. M . Harris, supervisor SECOND BAPTIST CLARINDA, IOWA Pastor: Rev. D. Nicholson ST. JOHN BAPTIST Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Willis Organist: Mrs: Thelma Hall Pastor: Rev. E. D.. Johnson BETHEL AME Driector: Mrs. F. P.. Cloud Organist: Frances Covington Pastor: Rev. A Phillips MT. MORIAH BAPTIST Sponsor: Mrs. F. P.. Jones Pastor: Rev. F. P.. Jones CLEAVES’ TEMPLE CME Director; Miss Mildred Wiley Organist: Mrs- Henryetta Makins Pastor Rev. D. W . Bass NEW HOPE BAPTIST Sponsor; Mrs. Z. E.. McGee Ptstor: Rev . Z.. E. McGee T I.L^IDE PRESBYTERIAN Sponsor: Mrs- J. S.. Williams i . ^anist: Booker Washington Pastor and Director: Rev. J. S.. Williams BETHEL BAPTIST Sponsor: Mrs: Mildred Roberts Director; Miss Addie Foxall Organist: Mr. Sylvester Stroud Pastor: R«v. F.. P. Sears MEMBERSHIP 297 New Member*: Dorothy Woods 2323 No. 27th St Monrovid Murrell JUi'i Miami St. Florence Murrell 3014 Miami St. * * •••*••■ • • • • • | BUY SIMPSON GIFT CERTIFICATES NOW Redeemable at face value on a suit, overcoat, topcoat, tux edo, full dress suit, until July 1, 1987. GOOD as gifts for Christmas, birth days, graduation, anniver saries, father’s day, Easter, ete. CALL Charles H. Davis, th« Simpson Man WB 5627 Festival Queens PRISCILLA GILDEN Miss Priscilla Gilden, the attrac tive 18 year old daughter of Mrs. Carrie Gildan, 8023V4 R St. will represent Bethel Baptist church as its May Day queen. Miss Gilden is a senior at South high school where she takes a part in many extra curriculum activi ties. Her hobbies are cooking and outdoor sports. MiAs Gilden plans to enter Gen eral Hospital No. 2, Kansas City, Mo. upon the completion of her high school work, there to pursue a course in Dietetics. Attendants, Miss Ceeiie Walls and Miss Ther-' pf»a Tinker. JACQUELNE JOHNSON Miss Jacqueline Johnson, the lit tle 10 year okl daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E.. D,. JLhnson, 1214 Pierce street, will represent St John Baptist church as its May Day Queen Mias J|ohn«on who is a fifth grade student is very fond of base ball as a hobby, and her ambition is to be an accomplished musician She has two attendants, Misfe Bernice Bragg and Miss Lucille Young. MARIE WOODS Miss Marie Woods, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Agustus Woods, 1207 No. 27th St., will represent Pleasant Green Baptist church as its queen at the Guidife club May Day Festival Sunday May 16th. Miss Woods, who is 14 years of age is a student at Webster school and is very fond of singing and baseball. She hopes to be a great concert singer in the future. LULU MAE POWELL Miss Lulu Mae Poveil who is residing with her relative, Mr C. DutTy and wife, 2620 Parker street, is queen representative of Pigrim Baptist church. Mias Powell is a Junior at Cen tral high school and is very active i' tnt youne no pies organization a< Pilgrim, be i i c lesponding secietary of the above named or nation, she is also a m ember of the urher boar* North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL Celebrates the 15th Anniversary With a Big Shoe Repairing Sale Women’s Toplifta _ $.15 Women’s half soles . ®5c aad up Men’s half soles 75c and up Men’s rubber heels 35c and up Childrens Half soles 50c and up 1807 No, 24th St. WE 4240 SHE LOST 20r POUNDS OF FAT Feel full of pep and possess the slender form you crave—you can't if you listen to gossipers. To take off excess fat go light on fatty meats, butter, cream and sug ary sweets — eat more fruit and vegetables and take a half teaspoon ful of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water every morning to filial' nate excess waste. Mrs. Fima VeriHe of Havre de Grace, Md., writes: "I took off 20 iba._my clothes fit me fine now.” ■ No drastic cathartics—no consti pation—but blissful dally bowel ac tion when you take your little dally dose of Kruschen. QUESTIONS 1. Who is the president of At lanta university? 2. Who is the president of Fi»k university? 3. Who is the president of Howard university? 4. Who i» the president of Lin coln university, Pa.? 5. Who i« the president of Me han-y medical college? Who Knows? LAST WEEKS’ ANSWERS 1. Sixteen 2. Richard Wagner wrote the opera "Lohengrin” 3. Haydu was born in 1732 4. An interval i« the distance in pitch between musical tone*. 6. MendeKsohn establshed a Con servatory of Music in Lie.pzig. 6 Allgro—Lively, animated in movement. Johnson Drug Co. Lieuors, Wines and Beer PerscripUons WE- 0998 .. 1904 N- 24th St * cups GAktfifciiJ iEA i KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! You’ll liks lb* woy It snaps you bock, ovsrnight, to th» feeling of "rorln' to go" tit not* ond Insld# cleanliness! Ellmlnots tho Islf-ovst woitci that hold you bock causo htadachss, in digestion otc. Garfield T«a is not o mhocls worker but II CONSTIPATION bolhers you. II wll certainly "do wonden!" I0« ond 2S« ol druailore — or WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES ol Gorlield Ter and Garfield Headache Powders te: GARFIELl TEA CO.. Dept. C. Brooklyo. N. Y. HOW OFTEN CAN YOU KISS AND MAKE UP? FEW hue hand* can understand why a wife should turn from a pleasant companion Into a shrew for one whole week in evt-ry month. You can say "I'm sorry" and Idas and make up eaatr-r tx-foro marriage than after. Be wise. 11 you want to hold your hi inborn], you won't be a three-quarter wife. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smtl Ing through" with I-ydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, it helps Nature tone up Che svrtem. thus lessening the discomfort* from the functional disorders w hlcb women must endure In the three order In of llfo: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood, i. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age." Don't be a three-quarter etth, take LYDIA E. PIN KHAM'S VEGETABLE COM POLAND and Go "Smiling Through." i APPLICATION-OUIDITE CLUB Please enroll me in The OUIDITE CLUB, I promise to abide by the roles as set forth in The Omaha Guide. My Name is-Age My Address ia.. .. ..-... City...——. State - School Grade_Name of School... Parents' Nam« ___-.— . Date of Birth . .—....——— Cut this out and bring or mail to “Uncle Gil”, Omaha Guide, OMAHA, NEBRASKA IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies’ and Children 'a Work A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street. HAIR MADE BEAUTIFUL AGAIN IN A FEW MINUTES IS your hair beginning to gray? Has it become ‘‘streaky’’ or off color from the use of hot irons or straight eners? If it has, use Godejroy’t Lari tuse. This amazing preparation will color your hair to a beautiful even shade of black, jet black, dark, medi um or light brown ... giving it the ( soft, shimmering, lustrous finish so much admired by everyone. Try Godefroy’s Larieuae TODAY. If not satisfied, your dealer will refund your money. isrjs: "“udJl75 hair coloring « OODIPROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3310 OLIVI ST. • ST. LOUIS, MO. /v%^V¥vyywvYvwyyyvwyywyyyy^«rtiv¥yy*vyvvvv»yv __ _ Here’s Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money-Be Agent fer SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It’s Easy! Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET tEORGIA BROWN Money Making AGENT. Menand Women wanted everywhere asAGENTS forSWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade. Hair Strength, Skin Brightener, Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any . experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up to f $40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. (FREE SAMPLES Send No Money! Just fill in coupon and mall it today for FREE SAMPLES of Hair Dressing, Face Powder and Special Oiler to AGENTS. Don’t wait. Mail the COUPON NOW1 Valmor Products Co. T* 2241 ladiaaa Arena e, Chicago, OL ■ V VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dept. 1M 2241 Indiana An., Chicago, III. I want to make Quick Money. Please send me I Pree Samples and Special Offer to Agents right away. I Nmm*.......... I I AUrttt____I Raising the Family- _Butlai had aw «yw lor buainwSa but-t /FOR. THE LOVE OE / LUKE. HERE'S ^ | dime-now cur our 1 Lthcvt _ vINT^^AUQSa^ABJOPW co.N.y.i __