The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 15, 1937, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    SOCIAL Q ~ _ r CLUBS
• • • • • • •' '
ii . H
« Girl Reserve »
-• r T
The list of names which includ
ed tfvr girls who were presented
Girl R«| rVe rings, omitted the
name of Melba Faucctt.
Wo wi»h to take this opportun
ity to express thanks to the Girl
Reserve and Religious Education
Committee who sponsored the ‘Mo
ther and Daughter Tea" on Sun
day May 9th And the members of
the panel, Mts. Lois Goode, Ch’m
Mr«. Wig’fTns Ch’m of Rel’g'OUs
C< mmitlre. Auvone Kincaid, Alber
ta Longmire, Ethel Davis, Olive
Willis, Mrs. R. E. Squires, Mrs.
G.orgo Curry, Mrs. Archie Young.
Mrs. Thelma Hancock, also Miss
Ethel Jones and Miss Bertha Young
who were in charge of the, music
Mrs. Mable Davis, chairman from
Gi'l Re rrve Comm ttee. was in
charge of the tea- She was assisted
by the Girl Reserve Committee and
Mrs. Wesley Jones.
The Junior Review Style show
on May 10th, was presented by the
Semper Fidelia Fre.shman Girl Re
serve. I^ie members of the club mo
deled morning frocks, school attire,
sport-s wear afternoon and evening
On May 31«t, the Junior and
Senior Girl Reserve" and their boy
firiends will go on a hike. The
group will be chaperoned by the
Girl Reserve Committee.
If you have not already mnde
your contribution for Girl Reserve
to go to wumme.r camp or confer,
ence you will have another oppor
tunity on May 29th at which time
the group will sponsor a movie at
the Rita theatre.
On J'lpie 6th,the Roy and Girl
Forum Committee will honor the
gradual*-* with a tea at the. North
aide branch.
h -
On July 2 to 9 Girl Reserves
from the Northhde branch will go
to camp Bre.w"ter There thsy will
enjoy swimming, tennis, volley ball,
hike* and many other activities too
nuTTver^aJ* to mention. If you are
a girl betweeen the age" of 12 and
18 and wish to enjoy the»e things
and many more, will you call the
Northside branch. The date i" July
2 io 9
The Girl Reserve, Summer Con
ference will be held at Camp Brew
ster June 11 to 18.
The Busy Be* club met at the
residence of Mrs. Emma Ander*»,
2117 Grant street on May 7th.
Fourteen members were present Af
ter a very delicious luncheon was
served by the hostess. Mrs. V..
Scott, i* president, Mrs. Estella
Hayes, secretary.
The Club Rubinette met at the
home of the president, Mr». Anna
Mae Jbhnson, 2420 Binney street on
Friday, May 8th at the umiul hour.
A very interesting meeting was
held- Nine members were present.
Mrs.. Ester Baker, a member was
reported a* being ill. A very success
ful report was made on the club
luncheon. Wie were glad to have so
many present at this meeting and
we hope the number will increase
for the next meeting. After our
business transactions, we adjourned
to meet at the home of Mrs. F. A.
Kincaid, 2861 Corby street on Fri
day, May 16th. We would like very
much for all to be present.
Cleo Cola
Queen of Sparkling Drinks
;5 S J
Vi-LAMeO »k 1 • ’ . I
• * 1*1 \ iruiAfii C'CI jr nu in in' j
’•our: and erpcoially nt the end of
a busy day When you're all tuck
ered ot don a gaily coclored houw
mat or a pair of pajamas so you
<v>n 1 lick and', also, feel
full of fun oven when you're
lounging in your lazi<*«t manner.
We wish to tthank our many fri
ends for their kindness and sym
pathy during the illness and death
of our beloved mother, Mrs. 1,
Parker, 2734 Caldwell St.
Mrs. R. Smith
Luvonia Parker
Miss Alma Parker
Crant. Parker
Vivian l*ark**r.
»■!» 10 l»l »l '• '>1 • 0 ••
5; an4 s, Paul Taylor are the
proud parent « of a boy bom April
27th Uv ..tethodist hospital. Dr.
Vi'. W.. >. 'non was attending
pby ‘cine CheJ' and baby an*
doing nicely.
Mr Rk Shard Nared and Mrs. Tin
ni« Butler and chiklren motored to
Beatrice. Ne/Sra-ska on Sunday to
virit the s«n of Mrs. Butler who is
in the hospital with a broken leg.
Ho wishes to thank hia friends for
the fruit and flowers sent him by
hia mother
Mrs. N. A. Bradley, 2865 Corby
street has ju ?t returned fom Pensa
cola, Fla-, where she has been vi
siting relative," and friend". She re
1'o‘rts having had a grand time.
The Birthday Dinner Party given
by Salem Baptist Sunday school
every year "ill be given on June 2
this- year. The time is 8:30 p>. m
Mrs. Hattie Carmide of Tupelo,
Mhte., who has been visiting her
aunt, Mrs. A. Thomas, 2702 Lake
street, returned to her home. She
report* a very enjoyable time and
expressed her de»ire to return to
the city in the near future.
^ Proprietor
24th and Lake Street
WEbster 5444
The Woman's Auxiliary of the
Postal Alliance met at the, home
of Mrs- Clara Pacua, 2519 Wirt
afreet, on Wednesday, May 6th. All
hgh *tehool graduates are asked to
registerer at t;ho home of Mrs. J.
C. Carey, 26.16 Binney street, or at
the residence of Mrs. Ollic Lewis,
2415 Blondo street for the purpose
of receiving a $100 scholarship
award. This includes all graduates
of high school* in the city.
More information may be receiv.
ed by cullng at either one of these
Rarg-aina In Homes
Pay 3 in 1 in yoor mon'h'y pay
ments: taxes, interest and insurance
3 rooms part modem; cash $60
Price $600 -balance $9.00 p* r
month- ,
4 roams part modern; cash $90.
Price $900, balance $11 60 per
5 rooms modem except heat; cash
$75; prim $760, balance $11 per
5 room* mod or n except heat; Cash
$100, price $1000: balance $12.50
l»'r month
' rooms modem except heat Cash
$100. Price $1000; balance $12 50
per month
6 room* modern except heat- Comer
hit, cash $150; price $1350; b.l
an « $14 50 p. r month
7 rooms modern. Cash $150. Price
$1500, balance $16.00 per month
2 and 8 room apartment* f«r rent.
No child vn.
Many other bargains
E. M Davis
I.icensed Broker
2817 No. 24th St. WE 11G0
.V.VAV.V.V.V.W. . , «. - i
ivhile you
Now—almost over
night—you can make
your skin many
•hades lighter—free
from freckles, pim
ples, blackheads,
Inm.i rutraa ek/w
Tonight at bedtime spread Nadinola
Bleaching Cream on (ace, neck and arms.
While you sleep it gently dtssoltts dark
pigment. Remember—Nadinola is doublt
aetint. It gives results you have never
found in any ordinary bleach.
■r n y Get Nadinola today at any toi
1"1 let counter or by mail postpaid,
AT OUR 50c. If not delighted, money
p|C|f cheerfully refunded. NADI*
'uo,v NOLA, Bo* N-17, Paris. Term.
Surprise Birthday Party
In Honor of Rev. Ph lips
A surprise birthday party wa*
given in honor of Rev. A. Phillips,
the pa«tor of Bethel AME church,
at the home of Mr. and Mr». Sloan
2428 Decatur street, on Monday
night, May 3rd. The house was de
corated in pink and white with
fresh aut pink carnations- The ta
ble wa« covered with a pretty white
lace cloth in the center of which
a vase of pink carnations and can
dles. The amusement consisted of
Mr. Malcolm Scott, 2885 Miami
I "ti'eot, wan honored at a stag j>ar-j
I1;.' given by Mr«. J. M. Scott and
! won. at 2861 Maple St.
Mr. and Mrs. Pauline and sons, i
of 2818 Seward street, were guests
at a delightful Mother’s Day din
no- at the home of Mrs. M. E. Hill,
2638 Franklin street.
Mrs. C. Reynolds, wife of Rev.
Reynolds, pastor <>f Pleasant Green
ni pt, f cl'.. \ h, is upending the
week in Des Moines, la. visiting
WANTED 10 young ladies lo work
in Hub»c|.-iption campaign- See S.
Edward Gilbert, Omaha Guide of
fice 2418 Gant St. at once.
—-* •—U
Hon't Sleep
When Gas
Presses Heart
If you wont to really GET RID OF
GAS and terrible bloating, don’t expect |
to do it by Juot doctoring your stomach i
with harsh, irritating alkalies and “gas i
tablets." Most GAS is lodged in the J
etc ~eh and upper Intestine and is j
due »•> old poisonous matter in the
eons’ I bowels that ars loaded j
with i':-c: - ;g Pretoria.
If ysur c_ .li,': .An Is of long stand
ing, e.iorm: s < "sntlties of dangerous I
bact»ria a- at. 'ate. Then your di
Eestion is hi ;. GAS often presses
eart rnd lungs, making life miserable, j
Yc.i c • r. . t c or sleep. Your head !
•ehes. Yct.r I ask aches. Your com- 1
plsxion Is r "ofe and pimply. Your |
breath it foul. You aro a tick, grouchy,
wretched, unhappy person. YOUR
Thousands of sufferers hava found In
Adltrika the quick, sciontlfto way to
rid their systems of harmful bacteria.
Adlerika rids you of gas and cleans
foul poisons out of BOTH upper and
lower bowels. Give your bowels a
REAL eleantlng with Adlerika. Get i
rid of GAS. Adlerika does not gripe—
la not habit forming,
j : .4..iL ul hfcll: For Special Trial
treatment, aend 10c, stamps or coin
to Adli rika, Dept. 77 St Paul
AAA C'*aJ Company I
JA. 2159
CcgI—2 large soaks_$1.001
10 Packages Co’'e.._$1.00 j
JA 2150 i
. »■»■♦'*»•»•»■*■•« «•■> a >i <n> ■»*>»■>*■♦«■#"»■•»«>■■»
FREE LUCK IASI 60« Algerian Maja
Lack lag and (ample! Hair Drafting,
Powder, Ointment Free. Sand 10c to
cover mailing coat.
Dept. &-I Memphit, lean.
KiYrfrttVlk iflpy
Have your car washed a»d oil changed for Spring
Motor tuning and Battery recharging
2417 North 24th Street JAckson 9269
games. An impromptu program
was algo given, with Mrs. Jessie
Turner as mistress of ceremonies.
The honoree was the recipient of
many gifts. Refeshments were serv
Among Cho«e attending were:
Rev. and Mr». A. Phillips, Rev.. J*.
L . Owens of Kansas City, Rev. and
Mrs. H. D. Piggue. Rev. Oliver
Butlefr, Rl'V.. D C. Stephensoii,
Mr. and Mrs. Mosley, Mr. and
Mrs. Monday. Mr. and Mrs . Sloan,
Mr. and Mrs. Huey Emery, Mrs.
Sadie Green, Mr-. Norene Ander
son, Mrs. Cleola Turner, Mrs. Bea
trice Lastcr, Mrs. Jessie Turner,
Mrs. Alice Seals, Mrs. Maggie Cade,
Mrs. Payne. Mrs. Young, Miss
Florentine Turner, Miss Cora Lee
M c B r i d e , Mr. Buster Cade.
Wesley Montgomery, Mr. L. B. Bar
ds, and Mr- Milton Stromile. Those
ippeeiring the program were
Mrs. G. W- Galloway, Mrs M . L
k'oung, Mrs- Jo«ie Brown and Mrs.
Bro willow.
Los Ami gas club gave a Mother1
Day Tea. Mother’d Day songs wer
sung and a reading ws given b
Miss Francis Pearl entitled, “Mo
ther’s Love" A delightful repa*
was served. Mr*- Charles Smith
Mrs. Pearl Field®, Miss Lerilli
Dean and Miss Amla Dean wer*
visitors from Nebraska City. Oth
ers present wee Mesdmes R. Smith
0. Deynolds, F. Dixon, Stokes; D
Dixon, W. Warren, Wardell an<
Misses N. Tucker, Marie Reynolds
Francis Paris, Lomia King anc
Gertrude Smith- A lovely time wai
had by all.
The Good Samaritan club met al
the residence of Mrs. Pearl Smith
940 No- 27th street, on Tuesday
May 11th.
Cleaning, Pressing and Re
pairing. <
Dying amd Hot Cleaning.
Dresses Cleaned, and Press I
ed—Fur Crafting, Etc. :
22nd and Maple Street—Eight rooms, modern, reception
lall, living room, dining room, den and kitchein, down
itairs. four bedrooms upstairs: oak floors thoughout, full
lement basement, double gaage, large lot.
128 North 25th Street—six rooms, modern, $1,500.00.
3402 North 27ih Ave., five rooms, modern, $0600.
)61North 27th Street, six rooms, partly modern, $500.00.
These properities may be purchased with small down
payment, balance less than rent, low rate of interest on
unpaid balance, rubs'ract of title brought down to date,
Saxes paid up, properties free of any incumbranoes.
C. F. Davis Real Estate Co.
Be Well Dress
ed and Com
fortable in Our
New 1987
end up
i GLASGOW Tailors
11522 Harney JA. 1087
Omaha, Nebr.
Means T* Write ui YOU
Get the Credit
I*• Her*. » eial «nd businees
popular ■prrehaa and talks for
Tea- he1*. Moistens, Cirie, Bus
ineas and Lodge leaders; ar
tides for publieation. Your
own work rewritten, revised,
•r criticised. Write us your
needs and send 6 eents stamp*
fr more detail*.
141 West 125th St„
New York City
Forbes Bakery
Try Our Delicious Milk Bread
2 Loaves for 15c
Beautifully washed and returned just
damp enough to IRON.
Minimum bundle 48c
Edholm & Sherman
2401 North 24th St. We 6065
» i
I The Battle Is On— j:
Whaf club will win the!*
‘Best Model” trophy that!;
^will be given by the Omaha!'
\Guide at t« Spring Style! I
;lRevue to be he’d May 17th|]
Jat the Dreamland Hall?;!
/What individual model will?
.;win the best individual?
?“Model” ring? !■
j jjWhat club will win the prize!;
;.for the largest number of?
/tickets sold by a club? ?
!;What individual club mem?
*1 ber will win the prize for?
%the largest number of tickets];
•Isold by an individual? I;
; ■; ;■
/All club presidents are ask*]
?ed'o get in touch with Mrs ?
I;Mildred Gilbert, Mr. Gilbert*!
I;or Mr. Boyd Galloway at?
;]The Omaha Guide office fori;
jlcomplete information. I;
JWWWWWAW ■*.%w%?
When Poisons Clog
And Irritate Bladder
Go to your druggist today and
get this safe, swift -and harmless
diuretic and stimulant—ask for
Gold Medal Haa 'Jem OU Capsules
and start at once to flush kidneys
of waste matter and saturated
with acids and poisons.
That’s the way to bring about
healthy kidney activity and stop
that bladder irritation which often
causes scanty passage with smart
ing and burning as well as restless
Remember, the kidneys often
need flushing as well as the bowels,
and some symptoms of kidney
weakness »v: Getting up once or
twice during the night—puffy eyes
—cramps in leg—backache and
moist palms
But be sure and get GOLO
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules—
the original and genuine—right
f em Haarlem in Holland—the
price is small (35-ccnts), the good
results will fulfill your expecta
Functional O A f Q
monthly periods
Severe func
tional pains
of menstrua
i tion, cramping
spells and jan
gled nerves
soon rob a
woman of her
natural, youth
ful freshness.
* m* wmmmmm PAIN too
often grow into AGE lines!
If you are subject to suffering at
monthy periods, it may be that
Cardul will relieve you.
Thousands of women
have found it helpful to
take Cardul. They said
It seemed to ease their
pains and they noticed
an Increase in their
appetites and finally a
strengthened resistance
to the stress of monthly periods.
Try Cardul. Of course if it doesn’t
help you, see your doctor,