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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1937)
Attend Church . . ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•a ■■■■■■■■■■ • PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH 27th anj Franklin Street* Rev. J. H. Reynold-, Factor Lottie Key*, Reporter (Continued from last week) Wednesday: Mss ion, S'. John AME. Rev. Adam*, |wi*U>r collec tion $1.00. Thursday: Mother Board Pilgrim Baptist (Lurch, R< v. G. E- SUiVcn psistor, 0)1 lection $5.02 Friday: Senior and Junior Dea cons. Rev. Robinson of Des Moines, Mnderytoar, collection $2.00. S; eip.I offo- ng. $1.20. Total for installation, $(54 20. W" wish to take this opportunity to tih-nk all who p>rticipatcd in our two week's program - -o- ■ —. FIRST SPIRITUAL TEMPLE NO. 0 Nth sod HI* nrio Strict* On UK liter M. O inn. Lender Rev iarhsiin, Ass't pastor M-i'nirg Service, 11 o’clock Night service. 8 o’clock T e dnv e i \ B.hle class. Thursday night, altar call, heal ing and |t oplienying by pastor. W" were glad to rejKirt a nice attendance all day Sunday. Even the chilly weather didn’t dampen tihe spirit. Your presence and : cheery sm'le will help to put the program over Come out and join us —--O — - ST. JOHN A ME OHUHOH ‘The Friendly Church” Rrv. K. A. Adams, Pastor The awices at St John AME church la«t Sunday were very good throughout tihe day. in spite of the bad weather, the bad weather, the children made the Sunday school attendance very good. Rev. Adams preached at the miming service. He w«s very full of the spirit, which could easily b« seen as he de livered the musage. In tihe afternoon, Rev. Conwell, hi* choir, and some, of his congre gation came to help Rev. Adams in his quarterly meeting. The ACE Luague met at the us ual hour, 6:30 p. m., at which time the society listened to a very in spirational and interesting message delivered by S. E. Gilbert. Next' Sunday, May 0th, the League is i inviting mothers, fathers and fri ends of the members to meet with them. In the evening, Re.v. J. L. Owens, a student minister of Western uai vorsitjy, preached a very fine ser mon. Rev. Owens shows great pro mise of being n powerful leader We wish for him great success, Mother’s Day service on May 9th promises to be very interest ing. It should be the desire of every one to do something to make some mother happy on that day. How fine it would be for the boys and girls who d<> not claim to be Chris tians to make up their minds to start on Mother’s Day bo live a Christian life. Many visitors were seen at St John last Sunday. They are always welcome to make it their church home while in tihe city. Read the Omaha Guide and see your church news printed in it. It is always glad to keep you inform ed on current happening*. —■-o BETHEL A. M. E CHURCH 2428 Franklin Street Re*. A. I'hillipN, Pastor The ,pas(|‘>r preached inspiring sermon* at both services. One per son united with the church. Sunday, May 9th, will be our quarterly meeting. Sacramental services will be held at 3 p. m. At 8 o’clock p. m., tihc ACE Lea gue will sponsor a Mother’s Day program. The subject for Sunday, ‘‘What Make* Happiness in the Home,” will be di*g:ussed at 6 p. m. Ed Patton Music Co. 1916 FARNAM ST. Baldwin Pianos .Sheet Music Conn Band Instruments C O M M » ft. C.i A L ' JMWOM . "*r./ * ’ r* ■ « ** " u I MT. NEBO BAPTIST C H U R CH Rev. J. G. Gates, Pastor Dolly Dixon, Reporter | The Sunday school wa« openec I on time, with a large attendance and the lesson was beautifull) brought out by Rev. Lane. The morning service was full oi the* spirit, as it was testifying day Every soul wah Tilled. Mr. F. Jen kins worshipped with us. We were glad to have him The* evening service was enjoyed by nil. The Ijord’.s Supper was served by the pastor. Visitors are welcome - —o MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Hev. J. I*. Mosley, Pastor i- inday morning -ervices Wf,re in iv'irh .spirit. It was u very splen did testimonial meet ng. BYPU i-p'ned at the usual hour. At the evening services the pastor preach ed a splendid sermon, after which th" Ijord’a, Supper "us administer ed and all went home feeling jubil ant over the* day’s service. Monday, May 3rd was the beginning of the 1 11th anniversary of Mt. Olive Bap list church. The funeral of Mrs. Alberta Pearson "’«« held Friday afternoon April 30th at Mt. Olive, <>f which she was a member. Everyone is welcome. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH 28th and Decatur Streets Rev. M. B: Bilbrew, Pastor Minnie Bryant, Rep. Sunday marked the close of the I v*o w«*<‘k ,-evjval comduNte/^ 'by our pastor. Sunday evening at three o’clock, five, were baptized. Those who were not ready for baptism will be baptized next Sunday. A Mother’s Day program will be sponsored by the BYPU- Services were very well attended. At 11 a. m our pastor brought to u|a a pow erful message. He wpoke to us out of the, depths of hia soul. His text "a« found in Luke 8:8. During the evening services he brought to u« un instructive, and heiptul message. !Ii» text was found in l Kings 13: 14. M'>tlu>r’a Day flowers will be sold next Sunday, under the aus pices of the Home Department of which Mrs. A. B. Mathew is leader The sick of the church are Mrs. Kendal and Mr. Dyson. Visitors are always welcome at Salem. —--o METROPOLITAN OHUROH Rev, R. W. Johnson, Pastor Mrs. Willie Varner, Reporter Thq Metropolitan Sunday school opened at) 9:30 a. in. with the su perintendent, Brother C. W. Porter, in charge. Everyone present was greatly benefited. Bn>. l\>rt*>r is asking all parents of the Metropol itan community to please send their children bo Sunday school to help make our Sunday school a success. At 11 o'clock the pastor preach ed an inspiring message from Ex odus 37:26. His subject wOs “Who Is on thq land's Side?’ Two souls were united with the church. The 6 o’clock Union was well at tended, with Mrs. J. A. Oumbloy, presiding Mrs Patsy Woody tau Ideal Poultry Co AT 3711 1114 No. 24th Sens 20c Roosters . 15c Broilers _ 28 — 30 Fresh Eggs .18 — 23 this finest Mac aroni, make dishes your family will delight iu 1 ght the les*»n. Mr». Woody would like for you to come and study the Bible, At the evening service Rev. .John son preached his sermon from Number* 21:8. His subject was “Look and Live." Next Sunday is Mother* Day which has been set aside aa Women’s Day at the Me tropolitan. At 3:30 there will b*' a epecial program anr sermon con ducted by the Ladies of the church. Mr«. BueJah .Johnson will be in charge. Don’t forget the Mother’s Day play. At 8 o’clock there will also be an operetta given with the play. After the play, Rev. .Johnson will leave for Gary, Indiana for a month’s# .stay. Everyone is wel come. Tho Annal Dinner Party con I dutitej by Salem Baptist Sunday | school evi5«-y year, will be given on June 3rd this year. The time is 8:30 i P ni. ! Atty. (Iia*. F. Davis Turhtnan Bldg. 2504 No. 24th St. NOTICE OF PROBATE WILL In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the, matter of the estate of LULA R. THOMAS, deceased. All persons interested in said es tate are hererby notified that a pe tition has been filed in said Court, praying for the probate of a cer tain instrument) now on file in said Court, purporting to be the last will and tesamcnt of said deceased, and that, n hearing will be had <>n said petition before said Court on the 29th day of May, 1937 and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the «uid 29th day of May, 1937 at 9 o’clock A. M., to contest the probate of said will, the Court may allow and probate, said will and grant administration of said estate to Lulu Stout or some other suitable person, enter heirship, and proceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford County Judge 3T MT. MORIAH BAPTI8T CHUROH Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor A very successful soul-winning campaign wad conducted by the Mt. Moriah Baptist church during the month of April. Rev. David St. Clair of Emporia, Has., was the speaker each evening. His power ful me sages influenced many to re new their vovenant, several joined under Christian Experience and 19 were candidates for baptism. The entire membership has witnessed a real revival, and testified of the spiritual strength which they have received. 18 candidates will be bap tized Sunday May 16th, at the close of the 11:00 o’clock services. Ritz Sweet Shop 2035 No. 24th ST Watch for Opening Date WILL BE OPEN SOON & TEDDY E3ILL one of America's mo3t pop ular and best dressed swing maestros, says *7 find Shu• Milk the ONE white shoe cleaner that actually gives | A-l Performance 1 Why Laxaiaves Fa5! In Stubborn Constipation Twelve to 24 hours is too Icng to wait when relief from clogged bev/ols a;*d constipation is needed, for then er.;" mous of b cteria aeoumti* late, causing GAS, Inciig otion and many restless, sleepless nights. If you want REAL, QUICK RELIEF, take a liguld compound such re Ad lerika. Adiorika contains SEVEN ca. thartic and carminative Ingredients that act on the stomach and BOTH bowels. Most “overnight” laxatives contain ons ingredient that acts on the lower bowel only. Adlerika's DOUBLE ACTION gives your system a thorough cleansing, bringing out old poisonous waste mat te.- that may have caused GAS pains, sour stomach, headaches and sleepless nights for months. Adlerika relieves stomach GAS at once and usually removes bowel con gestion in less than two hours. No waiting for overnight results. This famous treatment has been recom mended by many doctors and drug gists for 35 years. Take Adlerika one half hour before breakfast or one hour before bedtime and in a short while you will feel marvelously refreshed. TRIAL OFFER: For Special Trial treatment, send 10c, stamps or coin to Adlerika, Dept. 71, St. Paul Minn. RAY L. WILLIAMS, Atty Tuchman Bldg- Room 200 24th and Lake St. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska In the matter of tihe estate of GAYNELL ROANE, decoasd: All persons interested in said matters are hereby notified that on the 16tji day of April, 1937, W- L, Myers filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled and allrwed, and that he be discharged from his tiruBt as administrator and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 15th day of May, 1937, and that if you fall to appear before said Court on [ the said 16th day of May, 1937 at 9 o'clock a- m., and contest, thf Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may se<*m proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. Bryce Crawford County Judge Be Apr. 24-27 End May 8-37 3T - —o ALLEN CHAPEL A M E CHURCH Rev. D. C. Stephenson, Pastor Mrs. Frankie Redd, Reporter Special Mother’s Day Service Sunday scho >1 will meet at 9:30 a. m. You are a»0ced to come and see the younjf people of the Sunday school carry out their Junior church At (fie 11:00 a. nu service, a spe cial Mother’s Day sermon will be preached by the pastor, llev. D. C. Stevenson.. At the 7:30 p. nv service, the choir under the direction of Mrs. Frances M<«ely, will present a special Mother’s Day program. Several numbers from friends will be present. You are invited to come and enjoy a fine treat HURRY! SATURDAY Last Day of Our MAY POLE Sale! Gifts with Every Purchase r Use Your Credit! mm 0U;FITTIN! COMPANY 16th and Jackson I - TRADE AT Tuchman Bros. 24th and LAKE STS Largest Food Market Iln North Omaha On presentation of this adver tisement one 25c package of Gold Dust together with a sil ver spoon, will be given for 15c Orders Delivered PROMPTLY 1 WE 0402 WE 0402 WANTED TO BUY 100,000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20,000 Batteries 50,000 Auto Radiators Aire we Buying* You Bet. If it's Auto Parts You Want It Will Pay You to See Us First. We Are Here to Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming St._AT 5656 Home of Kangaoo Court Grand Opening La G asa Hotel Apartments I _HERMANFREIDLANDER; Proprietor RESIDENTS Mi»s Mable Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Ulyssis Watson Mis Viola Howard Mr. and Mrs. Felix Metoyer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Curtis Mrs. M. Sterling Mr. Gable Ware Mr. and Mrs. George Clasctton Miss Marvel Blackburn Mrs. J. Williams Mr. C. C.. Jonea It gives us great pleasure to announce the opening of the La Casa Hotel Apartments. We have ma<fe every effort and spared no expense to make it a pleasant and wholesome place in which to live. The apart ments are furnished with elect ric refrigeration, hot and cold wat/^r in etvly rofm*, bath rooms, showers and restrooms. Several rooms are, reserved for out of town guests visiting in our city. Single girls who want to make the La Casa their home will find rooms with cooking facil ities, private reception rooms, baths and laundries at a mod erate price for their conven ience. We invite everyone* to visit us> and inspect our hotel apartments. Yours truly The Management J. S Turner & Sons CEMENT CONTRACTORS No Job Too Large or Too Small. 2514 Oorby St. WE 2864 P. BUCKO i ' l Interior Decorator 2417 Blondo St. WE 3949 John A. Gardner General Fortman 2622 Maple Street Phil Lynch PLBMBIBB ini UEBTIBG Success to the LaCasa FREE COURSE Consisting of 1ARCEL.LING FingorAVaving SHAMPOO FOMULA Including Diploma by mail Write today to CUBAN COSMETIC CO. Box 53I5-T Chicago, III. SHANKLIN AGENCY 2314 N 21srt St Omaha 9 Houses and Flats For Rent $10, $12, $15 to $25 Houses For Sale $50, $100, $150 to $350 Down Balance like rent Furnished Rooms and Apart ments For Rent From $3, $3.50 to $5 . SHANKLIN REAL ESTATE CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes Kinjr'Yuen Cafe 2010'/i N. 21th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. I AMERICAN WIENER SHOP 2509 N. 24th, Street. BEST CHIU AND BEST RED HOTS IN THE WEST ALL KINDS of SANDWICHES ADS APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE three room apartment, fur ished, 2414 Na. Sl»t sirkct. TWO room furnished apartment, bills paid, $3.50 JA 0986. FURNISHED room—2310 No. 27th avpnuet—W/3 (T328 FURNISHED rooms 2208 No. 27th DELICTOUS glazed Dixie Cream Donuts. Fresfli 24c. Day old 12c doyen. 109% So. 24th St. FOR RENT—Love’* Kitchenette Apartment*, 2616-18 Patrick, or 2613 Grant st. Call We. 5563. MAKE $10 daily selling Negro doll*, picture*. National Co.. 166 W. 126th St., New York City. WANTED—Experienced salesman for rubber work glovee an side line to retail trade. Liberty Rub ber Glove Co. Winona. Man. FOR RENT 1 Large room for two; 1 Small room for ont WE 4162 ALBERTA’S SANDWICH SHOP Barbecue—Cold Drinks Furnished Rooms MRS. HARRY NORMAN 4827 S 26 St. MA 0957 V. V.V.’.V.V.V.V.’.VW/.V. FOR SALE—CLOTHING Nice Line of Slightly Used Women’s Wearing Apparell WOMEN’S ECONOMY SHOP —567 World-Herald Bldg.— W. mVAWWWWA'^ ———————„———.——————————— HEADQUARTERS FOR All kinds of Poultry and freah Country Eggs direct from the country. Live Carp - Buffalo and Catfish Special Prices to Churches and Parties Stoller’s Fish and Poultry Market 1623 North 24th Street JAckson 8699 ?» acii anura YOUR OWN — LAKE SHOE SERVICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake Street. fr'OK ECONOMIC and comfort of living try DIXON APTS., AT 7435. Intelligence and Sales Dept. Good 6000 Representatives Wanted. income assured. E. V. Publishing House, 301-306 Elm st.. Dept. N3. AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro Dolls. Write, National Co., 163 West 126th St., N. Y Send 10c for six mo. subscription to interesting magazine, Movie News and Pictures. Box 462, Dayton, Ohio. COLORED RACE ONLY. Nation wide social letter dub: new friends, romance; strictly confi dential. Particulars free. KIS MET, Boxx 6166-E., Met. Sta. Los Angeles, Calif. AGENTS — Sell Emperor Haile Selassie Picture, (Sample 26c). Negro Dolls, Flappers, African League, 264 W. 136th St., New York. PLANT A GARDEN The soil is in fine shape for planting. We carry a fine line of gul den and grass seeds. Save 60 per cent by using our bulk seed. HOME LANDSCAPE SERVICE 924 N. 24th JA. 5115 iVAVWJVJWAVAVAW.S ALTHOUSE SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE Enroll Now. Be Independent $100 Course for $65 _ For Information Call _ WE. 0846 2422 N. 22 St