V The Omaha Guidites ^ ^ “The Door of Expression” — — Edited by ‘UNCLE GIL* ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Festival Choir Of 300 Voices In First Rehearsal ® _ Director Very Much Pleased With Choirs At Big Rehearsal with the radiant sun m«n of tomorrow gathered at St John AJ4E Ohor'h on Satooia May 1*. and there for two hour* rehearsed their unison afternoon, “*7 „l diw,„t Uub Jones, the genera* _ ws^fuU Of smiles at the ^elusion Tf thTrehea^l. <*u« to the won derful enthusiasm ***** members of the Junior <*«*£ Uncle Gil was there and made announcement * ^^uide «- «-** tttatre Saturday May l&th at a r!ly H« also expressed himself Jt, n.11 pto** «*>» th” hearsal and the wonderful coop .tion —Selected -o Dates for next unison rehearsals are Satuday May 8th at 3 p. m. and Satuday May 16tth at 3 p. m, at St. John AME church, 22nd and Willis Don’t forget the day, SUNDAY, MAY 16th at 3 p, m. at ST. JOHN AME CHURCH, 22nd and Willis. -o VN EARLY MAY (DAY FESTIVAL » All nature i« quite glad today, It i* the first otf May, The merry month of outdoor joy For every girl and boy. From far and near on the green The children can be seen; They dance, they run, they skip and roll Around the huge May pole. \ In garlands neat upon each bough The flowers formed are now, And clothed in brightness all around The happy folks are found. The mufte floats upon the breeze And through the new leaved trees, The children, clad in bright array, Never were seen more gay. This May Day fear» will long be kept, Its joys we'll e’er accept, And we will wait patiently For April next to flee. -o SPRING The Alder by tirte river Shakes out her powdery curia; The willow buds in silver For little boys and girled < \ Hie little birds fly over— And oh, how sweet they sing— To tell the happy children That once again ’tia spring. The gay green grass comes creeping The buttercups are coming And scarlet columbine, And in the sunny meadows The dandelions shine. And just as many daisies As their soft hands can hold The little ones may gather, All fair in white and gold. Here blooms the warm red clover There peeps the violet blue; Oh happy little children, God made them all for you. —SELECTED -o ANSWERS TO LAST WEEKS HISTORY QUESTIONS 1. Eugene Kinkle Jones, head of Division of Negro Affaire. 2- Max Yergian. 8. Honorable B. K.. Bruce and Honorable Hiram R. Revels. 4. 15th amendment »«• passed in 187a 5. Frt* masonry among colored men m America began on March 8, 1775, when an army lodge at tached to a British regiment m Bos ton conferred the degrees upon Prince Hall and fourteen other free colored men. (VoL I-, Ars Qua tour Coronatorum, page 14, History of Freemasonry—Robert F• Gould, Chapter 8a) 0. Meharry Medical school, Nash ville, Tenn., Howard University School of Medicine, Washington, D. C. Who Knows? 1. How many thirty-second not** can there be In * measure of six eight time, if the first note is a quarter note? 2. Who wrote the opera, Lohen grin? 3. When was Haydn bom? 4. What i« an interval? 6. In what city did Mendelssohn establish a Conservatory of Music? 6. What does “AllegTo” mean? (Answers next week) -o Festival Queens MISS BETTY PORTER Miss Btetty Louise Porter, "'ho was choshn queen of the Metropol itan Spiritual church, is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C.. W.. Port ter, 2217 Ohio street. Bettjy attended Jackson school later the L«ttie E. Stevens school at Little R»ck, Anrk., prior to the coming of h«r parents to Omaha. She is now a student in lake school and is a member of the eighth giade. Miss Porter will enter Technical high school in September Sho is a loiver of music and art and desires to return to Little Rock a» a floral designer in the establish ment owned and operated by the family and known as the Highland Florif#®. MISS JOSIE WOODS Miss Josie Woods, who will attend the May Day Festival as the Queen of Bethel AME church, is thte charming daughter of Mr. James Woods, 3212 Emmet street. Miss Wood'* is a senior at Cen tral high school, a member of the A’Chppella choir of Central and a memberof the Junior Choir of Be thel. Her greatest ambition is to be a dietition. MISS EVELYN LUCKEY Miss Evelyn Luekey 17 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.. L.. Floyd, 2307 Na. 24th street, whc has been chosen May Day queen o 1 St. John AME dhureh is a senior at North high schooiL Miss Luckey’s (hobby is reading sewing and music. She plana to en ter Wilberforoe university upon the completion of her high school work. She contemplates being a social worker. WINIFRED WILLIAMS Miss Winifred Williams, the dau ghter of Mr and Mrs. Fred Williams 1829 % No. 24th street is to repre sent Zion Baptist church as its queen at the May Day Festival, May 16 th. Miss William,1* is a freshman at Central high school. Her hobbies arc basketball and baseball. She is also very fond of sewing. Miss Williams, who has a very sweet personality plans to bo a beautician Step Worrying l Do You Need a New Start! Write Mu. Today. Informuiiou Pruu. M. WILLIAMS, Dopt o Journal Scpraro Station Jaetgy City. N.J. Jokes Mr. Hum.by (after four months of unemployment): "What do you think law? I*v« got a job aa post man.” Mna Humlby: "Now Isn’t that niea. It'll be much better than walk ing about town all day.” Teacher—"Now, James, if your father cam do a piece of work in one hour and your mother can do it in one hotur, how big will it take them to do it together?” James—It would take them three hours including the time they wa«t ed arguing about it.” Riddles 1. What i" highest with the head off? 2W!ha£ is it that runs, yet never moves? 3. Wihat can you do to a rooster to stop him from crowing on Sun day? 4. Why was Adam the happiest of all men ? —i—,—o Queen’s Atte^ants MABLE LOUISE KING Mills Mable Louise King, the pe tifio daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ho ward McDaniels, 2866 Orby street, has been choden as one of the at tendants to the queen for Sit. John A ME church. Miss King, who is 17, is a senior at North high rfctoool and is fond of tennis and hiking. This yorung lady’s ambition w to be a Cosmetologist ADA WALKER Miss Ada Walker, the charming daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Lee Wal ker, 1627 No.. 22nd Street, is to ap pear as one of the attendants to the queen of St John AME church. Miss Walker if* a graduate of Technical high school, class of ‘36. Her hobbies are reading and ten nis. Misfi Walker’s ambition is to be a costume designer. AFTER 45 l Very often at you grow L older your diges* • esyo I tem become* deficient 1 and y-«ur b!oc