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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1937)
Subscription Campaign In order Mo create a greater in terest and better understanding of the purpose and advantages offer ed to communities supportin their group publications, the Omaha Guido is sponsoring an educational contest intended to bring out all of the hundreds of real reasons WHY COLORED CITIZENS SHOULD SUPPORT THEIR NEWSPAPER. A« an additional in centive toward having subscriber* *end in their ideas about “Why the Colored Citizens Should Sub scribe for The Omaha Guide,” The Omaha Guide will givethe new 1937 V-8 60 Ford now on display in the front window of Hineman’* Garage, 2417 No. 24th street. There will also be saveral other valable prizes, watch next weeks Guide for the compete list. The OMAHA GUIDE 6,000 New Subscribers Campaign Word Sentence Contest For the best reason given to— WHY: The Colored Citizen Should Subscribe to tfae Omaha Guide. OR WHY: I Read the Omaha Guide. To be elegible simply follow these easy rules: 1. Finish tfhe contest sentence about the Omaha Guide, writing 25 additional words or less on a sheet of paper. 2. Be sure to print your name an address plainly on a separate, sheet of paper accompanying con test sentence. 3. Attach to your entry $2.00 preferably in money order form, which will entitle you to* a years subscription to the Omaha Guide. 4. Mail your entry or burn over to a Guide representative on or be fore the evening of September 17, 1937. If you choose to mail, send same to Contest Editor, Circulation Dept., 2418 Grant. St, Omaha, Nebr.. 5. Sentences will be judged from sincerity and interest. 6. Your name will be recorded in the contest lqdger opposite the number found an your receipt and your contest sentence sheet bear ing same number will be turned over to contest judges, "ho will not be allowed to see the name of eonteptSant. Their only i^'ntifica tion will be your number. 7. The contest will be subject to all provisions of federal, state and l«cal laws and regulations, Omaha Guide employers and employees and their relatives are not eligible to enter the conest 8. All entries and contents there of become the property of the Oma ha Guide. Example "The colored citizens should sub scribe to tihe Omaha Gide, ’’be cause it carries all churcJt, social, Fraternal, home and much national news; it aleo aids in bringing about economical freedom-” , -o TROJAN CLUB The Trojan club opened Tuesday, April 20th with a service of wor ship led by the worship chairman, Roberta McCloud. Two new mem bers were added to the club, namely, Miss Moessa Richards and Rosalie Jennings. Don’t Forget the Shirley Temple Stylo Revue, coming soon- It is something new* Something worth while seeing! We will let you know more about it later. Mrs. Frances Sims is at home ill. We all mis* her and hope for her a speedy recovery. NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hasting Moving and Storage Phone WBS«S« 2414 Grant St ECONOMY TAILOR Ohu. IL Btanou, Frap. 1812 H. 24* *4 . . ■' ■■■■■ .■ ■■ ' — ■■■ - -- ‘ ■ "■ t WHATS BECOME OF THE GREAT COLORED JOCKEYS? WHY MORE A COLORED GIRLS (*2 DON'T 00 IN ^ FOR. TRACK? • \ . WHATS BECOME Of gIG LEAGUE NEGRO TRAINERS^ J 1 \ I r' WHY NO 8 HEAT NEGRO WRESTLERS? I Q!(/!ih~ftr/bow,?^ . WHY-OH WHY-WE DON'T TRY LOTS OF NEW THINGS....i.vV 4 BADMINTON SOCCER. GOlF.THEMARATHON.ETO.IWONOERWtft f © i»J7 mnoiAuouAi, naoao nuns TT Negro Enlisted Men Oannot Become Naval Officers (Continued from Page 1) napolis, Md. of Midshipman James Lee Johnson, appointee of Congress man Arthur W. Mitchell (Dem., Illinois). Dismissed for “deficiency in his studies,” it was pointed out here that if Midshipmen Johnson had graduated from Annapolis, he would hive boen made an officer and placed in command over white sailors. Results Would Be the Same with Negroes Th£ signature of the Bureau of ficial voting the letter to Mr. Owen was Undetcipherable, but, drawing a comjparison between the Filipino” and Negroes, this statement wa” made: “There is no rea”on to be lieve that such an experiment with men of the colored raoe would pro duce any different results. Experi ence of many year” in the Navy has shown clearly that of the colored race, if enlisted in any other than the Messman branch, and promoted to the position of petty officer, cannot maintain discipline,” The writer, however, does not give th^ basis for tbia statement or ”tate where, when or how, experiments with Negro officers were conducted. The Bureau letter also explained that men who enlist in the navy are not assigned to any particular ship but are required to ”erve wherever needed, and that for this reason no provision can be made for any particular ship to be manned en tirely by Negro bailors. The com munication has caused widespread comment here and in other coast cities because of the proximity of the naval ba”e at San Diego and because young Negroes do not seek tho navy as a career, knowing the many restriction” that would be im posed against them. -®—-— Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hoard, 971 No. 25th street will leave May 8tlh for New Orleans, La,, to visit rela tives and friend”. l‘/.V.V.,.V.V.,.VAW-‘.V..v S COFFEE JOHN’S :■ > 111 Se. 14th St. J > Biggest lie Meals In City !; f. Everybody Weleerae ;* VWWWfflWJWWiMW. Meet Your Friends at BABE’S BUFFET TteterR LIQUOR SOFT DRINKS dancing 242fS N 34th_JA 9195 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Yon. Too, Con Take Newspictares! A/ot * School A/othiny to Soil WE BUY SPOT NEWSPICTUBES! • There m eotbtng guite so laecuabag u he vug your picture* accepted tor publics boa is aewtpapers all eves lbs as boa He doubt Many ot your pecturee have aewe value Writs m today tor Free literature describing what ptctu,- e* to take. Wrif Today! mmppiip SPECIAL Shampoo--25c Press _— 25c 3roquignole marcel..25c ALTHOUSE — BEAUTY SCHOOL 2422 N 22nd St. WE 0846 The Elite Cigar Store Direct Wire On All Sports Events , Come in Where It's Comfortable Ladies Especially Invited Our Policy is Give You Service Eugene McGill, Mgi. HA4'22. 2314 N. 24th St Omaha, Nebraska | Louis Larsen Garage For service and number one repair work Batteries and Tires Come to Lon is Larsen’s Garage 3014 No. 24th St. JA 9220 SALESMAN WANTED N Downtown store wants com potent s^lesrqptn for regular portion. For further informa tion call WEbster 1517 and make an appointment with Mrs Mildred Gilbert. WWVWWWWWWWtfW RITZ SHOE REPAIR 2033 No. 24th St. Vomen’s Tp£>s._16c Vomen’s Half Soles 65c and up len's Half Soles —75c and up Mens Rubber Heels 35c & up Children's Soles_50c and up VW.VWWW.vvww^ .■.V.V.'.V.V/.V.V/.W/AV. Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery WAVWWJW/yWWAW GERTRUDE’S LITTLE HUT We specialize in nothing but Bar-B-Q. Once yon try it you will always buy. Drop in and see us Borne time. 24TH and BLONDO • ii i * n Wear White Patent and Kids Guaranteed by Good Housekeep ing Jolene Fashion Shoes Styled in Hollywood B« Sure to Stop and Look In in our windows for these new fashions. Friedman’s Shoe Store and shoe Repairing “Shoes for thie entire family" 1510 N. 24th St. JA. 0353 BOYS! GIRLS Create a Spirit of Cooper ation by joining the “QUID ITE CLUB” Read all about it in this is sue. Join NOW. AWWJWWWWWWVW QJR SKAGGS woo A New Neighborhood Store AT 16th and LOCUBT (2911 North 16th) ■ FBI. and SAT. SPECIALS I Bananas_lb. 5c Butter--lb. 30c Qt Dill Pickles-13c |Lge Head Lettuce-7c Sliced Bacon-\/2 lb 15c wwvwvwwuwwwvwvwy Fact* About Fontenelle Apt*. AT 24th and Seward Streea (Continued from Page 1) and the whites only from the 20th street side we*t- The answer was that there were no such instructions issued by the government to carry out such plans. The applications would be studied as to merits. “We certainly would not compel peron* to vacate their homes in order that they may be torn down and then refuse to rent to these same per sons,” said Mr. Dodd*. MA Dodda (npUnt Tuesday in Lincoln furnishing the legislature with necessary information in an effort to secure other housing pro jects in Omaha and other cities of Nebraska. Heretofore, Omaha ha" been the only city able to secure a housing projet. This legislation will enable us to work along with the government in their housing pro grams In this way Lincoln, and oth er cities will also have a project which they do not have in the pre sent set-up. Anyone interested in filing ap plication ftir one of these apart ments may do so by calling at the Office of the Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant street. We will be very plea" ed to assist you in filling out these application*. THE LIQUOR STORE 24th and Ouming Sts. Free Delivery JA 6564 Whiskey 18 Month* Old TOWN TAVERN Qt._$1.35 WINDSOR Pt._.85 GILBEYS GIN Fifth_1.25 | All Kind* of Beer PUBLIC Stenographic SERVICE Say It In A Typewritten Letter! — Letters, Contracts, Statements, Etc., Typed. No Job Too Small—No Job Too Large H. M. Funches 1918% N. 24 St WE. 1517 Hayden9s Entrances i 16th* Douglas and Dodge Streets ] Presents Mr. Benjamin Harrison’s World’s Wonder Minature Expositic n BEGINNING SATURDAY and Continuing All Next Week THE $75,000 ELECTRIC CITY with 17,000 working parts, all ■■■ | | ORIGINAL SWISS VILLAGE wmm kv valued at $:!0,00(). Exhibited over world. MUSEUM OF MINATURE CURIOS Dressed flena no larger than, a grain of sand, et<*. AUDITORIUM-Fourth Floor IT’S FREE Everybody Invited IIIIITIIf.- —— ----—« lafagUfe^F Every Man Wants Value »k _ For His Clothes Money! The NEBRASKA’S TREMENDOUS OFFERING OF Suits and Topclats Offers Unparalleled Values at $4050 $2*150 $25 Frankly—every maw is justified in prompt selection when such an unparalleled opportunity is offered. The Nebraska has just one idea, to ALWAYS give its patrons t-hfl supreme in value in strictly standard tailored clothes—--But most emphatically the lowest level of prices is at your command right now. You'll tfrftinfc- The Nebraska buying power for this exceptional offering of su&ta and topcoats at these low prices. Men’s Suits Fancy Mixtures, Cheviots, Plaids, Stripes, Checks. A host of patterns, fabric weaves and newest colors in Single Breasted Suits Double Breasted Suits— Business Suits-and , Sport Back Styles. Men s Topcoats Wide selection of Greys, Tans, Fancy Mixtures, Solid Colors. All wanted styles in the wonderful value groups Raglan Topcoats — Set in Sleeve Topcoats and popular Longer Length 60 in. Topcoats fftotlnnavQ CORRECT APPAREL. FOR MEN AND WOMEN