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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1937)
QOOAL CLUBS ^pp/\IP5 ORGANIZATIONS v-V --- - --m m m m m . .. ... .... Celebrate 22nd Anniversary Rev. and Mrs. J. C.. Crowder were entertained on their 22nd wed ding anniversary by tihe St Luke Baptist Missionary Society, of whioh church Rnv. Crowder is a» tor. They were entertained at their home, 2631 Parker street, which was beautifully decorated in white. A white wedding bell hung from tho center of the dining room. In the center of the dining ro"m table was a hugh bosket of pink roses, a gift from Mr. and Mrs. G. W Stromile. The anniversary address was given by Rev. Saunders of Iowa. After a song was sung, Rev. E. Green bestowed blessings upon tihe two. Mr. G. W Wilson, father of Mrs. Crowder also made a«me remarks. Mrs. Crowder looked very at tractive in a gown »f ten ro*c. The gift" were present’d by Mr. E. Faulkner. Mr*. G. W . Stromile an 1 Mrs W C. Morris served at the table. Mesdame* Collier, Hopkins, and Fry*o<n spared no vains in t.he occasion a complete success. Many beautiful gifts were recciv ed. -.—o——— Mrs. Willie B. Jaek«on, 2708 Er skinn street, is planning to leave this week for East St. Ix>uL*, 111. On her way back to Omaha be will stop in l)e« Moines, la. to vi»it fri ends. ODD BUT TRUE (By Onalt L. Spencer for ANI') Bill Buckner, trainer of Chicago White Sox, i* a colored man. Dr. Peter Murray of New York is an authority in the field of gnec ology. Dr. Daniel William* of Chi cago was the first man to perform a successful operation on a human heart. Both are Ni’igro's. “Ain’t Gonna Rain No More,’ "Rainbow Round My Shoulder’ and "Casey Jones” were Negro folk rrings' before they became commer cialized. Thomas Jefferson, when Presi dent of the United States', is re ported to haw regretted: “certain of my children were stopped from voting because of conditions im psed upon them by their maternity, (meaning of eoureo that they were colored.) Incidt'ntly a grand daugh ter of Jefferson is a friend of the writer. Her name is Mrs. Kelly of Streno atreet, Cincinnati. Mrs. Kelly is the daughter of the late Peter Fausset, one of Cincin nati’'' most outstanding Negro ei izens ami widely known as “the son of t>»e framer of the Declaration of Independence. Donald Jones, Ernest I .-agon and Richard Thornton, colored^are rat ed among the mo«t skillful butchers of greater Cincinnati according to the book “Cincinnati’s Colored Ci tizens” by W. P. Dabney. “Alexand er Hamilton bosom friend of George Washington and the greatest Se retary of the Treasury the United States ever had, is the real found ders of its financial system, was a colored man. Approximately 6,000 Negroes served in the American Army in the Revolutionary War. Breaking a ten year silence, Gre ta Garbo requested that music be played f|or her between scenec with Robert Taylor in Camille. She chose Negro spiritual*. Wonder if Mi»» Garbo also knew that the book CamiLfe from which the picture wa* adopted was written by Alex ander Dumas, jr., who was also a Negro. * I I f i i i i i ' < I < f Btylies for spring and summer would not b" aomplete wiblwut the over popular print, whether they be in colors, or in black and white. W« seem to be very close to Mother Nature this season, and style de crees floral designs, or trimming' with clusters of flowers and leaves. Because of the o >ming pomp and ceremony of the Coronation on May 12th, symbols of Britain’s out-sth-etched empire will be the keynote in many attractive! new designs. —--o CLUB RUBINETTE Tl " club met at the club room, 2401 Patrick avenue, on Friday, April 30t,h with the president, Mr*. Arum Mite Johnson, presiding. 10 member* were present! Mrs. Marie Johnson, brought in by Mrs. Hattie Martin, was added to the club mem berslVp. Plans were completed for n lundheon for Thursday, May 8th. Everyone is invited to attend- The meeting adjourned to meet Friday, Mhy 9'f> at the home of tie pre sident, 2420 Binney street. All mom bera are urged to b" present. Mrs. Hntitie Johnson i« reporter. -o Mrs. Alton Goode entertained at dinner on Wednesday night in hon or otf Etta Motem. Thore present wore Mr. and Mrs. B E Squires, Mr, Gentry, Miss Moten’a p;an:>P Mr. Henry Black, Mrs. Gladys Pu’l- : um and Mr-*. Imogene Bell. ___________________ Magazines -ALL El^i a/S— (RITZ SHOE REPAIR SHOP) 2033 North 24th St. HERMANS MARKET KERMAN FRIED LANDER Proprietor 24th and Lake Street W fibster 6444 HINEMAN’S GARAGE Have your car washed and oil changed for Spring Motor tuning and Battery recharging 2417 North 24th Street JAdkson 9269 THE PORO CLUB The P«xro club met at the home of Mrs. Walker, 28G6 Maple street with the president, Mrs. Alberta Michael, presiding. Afer the pro gram we had a wonderful discus sion on all phases of beauty work A lovely nipasti was "Ted. Our n«xt meeting will be at the home of M.Pt Jefferson, 2814 Miami St. HINES TAILOR SHOP Cleaning, Pressing and Re pairing. Dying amd Hot Cleaning. Dresses Cleaned and Press ed—Fur Crafting, Etc. 2523 Q STREET 1 i Be Well Dress ed and Com fortable in Our New 1PS7 > PTJPTTSIO end STTMME^ STY! $22.50 * and up ‘ GLASGOW ; j 1522 Hamev JA. 1037 Omaha. N«'br ! • * s 3 ■I The Battle Is On— 3 r — yVh;\i club will win the *1 ^ ‘Best Model” trophy that*! twill be given by the Omaha' ■ [Guide at *s Spring Stylet jjRevue to be held May 170)1; ;jat Ihe Dreamland Hall?!; [•What individual model will!; .;w±n the best individual I; ‘Model” ring? ;J ;IWhat dub will win the prize;! jlfor the largest number ofj! [•tickets sold by a dub? !; (it individual dub mem!; will win the prize for!; Largest number of tickets;! by an individual? ;! dub presidents are ask;! i get in touch with Mrs '; Ired Gilbert, Mr. Gilbert!; Mir. Boyd Galloway at!; Omaha Guide office for;! plete information. ;! VWVWUWAWWWWWUWV The OJeerful Builders’ club of St. John A ME church will have their annual May Breakfast on May 19tJh from 7 until 12 a. m. —t-o— Mr. Jf»hn I* Goodlett of Cincin ati, Ohio, stopped in the city on Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Goodlett, 2890 Ohio sttroet. J. L. Goodlett was enroute to Cincinnati from Tucson, Ariz-, where ho spent the winter. Accom panying him was a friend, John Mayo. They report an enjoyable motor trip. —-o D. W. Gooden, wifo of Dr. D. W. Gooden, 2604 No.. 28th avenue, who was called to Nashville, Tenn., on account of the illness and death of her niece, has returned to her home. H/ r nephew Mr. George Scales qf New York is also making his home with Dr. and Mrs. Gooden -o Out-of-town visitors here to at tend the funeral of Mr. Joe Stew art w’ere: Dr. C. B.. Bradford, Mrs. i't'na Wilson, Mr J. W. Mitchell, Mrs A. A. Alexander, all of whom wero from Des Moines and Mrs. Anna Mae O’Neil of Chicago. AAA Coal Company JA. 2159 Coul—2 large sacks........$1.00 10 Packages Coke.$1.00 DELIVERED I DO HAULING Call “LITTLE BENNY” JA 2159 I-— The member" of he Urban Lea ge Charity club met Tuesday night at the Urban league. F<>r the past month the group has been sewing baby clothes for the visiting Nur»e Association. They are also plan, ning a carnival to be held some time in the spring. Tho«e present were Mesdames Florence Terrill, A Iberia Jones, Eugene i Murray, Gordan Hopkins, Saybert Hanger, Mabel Davis, B. E. Squires, Eva Mae Dixon and Freeman. Mrs. Ter rill is president! WATAWVJWy%WWW.V Bargains In Homes Pay 3 in 1 in your monthly pay ments: taxes, interest and insurance 3 room." part modern; cash $60 Price $600—balance $9.00 per month- , 4 roams part modern; cash $90. Price $900, balance $1160 per month 5 rooms modem except heat; cash $75; price $750, balance $11 per month 5 room" modern except heat; Cash $100, price $1000; balance $12.50 per month 6 rooms modem except heat- Cash $100. Price $1000; balance $12-50 per month 6 rooms modern execpt heat- Corner lob, cash $150; price $1350; bal ance $14-60 per montli 7 rooms modem- Cash. $150. Price $1500, balance $16.00 per month 2 and 3 room apartments for rent. No children. Many other bargains E. M Davis Licensed Broker 2817 No. 24th St. WE 1166 jMdfoicia “ BASEMENT I • On th* First Warm Day, You'll Stop Into |j I White Smart and Economical in Our Popular / Areh-Tech or M Young Moderns M E..__. i.y M Sixes 4 to 9 1 AAA to C The newest styles in white shoes including oxfords I for street wear or straps for dressy wear. Feet are really out for summer comfort in these two famous makes. Basomont—Whe.-o Quality Is Low Pricod Forbes Bakery Fry Our Delicious Milk Bread 2 Loaves for 15c DampWash Beautifully washed and returned just damp enough to IRON. Minimum bundle 48c LAUNDERER AND DRY CLEANERS Edholm & Sherman 2401 North 24th St. We 6065 Opportunities IN HOMES FOR SALE i ■ • %*. j t /, * 22nd and Maple Street—Eight rooms, modern, reception nail, living room, dining room, den and kitchein, down itairs. four bedrooms upstairs: oak floors thoughcxrt, full :ement basement, double gaage, large lot. 228 North 25thi Street—six rooms, modern, $1,600.00. 3402 North 27th Ave., five rooms, modern, $2600. 261 North 27th Street, six rooms, partly modern, $500.00. These properties may be purchased with small down payment, balance less than rent, low rate of interest on unpaid balance, abstract of title brought down to date, taxes paid up, properties free of any incumbrances. C. F. Davis Real Estate Co. « 2504 NORTH 24TH STREET is aEways on tap with an r » Automatic Cas iOabik, © The road to loveliness ... to new and lasting beauty. Omaha women are fast realizing the value oi automatic HOT WATER for personal loveliness. Bathe when you wish . . . without regard to time, without inconvenience. An automatic GAS WATER HEATER can be installed in your AS LITTLE AS T”?' ‘T''0"" in a few hours . . . with ♦ ^ fu^ 24-hour fuel service. JL ■ V w Buy an automatic heater A MONTH approved by the Ameri B U Y S AN can Gas Association, with ^y|-Q^^-p|£ 1 Vi Inches of tank lnsula _ . — tioo for utmost economy. GAS Water SEE YOUR Heater I PLUMBER or DEMAND 24-HOUR FUEL SERVICE!