The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 08, 1937, Page THREE, Image 3

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Mrs. Daisy Mize left Friday
for Kansas City where she will
visit her mother.
Mrs. Katherine Ford, Who
has been confined to bed, is
Mr Hurlin ITarvey is a Notary
Public. Let him notarize your
Brother of Mrs. Slater Injured
Mr. Grant Dozier, brother of
Mrs. M. Slater, was injured.
April 28th at his home in Clin
ton, la.
According to information re
ceived by Mrs. Slater, a cart
which Mr. Dozier was pushing
was struck by an automobile
overturning the cart and crush
ing him.
Mrs. Slatjer left Sunday for
Mr. and Mrs. Hurl in Harvey
are now at home to thieir friends
at 1421 7th avenue.
Girls' Softball Team Organized
A girls’ poftball fleam has
been organized at Berthel Center
Council Bluffs sports lowers
are looking forward to some
ejQdi*$fag games by this 4(eam
the coping summer.
First meeting of the team
was held Thursday April 21>tlh.
Mother’s Day Program
Bethel Center gave an inter
eping Mother's Day program at
Bethel Church on Friday, May
7th. Community singing was
conducted by Mrs. Viola Hey
nolds. -Play entitled “Village
School” was given under .the
direction of Mrs. Theresa M.
Skinner. Paper on the “History
of Mother’s Dlay” was read by
Mrs. Novella Cage. Mrs. Viola
Reynolds assisted by Mrs. Min
nie Herndon are to be given
credit for this splendid pogram.
Unique invitations were made
bv the children and sent to the
Mr. J. IT... Reynolds of Omaha
was a Council Bluffs visitor
Thursday, April 29tK.
Mr. Elmer Bake, of Atlantic,
la., was in the city Sunday en
route to Omaha.
Bethel Center Gets More Books
A splendid collection of books
have been given Bethel Center
recently by Miss Eva Cannon,
City Librarian.
Visits in Omaha
Mesdajnes Gertrude White,
Inez Wiillis, Maderia Harvey,
Geraldie Haynes and Viola
Reynolds And Mian Corinth in
Ilaverv journeyed to Omaha
visiting the Frban Center, Mrs.
Althouse Betauty school and
Mrs. G JLld Parks. They report
a pleasant trip.
Mr. Hayden, of Chicago, was
fu the city Thursday. Mr. Hay
den arrived on the San Fran
cisco Overland, Pullman service
on a student run. lie returned
to Chicago Thursday night.
Mr. Luther White, son of Mrs.
Emma Crocker, left Wednesday
April 28th, for Minneaoplis,
Minn., where he will enter Pull
man service.
To Attend District Meet
Mrs. M. Strif^r will attend
the Des Moines District Con
flerence of the AME church May
5 and 6 at Burlington, la. Mrs.
Slafter will represent Bethel
church and Missionary society.
Blethel Election
Miss Geraldine llerudon has
been elected suprintnedent of
the Bethel AME Sunday school.
Annual elteciion of trustees
of Bethel resulted in the elec
tion of tihe following named
persons: Mesdames Alice Davis,
Eva Finlayson, Dorothy Reeves,
Minnie Herndon, Miss Tulseye
Henderson, Messrs. Win, Fox,
Solomon Finlayson, B. A. Sto
voll and Chauncey Herndon.
Boxing _
On Tuesday, May 4th, an in
teresting boxing contest wap
held between Bethel Center and
CCC team at the CCC camp
the south end of tJhe city. Re
,tjiel boxers were in charge of
Mr. Herbert Parks.
Mothers' Day program was
given at Calvary Baptist church
Thursday night under the su
pervision of Miss LAilu Mae Hall
A number of baby chicks have
been disposed of through .the
Consuiders Cooperative club.
These chicks are in charge of
Mr. H. Parks™ This group will
also handle planta™
Rev. G. W... Slater at School
Rev. G. W Slater, jr, will be
one of the speakers to the
Senior Class of Thomas Jeffer
son high school May 18, using
for subject, “Colored People in
Rev. Slater's .talk is to be
one of a series of talks given
by persons in connection wdth
the International Relation De
partmcnt. Stenographers take
down each speakers message,
and at the close of each meet
ing, questions are asked
In attienance at the T. J. Ban
quet, Wednesday, April, 28th,
were pome one hundred and
ninety six persons, many of
whom were leading educators.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Morli
mer, of Omaha, visited Mr. and
Mrs. James Wilson onThursday
April 29th.
Mr. Charles Gillespie of Chi
capo, was ih the city Thursday
Mr Gillespie is a Northwestern
employee and was on a student
Bar-B-Q, Chili, Tamales and
Fried Chicken to order
2024 Burt St. WE 6015
Flash Kidneys of
Acids and Poisons
Stop Getting Up Nights
When kidneys are clogged they
become weak—the bladder is irri
tated—often passage is scanty
and smarts and bum*—sleep is
restless and nightly visits to the
bathroom are frequent. The right
harmless and inexpensive way to
stop this trouble and restore
healthy action to kidneys and
bladder is to get from any drug
gist a 35-cent box of Gold Medal
Haarlem Oil Capsules and take
as directed—you won’t be disap
pointed— but be sure and get
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap
sules—the original and genuine
—right from Haarlem in Holland
—a grand kidney stimulant and
diuretic. Remember also that oth
er symptoms of kidney and blad
der trouble are backache, leg
cramps, puffy eyes, moist palms
and nervousuMu.
Master Bobbie Wills
_ Celebrates Birthday
Mac ter Bobbie Willis celebrnt
ed his sixth birthday Sunday,
May 2nd. Among the mauy pre
sents received was a new outfit
from Mr. and Mm_ Charles Wil
son. Mr. and Mrs- Wilson were
adopted by Bobbie as his grand
parents. Bobbie received a
scooter from his parents and
other gifts from his friends. On
Monday' Bobbie treated his
classmates to candy etc., con
tinuation of liis birthday cele
Members of the AMR church
es mourn the passing of I>r. A.
J. Wilson, secretary o fthe Ex
tension Board.
If you want to see a work of
art,, a thing of beauty, see the
lovely ring given to your editor
by Mrs. Theresa M. Skinner of
j Bethel Center. Similar rings
J are being made by a class
under the direction of Mrs.
Mrs. Rebecca Hockaday, who
has been very ill is improving.
Mrs. Mattie Turner and Mm.
Prances Lee are new members
of the 20tih Century Civic and
Art club.
Mrs. A„ J- Fitx, sr., who has
been ill, is mending
Banjo Being Taught at Center
Banjo lessons are being given
by Mrs. T. M_ Skinner at Bethel
Center. Thep# lessons are free,
the only requirement being that
students furnish their own in
struments. Until they can pur
chase them, Mrs. Skinner is per
mitting them to use her banjo
High School Athletes
Mason Pearl is making quite
a name for himself at Abraham
Lincoln high school in athletics.
He is a member of the champ
ion basketball team, playing at
center and guard.
Henry Turner is doing him
self proud at Thomas Jefferson
high school where he is in the
440 yard relay team.
Carl Nigro
Shoe Repairing
i i
Best Material
Expert Workmanship
3118 North 24th Street
The Cleverette Club met Suu
day. May 2, at the home of Miss
Lula Mae Hall.
Hollis Art Club
The Hollis Art Club met on
Thursday, April 29, at the home
of Mrs. Emma Turner.
Three Square Oirls
_....The Club met Saturday after
noon with Miss Marilouise Teal.
Next meeting will be weth Miss
Wilma Herndon.
Hollis Art Coronation
Plans are underway for the
annual Hollis Ar,t^ Coronation.
Among those participating are
the Mil-pes Cleo Wri'glit, Mil
dred Akers, Geraldine Reeves,
Betty and Opal McCudry, Win
ifred* and Marilouise Coffey,
Marilouise Beasley, and Mary
and Jaunita Reynolds.
Everyone *s eager to see who
will be the newly crowned king
and queen.
Our Churches
lfill Avenue B
Siller A. D. Carter, neater
Sunday school at 10:90 a m.
Mrs. G. Mina, Supt.
Services at noon. YPWW at
8:30 p.m., Mr. Gamble Dunces
predklent. General servient nt
3.00 p. m. Weekly services on
Tuesday and Friday nigbts at
7:30 e’eloek.
Kidneys Must
Clean Out Acids
The only way your body can clean out
Adda and polaoneua waataa from your
blaod la thru 9 million tiny, delicate Kid
ney tubea or flltere, but beware of chsnp.
drastic, Irritating druga. If functional
Kidney or Bladder dleorders make you
Buffer from Getting Up Nlghla. Nervous
ness, Leg Pains. Backache, Circles Under
Dyos. Dizziness, Kheumaltc Pains, Acid
Ity, Burning, Smarting or Itching, don I
take chances. Get the Doctor's guaran
teed prescription called Cyatez (klss
Ten) Works faat, aafe and aure. In 4S
hours It must bring new vitality, and Is
guaranteed to flz you up in one week or
money back on return of empty package
Cystex costa only 9c a day at druggists
and the guarantee protects you.
Means WE Write and YOU
Get the Credit
Letters, social and business;
popular speeches and talkB for
Teachers, Ministers, Civic, Bus
iness and Lodge leaders; ar
tides for publication. Your
own work rewritten, revised,
#r criticised. Write us your
needs and send 6 cents stamps
fr more details.
141 West 125th St.,
New York Oity
Cannolene Onndaea
Hair Growet Bleach Cream
(Double Strength! (Poubto Strangle
™*- ; “
And Our 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Creations
Beginning our New Adverflalag Carypelgn we wB give e Free Start
to intelligent, energetic men e* waste* who embUlonO Is male#
money and build up a burineee el thetr own eelHng beauty produce
•i the better kind. Oure la eMctly e.quality Bne But appeal, t®
the beet people everywhere. Ton make more money with a quality
Bne and you win valuable prleee. Write ai ooce to
Cannon Cosmetics Co* Dept. 20-A. Atlanta. Ga.
N-N-F. fa. a_
Banana All Bran Bread
By Mrs. Inex Bowen
1—4 cup shortening
Yi cup sugar
1 egg well beaten
1 cup Kcllog's All bran
1 Yi cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
Ys teaspoon salt
Yi teaspoon sod*
Yi cup chopped nuts
1 Yi cups mashed bananas
2 tablespoons water
1 .teappoon vanilla
Oream shortening and sugar
well, add egg and all bran, sift
flour with baking powder, salt
and soda mixed. Mix nuts with
flour and add alternately with
mashd, bananas to whidh the
water has been ndded. Stir in
raniilla. Pour into greased loaf
tin. Let stand 30 minutes and
mke in moderate oven (375 de
greets) one hour.
Paint, Gian and Tarniah
We da glaring and make window
ahadee to order
1838-24 Iff. 24 WE 1807
EaiW tmd (MUm’i Work
A Bpeoinity.
MM Lake SfreeL
Slyter Ice Jb Coal Co
Ne extra ekargee ea katf
teme ef coal. Delivered witkiu
30 blocks.
1801 V*. 24tk Bt AT 88M
2202-4-6 North 24th Street
Phone WE 4137
Poultry and Egg Dealers
Our prices are reasonsable,
see us first.
We feature package fuel, kind
ling, coal of all kinds, kerosene.
W. C. PARKS, Prop.
2406 Blondo Street
North 24th Street
Celebrates the 15th Anniversary
With a Big Shoe Repairing Sale
Women’s Toplifts . $.15
Women’s half soles . 65e and up
Men’s half soles 75c and up
Men’s rubber heels 35c and up
Childrens Half soles 59c and up
1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240
Redeemable at faee value on a
suit, overcoat, topcoat, tux
edo, full drees suit, until
July 1, 1W7.
as gifts far Christmas, birth
days, graduation, aaniver
mriea, father’s day, Easter,
Charles I. Daris,
the flhnpseu Kan
_W —17
Sores, Ptellapra, Syphillw, Bad
Blood, Gonorrhea, Bad Skin, Gas
tric Stomach, Indigestion. Ner*oos
nes», Run Down Nature and Kid
ney Complaint. Guaranteed Treat
ment, $1.80 Postpaid- iSeid 01.00
with C. O. D.’s
0- A. Williams Med Co., McKamie,
Ark. Agents Wanted
You Get
Take a dose
or two of
Work seems easier and there
are more things of interest
when you are really well —
free from the bad feelings and
dullness often attending con
Take Black-Draught when
you need a laxative. It has
proved so good for prompt, re
freshing relief from constipa
tion that thousands of men
and women rely on it for that
If constipation has upset you, a
few doses of Black-Draught should
help to straighten you out. Try it.
In 25-cent packages.
purely vegetable
' j- J
She tnevv*their
sweat and grime and drudgery^of life; of how little time
and attention they had to give to their hair and scalp. Therefore, when she discovered
a wonderful formula, she made it doyblestrcngth so,t|jf.t the first application would
be far reaching in its effectiveness. , t ^ ~ ~ ~
'JMme. C.J. Walker’sI ^A 1
grows and beautifies the hair. At the same time, its rich penetrating secret oits go
deep into the roots of the hair supplying the necessary scalp food and giving tone,
quality and beauty to the hair. : ■«* _ -- — -
Thirty years on the market, and yet, in spite of the depression, hundreds of
thousands of boxes are going out to women everywhere. N'
r~~ • Is your hair short, brittle, thin or Jailing ouLx '
' • Does it lack life? ^ /.
' • Do you have itching sealf)? ^ Ai
If so, write for JMme. C.J. Walker's WONDERFUL HAIR GROWER '