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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1937)
Omaha Guide 6000 Subscriber Campaign'-See Page 5 More than 12 tiro*s larger Ciraulatien VAli/iN X |J Than Any Colored PPR Newsi«per Ever iE/lV Published In COPY 4 Nebraska ______———__ 1_-> — » ^-x - Number 5 Entered as Se^»*id ————■—»**°|—i ‘ > _ , , - Fa**!? About the ForlincSls Apts. 24th a J Seward When Mr. C. C.. Galloway, acting editor of the Omaha Guide Publish ing company interviewed Mr. Ever ett S. Dodds of the Fontenelle Apartments project, he made the following findings. There will be 284 apartments ranging from two to six rooms. Each apartment will t>o thoroughly modem with bath, electric refargation, gas, light and heat furnished. All apartments ara fire proof with cement floor*. The^o will be play grounds for children, beautiful landscaping around the apartments and laun dries to accomodate Inlaid lino leum will be on the floor of each apartment. There will be two large laundries which wij accommodate’ five families each at one time. The apartments will be ready for ten ancy on November 17, 1937. No one will be permitted to rent one of these apartments whose sal ary exceeds five times the yearly rental foe ofl one apartment. For instance—if the apartment rents for $240 per year, the salary of the temant is not to exceed fl't times the $240. Mr. Dodds, the Fontenelle administrator, was unable to say just what the apartments will rent j for, and will not be able to say un til the work on them i* completed. Mr Dodds stated that in other parts of the country similar gov ernment project had been finished and were renting from $5-25 to $7.50 per month, per room. This does not necessarily say that these apartments will rent for these fig ures, but it is only a rough esti mate of the possible rental fee. This project already has 252 ap plications for tenancy. Mr. Gallo way asked whether or not the Ne groes would have tho privilege of renting the 24th street side, east (Continued on Page 5) -o Los Cantores Music Club Heard over WOW By William Davis The ability of our young music club. Los Cantolres, received due credit and recognition from the pu blic viewpoint in that it has been i-equesijed by a popular majority to appear a« a program over sta tion WOW on Friday April 14th at 10:45 p- m This club consists of high school Students and graduates. It has ap peared before the public several times before, and also over radio station WOW where it received a rating of excellence by the station ■critic. The program to be rendered Fri day will consist of choral numbers, a boys chorus, a girls chorus and a soloist. The load in the new Negro Spiritual “Put On My Shoes” will be Mr. James Murray and the solo ist will be William Davis who ■will sing a baife solo “Asleep in the Deep.” The sponsor of this club is Miss Ethel Jones a popular mu sic teacher of Omaha. In connection with this program S. Edward Gilbert of the Omaha Guide, known to hundreds of youth in Omaha and surrounding towns as “Uncle Gil” will give a brief address on the Subject “The Open Door of Expression in Art.” TO CEJLEBRATE 13TH ANNIVERSARY SAM BEBER PRESENTS TEFILUN TO YALE TRUSTIN Aleh Zadik Aleph, Junior Order of i B’nai ’Britih, will celebrate itsBar Mitzvah, or thirteenth anniversary, on Spnday May 9tth- This anniver sary will mark thirteen years du ring whiah the order, founded in Omaha in May, 1924 has' spread throughout the United States and Canada with 202 chapters in lead ing cities. Tn 1924, there was no Jewish Youth lu»vc|T.)>nt in <(he UmitdJ j States which made an appeal to j boys outside the large population! centers of the east. Feeling the lived for sudh a movement, and burning with the desire to further the lot of Jewish Youth through out the world, Sam Bebcr, but a youth hinrelf at the time, just out of Creighton University Law school called together a number of local leaders among the Jewish citizenry and from this meeting, the Inter national Order of Aleph Zadik Ale ph started For more than six centuries, it has been a tradition of Jewish people throughout the world that when a Jewish boy reaches the age of thirteen, he is formally inducted into the 4,000 year old faith of Israel. This is done in a confirma tion rite known in the Hebrew ton gue as Bar Mitzvah (literally trans lated ‘Son of Duty’). America’s Foremost Race Poet Appear At Urban League Langston Hughes, who without doubt the greatest Negro poet in America, lectured and read selec tions from hi« poetic works, Sun day afternoon at the Urban League Community Center. Mr. Hughes in a voice readily adaptable to the kaleidoscopic mood of his poetry, mixed his selections which ranged from love lyrics such os ‘When Sue Wears Red” through the haunting ‘‘Judgment Day” and “Wide River” done in spiritual form, do(wn to the sardonic class conscious poems, “Share Croppers,” ‘ Florida Road Workers,” “Justice and witty skeches of his adventur ousous career as a globetrotter. Among the selections read by Mr. Hughes was the poem ‘Dark Little Ones by the Omaha poet, Benjamin Franklin Gardner who recently pubished ‘Black” a book , of poems, through Caxton Printers. Hughes praised the work of Mr. Gardner. Mr. Hughe-s was introduced by Hiss Helene Margaret, Omaha poet ess. Without regard for portion of I the world in which he might live Dr the condition of Servitude and persecution under which he exists, this is the most important day in lihe life of a Jewish boy. On this great occasion, he is called before the Arik of the Lord, in the Syna gogue and, after months of pre paration and study, leads the morn ing service, chanting the portions of traditioial liturgy of Israel' which bind him to his faith. And so, after thirteen years of unintermptted growth and progress from a fraternity having a member- j ship of only twenty boys bo a frat-! crnity liaving elo^e to five thousand active members and more than five; thousand alumni, the A. Z. A. is chleiAatltlf? iy.BiJ' Mitfcvah, ty>o. It, llkje every Jewish Youth in the world, at the age of thirteen, feels that it lias ‘come of age,’ that it has taken its place among other great Youth Movements of the World. The most outstanding work of A. Z. A .working with boys between the ages of 16 and 20 years of age, has been in the field of scouting, in conjunction with the Boy Scouts of America- It has been the recipient of many citations from national Scout Headquarters, such as the following, contained in the twenty fifth annual repoirt given by the Boy Scoute of America to Con gress of the United States recent ly: “the cooperation of the A. Z. A. is worthy of special mention- It has made a long stride toward its goal —‘eA'ery chapter the sponsor of a Boy Scout troop, ” I no program or a. z,- a.,, entit led “Fivte-Fold and Full” by Dr. Boris D- Bogen, the late Interna tional Secretary of B’nai B’rith, consists of worthwhile programs in the field* of (1) Social Service Work (2) Religious activity (3) Cultural activities (Debates, ora torical contest*, maintenance of a free lending library of the best fiction, biography, history etc.) (4) Social activities (participation in the celebration of Jewish festi vals, dance, banquets etc.) (5) Athletics. Because Sam Belber i* to bo guest of honor at the Chicago cele bration (or Bar Mitzvah) chapter to be organized in that city will be inducted on May 9th, the Oma ha chapter is dividing its eelebra ion to permit his presence. The Bar Mitzvah dance was held at the Hotel Fontemelle on Sunday, May 2nd, while the banquet—at which Mr. Beber was guest of honor— was held on May 3rd, at the Jewish Community Center MOTHER’S DAY The Mothers of (hnaha along with the Mothers of the entire nation will come into their own anj hold the spot light, of the world Sunday May 9th, when Mother's Day is observed. In home, at church aaid at social gatherings mother will be honored be they dead or alive, The first Mother's Day had its inception in a Presbyterian church in Philadelphia, May 10th, 1908. State after state saw the advisability of a Mo ther’s Day hence the desired legislation was passed setting apart the daty- and on May 8, 1914, President Wilson and Secretary of State Bryan sign ed a paint, resolution of the United States Congress design ating thte second Sunday of May as Mother’s Day. The Name Mother Alpha and Omega When man is but a babe he builds his vast vocabulary up on that perennially sweet word “mdher" and as be passes through manhood many times filled with events great in worldly achievements, and comes to the day when he lapses into a. Mate of insensibility that accompany his departure from this life to the incoherent ]Ai rases that usually fall from his lips show that his phantasy was dwelling on the dearest of natural treasures, the real istic picture of mother. Will You Be There? I Will Amid an atmosphere of harmony and cooperation which spells suc cess, the Omaha Guide announces the greatest spring event in the form of a Spring Style Revue ever to be attempted in the city <>f Oma ha. The following clubs are sending models: Quacks; Urban League Charity; Mitszie; Kappa Alpha Psi Fratern ity; Comhuskars; Racchlmnites; Beau Brummels; Critics, Modern istic Maidens; Optimist; Modem Arfl; Cfleverettcft, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Girl Reserves; Trojans; Lit tle Theatre; Literati; Trivira; En tre Nous. Beauty Shops include*: Rose’s Beauty Parlor: Willa’s Beauty Par lor; Northside Beauty School; Mrs. Althouse Beauty School. Mr. John Smith, well known de signer and director for the Omaha Guide mammouth style revue wish es to have all models meert with him Sunday at 4:00 p. m. at the Dreamland Hall for the first uni son rehearsal. Impersonations for Wally Simpson and the Duke of Windor will be married as a climax to this gala occasion. The big ques tion seems to be who are the in dividuals that are bo double for thje Duke and his charming “Wal ly.” If you can guess them be fore tfhe time of their marriage you will win for yourself a prize. So put on your thinking cap. j HAITIANS GREET AMERICANS AT PORT AU PRINCE Photo shows the American dele gation of co*ored leaders porting with a group of Haitians on the steps of the American Legation at Port-au-Prince just before going on a tour of tihe capitol city. Cen ter, in dark suit, ia C. CL Spaulding of Durham, N. G. and at his right is Major R. R. Wright, *•-, of Phil adelphia, who organized the dele gation. At M!r. Spaulding’s left is Attorney Samuel Decatur McGill of JackKon'illn, Fla., and next to Mr. McGill is Elder Lightfoot Solo mon Michaux of Washington. Be hind Mr. Spaulding is A. I* Lewis of Jacksonville, Fla-, and at left rear, i* Attorney W. C. H. Brown of Newport News, Va. Other mem bers in picture are Haitian govern ment officials, whom the delega tion reports accorded them every courtesy. (C) Cononation Banquet Honoring King and Queen Held Clariroda, la., May 4—Approxi mately 100 persons witnessed the downing of Master Earl Baker a» King and Mrs. Iola Willis as Queen respectively of Clarinda, climaxing a financial drive sponsored by the Second Baptist church of which Rev. D. Nicholson is the pastor. The banquet table was beauti fully decorated in blue and white color scheme and ligted with the soft light of candles. Following a delightful repast a very interesting program of short talks by members of the church in terspersed by vocal and instrumen tal solos The out of town guest fr»m Omaha Miss Wesley, who sang very beautifully, “Somewhere A Voice Is Caling.” Mrs. D. Nicholson, who gave a short but interesting talk,” and S. E. Gilbert who was the prin ciple speaker of the evening, speak ing to his audience on the subject: “Mold Youth Into Future Chrch Workers by Giving Then an Oppor tunity to Work.” -o Former Omahan Dies In Kansas City Mrs. P. Erline Willims, wife of Rev. C. El Williams and ex-wife of Rev. W. T. Osborn, both of whom were former pastors of St. John A ME church of Omaha, died Wed nesday morning May 5thi in Kansas City, according to reports received by Omaha acquaintances. Mrs. Williams was serving a* a branch manager for the C. J. Wal ker Mfg. Co., Inc. at the time of her death . Besides her husband, Mrs. Will iams is survived by three sister one brother, six step daughters and a nephew, -o MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. D.. L.. Yancy an nounce the marriage of their dau ghter, Miss Idelia Yancy to Mr. Jack Morris of this City. Joe Stewart; Ace Narcotic Inspector Dies In Chicago BURIED IN OMAHA Mr. Joe Stewart, highly rated agent of the Federal Narcotic Bur eau, who was stationed in Omaha for six years, died at the provi dent hospital, Chicago, 111., April 30th following an operation for appendicitis. Although transferred from the Omaha office about three years ago, he returned here at frequent inter vals as a grand jury witnsfe and on special assignments. Mr. Stewart was tiransfqrred to Virginia and later to Chicago where he married Mis Melva McCaw an Omaha girl. The body of the deceased was re turned to Omaha for burial. The funeral was hekl from the Myers Funeral Home Thrsday afternoon with Rev. N. K. Cun y of Zion and Father Holly of St. Phillips offica ting. Mr. Stewart, wrhose work as a government inspector had gained him national recognition was a graduate of Howard University School of Pharmacy Besides his widow, Mr. Stewart is survived by a father, Mr. Ed ard Stewart of Marlin, Texas and a oousin, Mrs. Percy Massey, of Chicago, 111. -o Metz Cigar St°re Being Renovated The Metz Cigar Store, 2405 Lake St., of which Mr. Metz Manion is proprietor is now undergoing a com plete renovation from front to back The management wishes to an nounce that the store now has a full line of cigars, cigarettes, tob accoes, cold drinks and other useful items, also an all day shine stand including Sunday. The public is cordially invited to visit the new renovated Metz Cigar Store with a special invitation to ladies. -o-— Mr. Melvin Walker, 3124 Maple street, is still siok and would ap preciate a call from his friends Negro Enlisted Men Cannot he Naval Officers Los Angeles, May 8 (ANP)— John H. Owens, a well known re sident here recently wrote a letter to the U. S. Navy Deartment re questing higher ratings and pro motions for Negroes in the United States navy and the reply to his request, sent from the Washington office of the Bureau of Navigation, gives a r^m&ificable insight into Navy condition**, purporting to ex plain just why colored enlisted men are not made officers Tha Bureau of Navigation admit* that the experiment of having col ored naval officers over white en listed men has never been tried, but protested that it would be a failure on the faoe of it: for that reason Negro‘S are not permitted to enlist in the navy other than in the n>es«man branch. Thia la the food seirvice department of the ship, the colored mess men being charged with the duty of preparing the tables of the enlisted men’* m«*s or dining room and serving the food prepared in the ship’s gal ley. Their work is similar to that of waiters in hotels and better class cafes. Experiment With Filipinos A Failure The Bureau claims that at one timo Filipinos were given charge of two dhips "under white officers” and that “this experiment proved a failure.” Later, according to the letter, the same experiment was tried with tugboats in he Samoan Islands and "this experiment like wise proved a failure.” Tlie Bureau’s explanation is doub ly interesting because in some quar ters here it is viewed as shedding light on tha recent oust from the Unib<-d States Naval Academy, An (Continued on ra^c o) -e Coronation Ball to Be Given June 14th Thq Conoiration Ball given an nually for the past seven year, un der the auspices of St. Phillips Epis copal church, will take place this year on Monday evening, June 14th at, the Dreamland Hall. Mrs. Ce Cecelia W. Jewell and Mrs. Dil lard Crawford who will again head the committee of arrangements, are planning to make this seventh an nual Coronation Ball the moot beau tiful colorful one yet given. As an innovation this year, Miss Rae Lee Jone4 will present sixteen young girls in a musical coronation revue. The Synco Hi-Hatters will again furnish the music. Nite Club Has New Team From Chicago The team of Lem and Angie from Chicago, Dajsy Bqon<|, contralto singer, also from the windy city and Miste Henriene Barker are now appqaring at the Harlem nite club. -o The Young People’s choir of Pil grim Baptist) church is sponsoring a Mother’s Day program on Sun day night at 8 o’clock. Everyone is invited tio attend. Christine Dixon is president and Foster Goodlett is secretary. Dreamland Hall Monday, May17