The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 01, 1937, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    Attend Church . .
Rev. W. C. Conwell, Pastor
Georgia Goo^by, Reporter
The Sunday school started the
dayV. nrisvwi, nnd a wonderful
thought was gained from tiho les
son, ‘Do’iv^ am- e ThfMugh Obed
ience. ” This was the first, Sunday in
the new pastdral year, we were
glad i|i have out pastor return to
Us and wo pray that this year will
be more successful than last year.
K:i n-p'cit at the conference was
#e / *andu|iT and gm’ited t1 h a.p
pl'ime cf I it »n'ire conference.
The morning m i age was brought
to us by Rev. Stireeter of Ft, Madi
son. ia. 11 >a mthj* t was “That
Wicked City.’ His thoughts were
centered m be ng true me'sengers
for C<Ii( fsh, and the need of being
true to onrsolv©* At (Oe evening
worship. Rev. Stree'**!' pgain prea
«?h**d frt»m John 15:21. His subject
wns “Iy*v* God Supremo." To let
God nito supreme in our lives w»
tnn have l'« e -one for another.
Wo regrrti to report the illness
bf Brother Dorold Chirk nnd Sister
Eula Gillum. We pray for them a
f.t'ocdv r 'ovury. Tho ottier sick <>f
tj e chureh are improving.
Visitors art* always welcome to
Clair OuipcI.
Rev. M- K. Curry, Pastor
C. R. Reynolds, Reporter
Sunday school opened at 9:30 a.
m- with n Hrgto number present.
Many helpful (thoughts were brou
ght out in the lesson.
At 11 o'clock, the service was
opened |>y a very inspiring ppHyer
•orvico, after which the junior
choir lhd tho procesa;onal by sing
ing, “Holy, Holy Holy” followed
by Deacon R. Taylor, sr A beau
tiful and inspiring sermon was
preached by pastor Curry. The
text was taken from Hebrews 11.
24-25. One central thought was we
should know ttho will of God and
do it. The subject was: "Signific
ance and Choice of Decision,” was
very plainly portrayed in the dis
course throughout, the sermon Sun
day night Rev. Curry preached a
short sermon fr»m the first Psalms,
reminding us (that the ungodly man
Cannot enjoy the fullness of life.
“Tho Nehemiah club,” which is
tho men’s club of Zion church, gave
a box social Thursday evening,
April 22nd in the churcth dining
room. It was a decided success- All
who were present enjoyed them
selves immensely.
2128 Franklin Street
Rev. A. Phillips, I*astor
At 11 o'clock, the pastor preach
ed an inspiring message from Gene
sis 49:4. IIi« subject was “Unstable
as Water, Thou Shall Not Excel."
In the afteikioon , Rev. Phillips and
fumily motored to Fremont, Nebr-,
to attend the Quarterly Meeting of
H. D. Piggue- They were accompan
ied by Mrs- Bruner and Rev. But
At tho evening service, Rev. H
D Piggue preached an interesting
sermon from Sti. I.uke, 24:49
The ACE League met at the us
ual hour. The lesson was very in
teresting and ®ach one present took
an active part- The subject for Sun
day, May 2nd is, "How I Propose
to Make My Vocation Christian.”
The Senior Stewardess Board is
sponsoring h May Breakfast at
the home of Mrs. Sloan, 2428 De
catur street on Thursday, May Gth.
The Junior Stewardess board will
have a backyard luncheon on Wed
nesday, May 5th at tho homo of
Mrs. Brownl»w, 2810 Ohio street.
Rev. R. W. Johnson, 1’astor
Mrs. Willie Varner, Reporter
Due to the high wrind and snow,
the attendance nt the Metropoli
tan was small on Sunday morn
ing. Rev. Johnson preached a won
derful sermon from Exodus 37:27.
His subject was “Unthankful ” The
spirit of the Lord was timely there.
Four souls ware united to the
At 6 o'clock, Union time Mrs.
Crumbley would be very happy to
have yoti come out and enroll. Mrs
Patsy Woody' I f^e* teacher^
At 8 o’clock, Rev. Johnson prea
ched from Exodus 32:10. His sub
ject was "Let Me Alone.” There
wa« a large attendance to witness
the sermon
Don’t forget the Mother’s Day
Drama at 8 o’clock. The play is
written and directed by the pas
tor. There will also be an operetta
given with the play- I am sure you
will enjoy this wonderful play
so cotno oarly and get a seat. Rev
Jr l>n»on will leave for Gary, Indians
for a visit of two weeks
Tho membership wish him *
lovely trip.
To tdie Mo there, Sisters and
Daughters of Omaha: You are cor
idially invited to attend the Wo
men’d Day progirtam on Sunday,
Mother’s Duy at 8:80 p. m- at the
Metropolitan Spiritual Church of
Chri*#. This day has been set aside
as Women’s Day at the Metropoli
tan- Mr#. Beulah Johnson will be
in charge. There will also be a pro
gram rendered by fcht Cadies of
tho church and city. We al«o in
\ it« tilin' fathers, husbands and
Kona to coin" out anil see what the
the women of today can do. If any
one would like to take part in this
wonderful program, ste or call Mrs
C. MtiylL-rry, 2217 Ohio street
WE 89(54
__ -
“The Friendly Church”
Krv. It. A. Adams, Pallor
The cold snow and rain caused
n d®©roaiij in the number attending
Sti. John on Sunday. The unexpect
ed cold weather kept the children
at home, but we ho pc with a change
in the weather they will again come
out a« Children's Day is so near.
Rev. Adams preached a very in
teresting Kjrmon at 11 o’clock. In
tihe afternoon, Rev. Adams deliver
ed a brief address at the Goodwill
Spring Mpsical on the subject,
“Th« Relation of the Choirs to Pu
blic Worship.”
The quarterly meeting will be
at St. John next Sunday. Dr. Adam?
is asking that all nipoort «o he
«an make a good report and make
it on time.
The ohoir is to be commended for
tihe showing It made at the Good
will Spring Musical. Mr- McVay,
preHident of the choir, is very much
pleased with the spirit of coopera
tion shown on the part of alh
Road the Omaha Guide and keep
well posted on your Church, social
and fraternal new hi
?4th and lilondo Streets
Daughter M. Quinn, Leader
Rev. C. Jackson, Ass't Pastor
Morning Service, 11 o’clock
Night service, 8 o’clock
Toe dny nighlj, Bible class.
Thursday night, altar enll, heal
ing and jlopheeying by pastor.
Wo were glad to report a ni< o
attendance all day Sunday. Kven
tho chilly weather didn’t dampen
the spirit. Your presence and
cheery smile will help to put the
progrom over. Come out and join us
2608 Franklin Street
Rev. Wm. Pruitt, Pastor
Mrs. W. E. Fredericks, Reporter
Sunday school attendance was only
fair, da® to the inclement weather.
At 11:80 a. m- the pastor was at
his best in bringing to u« a burn
ing message from Genesis 1:1. His
subject was “Come In ”
At 8 p. m. the city-wide mission
was in session- Mrs. Billingsley
is president. Thu sei-mon was prea
ched by Rev. Collins of St. Luke
Baptist church.
At 6 p- m. BYPU attendance was
good. A lovely program was ren
dered by the Ladies group.
At 8 p. m- the pastor again
brought to us another burning
message from Matthew' 26:39. His
subject was “Go A Little Further.”
The ChocOlat" Sip given at the
homo of Mrs. McGee, 2810 Seward
street, under the auspices of the
Mission Circle was a success.
‘*Game thou witli us and we shall
do theo good.” We welcomte you.
GOD C. W. F. F.
2316 No. 25th Street
Mrs. Marie Wright, President
Mrs. pearl Farmer, Sec’y
The Missionary Board opened at
the usual hour in the usual man
ner. The president read for an
opening le»son First Peter, 2:1-17,
Many good thought® were taken
from the lesson
The house w'as announced as
being opened for business. The roll
was called and dues were paid.- W«
were then favored with a lecture
from a visitor, Sister Mack. As this
was devoted to lesfeon, our teacher
canite forward and taught hei
class from Matthew Fifth Chapter
Mu' h good understanding was giv
Tho meeting wa« dismissed by
( repeating the 23rd Psalms The
I next meeting will be a social meeb
11 Ing. Visitors are welcome.
291 h and T Streets
Rev. P. J. Sears, Pastor
In spite of the cold weather, the
I ohureh s'.hool was opened aa
the usual hour, Mother Margaret
j Bolds,’ timely talk closing with a
; beautiful quotations added cueh to
I the life of the school.
In the midday service, Rev.
j Sea ft pt/'aahod on tho subject of
“Sin Wrongs the Soul.” This was
a burning mes.'tagc delivered with
Tho Young People’s Union is
growing nicely. For the past two
Sundays, at the close of the meet
ing: the subject “Would lb Be Bet
ter For a Community If the So
Called Good People Were Separated
from the So-Called Bad People?”
has been discussed. Due to the in
terest on both sides, the pastor
was ealhd to climax the discussion
after the allotted time had been
Next Sunday the subject for dis*.
mission will be, “Marriage; “What
Should Young Girls Accomplish;”.
"At What Age Should Girls Be
Before They Marry.”
The Mission Skders will present
the “Ques'tionaire,” a pageant on
the 14Uh of May at the dhurch at
8 p. m.
• 1 p
Rev. D- W. Baas, Pastor
Mrs. Henryetta Makins, Reporter
Due to tHe nciefcnent w«ather,
tih« crowd was not so greet, but
Sunday was a vcry beneficial day
Sunday school was well attended.
Due to the illness of tier two sons,
Mrs. Stamp? was absent. Mrs. Gray
was reported as being ill. Mr- Hay
wood Taylor, the assistant super
intendent is ill in St. Joseph hos
The pastor spake for the junior
church. He also preached a beauti
ful sermon on “Obedience,” at the
11 o’clock Hervice. Much was said
to aid, guide and keep in Christ.
Th« Epworth League was very
interesting}. Miss Om I.w Britt
incited a poem entitled “Unfit the
Negro for a Slave.”
Dr. Wpsley Jones spoke from
the words “I was glad when they
said let us go into the house of the
, Lord.” There were other renditions
to complete the program.
The pastor spoke nt the night
service 'Hie Loyal Matrons meet
this week at the home of Mrs1. Ber
tha Bell. The "Attend the Youth
Conference” contestants are pro
gressing beautifully. This confer
ence will be held in Little Rock
28th and Decatur Streets
Rev. M. B: Bilbrew, Pastor
Minnie Bryant, Rep.
Serviced were well attended at
Salem Sunday in spite of the dis
agreeable weather. Our pastor
brought a forceful mpssge at 11
a- ml. Ilis tJext was found in Acts
16:16. He brought another soul-stir
ring message at 8 p. m- His t'-xt
was found in St. Luke 8:54. Our
pastor has been conducting a re
vival for the past week. Each night
he spoke from his sbul. He is prea
ching against hell and damnation.
Next Sunday he will state whether
or not the revival will be continued.
Tho members and friend-* of Sa
lcm regret very much the passing
of Mother MeCarthney. She "as
n loyal and faithful member of Sa
The sick of the church are Mr*.
Hannah Shine, Miss Hortense Pitts
and Mr. Dydon.
Visitors am always welcome at
100.000 Pounds Brass, Cop
per, Lead and Aluminum
20.000 Batteries
50.000 Auto Radiators
Are we Buying: You Bet.
If it’s Auto Parts You Want
It Will Pay You to See Us
First. We Are Here to Serve
Consolidated AUTO
Parts Co.
2501 Cuming St. AT 5656
Home of Kangaoo Court
Robert L. Moody
Today, as I write, we are cele
brating Arbor Day, in which our
state of Nebraska, is pioneer. Our
lovo of nature and realization of
the tragedy of dust storms and
floods, cause us to be anxious to
plant more trees to replenish the
forest and to protect the fertili
ty of the soil.
But there is also a religious sign
ificance. The righteous are like
“the'es planted by rivers of water;
hi« fruit also shall not wither and
whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”
Every trite child of God is the
planting of the lord.”
We are often made to wonder
about the dry, (tend and formal pro
fession of son'ie people, because
the Psalmist seemed to have un
derstood about “trees,” therefore
he likened the righteous unto them.
“The righteous shall flourish like
th.o palm tree; he shall grow like
a cedar in Lebanon” and “the
tretes of the Lop'd are full of sap.”
So there is no real excuse for being
dry and dull Christian. We often
find old people who are mean and
contrary and they are referred to
as boihg “old and childish.” We
would rather think of them as being
"old and devilish” beeause the old
bv a tree becomes, the sweeter and
more seasoned the first should be,
r> we conclude with the Psalmist:
"They shall still bring forth fruit
in old; they shall be fat and flourish
27th at'd Franklin Streets .
Rev. J. H. Reynolds, Pastor
Lottie Keys, Reporter
Installation program last week:
Monday night. Autumn Leaf club,
St- John Baptist church, Rev. Ed
Johnson, pasrtor, collections $7.26
Tuesday: Pick Up club, Church
of God in Christ, Rev. Allen and
Rev. Barker, collection, $8 15
Wednesday: Tabernacle Baptist,
Council Bluffs, Rev. C. E.. White,
pa*rtnr; collection $5 00
Thursday, Willing Workers club
St. Luk e Baptist churdh, Rev.
Crowder, pastor, collection $12-75.
Friday night: Beulah Baptist
church, Council Bluffs, Rev. W. M .
Clayton; collection $11.30.
Sunday; Young Baptist Mission
ary Alliance, Rev, C. C.. Pettis,
pastog; collection, $5.39.
Monday night; April 19th, Mt
Olive Baptist church, State light
board. Rev. J. P Mosley, collec
tion $5.39
Tuesday: Sunday school and RY
PU collection $3.40
(Continued next week)
Nice Line of Slightly Used
Women’s W’enring Apparcll
—507 World-Herald Bldg.—
FRLcIif i
Solid Gold effect case guaranteed
25 years. Accuracy guaranteed by
100 year old Million Dollar factory
We’ll sen you on APPROVAL,
Simply send 25 dents to show good
faith. Money back if not pleased
If delighted continue 2 monthly
$2.25 payments. Nothing more to
pay! Seoul 25 cents stamps or coin
TODAY. Your watch shipped by
j-eturn mail.
BRADLEY, E-335 Newton Mass.
We, the relatives of the deceas
ed, Mrs- Dora Warner Turner wish
to thank our many friends and ac
quaintances for their sympathy and
kindness during our bereavement.
Mrs. F. Turner, mother
Mrs. J. W. Walker, sister
Muss M. Turner, sister
Mr- George Turner, brother
Mrs. Dora Jaco, niece
Mias Jean Wright,niece
Mrs- Grace Flanagan, cousin
2025 No. 24th Street
Katie Johnson, Reporter
Sunday school was well attneded
The lesson subject was “The Obed
ience of Noah,” Gen- 5:28. Many
thoughts were received from the
lesson through Supt. Joe Edden«
and othqrs- Ont of the most help
thoughts was that we must obey
God and do as He commands us to
if we expect to doe Him in peace,
just a.s Noah oebyed God. Another
thought was: just as men and wo
men refuse to Hear the voice of
God through Noah, preaching in
those days, so are they today re
velling, banqueting and disobeying
God's word- Friends, let each one
of u« see to it individually that we
obey God in all things and be ready
when He comes again ad ever watcn
for His Coming.
■■■ u
Tuchman Bldg- Room 200
24th and Lake St.
In the Countiy Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of
All persons interested in said
matters are hereby notified that on
the 16th day of April, 1937, W- L.
Myers filed a petition in said
County Court, praying that his
final administration account filed
herein be settled and allowed, and
that he be discharged from his
trust as administrator and that a
hearing will be had on said petition
before said Court on the 15th day
of May, 1937, and that if you
fail to appear before said Court on
the said 15th day of May, 1937
at 9 o’clock a- m., and contest, the
Court may grant the prayer of said
petition, enter a decree of heirship,
and make such other and further
orders, allowances and decrees, as
to this Court may seem proper, to
the end that all matters pertaining
to said estate may be finally settled
and determined.
Bryce Crawford
County Judge
Bo Apr. 24-27 End May 8-37 3T
American and Chinese Dishes
Kins Yuen Cafe
20101 i N. 24th St. Jackson 8576
Open frdm 2 p. m. until 3 a. m.
Barbecue—Cold Drinks
Furnished Rooms
j 4827 S 26 St. MA 0957
2509 N. 24th, Street.
All kinds of Poultry and fresh Country Eggs direct from
the country.
Live Carp - Buffalo and Catfish
Special Prices to Churches and Parties
Stoller’s Fish and Poultry Market
1623 North 24th Street JAckson 8699
FURNISHED apartment, hot wa
ter, electricity, gas furnished.
WE 4285
ROOM ta employed couple—refer
cences—WE 5076
2 ROOM furnished apt. 2622 Cald
well St. AT 5516
FOR RENT—Love's Kitchenette
Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, or
2613 Grant st. Call We. 6663.
MAKE $10 daily selling Negro
dolls, pictures. National Co., 166
W. 126th St., New York City.
WANTED—Experienced salesman
for rubber work gloves as side
line to retail trade. Liberty Rub
iter Glove Co„ Winona. Man.
FOR RENT 1 Large room for two;
1 Small room for ant WE 4162
2407 Lake Street.
FIRST CLASS Beauty operator
wanted See Mrs S Stephenson
2037 No 24th St
Atty. Ray L. Williams
Room 200 Tuchman Bldg
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate, of
All persons interested In said
estate are hereby notified that a
petition has been filed in said Court
alleging that said deceased died
leaving no last will and praying
for administration upon his estate,
and that a hearing will be had be
fore said court on the 8th day of
May, 1937, and that if they fail
to appear at said Court on the said
8th day of May, 1937, at 9 o'clock
a. m., to contest said petition, the
Court may grant the same and
grant administration of said estate
to Ida F. Baker or some other suit
able person and proceed to a settle
ment thereof.
Bryce Crawford
County Judge
Be Apr. 17-37 end May 1-37
2314 N 21st St Omaha
Houses and Flats For Rent
$10, $12, $15 to $25
Houses For Sale
$50, $100, $150 to $350 Down
Balance like rent
Furnished Rooms and Apart
ments For Rent
From $3, $3.50 to $5
FOR ECONOMIC and comfort of
living try DIXON APTS., AT
Intelligence and Sales Dept. Good
5000 Representatives Wanted.
income assured. E. V. Publishing
House, 301-305 Elm st„ Dept. N3.
AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro
Dolls. Write, National Co., 163
West 126th St., N. T
Send 10c for six mo. subscription
to interesting magazine. Movie
News and Pictures. Box 452,
Dayton, Ohio.
wide social letter club: new
friends, romance; strictly confi
dential. Particular* free. KIS
MET, Boxx 6166-E., Met Sta.
Los Angeles, Calif.
AGENTS — Sell Emperor Haile
Selassie Pictore, (Sample 25c).
Negro Dolls, Flappers, African
League. 264 W. 136th St., New
I trade at
Food Market
24th and LAKE ST.
Orders Delivered
WE 0402 WE 0402
The soil is in fine shape for
We carry a fine line of gar
den and grass seeds.
Save 60 per cent by using
our bulk seed.
924 N. 24th JA. 5115
Enroll Nov/. Ee Independent
$1C0 Course for $65
_ For Information Call _
WE. G846 2422 N. 22 St
■gUUALlTYjSjgjhll^^X tV 1 C I ;
That's H/sfcfJ We’ve
■tarted a War ... a War
to clear our streets of
dangerous, worn-out tires
. . . tires that cause un- '
j atuuvuis.
Don’t risk trouble and
lelay driving, on old
tires. Equip your car
»ow with new Goodrich
Safety Silvertowns, the
only tires built with Life
Saver Golden Ply pro
tection against blow-outs.
Get one tire or a set and j
Pay Nothing Down!
Make Your Own Terms
No red tape, no delays, quick, courteous
^3rvke to everyone. This is the Easiest
Credit in Town! Stop in today.
p—_ w___
UOUGEAS AT 20TH “"()pt.n Evenings I 2406 L STREET 1
Phone JA 4024 _and Sundays f Phone MA 0460