The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 01, 1937, Image 1

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    , «-* Historical **®®
fc#bra»*ki* S' •*t®
Lincoln, We >r*
More than 12 tiro* larger
' Circulation CENTS
Than Any Oltfred
News| aper Ever 1 11/IV
‘ Published In
1—rr “t
Entered as Second Class Matter at Postoffice, Omaha, Nebraska- Omaha, Nebraska, SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1937 _VOL, XI Number 5_
rim DiviNEi i
Denver Ticket Schemers Fined j
i ■' I
Convicted on
Vagrancy Charge
On the complaint of Rev. Milton
K- Curry, pastor of Zion Baptist j
church eleven men and women
were arrcfeted A.piril 22nd in con
nection with the promotion and
sales of ticket/* for a musical jub
ilee scheduled to be held in June.
Rev. Ourry said he was persuaded
to stage the music festival on an
arc&ngfeprferyd JthnAigh “which the
church was *o receive 25 per cent
of the proceeds. But after $160 was
collected, he was advised that the
percentage <fue the church had
been absorbed by thto cost
of telephonies used by the sales
men in selling tickets
The festival, as described to pro
apectivev customers, was to depict
the life of the Negro in the United
States from the tot reduction of
slavery in 1619 to the present day.
Tkflsets were 50 cents npiece
Police found a large box of cards
bearing telephone numbers and ad
dresses in the church basement, the
collection indicating a complete
canvass of the directory had been
stated. A sheet of paper bearing
a typewritten sales talk was also
The Rev. Leroy Minks of Denver,
head df the promotional force, was
given a 90 day jail sentence by
Judge George Holmes Saturday
morning when convicted on a charge
of vagrancy- His wife was fined,
as were two others. Eight wore
freed on tMe promise that they
would leave town immediately. All
Were white.
Rev. Curry announced the festi
val will be produced June 10 and 11
at annonced by the Denver group.
He further said tickets sold by the
outsiders would be honored at the
affair, which will be produced by
L Scott, a member of the church.
_ _ _n.
Omaha Guide to
Sponsor Movie
Style Revue
Monday evening May 17th, The
Omaha Guide will sponsor a city
wide Movie Style Revue at the
DiVamland Hall.
We are inviting all clubs in or
out of Omaha to send a model or
models, both male and female.
There will be a trophy given to
tluo club sending the best model, a
ring to the best individual model,
a prize will be given the club sell
ing he largest number of tickets
ar.d to the best individual ticket
The list of clubs who have al
ready assured us their coopera
tion in making this the most glam
ous affair ever witnessed in Oma
ha are:
Cleverettes, Council Bluffs Iowa;
Girl Reserves; Modemistis Maidens;
Bacchannites; Mitze; Optimist;
Alt house Beauty school; Northside
Beauty school; with others prom
ising cooperation as soon as same
can be carried through the regular
official course stipulated by their
Tickets prior to the 17th may be
secured at the popular price of 40
Stepin Fetchit Injured
In Auto Crash
Screen Comedian Near Death
After Automobile Smashup
New York, April 25—Stepin Fet
chit, movie comic, was in Ilarlem
hospital Sunday, his dancing feed
stilled by an automobile accident
in which ho buffered a fractured
skull. Doctors said his condition
was fair.
Stl»pin Fetchit, in private life
Lincoln Perry, 40 who haa become
an international figure in the mo
tion picture industry was injured
"hen his car struck an ‘L’ pillar on
Eighth avenue
Witness stated that a blown out
left 'ir caus'd the machine to
swerve then skid thirty feet or more
because of the wet pavement eofrn
pletely out of control of Step in
Fetchit who was driving alone.
The car was an old ‘31 Lincoln
club coupe which the famed comic
s'(u' had held in his possession as
a lucky charm.
Police at the West 135th street
station a half a block away rushed
the injurfed actor to the Harlem
hospital, where it is feared he may
not live.
Joe Glaser, Artists’ Representa
tive of the Rockwell O’Keefe Book
ing offices in Radio City was noti
fied of the accident Sunday after
noon and rushed immediately to the
Harlem hospital to aid the serious
ly injured star. He later conferred
with his personal physician, Doctor
Dean Makotshi who succeeded in
making arrangements for the re
moval oif Sfaepin Fetchit to a pri
vate hospital on Monday morning
Stepin Fetchit has been playing
deluxe theaters in the east and
was appearing at the Earl theatre
in Philadelphia. As there are no
Sunday shows in the Quaker City
he had driven to New York City
to sptend the day. He was not due
back at the Earl tiheatre until time
for the midnight performance Sun
cents; a 20 per cent saving over
the regular price.
The popular Syneo Hi Hatters
orchestra will furnish the music of
the evening, supported by a fast
and sizzling floor show featuring
Williams and Caldwell of Chicago,
Every participant in this affair
will be filmed, giving all the chance
to view their likeness on the
screen in a local movjs house.
All clubs wishing to enter a mo
del or models are urged to regis
ter with Mrs. Mildred Gilbert at
the Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant St
Utmost Pressure on Senate
Urged on Anti-Lynching Bill
New York, May 1—Spurred on to
increased effort by the smashing
Note by Which the House on April
15th passed the Gavagan anti-lvneh
bill, supporters of the legislation
turned their attention to the Sen
ate with redoubled energy.
Elated over the momentum ga
thered by the Gavagan bill in
he HoUse and heartened by expres
sion* of determination tb keep
fighting Nvhich are pouring in from
all sections of the country, the
NAACP this Nveek urged a steady
barrage of letter*, telegams, peti
tions and resolutions be sent to
senator* impressing upon them the
desire of the country fotr this legis
There is a strong feeling in Wash
ington that it is not sufficient for
senator!, to state that they are in
favor) of the legislation and will
vote for it Wh|en it comes to the
floor- What is needed is the pro
mise of senators to work to bring
the bill to the flootr.
The citizens back home are urged
to Nvi'ite and have their senators
go to the leaders in the Senate and
call for action on the anti-lynching
bill In the Senate, th-r bill is
known as the Wagner-Van Nuys
bill (S. 1709). It differs only slight
ly from the Gavagan bill and an
adjustment bebween tire two is ex
expected to be a simple proceedure
Congir*H*man Charles McLaughlin
C i ''rrr.'rmcn Charles F. Me
Laurrhlin from 2nd District Nebr.
Who aided passage of the anti
lynch bill
Other Nebraska Congressmen
who voted for the bill wore Henry
C. Lu<‘ky and Karl Stefan.
Beauty Shop Changes Hands
Mrs. S. Stephenson, an ex
per.t miarcel waver and beauty
culturist of Chicago, 111., bais
bought Mr. Homer McCraney's
Beauty Salon, located at 2037
N. 24th St., two doors, south of
the Ritz Theatre.
The public is cordially invit
ed to visit .tjhiis strictly sani
tary shop where you will re
ceive courteous attention and
sla tis fac t ory workmanship.
Mrs. Carrie Knox of Kansbd
City, Kans., is visiting her son,
Adolphus Knox, 1831 N. 22nd
Goodwill Spring
Musical Was A
Classical Success
Three hundred and fifty voices
from 10 choirs oif the Omaha
ch’arch world joined Sunday after
noon in the third annual "Goodwill
Spring Musical” at Pilgrim Bapt
ist church. The 10 choirs represent
ed the follo/wing churches: Clair
Cliapel ME, St John AME; Be
thel Baptist: Zion Baptist; Pilgrim
Baptist, Mount Moriaih Baptist;
Cleaves’ Temple CME, Frbeatone
Baptist; Pleasant Green Baptist
and Zion Imp*trial choir.
Following tli« proceed on al of all
choir* singing their regular pro
cessional selections. The program
was as follow*; Mists Estella Ro
binson led 1,800 voices in singing
the National Negro anthem, “Lift
Every Voice and Sing;” Invocation!
by Rev- Curry, pastor of Zion Bap
tist ohutroh; Overture by City Ser
vice orch«(;ra whose renditions
held the mammouth audience spell
bound. The master of ceremonies,
Mr- Archie B. Young, van then in
troduced by Mr. L. L- McVay who
irtum introduced the various
choirs who rendered one selection
each. AH the Zion Imperial choir
completed their all Latin selection
Rev. F. L. Stevenson, pastor of
Pilgrim Baptist church introduced
Rev. R. A. Adams, pastor of St
John AME church, who delivered
a brief but in npiring address on
the “Relation of the Choir to Pu
blic Wog8hip.” This was followed by
election^ from the St. John and
Pilgrim choirs, then came the grand
final/e by all choirs massed under
the direction of Rev- J- S. Williams,
first “Litton to the Lambs” and
the Hallelujah Chorus" which vas
indeed a masterpiece. Proceeding
tiho benediction, Rev. F. P. Jones
who delivtred same, paid flowing
trihut to the man in whose mind this
event! was born by leading 1,800
Black Americans in Hinging to the
tjune of “Bless Be the Tide,” ,‘Mc
Vay, McVay; McVay-’ Mr. L. L
McVay will be remembered as a
former student at Fisk University
and a graduate of Howard univer
Leader Arreste
New York, April 39 (GNA)
Fat'her Divine from poliire of oijj
of the cult leader in a tfloomj
V'(8t Thursday nijxht. The bald
thousands of Negro and white f
Father Divine, who calls him
self God, is .sliow’n (center fig
ure) mounting t^e steps of Po
lice Headquarters in New York
City April 23. upon beiru? re
turned to Vew York after his
arrest in Milford, Con.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Sherwood
celebrated their 25,th wedding
anniversary o n Wednesday,
April 14th, 1937, at the North
Side Y.W.O.A:
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood stood
in the alcove decorated in white
crepe paper, with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Helen Taylor, and
their granddaughter, Marlene
Taylor. Mrs. Sherwood looked
stunning in a green lace gown,
while Mr. Sherwood stood up
in one of the latest tuxedos.
Mrs. Taylor wore a beautiful
white crepe dress trimmed in
white satin, with a small train.
Many beauiftd and useful
presents were received, and all
guests extended 1 heir bestwish
es for a| continued contented
wedded life.
^ iie i'U.v. J. vvk Adams of St. John Methodist spoke on
"Music and Its Relation to the Church Service.” The whole
idea was originated by L. L. McVay, also of St. John, to
bring about closer co-operation between the churches.
—C-ipyrlg&t by Tt» All Right* RcmtvMU
d in Conn.
Angels Rise Up
-The ,threes day invisibility of
ht states ended with the arrest
cellar ati Milford, Conn., late
1 headed little evangelist whom
)lk worship us Clod was collared
by two Negro detectfives from the
West 123rd citation, Harlem, as be
fearfully peeked round the corner
of a furnace.
Father mystified New York pol
ice with a rapid fade-out following
an attempt by Paul Camora, a pro
cess shrver, to hand the oult lead
er a summons in a civil action dux
ini a bam^uet dervic® at the King
dom at 20 West 115th street, Har
lem. In the melee that followed,
Father’s angels routed the forces
of oWter darkness
When the bedlam quieted down,
Harry G^een, white, of Teaneclc
N. J., a fjriend of the process ser
ver, lay critically wounded on the
floor and the police had broadcast
an ala^m to eight state® for Fa
ther Divine who meantime had
assumed his most invisible form.
Earthly Troubles Grow
Taking advantage of his disap
pearance, Fat>»cr's No. 1 angel,
Faithful Mary, revealed ambition*,
iteaven-inspired of course, to take
oiver the earthly possessions of tihe
Kingdom She told reporter she
was through with that man hect
cally adding:
“Ho id not God, he ain’t nothing
just a damned man ”
Futlhbr Divine was arrested at
11 Gunn street Milford, Conn, after
two women disci pics had volubly
denied he was in the house. As he
walked dhakily out of the house,
■cjnc of the women, a white girl
known as “Lovely Bess,” said be
tween her dohs “Father will deal
with his enemies.”
FVxtlutr^Jiimselif indicated that
his hide-ctut had been betrayed by
a. Juda-d in his movement. He said
that “divine justice” would be met
ed out) to1 the Judas.
Locked Up for Night
Night eoturt was closed when
Father was brought back to New
York and the dimunitive evangelist
was fingerprinted and photograph
od and looked up for the night- Ko
vie Frankel, a white attorney was
retained to represent him.
George Boaker, one of the two
dobectived who arrested Father Di
vine said the cult leader told him
he had notjhing to do writh tihe
stabbing in his Kingdom “and if
anyone did anything it was his fol
lowers and they did it for his pro
Harlem had a good laugh over
the special precautions taken to pro
ven Father's disappearance from
his cell. These precaution® includ
ed the assignment of a special pol
iceman to sit through the night in
froiit of his cell. Outside in the
Street, about fifty white and Negro
angels who had learned he was in
jail, stood in silent wonder.
Angels are Proxies
Meantime Faithful Mary pushed
plans to Usurp the leadership of
the Kingdom or at least take over
its tangible assets. She said she
had broken with Father and w|s
keeping title to numerous of the
earthly properties which the “hea
venly kingdom” had amassed. These
include restaurants, peace mis
sions, farms and miscerlaneoius pro
Murder; Charge Looms
Green} toe wounded man is in
Harlem hospital in a critical con
dition- If Green dies, police say
Father Divine will be charged with
Spend “A Night in Hollywood’*