The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 24, 1937, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    Attend Church . .
Jl. ••m,. •• mm mm
2608 Franklin Street
Itev. Wm. Pruitt, Pastor
Mrs. W K Frederick#, Reporter
Th« Sunday school opened at
9:80 a. m witih a large attendance.
Th*« i kjjxv inbeiidoiit, M*i- Williams
At 11:30 a. in the message wn
brought to us by our jki. 'tor. H is
subject w is “Harden Not Your
Heart *' His text was found in
psalms 95:7. Rev. J. C Crowder,
the jeo tor of SL. Luke Baptist
church, *nrui h>s member wor
tsl* pjsst with ua
At 6 p. in., the BYPU opened
wiuh a large attendance- The pro
gram was>*v| by group No
1, th" men group.
'At 8 p. m- the pastor again
brought' to us a burn ing message
ITis subject was “Who Shall Be
Able to Stand. ” His text wa ' found
in Rev. C: 17.
The Willi: g Workers' ,jub met1
Thursday night at the home of
Mrs Walker, 2104 No. 29th Av(!.
The next mi** ting will be ut the
homo of Mrs. Owens, 2504 Blondo.
Tho Mission Cits le no-eta every
Thurtvlay ai 4 'o e-hunJt from 2 un
til 4 p. m. Mir- Ice MkGeo is pro
vident. We ■welcome you to all ser
--- -o—
Itfv. J. G. Gates, Pastor
Dolly Dixon, Reporter
The Siltiduy solwiol oj.Wied on
time with a good attendance
TUm morning eervice was a good
spring tonic for all. The text was
found in Genesis 21:7, “In her dist
ress she cried unto liar I/ml,” sub
jtv t, “God Will Hem- Your Cry.”
BYPU «n« opened with our new
president pro iding, in tihe person
of Rev. Renfro We had a good dis
cussion on the let (son.
Eight o’dook service was un in
rtrutivo one to all
We wish to announce our coming
ii. 11 y May llth at. tihree o’clock.
Corrv' one, come h11 and help your
your sister • hurch.
Rev. W. C- Con well, Pastor
Georgia Goosby, Reporter
Services wre well attended
throughout the day. Our pastor, at
tho 11 o’clock <orvicea, preached
from Luke 22:19. His subject was
“Tho lairds Supper." Hit* thought#
wore well based upon the Divinity
of God through love and our ac
ceptance of His blood and broken
laxly, wli ioh is an outwprd token
of wliat is witnin He asked that
wo examine ourselvea so that an
outward token of what is within. He
asked that we examine ourselves
so that when we come to the end of
our journey we shall be as our Sa
viour was at the cross—ready to
be offered up.
At the evening worship. Rev J. S.
Williams of Hillside Presbyterian
church brougnt to us a message
from 2nd Kings, 4th chapter. He
told us the story of a good woman
who was ablb to perceive goodness
wtwti she tiaw it and drank the bit
ter cup that ei.ib of uh must
drink at some time in our lives.
Therefore, we mul t keep our spir
itual strength renewer.
One hundred and twenty-five
persons took sacrament. This being
the last Sunday in the conference
year, the pastor expressed his grate
fulnars to his members and various
auxiliaries for their booperatibn
during tho pa«t three years. He
left ijor Kansas City, Kas , where
the annual conference will convene
on Wednesday morning. We pray
that God will again permit him
return to u»- Several of tne mem
bers will viiit the conference be
fore it adjourns.
Mother Anna Slaughter, Pastor
Mrg. A .Tubbs, Reporter
Children’s Forum 1 p. m.
Missionary Meeting 7 p. m
Evening s«rviee 8 p. m.
The Mission at 2108 So. 21r£
street of which Sister Ur-kin is
pastor, meets with us every Wcd
ne? and Friday nights.
Elder Montgomery taught a won
derful letlson Sunday morning from
the 15th Division of Psalm.
The Missionary Service wa very
interesting. The lesnon was taken
from II Peter, 3rd chapter. Mother
Slaughter preached a very touch
ing sermon from the 4th chapter
of Hebrews- Her nubject was
“Rost” If any are ick, come and
be prayed for. Everyone is wel
Rev. It. W. Johnson, Pastor
Mrs. Willie Varner, Reporter
Sunday vva« Royal Sunday at the
Metropolitan. The color which re
presents Royal, it purple. At 11:00
o’clock, Rev. Garnett, our assistant
pastor, preached from Exodus 14:
14, tying tjh«*c words as a text,
"The Lord shall fight for you, and
ye shall hold your peace.” His sub
ject W»-M> “Stand Still and .See the
Salvation of tflie Lord," The les
son was beautifully outlined.
0 oVdook is Union time. Mrs.
Woody, our teacher would like
l'or you Co conic* to come to the Un
A' 8 o'clock Rev. John, on prea
ched from Exodus 18:8. The house
was filled Those who were there
to witnou the lesson were made to
rejoice. Wednesday night of <-a' h
week is proeprity and help night.
Jf any among you are sic kor af
flicted or can’t i eo your way clearly
cony* and lot the spirit of the I^>rd
help you. If you have faith in God
He will heal you, for He says, “ac
cording to thy faith, tl»ou ahull bo
healbed. Some eome praying that
thn Spirit of the Lord will heal
your body and your soul us wed
Hubert L. Moody
Something Unusual:
For tiK>*e people who ehoo»o to
b<* different, tne Amish moo of Ea«t
Lancaster, Lancaster County, Penn
sylvania are a good model
{Recently throe of Uiom are re
portod to have gone to Washing
ton tjo plead with PWA officials' ta
keep $56,200- which was to be used
to build a is their religious
belief to live independent of outsid
ers so they flatly refused $56,200 he
cause it was a gift from the gov
ernment, and furthermore, the
school would have been too far to
walk and tire AmClunen don’t
want their children to ride a school
bus but rather that they walk as
did fi’ieir grandfathers.
Whether we agree with the <>
ideas or not, it is oricouraging to
know that someone contend for
thelp “olj time religion.”
Another lessen for us twentieth
nentury Christian . are the "flag j
el lenten” who inflict cuts, bruise-, I
and severe flogging, even drama i
tie "crucifix io*lon Good Friday.
These isoph' are unusually sincere
about their devotion to Christ, if*
wo coultti only datoify ouif elves
with the lust of he flesh, thereby be
ing crucified "with Christ” rather
than "for Christ,” our liva* would
bo more powerful.
— ■ , ft
Rev. J. H. Reynolds, Pastor
Lottie Keys, Reporter
Sunday school at 9 a. m. was
well attended. At the 11 o’clock
services, Rev. Reynolds preached on
thu subject “I have a bad taste in
my mouth. Mother Johnson, Sister
G- Hudson and Ester Johnson were
added to the church membership
If you want to feel the spirit, vi
sit Pleasant Green Baptist church.
On Sunny afternoon, Rev. Crow
der preached a wonderful sermon.
The collections for the afternoon
were $39.02.
Sunday night Rev. Wilhite prea
ched on "I’ll Be Glad When You’re
Dead You Rascal You.” He illus
Vatod it beautifully. Visitors were
present in the persons of Mr. and
Mrs. C B- Cook of St John AMF,
BYPU is doing nicely. We also
have a new junior chorus.
2023 No. 24th Street
Katie Johnson, Reporter
Sunday school opened at the us
ual hour and was conducted by
Supt. Joe Edden*. The lesson, “The
Efflpftts of A3eoholis Bev«uag«e,”
was well taught and many helpful
thoughts were received from it.
At 11:30 a. m we were blessed
with a wonderful message from
the Lord through sister M. E. Ash
ley. Her subject was “The Christian
Race. ’’ Friends, lbt us all examine
our lives by the word of God and
see if we are realty in the Christian
At the evening worship Sister
Aahley preaaVd on "What Shall
Wo Do to be Saved.”
Mid week services on Wednes
day night. Everyone is welcome.
?4lh and lilondo Streets
Daughter M. Quinn, Leader
Itev. C. Jackson, Ass’t Pastor
Morning Service, 11 o’clock
Night service, 8 o’clock
Tuesday riigihl, Bible class.
Thursduy night, altar call, heal
I ing and j| ophesying by pastor.
The beautiful sunshine of Sun
day found llhe congregation in a
, high spiritual Service all through
out tiie day. The ladies’ day pro
! gmm at 3 o’clock was indeed a
; slK*> a*. Rev. G.. Howelll of St
I Paul AMK Zion church, brought
I us a stirring message from the
123rd Psalms using ^tihe shepherd
!ew« of her Father’s fllook—coincid
ing wit/.i the ladies’ day thought.
W" Wish all who helped to make
Ladies’ daay a success many thanks
Night services found Rev. Hud
son, assistant to Rev. Wagner, in
llhe pulpit. Mis Violet Holt gave a
paper on “Qua'iloation” which was
u ba-wis for the s<rmon brought
to us by Rev. Hudson. We also
commend Mi** Holt for her paper.
Attend the Bible class on Tues
day night amd help unravel the
mystbries of His word. We are al
ways guld to shake your hand und
help you.
Rev. I). W. Basa, Pastor
Mrs. Henryetta Makins, Reporter
Spring is surely here; the whole
enrjth bespeaks reverence to God for
new lii\) and hope and cheer- Sun
day school was well attended. Gen
eral assembly wash eld by the pastor
while he spoke on the '.ubjeet, “Af
fecto of Alooholic Beverages ” Dr.
A. L- Hawkins spoke to the Jun
ior church on the subject of Alcoho
lic Beverages."
Rev. Bass pleached a very soul
stirring sermon Sunday morning.
He also preahed at the night ser
vice. 1
The Ep worth League is growing.
Come to church at 0:30 nexfc. Sun
day and hear the special program.
Attend the Youth Conference con
test which is in progress at Cleaves
Temple. Miss Mildred Wiley, Leon
Peoples, and Mrs. Bernice Ross, are
tho conte (’ ants. If either of these
young versons approach you, please
encourage them by supporting them
as much as possible.
Roth of the Stamps brothtrs are
ill at the home of their mother,
2732 Ohio street. Their conditions
are reported as being fair.
To ht sick we say, “Commit thy
care unto the Lord: trust also in
Him and He will give thee the de
sires of thine heart.”
Tho thought for the week is;
“Provo all hings; hold fust to that
which is good ” I Thes. 5:21
“The Friendly Church”
111 v. 11. A. Adams, l'a,stor
Tho Sunday school started the
(lay’s program at. St- John, with a
very fine attendance. Since Child
ren’s day is drawing near, the tea
chers arc asking that the parents
nnd guardians see that the child
ren are on time and attend regular
ly. ’ *11
Th« .spiritual aspect, during the
morning service ran unusually high
and Rev. Adams was at his best.
He took as a text, “Am I My Bro
thers Keeper?” The many fine
thought! to be remembered from
this sermon were: Every man is
his brother’s keeper nnd ho is re
sponsible for him. Every man is
a keepier of his father’s peace and
happiness and should not be the
cause of his unhappiness. The peo
ple who mix with the people of the
world eannot help tnem much spir
itualty because t| ey ex) rcise no
influence over them. The church
should always remember it i» the
keeper! of it- brother’s soul.
The church and friends wish to
tnke this method of expressing the
deepest sympathy to relatives of
Presiding Edler Lewis, of the 6th
Episcopal District. Rev. Lewis l ad
been sick for quite some time. The
church also extonrs sympathy to
the widow and other relatives of
Dr. ,T. W. Scott) Mrs; Scott is a
member of St. John choir.
Sunday closed the financial drive,
but if there are those who have
’not paid in their assessment, it
may still ho done and you will re
c.eive card it for it
The choir assisted by Dr. Adams
rendered its regular monthly all
request program Sunday night.
The ey«|5 of nil are turned to the
third annual Goodwill Spring Mu
sial which will take place at Pil
grim Baptist church on Sunday,
Argil 25th at 2:46 p. m.
You can always be informed of
tho church, social, and fraternal
news in The Omaha Guide. Why
not. call the office and start your
subscription now, or have the Guide
boys leave you one each week?
Northside “Y”
By Mds. S. Stephenson
The more serious minded, far
eeing women of our group, had
for many years seen the very
great need of an association to
draw the young people togeth
er in an interesting and agree
able body—so they set about
putting this idea into execution.
The other groups had such an
f jsoci&tion and had met such an
splendid success—why could
not our people do likewise 1
We have always been very
successful in finding friends
among the white race and la
dies felt that now was a most
needed time to solicit their aid.
Get Aid from Central Branch
These prominent active wo
men of the colored groups, to
gether with the aid of the more
liberal minded white persons
headed by Mi’s. Casper Yost Of
fitt, were able to bring into ex
istence their great desire.
In the year 1920 through
their untiring efforts, the init
ial funds were raised and they
purchased the splendid build
ing at the corner of 22nd and
Grant Streets.
The building was properly
renovated and the surrounding
grounds bad to be landscaped.
Work in this direction was done
by ,the “Garden Club“ organi
zed for that, special purpose
They landscaped the lawn, and
planted flowers and laid tnie
menj w'alks leading to the
building. In fact the Garden
Club so beautified the grounds
that it became the most dyna
mic single factor in challenging
public attention ut that time.
Each member of the club made
a contribution both noble and
rare in her own way—present
ing dramas, style reviews, eon-'
certs and dinners which were
no less helpful than unique.
Instituted at first to function
as a YWCA., it served the com
munity in a much larger way,
in ,tha it served as a, Commun
ity center for the public and
all other organizations in its in
virons—churches, lodges, wo
men’s clubs, boy scouts, frater
nal societies, NAACP. '1 lib as
sociation also presented distin
guished men and women to all
groups, thereby making it the
largest single agency in propa
gating culture within its con
The YWCAj in the course of
years hap aided in bringing
such musical artists as Itolund
Hayes and Madam Evanti to the
community in concert; the his
torian, Carter G. Woodson; the
sociologist and economist, Dr.
George E. Haynes; the orator
antl scribe, William Pickens;
Walter Whife, Mrs. Paul Law
rence Dunbar Nelson, and many
other prominent persons.
Miss Fannie B. Watkins was
the first secretary, followed by
Miss Edna May Stratton, who
served for several years. She
w'as aii accomplished musician
both in piano and voice and dur
ing her years of service the
membership reached 700.
•Miss Murgie L. Danley was
next sent to serve. She came
with the wisdom and tact that
to her with her maturer years.
With her as secretary, the “ Y“
entered itts influence through
the whole countryside and she
no less than the “Yu itself be
came a part of everything that
had for its goal l*he real need
of the colored people and the
cause which .the “Y“ had come
to serve.
Miss Rachael Taylor was al
so secretary and served quite
as fine as the rest.. She went to
other fields to serve and labor,
blessing 1'hem she but casual
ly mot and them she so gener
ously and nobly served. Miss
Gladys Pullum is now .the sec
retary. You will continue to
give her your support in this
most wonderful institution of
culture and} ief&iemjeipt, ever
manifesting an interest in the
work and remembering that our
future depends upon the on
coming generation and ourde
sire to be recognized as a race
with the highest ideals.
2428 Franklin Street
Rev. A. Phillips, Pastor
Sunday school opened ab the us
ual hour. The revival closed Sun
lay night with a wonderful spirit
ual success.
“I a man says I love Got and
hate his b(.lothor he is a liar for he
that loveth not his brother whom
10 hath seen, how can he love God
whom he hath not sten?”
The ACE Leagule met at the us
ual hour with a great number of
young people present. The lesson
liucuased was of the different pro
blems of the ocommunity. The sub-!
jut for Sunday, April 25th is “The'
Hood Chu'ch Member is World Vi
sioned.’ Matt. 28:11-20, John 4:35
Tho Gateway Quartette will en
tertain with a musical on April 29
at hit- Olive Baptist church, 5210
So. 30th street. A free will offering
will be taken-. Evrybody is invited
to attend
Food Market
24th and LAKE ST.
Orders Delivered
|WE 0402 WE 0402|
Fresh from the Country every day
Also Rhode Island Reds and Plymouth Rock Spring chickens
Large Hen for your Sunday Dinner
Fresh vegetables—all kinds of fruit at your door every day.
No Middle Man Profit to Pay
KEnwood 0609
i the place to save money on furniture and
Home furnishing purchases.
14th and Dodge Sis.
FURNISHED apartment, hot wa
ter, electricity, gas furnished.
WE 4285
1'HREE furnished apartments
WE 3738
KITCHENETTE Apartment 2914
No. 25th.
FOR RENT—Love's Kitchenette
Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, or
2613 Grant st. Call We. 6653.
WANTED—four room furnished
apartment Call WE 1715
ROOM for rent to employed couple,
reference. WE 5076.
Will sacrifice 5 rm- house, modern
except tub and furnace. JA 2341
3031 Burdette
MAKE ?10 daily selling Negro
dolls, pictures. National Co.. 166
W. 126th St., New York City.
WANTED—Experienced "Imw
for rubber work gloves as side
line to retail trade. Liberty Rub
ber Glove Co„ Winona. Man.
For Rent furnished modern apart
ment, heat, lights, running hot and
cold water free. Call WE. 6«15
24*7 Lake Street.
Tuchman Bldg- Room 200
24th and Lake St.
in the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of
All persons interested in said
matters are hereby notified that on
the 16tli day of April, 1937, W- L.
Myers filed a petition in said
County Court, praying that his
final administration account filed
herein be settled and allowed, and
that he be discharged from his
trust as administrator and that a
hearing will be had on said petition
before «aid Court on the 15th day
af May, 1937, and that if you
fail to appear before said Court on
the said 15th day of May, 1937
nt 9 o’clock a- in-, and contest, the
Court may grant the prayer of said
petition, enter a decree of heirship,
and make such other and further
orders, allowances and decrees, as
to this Court may seem proper, to
the end that all matters pertaining
to said estate may be finally settled
ond determined.
Bryce Crawford
County Judge
Be Apr. 24-27 End May 8-37 3T
_ I
Expert Piano Tuning and
Repairing Done Reasonable.
Guaranteed Satisfaction
JA 7317 2610 Seward
American and Chinese Dishes
Kinff Yuen Cafe
2010'/, N. 24(h St. Jackson 8576
Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m.
Barbecue—Cold Drinks
Furnished Rooms
4827 S 26 St. MA 0957
2509 N. 24th, Street.
2417 N. 24th St.
jWe are making a complete
change in our products.
See that your car is summer
ized with Phillips 66 oil and
Cars washed, 75c.
Figure with Ilineman's on
your jobs before consulting
|anyone else.
.vjw/.mmw/.w.v <1
FOR ECONOMIC and comfort of
living try DIXON APTS., AT
Intelligence and Sales Dept. Good
6000 Representatives Wanted,
income assured. E. V- Publishing
House, 801-806 Elm st.. Dept. N3,
AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro
Dolls. Write, National Co., 163
West 126th St., N. Y
Send 10c for six mo. subscription
to interesting magazine. Movie
News and Pictures. Box 462,
Dayton, Ohio.
wide social letter club: new
friends, romance; strictly confi
dential. Particulars free. KIS
MET, Boxx 6166-E., Met Sta.
Los Angeles, Calif.
AGENTS — Sell Emperor Haile
Selassie Picture, (Sample 26c).
Negro Dolls, Flappers, African
League, 264 W. 136th St., New
SELF. A completely furnished
restaurant with all the necessary
equipment therein and l)ie best
location for business of its kind in
the city of Omaha- For rent to the
right party at a reasonable sate.
Call WE 6015.
2314 N 21st 3t Omaha
Houses and Flats For Rent
$10, $12, $15 to $25
Houses For Sale
$50, $100, $150 to $350 Down
Balance like rent
Furnished Rooms and Apart
ments For Rent
From $3, $3.50 to $5
The soil is in fine shape for
We carry a fine line of gar
den and grass seeds.
Save 60 per cent by using
our bulk seed.
924 N. 24th JA. 5115
Enroll Now. Be Independent
$100 Course for $65
_ For Information Call —
WE. 0846 2422 N. 22 St
JA 8646
Everyone wants attractive
hair, but it must be design
ed to suit tht face.
■ Mr. MeOaney has made a
speciality of this, so let him
beautify you. Now is the
time to recondition thd....
scalp with those invigorat
ing hot oil treatments.
^Opera^or, Alma Parker
for sale
1928 7-Passenger Cadilac Se
dan. A1 condition. Call at
2417 N. 24th Street
Nice Line of Slightly Used
Women’s Wearing Apparel!
—507 World-Herald Bldg.—
'A'AYAWAm. mj i
100.000 Pounds Brass, Cop
P®^> Bead and Aluminum
20.000 Batteries
50.000 Auto Radiators
Are -vve Buying You Bet.
If it’s Auto Parts You Want
It. Will Pay You to See Us
First. We Are Here to Serve
Consolidated AUTO
Parts Co.
2501 Cuming St. _ AT 5656
Home of Kangaoo Court