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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1937)
V The Omaha Guidites } III— ■■ II ■HUBI I I I m I I 11 I ■ I ■! - II !■ ■ ■ “The Door of Expression” — — Edited by ‘UNCLE GIL’ iMHaaaninHnnHnHHnnuH Guidite May Day Festival Committee Hold Meeting Choir Directors Gather ^ o Make Complete Plans The May Day Festival Commit tee met at the YWCA in person or by proxy with Miss Ethel Jones, gtnonal festival director, presid ing- The members ol the com mittee made up of the sponsors of the junior dhoir directors of the city are as follow's: Mrs- Eulu Bry nt, Miss Helen McWhorter, Zion Baptist church; Christine Alt houae and Mr. Alpha Van, St. John AME church; Rev. and Mrs. John S- Williams, Hillside Presbyterian dhuroh; Rev. and Mrs- G- E Steven son, Pilgrim Baptist church; Mrs F W. Cloud and Miss Mable Rich ardson, Bethel AME church; Mrs. Grace Roberta and Miss Addi® Fox all, Bethel Baptist church; Mr«. Bertha Mallory, Christ Tempi® church; M. E.. Faulkner and Mrs Elsie Warrick, Pleasant Green Baptist church; Mrs. J. F.. Allison and Prof- Humphrey, Third Seventh Day Adventist church; Mrs. Hen rietta Making, CJdt-ves’ Temple church; Mrs. F- P- Jones, Mount Moriah Baptist church; Mrs. Z E. Mc<|pe, New chi^th; Mr. and ’ Mrs- C. Porter, Metropolitan Spiritual cflludch. Assisting Miss Jonea with her groups will be Mrs. Garter, Mrs. Florence Jones, Wil liam Davis, Del rimr Burris, Albert Johnson, Betram Johnson, Johnny Owen and Frances Oole. Festival Highlights Bernice Grice and Elma Forrest are to be ‘uitr festival pianists. Jeme •Garter will be the herald of the -spring and festival poten tate Bernard Grice will be the boy trumpeter wfho will summon the 40 children of the woods to tlhe May l>ay Festival. Some artists who will appear on our festival program are Olestine Lightner, Frank Williams and Booker Washington, pupils of Ce cil Berryman. 20 May Maidens already are busy twinning their garlands for the 16th of May The spring storms are rehears ing eadh week to be ready with exhilarating number “Out of the North Gomes a Storm.’ Festive choirs report that their songs are coming along 100 per ccnt May Queens are calling each day for more contest books So friends, we are asking you too to give ds a 100 per cent audience on Sunday, May 16th, at 3 p- m at St John A31E church 22nd and Willis -o SETS PACE MISS MARION MARSHALL Youthful jounalist, secre tary of Calvin’s Newspaper Ser vice of 143 West 125th street, New York City, whose high i school shorthand and typing ft record at Passaic, N. «T., and her | award in a radio speed contest caused a story of her work to " appear in the March number of -/ The Gregg Writer, magazine L for aetretaries. FUTURE GUIDITE* Sunday evening April 18th mark ed the clpse of the contest b» twetn three lovely little fairies at St. John AME church. Arid speak ing of fairies from wonderland for so wonderful were their finan cial report that the entire church and friend) of the ahurch are yet singing praise for their contribu tion to the cause of St- John The report was as follows; “Lit tle Fairy” Barbara Jean Dill turn in $67.95; “Little Fairy” Beverly Jean Pollard, $14-35, and “Little Fairy” Marjorie Payne, 14-10. Being so close to tfhe century mark, the choir and congregation oamo to the resoue of the little fairies and madt their report a round hundred. The sponsors and parents of these amiablt fairies wish to thajnk all Who aided their little fairies in making such a wonderful report. ._ Jokes Embarassing Moments I don’t like to ««ty anything that might embarasa the summer board er*,’ said an old farmer to his new hired man. “If I frown at you when we are at the table, that means for you to stop eating.” “All right,” replied the hired man. “I don't like to say much my self. If I frown back at you that means I ain’t going to stop.’ A Ripe Stamp Once a boy named John went to tho post office and asked the man for a red stamp The man said, “Why don’t you want two one cent green stamps?’ The boy said, “Because I want a ripe stamp. ” Keen Eye Betty was watahing her mother malco a cake, and seeing her take a long needle and place it in the center of the cake, she was ra ther puzzled. “Why do you do that?” asked Betty. “To see whether the cake is donot,” said the mother. “But Mother,” the child answer ed, “you can’t possibly see through that little hole." MARCH BREAKS RECORD FOR MONTH FOR WOW All previous records for * single month's insurance pro duction for Woodmen of the World Life Insurance associa tion were broken during March, according to announcement of the general offices of the asso ciation last week. The occasion was a “Presi dent’s Month” campaign hon oring De Emmett Bradshaw, president of the association. A total of $29,117,712 of insur ance was written during the month. This was an increase of more than four and a half mil lion dollars over the total for a similar campaign conducted in March 1936, which produced $24,500,000. Over 2,300 local camps of the ssociation in forty-four states and the District of of Columbia participated in the campaign, and over half this number qual ified for special awards by re cording $5,000 or more in new insurance written during the month. The closing day of the cam paign, March 31, produced the argest day’s insurance business ever recorded, $9,997,402. Woodmen of the World is rated os being the strongest life insuranno association, finan cially in the world It now has over $425,000,000 of insurance in force and its assets now ex ceed $125,000,000. - - .T 1 . - T T . I Unde Gil Says: 1- Write him each week and tell him what you do in your school and church organizations 2. S«nd in jokes, riddles poems and (short stotries each week. 3 00 ready for the May Day Festival, Sunday May 16th. Let's show our parents and fri ends that we can put over a real program. 4. That the Guidite club will play hostP to all the children in Omaha at a 'jheafcre party. Watch f0r the date and f^ace. . 5. All Guidites who own bicycles son him at once. 6. For all Guidites to read the Guid)t9 page eadh week. AN ECHO FROM MY DEN (Continued from Page 6) act brotherly. If we profess in 1 terracial goodwill we must live 'it. I How may we make progress toward these ideals? Every church member by word and deed, should stand agaist, lynching and mote. He i should help ,t,o secure local and national laws and enforcement of them by fearless officials to the end tha* every human be ing sludl be inviolate in his per son and his property. Every church member can do his part to remove the unfair ness which color prejudice en tails in securing employment, in opportunities for training and in the rights of tenure and advancement. In color discriminations now o evident churchmen have a clarion call to work for justice nd fair play. Every church has an obliga ion .to express within its own membership and friendly treat nent of persons of minority ra iftl groups. All members of he bodv are one in Christ. Membership 262 NEW MEMBERS Christine Taylor 2807 I-eke St. Olita Williams 2310 No. 25tih St. Charles Parrell 2214 No. 21st 9b. Barbara Jean Moody 2023 No. 24th St. Clara E. Dudley 2902 No. 25th St Clarence Whitner 2424 Burdette St. Johnson Drug Co. We Till Relief Prescriptions WE- 0998 .. 1904 N- 24th St r 1 I made my skin shades lighter! j And now you, too, can have the joy of a lighter, clearer skin—free from freckles, pimples, blackheads, large pores, blotches. Tonight at bedtime just smooth on jMadi nola Bleaching Cream—no massaging, no rubbing. While you sleep it actually dis solves dark pigment'—for Nadinola is double-acting. That's why it gets results where ordinary bleaches fail. TEST Get Nadinola today at any toi 1 M 1 let counter or by mail postpaid, AT OUR 50c. If not delighted, money dick cheerfully refunded. NADI NOLA, Dept. 94, Paris, Tenn. cNau&nsA'i<BkachingC/eam ... DON’T LET UGLY HAIR ROB YOU OF ROMANCE, HAPPINESS Men hardly ever noticed me — until I made my hair beautiful with Gode froy’s Larieuse. You can make your hair just as lovely. With Larieuse and a small brush you can color those streaks or patches of gray or faded hair to lustrous shades of biack, brown or blonde. Your hair will shine like silk. You’ll look years younger. So, to make your dreams of romance come true as mine have — use Godcfroy’s Larieuse. Get a bottle .._I_ -- GODEFROV1 If your doolor doM not hovo diroct to HAIR COLORING OODIFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 1310 OllVI ST. • ST. LOUIS, MO The Guidite World of Music By Miss Ethel Jones With the season of music festi vals, concerts and recital" at hand, anisic minded youngsters and grown ups find thersHelves spending a few' more hours in practice so as to me* sure up successfully to require ment There is a thrill to acomplish ments in music tluit none recognizes but he who has struggled with a difficult passagt in a ^imposition and suddenly finds that it can be played with ease. A young lady once practiced up on Liszt’s I<* Campa;ella for over six months and then finally she was one day able to play it at the re quired speed without a single false note in those difficult skips. It was a joy to note the radiance which seemed to fill her in this moment of triumph over se]f a»d over the omiposisition. "Labors accomplished are pleasant.’* In tf»p same spirit a tot of iun and profit of music study i» ex pressed in the words of the young student who banters "Just watch me beat this game” m ~~ i Just nrnd nnmo and add roan for n FREE fr.f.TffvM Sample of Iweel Qeoral* Brown H*lr I”easing ’ i r-mada and ev-r* FREE Hampton of Para I’o* ■Ptnaf? Nit fo ms® together with Hl<» MON' ^ . i-V>, .. Nvj • 'TEH. Hurry! Wrl’r^iay* V- f VALMCR PRODUCTS CO ? _ 4241 liii M Ave. Dept. BBS Chicago. It Oon*t Sleep on Left Side, Crowds Heart GAS PRESSURE MAY CAUSE DISCOMFORT. RIGHT SIDE BEST. If you toss in bed and can’t sleep on right side, try Adlerika. Just ONE dose relieves stomach OA8 pressing on heart so you sleep soundly. Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowels and brings out foul matter you would never believe was In your system. This old matter may have poisoned you for months and caused GAS. sour stomach, headache or nervousness. Hr. II. L. Shouh, New York, reports l "In addition to Intestinal cleansing, Adlerika greatly reducer bacteria and colon bacilli." Mrs. Jas. Filler: "Gas on my stom ach was so bad I could not eat or sleep. Even my heart seemed to hurt. Tho first dose of Adlerika brought me relief. Now I eat as I wish, sleep fine and never felt better.” Give your bowels a REAL cleansing with Adlerika and see how good you feel. Just ONE dose relieve* GAS and constipation. TRIAL OFFER: For Special Trial to Adlerika, Dept. 71, St. Paul treatment, send 10c, stamps or coin Minn. CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? I HAVI GOOD NEWS FOR YOU Rogardfo** of wkal your trouble may bo you con look tho wo rid in tho fuce. Solve oil problem*. got whot you wont and foor no man circumstance*. Your Happino** end Succooo demand that you print your namo clearly and send it to • - • FEV. CHAS. P. COLBERT MS OWEN AVE. DEfROIT, MICH. Riddles 1- Which is the oldest table in world ? 2. Why should young ladies set good examples? It What is the difference between a |/:istijy cook ami a hill sticker? 4. Which is the best land for children? 5. What dans of women are most apt to give tone to society? fi. What is the difference between a summer dress in winter and an extracted tooth ? Arithmetic Addition 1 Add: 349, 452. 876 and 167. 2. add: 261, 498, 379 and 622. Subtract 1. 987—865 2. 896 -664 Multiply 1. 426 by 14 2. 361 by 28 Division Divide: 8904 by 21 Divide; 6616 by 62 ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK’S QUESTIONS Dr. Roscoe Oonkling Blown is tho director of the National Negro Hcaltlh with office in the Surgeon General’s office of the U- S. Richard' B. I lari'iso n played the leading part in the international famous play “Green Pa»ljure«.’ 3. Mr Charles Summer Duke, en gineer, graduate r.f Howard uni versity, po«t graduate Harvard U and Wisconsin U., is now a member of Chicago Zoning commission and designing engineer in the bridge division of Chicago. 4. William II. Ilnstie was recent ly confirmed os tihe first Negro evi-r to be elevated to a federal judgship. He is to be assigned to the courts of the Virgin Islands. 5. Mr. Marrellu* Ritchie is the present Negro iosp.y;tor of weights and measure for the city of Omaha. fi- Congress recently memorialized the life ami work of the late Booker T. Washington. RULES of THE GUIDITE CLUB -OBJECTS OP THE CLUB . To teach our boys and girls to appreciate Art, literature, loience and Physical education. . To help develop' talents of our boys and girls and give hem an outlet for their expressiona. • To teach them the value of reading weekly and daily news papers. To acquaint them with boys and girls throughout the world vho are striving for higher ideals. . To bring them before the public. 6. To teach love for the church and Christian workers and a uller appreciation for the words, “Do unto others as you would avc them do unto you.” -Rules For Membership In The Guidite Cluh 1. You must be a regular reader of The Omaha Guide to be come a member of the Guidite Club. 2. Each member must send in interesting stories and pictures. Write newsy letters and answer letters written to you. 3. Each member must show evidence to the club sponsor that he or she has written and received, at least two letters from members of the club before becoming eligible for the honor roll. 4. You must write neatly and only on one side of the paper, signing your name and address plainly at the bottom of the sheet. 5. Every member must rend the interesting features on the Guidite Pago in The Omaha Guide and discuss same at the weekly meetings. fi. You must extend the hand of fellowship to sister amJd bro ther Guidites when they are seen with the Guidite ca^d and button. 7. Each member must attend the weekly meetings of the Guidite Club or give n. plausible excuse in writing from their parents. 8. You must go to bed each night with a Guidite smile and promise never to frown when Mother says go on an errand, wash the dishes or sweep the floor.' 9. Every member must be a real booster of The Omaha Guide and agree to inlerest at least 5 grown-ups in purchasing The Omaha Guide. APPLICATION-GUIDITE CLUB Please enroll me in The GUIDITE CLUB, I promise to abide by the rules as set forth in The Omaha Guide. My Namo is..-__,_ __ , .. Age My Address is.... City..—- State - School Grade_Name of School-. Parents’ Name... .— —... .. . Date of Birth - ------..-— Cut this out and bring or mail to “Undo Gil”, Omaha Guide, OMAHA, NEBRASKA SUSIE ,..Cr&mW* WSAY.SCOnnfc/MRS n I KNOW WHAT would' ~__—_ MC ELROY GAVE ME THIS BE A GOOD THING TO / • I BAG OF CANpY~ OO.'- I COULD GIVE \ NUW / HERES A NICE LITTLE , YOU WOULD GIVE OUT THERES SO YOU SOME OF IT/' ) PILE. HID AWAY FOR YOU ME A LITTLE ONE OR W* MUCH W IT.THAT YOU LIKE CANDY PONT ( II two, TOMORROW, I mama'll TAKE IT -^ YOU? WOVLDNT rou, just s'*/ / AWAY WHEN SHE ^——-—■ N CASE I GET (^CLsjnrjj^ow^ gry or sumpin^ I j w\ cn Fiaf I9ATIVF. FF c *■' ir>F5 INI' I1'' ' AFO J