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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1937)
BASEBALL—READ AND SEE WHAT YOU HEAR Were you there Charlies, and Johnnies and Cousin Hugos? “Where?1, you ask. At the first practice baseball game of theCopper Gals. Did they play ball or did they just play? Seven innings of run ning and trying to outhit the Metz team. Jessie going strong and Beulah not bad, that Mar vo pitcher doing her stuff with catcher, Wifighf hacking her up, but it wasn't good enough. Why? Because the Metz girls hit and our first base, Bell, and our 8rd base, Bose, and short stop, Equator, were the only ones who could hold a hull. W’hat happened to Cutie Gel* aldine, Mighty Mary and Baby Ruth—that's what we would like to know. Coach Hale says “practice1' so we must go now; hut the nex^ game the score will he in our favor with no errors. We don't want our names to be changed like Butterfingers Ruth, Slowmotion Geraldine or Won'trun Jessie. Cornhusker Golfers Plan ManyTouraaments A concentrated drive for an active summer campaign has been launched by the members of the Cornhusker Golf Club. Boyd v- Galloway, club presi den^ and veteran linksman, says that a series of city and inter club contests are planned as a means of keeping up continued interest and developing better players for competition in the intercity tournaments. In addi tion to the Omaha series of eon ; tes.s, four sectional games have already been scheduled with clubs at Kansas City, St.Louis, Des Moines and Minneapolis. All of the many tournaments, ranging from nine to 72 holes will be made especially attrae tive by 1 he awards of trophies and medals. The city schedule is being drawn up by the Rules composed of Billy Davis, Sabert Hanger, and Ben ny Murray. It is being so ur ranged that the “not so good“ player will have an equal op portunity to win his share of awards. According to the president, special effort will he made to cultivate a better understand ing of the game among the mem bers of the ladies' auxilary which is opened to membership of all ladies interested in the game. A mixed tournament is planned for May. All golfplayers who desire to join the Cornhuskers are urged to be present at the next meet ing which will be held at the Urban League Center on April 30th. At this time all seasonal committees will be selected and a general outline of the 1937 activities will be given. Tuskegee To Penn Relays Philadelphia, Apr. 23—(C)— Tuskegee alumni here are mak ing plans for entertaining the Tuskegee track team when it comes to the Penn Relays at Franklin Field, the University of Pennsylvania, April 23 and 24. Track coach William 0‘ Shields will start the trip here on April 20, with William Col Her, Richard Knight, Herman Holiday, Allen Scisco and Thom as Delton, who have been train ed for the one mile Normal School Championship of Amer ica, and the one mile Class B college championship of Amer ica. Collier and Knight will al so run in the 400 meter hurdle. Knight placed third in the event laet year. Metz—Rabes' Hottentots Before a large crowd Sunday, April 18th, ihe Hottentots af ter one day's practice, were de featod by the Metz Girls (white) at Falsiaff Park by a score of 12 to 6. Due to the poor base running of the Metz Girls, the Hottentots were able to keep the score so low. Ten errors and some hard early season hitting allowed the Metz Girls to score in each inning except the 2nd. The Hottentots are working out each evening at Lake school with the hope of redeeming themselves this week when they meet Malashock Girls Thurs day and Metz Sunday at 2:30 p. m. at 30th and Wirt Sts. E. Wiliams, captain, lias been shifted to second and Wrighi will play shortstop, A. Lyles. 1st b; and R. Gennison 3rd b. All the girls are great players and by hard work are fast ting into mid season form. Gev aldine Washington has signed with the Hottentots and will add much strength, to the pitch ing staff, in place of J. Brown, who resigned. Miss Washington will easily win the hearts of soft ball fans by her slugging, which so far liap been hard. The catching staff and outfield are a little slow to round into form, but with a little warm weather, watch those Hotten ots go. On Thursday, April 29th, a game will be played at 20th and Lake Sts., between So. Omaha and No. Omaha. A. Lyles will captain the So. Omaha team. A banquet will be given the win ners by Metz Brewery and Carl Rabes, proprietor of the Rabes* Buffet. Comhusker Golf Club Holds Election of Officers The Cornhusker Golf Club met at the Urban League Com munity Center on Friday, Apr. 10th. The election of officers constituted the evening. Nomi nees for president were Boyd Galloway and Billy Davis. Mr. Biavis withdrew in favor of Mr. Galloway. Mr. Harvey Avant was unanimously elected as vice president. Emmett Avant was elected secretary; Penny Mur ray, treasurer; Billy Davis, re porter; Chester Hodges, ser geant at arms; and Sabert Han ger corresponding isecretary.The club will have a foursome match play tournament, at 1'he Fontenelle Golf course in May. Prizes will he given to winners. The dale will be announced lat er. The club opened the season at Fontenelle Sunday, April 1H, with about twelve members. The next meeting will be Apr. 30th at the Community Center. All golfers are invited to at tend. Only 6 More Days Left of the I SPECIAL SALE tVe r.i v. AT BORDY’S RargainCenter 1316 North 24th Street Many Bargains to Choose from. Just received shipment of men's Beau Brummel Shirts special ly priced in this sale_98c Boys' Kaynee blouses and Shirts priced at._.49c THERf WIU BE PLENTY OF'LADS OP COLOR*ON . . PREPRHIGH SCHOOL TEAMS. PROM MAINE TO MISSISSIPPI GIDDINSS OF N.Y.UNIVERSITY MAT DO THE PROVERBIAL AND WIN^ I ^T A WHISKER, THE KIDS GOT l£* I A HOMEY OF A CHIN . . I \ /Jr- ^at: \ , BOY WITH TH6 SEVEN LEAGUE LEGS -■ WILL ATTEMfT AN IRON MAH. STUNT AND R.UH ON \// FESLEiHT ,, ^ „,*son I Wi wnj grcoiusi sfitoHi I Vviu Give Colombia lA fl&MW j schools will Bt m SLM ROSARIO ^NdtTM^ OHIO ITATE’WilU DOMINATE THE HIGH JUMP With the park skinned walker and mbwttoh —------ . \ \ ^A___* ocnmparem, tne notea r renen authority, favors the open crowned hat for the coining season. Whether they're small turbans or large brimmed hats, they must follow this trend. Wear an open crowned hat. it is cool and smart. Let your lovely curls play a new decora tive role. It is spring and time to chang your oil from winter to summer and Germ Process oil is, one of the best on the market. So come and change your oil and fill up with C\>n|oco Bronzie gas you get service with a smile- . LEWIS SERVICE STATION THE FAMOUS Pn tJhe Comer of 24 & Lake Direct Wire on Sport Event Lunches and Drinks Of All Kinds Rich Martin Dewitt Bell A BABY TO LOVE Tf you yearn for a baby of your own, won’t you write us in full con fidence and let us send you inter esting information on this subject? AH free. Write Kadol Company, 663 llall Bldg., Kansas City, Mo V.V.W.V.VAV.V.'.W.V.V. PARKS’ ICE and FUEL 00 We feature package fuel, kind ling, coal of all kinds, kerosene. W. C. PARKS, Prop. 2406 Blondo Street | Louis Larsen Garage j j For service and number one? } repair work I Batteries and Tires I I Come to Louis Larsen’s Garage! j 3014 No. 24th St. JA 9220 J wiwywwwvwwwwMw RITZ SHOE REPAIR 2033 No. 24th St. Women's Tr/ps.---16c Women’s Half Soles 65o and np Men's Half Soles ..._75o and up Mens Rubber Heels 36c & up Children's Soles.—50d and up AWA-.V.V.VWWWW' TOBY’S | Service Station! ][ j 24 and Grant Streets \ GOODWILL MUSICAL TO BE BETTER THAN 2 YRS. AGO The music lovers of Omahu will bo interested to know that the Goodwill Spring Musical, featur ing some of Omaha’s best choirs, assisted by the City Service orch estra, directed by George W. Bry ant, promises to be far better than ever before. This musical, which will be pre entf'd at the Pilrgim Baptist church 25th and Hamilton streets, on Sun day April 25th at 2:45 p. m., was organized by I». L. McVay, a mem ber of St- John AME church choir. The purpose of this movement is to create and bring about closer social and spiritual relationship among the churches and their choirs, and to develop goodwill outside of the church circle as well ■is in. Another outstanding feature of the program will be the numbers fiom the City Service orchestra, and a brief message by Dr- R. A. Adams, pastor of St. John AME church on ‘‘The Relation of a Choir to Public Worship.” So that the beauty and sacred neas of the processionals may not be disturbed, we nre asking that you be on time at 2:45 p. m. AV.V.V.,.,,V.V.V,V.,.V.,.V, ' O.R SK^.CCS ■5frnMM«L A New Neighborhood Store AT 10th and LOCUST (2911 North 10th) FRI. and GAT. SPECIALS Pancake Flour, large ( package ...». 10c Head Lettuce per head. 5c 'Potatoes, U. S. grade No. 1, 10 lbs. for..29c Tomatoes, 2y2 cans for.10c Bananas, firm, ripe, lb.5c Butter, fresh creamery per lb.-. ..30c mv.w.v.v.v.v.ww.w BUS 7 HEADQUARTERS Omaha’s Newest Bus Depot ★ 15th and Douglas * Big Streamline Buses • Free Pillows Fast Frequent Daily Service EVERYWHERE EAST* WEST* NORTH *SOUTH Ph. ATLANTIC 2300 LOW FARES EVERY WHERE EVERY DAY AN OPEN LETTER Omaha, Nebraska April 19, 1397 To The Omaha Guide Gentlemen: Will you please advise your readers to write their senators in Lincoln, urging support of the bill now before that body, providing for the election of school board members by dis triets, in order that the nreas serving the poorer classes may receive better consideration. The schools serving Negroes arc almost wholly neglected. Practically all funds spent dur ing this school term by the Board of Education for improve ments, have been spent in the north and west sections of the city. It is time for some definite action to he taken on the part of the East Side taxpayers. Kespeet fully, (Signed) Wm. II. Clusterson, 2037 N. 21st St. THE LIQUOR STORE 24th and Cuming Sts. Free Delivery JA 6564 Whiskey 18 Months Old TOWN TAVERN Qt__ $1.35 WINDSOR Pt. _ .85 GIIJ3EYS GIN Fifth_1.25 All Kinds of Beer The Elite Cigar Store Direct Wire On All Sports Events Come In Where It'i Comfortable Ladles Especially Invited Our Policy is Give You Service Eugene McGill, Mgi. HA42& 2314 N. 24th SL Omaha, Nebraska Prayer Doctor HILLS Incense Shop 2522 Lake JA 5343 All kinds of incense for any use. C(eo Co!a Quoon of Spnekling Drinks .12 oz. for 5C For Backache, Kidney \nd Bladder Trouble Stop Getting Up Nights Here’s one good way to flush harmful waste from kidneys and stop bladder irritation that often causes scanty, burning, and smart ing pasage. Ask your druggist for lein Oil Capsules—a splendid safe and harmless diuretic and stimulant for weak kidneys and irritated bladder. Desides getting up nights, ome symptoms of kidney trouhle are backache, puffy eyes, leg cramps and moist palms, but be sure to get GOLD MEDAL—it’s he genuine medicine for weak kid neys—right from Haarlem in Hol land. Mr. Leon Ray, 2504 Burdette, has beeln appointed by McFADDEN— STEWART CO., as a sales represen ative for the North Side. Mr. Ray is the first colored saks man for this company. Remember Mr. Ray when purebas isng a new or used car. PHONE AT. 7711 Bnj&HTKN % 1 |LIL UP YOU*. * " HOME S!- Protection! ■ NU«€rUM£L I PAINT PRODUCTS How many of us consider the value of protection when we paint our home? Beauty and appearance are uppermost in our mind. I Eaaaiiaclized House Paiiat | Will solve this problem of protection Eieauty and ap M’for Fitaisli 1 s privilege this painting your i and woodwork. An amateur can ff? ing it, and feel satisfactory job. 3 y'^QHECC.n 7 C& rrk ini pki a tin \ brtArllvL'/ MUSH MARKSyf JA 7715 Carey’s Naborhood Store Northside Distribntor