The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 24, 1937, Image 1

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More than 12 tinws larger
Than Any Ooloirod
Newspaper Ever
Published In
*v'°^ ";i* ’^^ - i
Entered as Second Class Matter at Postoffice, Omaha, Nebraska- Omaha, Nebraska, SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1937 VOL. XI Number 5
Woodmen 36th Anniversary
Rev. Harper and Dr. McKinney
Address Lodge at Celebration
Denver, Colo., April 24—An overflow crowd witnessed the
thirty sixth anniversary of the Supreme Camp afiid Annual
Thanksgiving services of The American Woodmen, Denver
Camp No. 1, at New Hope Baptist church, 2531 Ogden street,
here Sunday at 3 p. m. O. Qj Gist was master of ceremonies
The two principal speakers
were Dr. T. T. McKinney, su
preme physician, who represent
ed the Supreme camp officers
and Rev- C. C. Harper, pastor
of Central Baptist church, who
preached the annual sermon.
The Reverend Harper, who
formerly pastured Zion Baptist
chtirch, has been a member of
the order fort twenty five years
In his address, Dr. McKinney
emphasizing some of the princi
pies of fraternalism and defined
it as ‘organized) brotherhood,
lie said, “in organization men
find the means of team work
which is impossible without
mass cooperation. Men uecom
plish more when bound together
under a common banner thau
they can ever do working sep
aratcly. In discussing tin* bene
fits of Fraternalism, Doctor
McKinney said “There is a feel
ing of good fellowship which
inspires men to do their best.
No man is aj his bes! alone. Tie
needs to give and receive the
human touch, the brotherly as
sociation, the social companion
ship to give strength to organ
ized effort. All normal men are
social creatures by nature and
by habit. The mingling of men
in' one common design, gives
strength to the individual, and
the individual gives power to
the group.”
Director of the Hodge Europ
ean Tours, 1949-74th street,
Brooklyn, N. Y., who will sail
on July 9, ajlxmrd the Hie de
France on a 47-days tour of
France, Switzerland and Italy,
all by motor. This is Mr. Hod
ge’s ninth tour, and his party
will consist mainly of educa-,
tors, professional and business
A chance to win a four year
scholarship to any Negro college
is being offered by the Phi Beta
Sigma Fraternity to all persons
o f color, male or female
who are clajssifi'''3 1
school seniors v.l,u nm grauu
ate in time to enter college
in the fall of 1937 or to high
school graduates of one year
■standing,rjsrovidfng such per
'■ojis have earned no college
credit to date.
Tlie subject of the essays wil
be “Ilow can Negro Youth
| Contribute to Future American
Life.” must be in correct Eng
dish and shall not be more than
2,000 words. All essays entered
must be submitted in triplicate
and typewritten on good bond
The deadline for this contest
in Nebraska will be May 15th.
For further information call or
write Boyd V. Galloway, State
Director at 2418 Grant St., WE
One of the most beautiful ami
unique affairs of the early
spring festivities was the 2nd
annual Colonial Tea given by
the members of the Modern Art
Club at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Cozy Nicholson, 2715 Ma
pie street. An exhibit of beau
tiful needle work held the a,t
tention of the guests as they
entered and drew bursts of ad
miration for the members of
the club whose expressions of
art were so evident in the fine
needlework displayed. The ta
ble was beautifully and appro
priately decorated with a ecu
terpieee of a rustic fence, en
twined with colorful morning
glories, and a little old lady at
her knitting. This clever bit of
art was the work of Mrs. Melis
sa Hooper, the instructor of the
club. The crowning feature was
the beautiful costumes worn by
members of the club which rep
resented the colonial dresses
worn by great grandmothers of
the past. Over 150 guests were
daintily served with an appe
lizing menu.
Goodwill Musical To
Be Given Sunday
The miusic lovers of Omaha are
all aglow over the Goodwill musi
cal featuring over 200 voice** re
presenting some of Omaha’s best
choir®*, assisted by the Oity Ser
vice orchestra, directed by George
W- Bryant.
The unison numbers will be di
ixvted by the Rev. Jobn S- Wil
liams outstanding chorus director
of the middle west.
The musical which will be pre
sented at Pilgrim Baptist church
25th and Hamilton, on Sunday
April 25th at 2:45 p- m. was de
signed tihree years ago with the
direct purpose of spreading a spi
rit of goodwill through the church
world of Omaha.
Dr- P A. Adams, past°r of St..
John AME church will deliver the
keynote message of the afternoon
on “The Relation of a Choir to Pu
blic Worship.”
The processionals will start prom
ptly at 2:45. In - r' r to get a!
good seat the public is urged to bo
on time ns a capacity house is an
I - — -■ ■■ *
Former Weights and
Measure Inspector To
Open New Business
Mr. M. C. James announces the
opening of a new PX service sta
tion, located at ‘24th and Grant
streets. He will be remembered
by the populace of Omaha as the
former weights and measure in
| spector of Omaha and while in the
service of the city, played a great
part in thei formulating of the pre
sent ordinance which governs the
accuracy of scales in our city.
Mr. James came to Nebraska in
1903 following his graduation from
Lincoln high school in Kansas City,
Mo. locating in Lincoln, Nebr.,
where for many years served as the
technical chemist for the major
cleaning industries of that city, la
ter in 1924 moving to Omaha where
he grow into the civic interest of
the city e.specially as it relates to
the youth of our group.
In this new undertaking, Mr.
James promises to the public a ser
vice .station completely renovated
and a station prepared to take oare
of all needs with a smile.
Mr. James is married and is the
father of Miss Bettye Jean James,
who ia an honor student at Central
high school.
Honored at Birthday Dinner
Mrs. Helen M. Sampson, 2609
Lake street, celebrated her 65th
birthday on Thursday, April
15th. She celebrated very quiet
ly at birthday supper, given her
by her son, Harry. She received
many beautiful gifts from her
children who are out of town.
Among the gifts she received
was a beautifully decorated five
pound birthday cake. The Oma
ha Guide extends congratula
(ions to Mrs. Sampson and wish
es for her many, many happy
A,,*,,*.,*. _m_a_a....
Nebr. Presbytery
Elects Race
ySPWWw1 4
Rev. John S. Williams
The R<>v. John S. Williams at the
spring meeting of the Omaha Pres
bytery, held in one of the city’s
fashionable < huntics, was unani
mously elected Moderator (Presi
dent) of the Presbytery. Rev. Wil
liams is the pastor of Hillside Pre
sbyterian 1 huitih, and the first
member of the race to hold this of
fice. This distinguished honor came
to Rev. Williams as a great sur
prise. “If X (had known what was
going to happen, I would not have
been ptresent—I shall do the best
I can tf> deserve this honor.”
Mr. Williams in 1923 graduated
from Stillman Institute, Tuscaloosa
Alabama, attended the YMCA Col
lege in Chicago gi'aduated from
McCormk'k Theological Seminary
in 1928.
Not only a lorcietui and logical
preacher, but Uev. Williams is also
tlhc loading race choral director of
the middle west; having studied
music in Alabama, and with Har
old Simonds, music teacher of the
Chicago {Th( ologjfcrfl Seminary;
coming to Omaha he also studied
with Omaha's most prominent voice
and piano teachers including Cecil
Berryman, piano; Miss Mary Mun
choff and Mr. Fred Ellis, voice. All
Lhrco studied in Paris. Next June
he will receive a fine arts degree
'rom the University of Omaha ma
joring in music, including harmony
and counter point. In 1930, Rev.
Williams organized a choral society
composed of the leading singwrs
of the race.
The chorus is still intact, and
for the past 10 months this group
is being heard over radio station
WAAW each Sunday afternoon at
3:30 o’clock. Each Easter the chor
us presents “The Seven Last Words
of Christ,” by DuBois, and each
Christmas, ‘The Messiah’ by Handel
In 1935 he was appointed music
director of a 300 voioec chorus
that: participated in the Mid West
Music Festival, sponsored by one
of Omaha’s daily newspapers, The
World-Herald. In that year he dir
octed a chorus that took third place
among 33 other (white) choirs
from the west.
All Omaha honors Rev. Williams
ror his Christian character, and for
his influence in the community.
Improve the Looks of
Your Neighborhood
Wo must t’ry to improve our own
neighborhood, firtst by examining
ourselves and then our surround
ing. Begin first by cleaning up out
side. Remove old <ans, papers and
rubbish. Put them into an old con
tainer as it accumulates and it will
h«lp to improve the looks of the
surroundings and the sanitary ap
pearance alone will make you feel
better and it will improve the heal
thc conditions. Let us all take it
upon ourtselv'es to improve the vi
cinity in which we live by having
our buildings impoved or dilapid
ated ones torn down. Improve the
apiiearanve t>f tihe ya|rd Svith a
fence and flower bed- If you are
renting, ask the landlord to have
the house painted, if needed and all
necessary improvements taken
care of. It will cost but little and
will add »o much to the pleasant
ness of the neighborhool.
it is a good plan to have a no gh
borhood garden club Wherein tfic
members compete for (he honor of
possessing tlie most w^ll tended
yard. A prizo should bt> given at
(ilio end of She season to (he one
who has the best looking place.
With every family in the neigh
borhood striving to make his home
and yard appear just a little bet
ter, it would improve, very much so
the looks of the community and
it would also be inviting to out
siders. This Ls something to think
G. B Lennox M D
More than two thousand of
Omaha’s school children parli
cipated in the first unnual All
City Music Festival held at the
Municipal Auditorium, Thurs
day and Friday evenings, Apr.
22 and 23.
The first night was “Vocal
Night" and featured numbers
by an elementary school chorus
of 1,000 voices, two and three
part grade school choruses of
500 each and high school chor
uses of more than 500 voices.
Miss Pearl Winston who mod
eled the “ Military Ilairdress"
at the Quack Style Review, was
selected to model for nine art
ists at the YMCA for her hair
dress. The hairdress was de
signed by Pearl's sister, Versie
Winston, instructor at North
side Beauty School.
— -
A| n dinniar meeting of the
YWCA membership committee of
« hk-h Mrs. Vera Graham is chair
man, a partial report of the mem
bership drive was made. It was re
ported if,hat the drive thus far had
netted 104 new and renewed mem
berships. The chairman announced
that tfie drive would continue in
Jefinlvely The house committee of
ivhich Mrs Leriora Gray is chair
man rendered service.
Anti-Lynch Bill Passed
In House Amid Race
Hatred Arguments
Washington, D. C., April 24—^After seven hours of debate
tl»e last hours of which were bitter with hate stirring anti
Negro talk, the House passed the Gavajgan anti lynching bill
by a vote of 277 to 119.
The vote came just before seven o'clock, April 15th. North
ern Democrats and Republicans
joined to administer a crushing de
feat to southern congressmen who
have fought all anti-lynohing bills
ever proposed.
A lone Texan—the liberal Maury
Maverick—voted for tho bill, as
did two Oklahoma congressmen.
Outside of these there was no Sou
thern support for the measure.
c - w ». rr-y shwumjImu****
At first southerners kept their
arguments on a fairly high plane.
The leading opponent of the bill,
Kappa Alpha Psi
Fraternity Sponsors
Scholarship Hall
The Dreaiwfend ballroom, known
among the popular set in Omaha
as rendezvous for swanky affair,
was the spot where the Alpha Psi
Cl cap tor of the Kappa Alpha Psi
fraternity greeted more than 300
people Monday, who tripped to the
swing music of Eli Itice’s syncopat
ing band, and as an added feature
the crowd was captivated by u siz
zling floor show of rhythm dancing
featuring Dick Rice, Tiny Spruill
and Willis Rogers
Tho Kappa Fraternity, one of the
four national college Greek letter
organizations of our group, spon
sor eadh year throughout the coun
try, similar affairs for the purpose
of raising funds for scholarships
11 be awarded to wornhy high school
graduates that they may continue
thejr education through college,
such meritorious p'roject is to be
The entire affair was described as
being one of tho mc«,t brilliant and
worthwhile in Omaha this year
Kappa is to be congratulated.
Six Are Awarded
Scout Certificates
History was made at the gradu
ation exercises for the South Oma
ha district Scout Master training
course Thursday night April 15th
ah tlhe Bluebird Tea Garden, when
for the first time in the South
Omaha district ra< o men Were
awarded Scout Mastei certificates
Tho awards were made to the
following scout leaders: Mr. C. A..
Stewart, present scout master of
Troop 83: Robert Mosely, Wm
Wright, Raymond Alexander, Don
ald Stoart and Henry Davis all of
whom aro leaders of Troop 83.
Tho awards were made by E. M.
Hosman, chairman of the Scout
leadership and training committee
during a banquet in honor of the
Twenty-six white received similar
awards. .
James “Boogy“ Lee, 2417 Ma
pie street, left Monday for Kan
sas City where he will visit his
aunt, Mrs. Margaret Williams.
He will also go to Denver and
Detroit before returning home.
Chairman Hasten sumn»rs, or rwi
ns, of the House judiciary commit
tee, made a fifty minute apeach agu
inat the measure, literally plead
ing with the House not to fore*
the south
But when it became more and
more clear that the bill was going
to pa.SK, and when amendment was
defeated, the southerners grew
more wild in their speeches- They
dragged out all tfh« old arguments,
all Uic ‘buishboo’ talcs of the big
‘burly black brutes’ ‘pure southern
womanhood’ ‘unspeakable crimes
against our sisters, wive and daugh
The congressmen from the state
(Mississippi), where the horrible
blow tor<-li double lynching occur
red April 12th in the midst of <J®
bate on tho bill apparently were
not ashamed, but took the lead in
lighting the bill and declaring over
and oVqr again that the south
should be. left to ‘ handle lynching
in its own way."
Tho bill was called every name in
eluding “a bill to encourage rape”
and “a bill to make Harlem safe
for Tammany Hall ”
Southerner after southerner took
the floor to say that if the bill
should bo passed every Negro in
tho south would believe “he now
had permission to rape white
The most emotional, blood thirsty
speech was given by Congressman
Rankin of Mississippi who told a
story »f a ‘brute’ attacking a
white woman on her way to
a WC7TU meeting ” Rankin also
declared that after the Dyer bill
was passed in 1922, a white girl
had been attacked “right hare on
the Capitol grounds” Rankin left
tbh well of he House and took
several steps toward the desk of
Congressman Joseph A. Gavagan,
and shook bis finger at the New
York sponsor of the ball.
Tho m‘*st pathetic speech against
the bill was made by Congress
man Weaver of North Carolina,
who dug up the old, old story of
his ‘black mammy ” Weaver, like
every other southerner who spoke
declared hie “loved*’ colored pao
pie and that the southern whites
w*ere “the best friends of the Ne
gro. Ho said no “good” Negro ever
suffered in the south. All the
southern speakers said they hated
Numerous northern ana western
congressmen spoke for the bill with
Congressman Maury Maverick of
Texas giving a plain speech of
support. >
How Nebraska and Iowa
Congressmen Voted on the
Anti Lynch Bill
Againsit the Bill—119
Nebraska—Harry B. Coffee
Iowa—Fi-ed Biemiann
For the Bill—277
Nebraska—Hpjnry C. Luekey, 1C
F. McLaughlin, Karl Stefan.
Iowa—Cassius C. Dowell, Edward
C. Eichor, John W- Gwynne; Vin
cent Harrington, William S- Jac
obsen; Lloyd Thurston, Otha Wear
Spend “A Hight in Hollywood” M onday, May 17