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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1937)
Attend Church . . ST BENEDICT PARISH 2423 Grant Street Rrv. James Preusx, S- J., Pastor Mr». Ruby Redmon, Reporter Sunday ma-s at (5:15 and 9:00 a- m. Week Day Masses at 8:15 a. m. Tbo nt»a«es on Faster Sunday wore well M‘ Utmb's. The Waffle breakfast which wax served after (he 9:00 o’clock high mans, wax a nu'cexx. beginning Sunday, April 4th, at 9 o’clock and ending Sunday April 11th, at 7:45 p, m- services St, IV-nodM, will hold a mission to he g’ven by the Rev. Wm P. Man ion S. I , l>f fit. T/uuis. AH nvinbe's arc! ^ Fends of tie parish are invit ed tie attend. Th" week will include a -er'if. of religious exercise*, in hecxrK'iwesI with sermons and in atnieHons on tin* teachings of the church and the duties of Chrjgtiona. Father p-eur.s has be u unable to cbc*i for his duties a1 the church •iw« Monday IteratiNe of a cold. -o-— —. BETHEL A. M E CHURCH 2I'*8 F’-enklin Street llv. A. Phillips, Pastor i *-> * Su h! opened nt the us ual hour- The revival is still going on ajnt the pastor has preached some very inspiring messages. The singing by the Evangelist, Mr. Jannes Stephenson and the gospel chorus hnN been very uplift ng. Fjve souls w«re brought to Christ this wenk Come and enjoy u spiritual fea«t. Services l>eg>'n every night at 7:.'{() p. m, There is a series of prayer meetings bring conducted every morning at 10:00 a- m. and Sunday morning at five o'clock a. m. Everyone is welcome. The A C. E league met at 6 o’clock. An excellent group of young ambitious jreople were to.vscnt. The lesson was disousswJ and enjoyed by all piosont. Our subject was “The GHu.fl'i i Mmber Worships-”— Iriut. 6:11, Matt. 18:19-20. The. sub ject Sunday, April 11th, will be “Th» Good Church Member Pract ices Stewardship.” Scripture les son I Cor. 4.2, I Pet. 4:10. Visitors are always welcome . .. O""— -■ 1 ■ Nebraska Tabernacle No. 1 wishes f;o announce that, they have received the Endowment, <Haim of Dr. Hattie Kitchen. The Tabernacle is meeting Fri day evening 8 o’clock, at Dt. Kninm Anders, 2117 Grant SI. We would be glad to have all who aa*e interested in the work to come out and join us. ** Dr. Maggie McGowan, II. I*. ■ -0—.— , Allen Chapel A. M. E. Church Rev. E. D. Stephenson, Pastor Allen Chapel Senior Choir will give an all request program on April 18th at 7:3Q p. m., at the church. Have all requests in not later than Sunday, Apr. 11th. The style show given by Mrs. Ida Riddles was a grand suc cess. We have on our sick list Mr. Joe Redd, who is in the St. Joseph Hospital. -n ■ BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. P. J. Sears, l'Bstor J. II. Henderson, Reporter Bethel hopes to double th© 108 persons it had present in the church school last Sunday, within the next month. Th© pastor delivered an in spiring message on “Spiritual Hap iness,” which was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Naomi Henderson is now president of the Loyal Heart club, a club which is loyal in everything constructive- Mrs. Mildred Roberts, a member of Bethel, was elected by the Nebaska New Era Ass’n. to represent her church in a Qqeen contest which wa» held in the Zion Baptist Church, Thursday, April 1st. Mrs- Roberts raised more mon ey than any other queen and was awarded the first prize of §15.00 She wishes to thank her church and many friends who helped her in putting the progam over. Con gatulationg to you Mrs- Roberts. Your church has a special treat for you next Sunday. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness to us during the death of our hus band and son, Ben Love, and we also wish to thank our out of town friends for the tele grams of sympathy. Ollie Love, wife, 2617 Grant St Julia William*, mother 'THIS WEEK IN RELIGION AND THOUGHT Bv Robert L- Moody j Earnestly Contending for the Fait! We wish to express our gladness for the re<rent revival of religious consciousness started by Mr. John D. Rockefollow, jr-, and Dr. E Stanley Jone».| There seems to be a general de sire to do away with denomina tionalism ami all Christians be un ited, Though the remedies offered "ru human efforts, it proves that d'fns are »i'k of division Dr. Jones suggestion abo i having the “(Church of Christ of America’’ and a universal church i • a wonderful human suggestion, I ut we hope that men will get the d'vin*> inspiration for real "unity” InstciKtl of mere "unionism.” In. order for Chrsfianit.y to have • he power it should have to con vince th« gainsayers, the, I^ord’* player in John 17th must I** an ,‘iwered effectively in every individ ii!)! heart and life- Then men will "0:1 mostly contend for the faith ’hat was once delivered to the saints. ” Let everyone say of denoniina Monnlistn: “Crucify them! Crucify Him! FW behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in' unity. —-~-o— -- MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH South Omaha Sunday school was well attended with Ac« Brcakfield aa superinten dent. 11:00 o’clock services were high. This being the first Sunday in the month, everyone was given an opportunity to relate their ex periences with God during the pro ceeding month. At 0 o’clock th BYPU was open ed. by the president, Elmer Collins. An Inspiring program was rendered by the junior group. Evening services began immed iately after BYPU. The pastor preached a wonderful sermon. His Ionic was ‘,Tlie Ten Virgins,” Matt. L’.'th chapter, after which the Lord’s Supper w»s administered- Rev. Bayne, Missionary of th» Omaha ind Council Bluffs Ass’n, was a visitor. ■ . ■(>— ST. JOHN CLUB NO. 19, TO PRESENT VERSIFIED PROGRAM A versified program will be presented Sunday evening at 8 o'clock at St. John A M E Church, by Club 19, featuring John Rollin Redd, the sensa" tional 14-year old piano player who is the son of Rev. Redd of Columbia, Mo. Miss Eva Ma< Lawson in solo and Miss Ethel Jones' Los Cantores Chorus. Mr. James Willis will make a brief address after the mu sical program. The public is cordially invited to witness .this wonderful pro gram. ST. PAUL A. M... E... ZION CHURCH Rev. (J. M. Howell, Pastor Albert Reynolds, Sec’y. W® wish to say that the program given by the Stewardess Board was a great success- Very interesting speeches were made by A tty. Pin kfltfc and Mr. Evans. Several ora tions were given by a number of the students of Central and Technical high schools. On Sunday, April 11, the Trustees are having a program. Among those who will take part will bo Mr- B. E- Squires of the Urban League; Mrs. Gladys Pull um of the YWCA an others. The program will start at 2 p.m. We hope all who oan will come out and hear this program. -o ST. JOHN BAPTIST CHURCH 1212Pierce Street Rev. E. ,1). John/sn, Pastor Sunday was a big rally day at St. John- Rev. Marion and his congre gation from the St. Luke Baptist church, worshipped with us in the mid-evening service. The spirit ran high through the ovening. $86.00 were raised in the rally. One of our noted undertakers, Joseph Lewis, worshipped with us in the mid-ev ening service. He contributed $5.00 to our rally. Wo are always glad to have visitors. The Junior Usher Board of Clea v«s* Temple CME church, met a1 the parsonage on March 27th a1 7:30 p. m Rev. Bass spoke on "Ush ering.” The follow off vers went ! elected, Leroy Jackson, president Noman Gray, vice president; Paul ine Williams, secretary; Quator Williams, treasurer; Gladys Brown, ! ;and Leon Peoples, chaplain -o It was erroneously stated in a ' previous edition of the paper that Mrs. Minnie Herndon, Council Bluffs | (a was a tea guest of Mrs. Martha i Mayo, on March 17th. Mr*. Hern don was a house guest of Mrs. Mayo I but attended the St- Patrick’s Day i tea at 2116 Ilinney street. The City Union Usher Board will meet at Pilgrim Baptist church on - Sunday, April 11th. Ever,, usher is | asked to is* present at this meeting. -o ST. JOHN AME CHURCH “The Friendly Church” RV»'. R. iA. Adams, Pastor Now the Easter season has come and gone, let us try tr keep the interest and spirit high as it was during that time- The Sunday school and church attendance at St. John is steadily increasing. Why j not »oa thut our boys and girls are taking an active part? The weather ( is gradually growing warmer now. Rev. Adams preached at both services Sunday. Ilia jsubjoct at the morning was “The Mountain, not geographically but spiritually ” At the evening service his subject was “You Shall Know the Truth and the Turth Shall Make You Free- ” From these two subjects, Rev. Adams preached two very fervent sermons- After the morning service, a goup of boys and girls from th« Sunday school were, bap tized and Holy Communion was served. It was fine to see these boys and casting their lots with those in the service of God, while they are young with a long life of ser vice before them There are still some few sick member of the church, but their names were not burned in. We wish for them a speedy recovery. The financial drive will close the third Sunday in April and some have not yet reported. The pastor and officers are anxious that all reports are made p.o this drve may close wth great success The recital by Mr. H- L- Preston, Mrs Ethel Webb, Mrs.. Carrie Car ter, and Mrs. Lillian Vincent prom ises to be very fine This is the time you can invito your friend-* and not have to pay for them. If you are a render of the Omaha Guide, you will see that it is mak ing special effort to keep you in formed on your church, social and fraternal news. Gat it and find out about that in which you are most interested -o SIOUX CITY. IOWA MT. OLIVE BAPTIST ltev J. H. Patten, Pastor Mrs. Mable Owens, Reporter National Negro Health Week program will be at the church, Mon day evening. Papers on health will bo read by M-^ Violt Daniels, Mrs. Pearl O’Dell, Mrs. Dorn Harris, Mm. E. Strong, Miss Geraldine Hardy, Mrs. L J. Malone, Miss Ca therine Daniels, Mrs. Mable Owens, Mrs. Dollle Jones, Mrs. Frances Anders and Miss Catherine Green Solos will be sung by Homer Zack ery, Mrs. Elnora Jennings, J. Mit chell and Mrs. Be sie Bluford The Missionary Society, under the direction of Mrs- Elnora Jen nings, met at the home of the pas tor, 602 Morgon street. The Missionary Society’s Chioker Dinner was a success. Thanks tc our main ticket seller, Mrs. L- J Malone Our pastor’s wife leaves Mon day for Mason City, Iowa to attenc NEBRASKA PRODUCE 2202-4-6 Nortk 24th Street Phone WE 4137 Poultry and Egg Dealers Our prices are reasonsable, see us first. ' I Louis Larsen Garage 11 ' For service and number one repair work Batteries and Tires [ Come to Louis Larsen’s Garage 3014 No. 24th St. JA 9220 i the Executive Board Meeting, of which, she is tre treasurer. We all ■ wish her a pleasant trip, Mr- MaJone is able to be back to work after an illness of six weeks. The whole church welcomes him back. -- Wo have on our sick list, Mrs Daniels, Mrs. Mary Butler, and Mrs. Mary Butler and Mrs. Irene Cobk. who is in the hospital. Let us all remember our sick. We were invited to the First Chistian church, 14th and Nebraska to a missionary program- Our pas tor spoke on the “Missionary Re sponsibility to the Races ’’ A de lightful luncheon was served. When in Sioux City stop at 1709 F/ist 0th street, where you can get home baked pies by Mrs. Janie Marshall. Our bfvival ifl/trt(s, April 6th. We are looking forward to saving souls we hope everyone will at-' tend The Pastor’s Aid met at the church on Thursday evening. The weekly prize was won by the pre sident, Mrs. Mable Owens The Choir will have a Fish Pond at the church Stturday evening. We hope everyone will come out and hdp. Business meeting was Friday night and the Junior mothers are still ahead of the Junior Deacons.! They will have to wake up. J‘Mt vr I i.tfiii* *r«<l mulrprts f„r u FRtfi | GoortrM Brown H*jr Ih-wwlrrf 1 oiiimiI* and •-*r» PWlt .Q*>nyl#« of Par* 1 fotr 2 vr v? r.rvv? u,K’j,h*p witn bk; «on* KY-llAaJNO OFPfctf. iPurry! Wri'r A .... . * . VALMCR PRODUCTS CO “ M41 l>ta n* Av«. D«pt. C83 Chtc*»w, Ik NEW BEAUTY SALON JA 8646 Everyone wants attractive hair, but it must be design ed to suit tht face. ..Mr. MoCraney has made a speciality of (his, so let him beautify you. Now is the time to recondition the ... scalp with those invigorat ing hot oil treatments Opera4or, Alma Parkeir FOR SALE 1928 7...Passenger Cadellac Se dan. A1 condition. Call at HINEMAN’S GARAGE 2417 N. 24th Street DO YOU WANT | K' „ I Do You Need • New Start? | Write Me. Tod ty. Information Kren. M. WILLIAMS, Dept o Journal Square Station I Jersey City, N. J. j IWake up! It is time to get going f Change yoUr oil. Put in Germ; Process Oil. Check your grease, j I tires, batteries and fill with? Conoco Bronze and get going I now. , I LEWIS SERVICE STATION j j Tuchman P Oros. Food Market Fresh Salted Crackers 2-lb box_15c j Caolene Milk j Tall Cans _6V2C 1 Oleo per lb_15o I Idaho Potatoes 15-lb peck. v35c | Orders Delivered j PROMPTLY j 24th and LAKE ST. WE 0402 WE 0402} HINES CLEANERS Hats Cleaned and Blocked. Alterations and Relining. If it can be cleaned, we will! clean it. 3 J. D. HINES, Prop, 2523 Q STREET BUY YOUR EGGS FROM HANK Fresh from the Country every day Also Rhode Island Rods and Plymouth Rook Spring chickens Large Hen for your Sunday Dinner Fresh vegetables—all kinds of fruit at your door every day. No Middle Man Profit to Pay KJEmvood 0609 “On-Time’ TransferCo.Jnc '.■.V.V. Transportation That Is “ALWAYS ON TIME” Daily Service .V.V.V OMAHA, NEBRASKA LINCOLN, NEBR. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ........... ....T . . the State Furniture Company as the place to save money on furniture and Home furnishing purchases. SOFT, GLEANING HAIR IS SO EASY TO HAVE Soft, gleaming, youthful-looking hair — have you this charm that wins men's hearts? If not, use Godefroy’s Laricuse. Ugly streaks and patches of grey disappear as if by magic ... with but a single application of this famous preparation. Color wanted comes evenly. Black, jet black, dark, medium or light brown. So quick and easy to use, so sure, so satisfactory: Don’t wait—get a bottle from your dealer, TODAY! Visit Sampson’s Sweet Shop & Recreation Parlor Candy of All Kinds VAV.V.V.V.V.V/.W.V.W FOR SALE—CLOTHING Nice Line of Slightly Used Women’s Wearing Apparell WOMEN’S ECONOMY SHOP —507 W*orld-Herald Bldg.— ,.v.w.v.v.v.v.v»v.*.,.v.v. WANTED TO BUY 100.000 Pounds Brass, Cop per, Lead and Aluminum 20.000 Batteries 50.000 Abao Radiatora AVe we BmjnjpV You Bet. If it's Auto Parts You Waut It Will Pay You to See Us Fidst. We Are Here To Serve You. Consolidated AUTO Parts Co. 2501 Cuming St.AT 5656 Home of Kangaroo Cobrt LAKE SHOE SERVICE ! Keep your feet fit with our I New Swing LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake St. Constipated 30 Years lor four or five dan. I alas had awful 0** bloating, headache* and pain* in the back. Adierika helped right away. Now I aat aausaga, bananas, pie, any* thing I want and never felt better; I 3&rS355 £h"o&ht 8nd 8nJoy “,8-4 if you are auffering from conetipatlon. f'**P ***BJJ*' *®t»r stomach, and ga* bloating, then* !* quin* relief for yon iui_f'8 *r!k4- **•£>' report action In thirty minutes after taking lust ana doae. Adiarika give* complete action, cleaning your bowel tract where ordl. n*/w t£x*yv*l n®* even reach. Or. 0. t. 3k Nmw York. r«imu< f. t»W ZEZSL SuZ'lHSlSF"^ k-«*-fa«3 «,i?iV8*^°ilL bowe'* ■ real cleansing with Ajdlerlka and see how good you fesl* Just one spoonful relievM and atubbern oonatioatiog, TK'iAL OM for SPECIAL stamps, to Adlerika Dept. 76, St. Paul, Minn. fWHEN BLOW-OUTS KILL OR ] INJURE THOUSANDS, WHY I 1 WOT Give YOUK , f FAMILY GOLDEN FLY 1 BlCW-OUT \ PROTECTION) / j IT’S WORTH the one minute it takes to read this because it may save your life. And here’s why: At today’s high speeds the heat generated inside your tires is terrific—as hot as boiling water. This heat causes rubber and fabric to separate. A tiny blister forms—grows bigger and BIGGER —until sooner or later, BANG! It’s a blow-out! Thousands of people are killed or injured every year in blow-out accidents. But now there is no reason why you should take this chance. Goodrich Silvertowns have an amazing new invention—the Life Saver Golden Ply. This Golden Ply resists heat so that rubber and fabric do not separate—blisters do not form — thus high speed blow-outs are checked before they ever get a I *1“6«ssg^r ^ chance to cause trouble. / GOODjfirii Come in today and see us I ^^VERTOlVkc i about Golden Ply blow- / THIS I out protection.Goodrich I UF£-Sav[ / Silver tow ns actually I 5-> I cosf /ess fhan other 1 super-quality tires1 "■Goodrich SAFETY WITH GOLDEN PLY CJ 2 BLOW-OUT PROTECTION VjUV0P|DWIl DOUGLAS AT 20TH Phone JA 4024 Open Evenings and Sundays 2406 L STREET Phone MA 0460