The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 10, 1937, 666 Edition, Page FIVE, Image 5
Baseball North Omaha Merchants Girls,, sponsored by our leading merchants independent of the Hottentots, will be managed by Stanley Hale. This is the first year colored girls will have two teams in Omaha. Due to the fact there are so many girls to play, it was decided to have two teams. Through the Omaha Guide, I wish to thank the following mer chants for their help in financing the North Omaha Merchant Girls: Forbes Bakery ■Hornstein Grocery Sunset Cab Rite Theatre Marsh Market Dmerson Laundry Edholrn and Sherman Laundry Patrick St. Liquor Store Cut Rate Drugs Laron’s Garage World Motor Supply Store Killingsworth and Price Duffy Drugs Ike Strouders’ Service Station C. and R. Coal Co. Carey’s Naborhood Grocery Qrecsent Coal Co. Dresher’s Cleaners Johnson MityNW Grocery S. R. Hale, Mgr Potosi Hottentots Set For Biggest Season The famous Johnson’s Hottentots will be sponsored by the Potosi Brewing Co- of Potosi, Wisconsin, and Carl Rabes Buffet 24 and Lake Mr. Moore, supt. of the Omaha dis trict, is very much impressed with the record of these girls, their only two seasons in softball The Potosi Hottentots will be nruch improved Uhfc sjeason and are out to uphold the reputation of Potosi Beer. The girls will have one of nicest outfits of any girls in the state. Oray suits with blue and white socks and jackets to match will constitute the outfit Equator Williams will captain the team and Ruth Griffin will he busi ness manager. The following girls wore asked to report to Miss Wil liams on April 3rd: Jessie Bolden, Gladys Brown, Flossy Wright, An nnbclle Lyles, Mae Lee, Rose Jenni son, Mary Stewart, Mattie Donald son. Elizabeth Payne, Geraldine Smith, Ivory Murrell, Ruth Grif fin. and Faith Lindsay- Mr. Hunter and Herbert Peak will help coach ;hu Potos>i Girls. Watch the Omaha Guido for the opening date, Potosi vs. Metz. All girls wishing to try out for the Hottentots report to Misn Williams at 1305 No. 25 street. SOUTH HIGH NOTES Brealkfield vs. Randall By Miss Cecile Walls. It seems as though our ath letic department is keeping in the headlines this week. A. C. “Ace” Breakfield and A1 Ran dall played against eabh other in the “post season basket Ball game." Ace and A1 were cap tains. Too bad Ace's team was defeat ed 25-19. During the win ter quarter, Ace and A1 were teammates, Ace guard and AT played center. These two boys helped to bring home the ba con in the State Tournament, which was held at Lincoln. Leonard Starnes will return next season and play in A1 Ran dall's place as center. James Anders is also expecting to go in line with his pals this fall. His position is forward. South High Club, which as sembles at the Woodson Cen ter every Monday afternoon at 4:00 o‘block, is going along splendidly. They tare expecting to have a big spring entertain ment shortly. J. W. BROWN Expert Piano Tuning and Repairing Done Reasonable. Guaranteed Satisfaction WE 4522 2610 Franklin f t m t M r r t « f f j Clec Cola j | Queen of Sparkling Drinks i 1 1 2 oz. for 5c: mi,1* ’ini' ON LEWIS CARD LEO RED BRUCE —Pittsburgh light, heavy weigh: who has defeated Bog Olin and Young Firpo. He is chief spar ring patner for John Henry Lewis and will box Frankie l.ce otf Kansas City on the fight card, flit the Auditoribm here nex„ Tuesday night, April 13. Swing to the Music of Eli Rice April 19, 1937 Dreamland Hall Admission 50 cents Friendly Eix' een Bridge Club The club met Monday, April 5th, ait the home of Mr. Lloyd Gray, 2715 Corby st. After the regular business meeting, three changes of contract, bridge were played. M. G. Avant and P. Adkins won high score. We were glad to have as our guests Mr. Chester Bennett and Mr. Jess Henderson. A very deli cious luncheon was served by the host. The Club will meet next Monday at the home of Mr. J. Davis, 2181 N. 29 st. -o Mrs. Margaret Bowes, Mis sionary7 of the Bethel Baptis | Church, mirde a* short talk on I Thursday, April 1, to the Wo ; men's Work at Pilgrim Bap ! tist Church. Mrs. Bowes, whose | | missionary work du es back Lsome twenty years, gave an I interesting talk that was en i joyed by everyone. i -o Mrs. Serenia Lagg of Kansas City, Mo., and Mrs. Erma Pay ne of Wagner, Okla., were the house guests orff Mrs. Fannie Bassett. While in the city they attended the funeral of their sister. Mrss. Gus. Johnson. -o Mrs. Fannie Bassett, Mrs. Louise Roper, Master Otis Keys, spent Sunday ip Kansas City, Mo., visiting relatives. They re port an enjoyable trip. —-o Elder B. M. Barker, s,tate ov erseer, who will take over the charge of the late Elder Robinson, will be in our city | Thursday. . --i All Licensed Negro Firemen And Engineers Are Requested To Meet At 21221/g N. 24TH ST. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14TH 8:00 P. M. Matters Of Importance .. Liquor Specials CALIFORNIA SWEET WINE APort, Angelica, Sherry Tokay Muscatel Pints_ 25c j Fifths_ 39c | Gallons _ $1-40 GOOD WHISKEY Per Gallon - $3.49 PEOPLE’S LIQUOR STORE 2524 “Q” Street MArket 1018 JOHN HENRY LEWIS .jonn nenry Liewis, Arizona ’ollege graduate and light hea vyweight champion oftlie world who i s scheduled ,t, o trade punches with Harold “Million urc“ Murphy at .the City Aud itorium next Tuesday, April 13, lias lej a brilliant fis.ic career and is claimed by many as be ing the greatest fighter today at, any weight,. The king of the light heavyweight division does not smoke, drink or in dulge in any night life gaiety but attends church every Sun day which has earned for him the title “Fighting Deacon.^ The Lewis fighting instinct can be traced back several gen erations. Tom Molemeaux, his great great grandfather is s id to have whipped jjl comers in both mirope and America. The eliarap is twenty-three years old and financially inde pendent ; has met and defeated some of the ld^liHg fistidif fers of the day including James J. Braddock and Bob Olin from whom he wrested the light heavyweight crown. His father and brother ope rate a thriving restaurant and gymnasium in Oakland, Oadif., which he set up for them re cently. He is also sending his younger brother lo Howard Univesity. Aside from tmitt-sliinfging,— his favorite diversion is play ing the piano. He is s. ad to have a technique all of hi;- own. His training quarters and home are both equipped with pianos. BIG MISSION FOR COLORED CATHOLICS AND NON CATHOLICS -- • You are inhi,t|ed to attend1 l he exercises of a MISSION now being carried on by The Jesuit Father, Rev. Win. P. Manion, S. J., in the Chureh of St. Benedict, 2423 Grant St. The meeting which began on \pril 4th will conclude April 11th. All axe cordially invited :o come and bring their friends. ALTHOUSE SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE Enroll Now. Be Independent $100 Course for $65 _ For Information Call — WE. 0846 2422 N. 22 St .■.V.V.V.’.V.V.V/AVWA'.V HINEMAN‘S CARAGE 2417 N. 24th St. We are making a complete change in our products. See that your car is summer ized with Phillips 60 oil and jgrease. Cars washed, 75c. Figure with Hineman's on lyour jobs before consulting anyone else. V.V.V.V.V.V/.'.V/.V.V.V.. | The Elite Cigar Store | Direct Wire On All Sports | Events t Como In Where It’s Comfortable indies Especially invited Our Policy i» Give You Service Eugene McGill, Mgr. HA422. 2314 N. 24th St. Omaha, Nebraska \ THE LIQUOR STORE 24th and Cuming- Sts. Free Delivery JA 6564 ■ 1 " —-— — - 1 ^ Whiskey 18 Months Old TOWN TAVERN Qt„.--$1.35 Wine Half Gallon _ .85 Beer 2 Qts-55c CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes King: Yuen Cafe 2010!/j N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. ALBERTA’S SANDWICH SHOP Barbecue—Cold Drinks Furnished Rooms MRS. HARRY NORMAN 4827 S 26 St. MA 0957 AMERICAN WIENER SHOl 2509 N. 24th, Street. BEST CHIU AND BEST RED HOTS IN THE WEST ALL KTNPS of SANDWICHES SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL NOTES By Mins Cecil* Walls Spring is in the air. All the stu dents iseem to have a touch of spring fever. W« have a lot of fun in school throughout the day. The WPA or chestra plays for us in the gym at noon during lunch periods we dance, there is always a large crowd. Tho next largo event to come i» tho Musio Festival to bo held be fore the end of the term. Our former '37 graduates are. not laying down on the job. I see that Ethel Davis is taking a Post Grad unto <x>urse at Tech high, and is expecting to go to Howard univer sity in the fall. Ralph Orduna is taking a Post Graduate course at South and also Monroe Coleman. The South High club mot last Monduy. The olub will convene as usual on Mondays at 4:00 o’clock at the Woodson Center. --o Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller of Kansas City, Mo., motored from Nehawka, Neb., where they had visited Mr. Thomas Mason ami family, to visit Mr. and Mrs. It. Turner, 3018 Burdette St., Monday. --o Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Van of Kansas City, Mo., were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Van, 2403 N ,22nd street. Little James Farmer, baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Earn er, is mueh improved afler an illness of two weeks. AAA Coal Company JA. 2159 Special Cash Prize— Fresh Off the Oars. Deep mined Super Southern COAL Ton $7.50 i/2Ton _3.75 500 Lbs__1.95 Kidneys Must Glean Out Acids The only way your body can clean out Acids and polaonoue waatea from your blood Is thru !i million tiny, delicate Kid ney tubes or filters, but beware of cheap drastic, Irritating drugs. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make ym suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervous ness, Leg Pains, Backache, Circles Under U>ea, Dizziness, Rheumatic Pains, Acid ity, Burning, Smarting or Itching, don't take chancel. Get the Doctor'! gunrnn teed prescription called Cyatex <Slss- ; Tex). Works fast, safe and aure. In 4* hnnra It must bring new vitality, and In guaranteed to fix you up In one week or money back on return of empty package Cystex coete only 9c a day at druggists and the guarantee protecte you ■. ■ • ■ • ■ i . » ■. s s '« Trailer Coaches built to order i (Measure and Commercial) Coaches Repaired and remodeled Omaha Trailer Coach Co. i F- J. Miller and F. Fisher, Mnfra Trailer Accessories 2812 No. 24th St. AT 0157 PLANT A GARDEN The soil is in fine shape for planting. We carry a fine line of gar den and grass seeds. Save fiO per cent by using our bulk seed. HOME LANDSCAPE SERVICE 924 N. 24th JA. 5115 Be Well Dress ed and Com fortable in Our New 1937 SPRING and SUMMER STYI.ES 522.50 and up GLASGOW Tailors f 1522 Harney JA. 1087 Omaha, Nebr. HEADQUARTERS FOR A]1 kinds of Poultry and fresh Country Eggs direct from the country. Live Carp - Buffalo and Catfish Special Prices to Churches and Parties Stoner’s Fish and Poultry Market 1623 North 24th Street JAckson 8699 The S. A. Butts Club will meet atj the home of Mrs. Ilat tfie Sm^thi, 2719 Lake st., on Thursday, April 8th. Mr. Thomas Godly, 2013 Isard street, who ha« been, ill in a local hospital, parsed away at 11:20 Sun day night, Ma ’eh 21 th. Ho leaves luveral niece* and frio' to nv.urn i,i« lo«s. The funeral services were held Tuesday, Aprd 1st at 2 o’clock From the Myers’ Funeral Homo FOR S A LF & RKNT APTS. TO RENT SHANKLINS APARTMENTS 2311 No. 21st Street $4.00 $1,25 and $525 SHANKLIN AGENCY 1711 Ouming Street HARRY BROWN COAL AND ICE PACKAGE FUEL 20th <6 Grace St. WE 1560 « ..n..,,... .7. . .T . . Johnson Drug Co. We Ffll Relief Preemption WE. 0998 .. 1904 N. 24th St. WW/WWWWWWWtf CLP SKAGGS FOOD , mSr STORES A New Neighborhood Store AT 16th and LOCUST (2911 North 16th) - _I FRI. and SAT. SPECIALS Butter -31o 1 Larg cans Pet Milk.,25c t*arg‘e solid Head Lettuce.....5c | 3-lb Pancake Flob_10o Bacon Squares lb_17c •.■.V.V.V.'.V.V.’.V.W.V.Wi THE GREATEST BOXING SHOW IN OMALA HISTORY City Auditorium, Tues., April 13th 8:30 P. M John Henry Lewis—World's Light Heavyweight Champion 1 0 Rounds VS. Millionaire Murphy—Leading Contender for Heavy TiMe Gorilla Jones—Former World's Middleweight Champion 1 0 Rounds VS. Battling Nelson— and Four Other All-Star Bouts 4 Prices—Ringside $3.30, Arena Reserved $2:20 Reserved $1:10 General Admission 55c (All Prices Include Taxes Seats Now On Sale: Jim Bell's Harlem, Sportsman's Cigaf Store, 2008 Farnam St! Baseball Headquarters 413 S S. 15th st., Eagle's Hall 2220 N St: 'Council Bluffs: Baseball Headquarters, 144 W Broadway. DampWash Beautifully washed and returned just damp enough to IRON. Minimum bundle 48c I.ACNDERER AND DRY CLEANERS Edholm & Sherman 2401 North 24th St. We 6065 CLASSIFIED ADS " 1 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 ROOM strictly modern apartment for information call WE 2742. FOR RENT—Lore’s Kitchenette Apartments, 2616-18 Patrick, or 2613 Grant st. Call We. 6663. WANTED—four room furnished apartment Call WE 1716 WANTED; Licensed Engineera and firemen. Register at The Omaha Guide Will sacrifice 5 rm- house, modern except tub and furnace. JA 2341 3031 Burdette WHY WORK FOR OTHERS GET IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR SELF. A completely furnished restaurant with all the necessary equipment therein and tfie best location for business of its kind in the city of Omaha- For rent to the right party at a reasonable rate. Call WE. 6015. For Rent furnished modern apart ment, heat, lights, running hot and cold water free. Call WE. 6015 SHOE UEFA IK SUOFS YOUR OWN — LAKE SHOE SERVICE NONE BETTTER; 2407 Lake Street. LUCKY TALISMAN OF THE ORIENT Jinx Removing Incense 25c JOHN THE CONQUEROR Incense 25c Lucky oil believed to prevent evil, misfortune; to attract good luck, happin&s and pros perity. Send 25c for Jinx Removing Incense ORIENT INCENSE CO. 5215 SOUTH 25th ST. Omaha, Nebraska. Mail orders Given Prompt Attention OK ECONOMIC and comfort of living try DIXON APTS., AT 7435. PERRY AND SON, Transfer, 2624 Caldwell, AT 0114. COLORED ladies and gentlemen wanted for soliciting No deliver ies. WA 7677. SALESLADY—Over 30, Sales abil ity. Personality, connections im portant. Write for interview. The Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant St. AGENTS, salesmen, sell Face Cream, Hair Dressing, Tonics, Shampoos, etc. Big List. Prices Low. Free catalog. Dept. A, Nation al Supply Co., Richmond, Va. Nappanee, Indiana Intelligence and Sales Dept. Good 6000 Representatives Wanted, income assured. E, V. Publishing House, 301-306 Elm st., Dept. N3, AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro Dolls. Write, National Co., 163 West 126th St., N. Y Send 10c for six mo. subscription to interesting magazine, Movie News and Pictures. Box 452, Dayton, Ohio. COLORED RACE ONLY- Nation wide social letter club: new friends, romance; strictly confi dential. Particulars free. KIS MET, Boxx 6166-E., Met. Sta. Los Angeles, Calif. AGENTS — Sell Emperor Haile Selassie Picture, (Sample 26c). Negro Dolls, Flappers, African League, 254 W. 135th St., New York. MAKE $10 daily selling Negro dolls, pictures. National Co„ 166 W. 126th St., New York City. WANTED—Experienced salesman for rubber work gloves as sida line to retail trade. Liberty Rub ber Glove Co. Winona. Man.