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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1937)
SOCIAL C Ar : of,, CLUBS AFFAIRS ORGANIZATIONS Sick List Little Betty Jean Martin, age 3, daughter of Mi's- IJave, Martin 937 No. 27th street, severely in jured her right arm when it was crushed in the electric wringer on Wednesday, March 24th. We sin cerely hope for little Betty Jean a speedy recovery. Mrs. Lovey Perry, 2711 No. 27th street, is on the si<k list The condition of Mrs. Sallic Bell, 2709 Ohio street, who has been par alyzed for qui'e some time, retnains the same. She is the aunt of Mrs. Ella McIntosh of the same address. —-o-— Benevolence Christian Wid ows Club No. 25, had a wonder ful sueeeRs at the Gel-Acquflint ed Tea. A lovely ho<|ur\t was presented to the club. We hope to be one of the outstanding clubs of the city and desire the good will and good wishes of Aha people. Mrs: M. Iv Hill was the speaker of the evening. Miss Irene Bor er was hostess. We | are attempting great things for God. ; v*n THEY LEAVE US Mnr> Alota Johnson, wife of Mr.; Oil" Johnson, 1214 No 24th St,I passed away on the 39th of March iVftpr a lwipt-rirc' Illness of six, wo«hs. Her remains were taken to; thb Ix*wis Funeral home. The funeral of Mrs. R. Hibb", 2.316 No. 27th Ave, wn« held at Myers Funeral Home, Monday,] March 29th. Tho deceased leaves to mourn her Ions, her husband. F. L. Hibbs; three brothers, two nephews, one son, two grandchildren, immediate kin and a bo"t of friends Many resolutions, telegrams, and condolences were read at the fun rnl. Beautiful indeed were the floral offerings. Mr. Tolbert Allen, of Portland, Oregon, brother of Mrr. Hibbs was unable to renrnin for the funeral. Tnh'rment was made in Forest Lawn Cemetery Tho double funeral of Mr". Carrie Hale, age 30, and Alex Snniney, ago 38, sister and brother, wa" held at Allen Chapel on Tuesday, Mar. 16th- Mr". Hale and Mr Sampey are survived by a mother, Mrs. Sarah Taylor; two sister", Ms. Lula Todd and Mrs. Sallie Seals. Mi»s Mary Mil)*, 2617 Caldwell street-, received a letter from her son, Iieroy, Stationed in the CCC camp at Dcdta, Mo., stating that he is getting along fine and will be home in June -n-— Happy Birthday Mrs. L. II: Wiliams, 1308 N: 25th street celebrated her birth day on March 8, with a few friends. Her sister, Mrs. Geor gia T. Johnson, surprised her with a lovely birthday cake. An enjoyable time was had by all. Little Walter Nelson. 1843 N. 21st street, celebrated his 7th birthday on March 27th, with a surprise party. The large num ber of children who attended enjoyed themselves immensely. Gertrude Robbins, 2226 Sew ard street, honored John Rob bins at a birthday party on Tuesday night, March 16th. Approximately forty guests were present. Mrs. J: Robbins and Mrs. Josephine Davis were helpers. WAW.,AV.,.V.,.,.,.V,V.V.V Bargains In Homes For Sale—Small down payments 5 rooms, price , $900—cash $90 pay balance like rent. 6 rooms, price, $1,000—cash $100 balance like rent. 5 rooms, price, $750—cash $75 balance like rent. (rooms, price, $1,250—cash $125 balance like rent. Many other bargains E. M Davis Licensed Broker 2817 No. 24th St. WE 1166 W/WAW.V/.V.VW.V.V Mrs. Mahanimitt’s School of Cookery 2116 No. 25th St Phone WE 4129 Steamed Salmon Loaf 1 trll < nn salmon 3 eggs Vi <'iip bread crumbs .1 T melted butter t>4 t. cayenne I t. ’< men juice 1 t. grated onion >2 t baking powder Ft a Vo salmon. Add bread crumbs, beaten eggs, melted butter, lemon juice, onion, pepper, baking pow der. Put in 1 pound coffee cam and steam on« hour. Chicken and Rice Curry 1 on 1 ib»d ri o 2 tsV' ■’■"ns flour e.(j, , Tv| r-epper 1 2 tab’crpo( iv butfc” 2 nuns ml ’< t\, t aspoors eu ry powder 1 if. M-pi chopped cooked chicken Prepare «, while sauce from the fat, flour nod milk- A Id sea on tu: chicken and rice.. Serve hot in rame kins. The is i vce’lent if ri' e is used for croustade and the chicken • j>rry served in the croustade. Cl’f t it ' ike 2 T gelatin 'A nip r/old water 2 egg yolks (slightly beaten) 1 t salt *4 <”up milk Vj cup sugar 1 pound cottage ohce«e (Put through a n<-er) 1 lemon (grated rind and juke) 1 t. vanilla extract 2 egg whites ( stiffly beaten) 1 cup whipping cream Soften gelatin in cold water. Put egg yolks in top of double boiler. Bent slightly and add salt, milk and sugar. 'Cook, stirring until mixture thickens. Remove from fire Add softened gelatin; mix thoroughly; cool. Add cheese which has boon put through a rker, lemon juice, rind and vanilla. Fold in henten egg whites and whipped cream. Peers 2-3 of the c-wn flake pas try into the bottom of a spring m>ld. Fill r.V‘.|‘ -deck mixture Sprinkle rema'ning corn flake pas try crumbs over top. Yield: 10 ser vings Corn Flake Pastry 1 cup corn flake crumbs >4 cup melted butter ‘4 ‘tip sugar 1 t. cinnamon (Roll or grind 6 cups corn flakes to yield 1 cup fine crumbs) Mix crumbs with bu*ter, sugar and cinnamon. Use 2-3 of mixture for tha bottom crust. Uf«e other 1-3 to sprinkle over cake Motor To Fremont Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Farmer, Mrs: Julia Farmer and grand daughter, Miss Pauline, motor ed to Fremont March 28, where they were tflte dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. dus Harrington and family. FOR QUALITY MERCHAND IS E TRADE AT COLTON'S DRY GOODS 2503 No. 24TH JA 5757 Major Wri'-thl’s Haitian t'offee Ph< i> ? liovvs shipment of pure II l.pui coffee arriving in New York from Major If. If: Wright, sr., licu'l of the Uni-! ■ . - - . #JN tin,n Coffee and Trading Com pany of Philadelphia, Pa. Ma jor Wretfht Is now the lnrgest importer of pure Haitian cof fee in America. TO HE MARRIED Miss Mable Richardson, daugh of M:"!■ Robert Cloud, 1916 No. 25th street and LeeHard Glynn, son of Mrs. R->U>rt Glynn, of Hope Ac’,., u e to b- married on Aprl *roh. it the homo of the bride The groom in chef cook on the Un ion R. R- After th<*ir marriage they will reside in Los Angeles, Calif -o Seven Pound Baby Mr. and Mrs. M; CJ: Allen, of 2710 Caldwell st., are the proud parent* of a seven-pound boy. This is the fourth son for the Allens. Svvlng *-•, the Music of Fli Rice A p-tl 19. 19.77 Dreamland Hall Admission 50 cents — - % R ABE’S BUFFEi I BEER LIQUOR SOFT DRINKL dancing 243b N 24-t hJA 2HH Friedman’s Shoe Store * | 1510 N. 24th fet. JA. OobS j New Stars in Foot./ear j Joler.e Fashion Shoe* Styled \ in Ho.lywood Different Color* in Gabardine | Free Course In Hair Culture Consiating of Marcelling Fiai«rwa«ia( Shimyat Formula INCLUDING DIPLOMA BY MAIL Write CUBAN COSMETIC COMPANY BOX 5315 — CHICAGO, IUL I Forbes Bakery Try Our Delicious Milk Bread 2 Loaves for 15c Prayer Doctor HILL'S Incense Shop 2520 Lake JA 5343 AH kinds of incen-vs for r.ny uso. -ALL - (RITZ SHOE REPAIR SHOP) 2033 North 24th St Visit in Council Bluffs Mrs. Julia Farmer, and her granddaughter, Miss Pauline, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Farmer motored to Council Bluffs on Saturday where they spent the day visiting Mrs. Maltz and oth er friends. -o Mr- George R. King, I-awrenoe, K:j is visiting his daughter, Miss Ru'h King' and his sis Ur*, Mrs. Sim mons, 1820 No- 27th »-treet.. market HERMAN FRIEDLANDER Proprietor 24th and >La ke Street ■ WEbster 514! ___f ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Doth Our Service and Printing:. We ar. Equipped To Print Anything: From Stamps to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. GUIDE PUR GO ’M1M tJmnt Street \VF 1' 17_151v ! -i•**»*>, mum*• «. THE OMAHA GUIDE* ~~ BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL L DIRECTORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places. Beanty Salons CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 No. 22nd St WE 0846 HOMER McCRANEY 2037 N. 24th St. At 6810 ELESE TURNER 2612 N. 24th St We. 2864 MILDRED TURNER’S BEAUTY SALON 2624 No. 27th ,St. WE 2514 MARTHA MAYO Beauty Culturist Mai celling Finger-Waving WEbster 0274 2512 No- 24th St. Omaha CHARLENA LEWIS BEAUTY SALON 2855 Maple St. JA 6116 Beer Gardens RABE’S BUFFET 2425 N. 24th St. Ja. 9196 Cafes American Wiener Shop 2609 N. 24th Street KING YUEN CAFE 2010W N. 24th St Ja. 8676 Alberta’s Sandwich Shop 4827 S. 26th St Ma. 0957 Raybon’a Midget Cafe, 1922 N. 24th CHARLIWB PLACE 1602 N. 24th St. We. 4019 Cigar Stores MAIN EVENT t41h Lake St. Ja 9044 ELITE CIGAK STORE 2312 N. 24tb St. Ha. 4226 CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS 2601 Cuming St. At 6656 Drag Stores JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St We. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake We. 0609 Cleaners and Tailors TOBY’S IDEAL CLEANERS 2237 N. 20th St At. 6165 J. B CLEANERS & TAILORS 1805 N. 24thWE 6161 Electrical Appliances DONAKOO & HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Famam St. Ila. 0500 Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Ave. Ke. 0316 Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We. 6444 Garages E. L. MERRIWEATHER GARAGE 2209 Ne. 22nd St- AT 6697 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. We. 1029 EDHOLM A ST1FRM 4.N 2401 N. 24th St We. 6066 Monument Makers MEET A NOYES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke. 1738 Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1516 N. 24th St. We, 4737 Service and Transfer Stations Levison Service Station, 2303 N. 24 NORTH-SIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St We f>6M CAS WATER HEATING IS CHEAPER! DEMAND 24-HOUR FUEL SERVICE! V ON TAP DAY AND NIGHT AT LOW COST Summer isn't fax away. Install AUTOMATIC GAS HOT WATER right away. It takes only a few hours. Your old tank heater will be accepted as down payment. When you buy your GAS WATER HEATER be sure it is approved by the American Gas Association and has at least IVi inches of tank insulation. Attractive terms. PAY LIKE RENT. SEE YOUR PLUMBER OR I—1 AS LITTLE AS $195 * A MONTH BUYS AN AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER