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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1937)
AVW,WWSWAWAVW.VA\WVV,AVVA%VAV.\W/.V.,.V.,.'i MV^SWAWWVWVVVVVVWW.V%VWV%W.W%V,%SW.%%W Mfli .,.W.,.SVW.V.W.SWAV.VW.V COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA | . . .............. ..jw AAA*ASA j NEWS NOTES f * -H. M. FUNCHES, EDITOR Mrs. A. D. Carter has gone tio Minneapolis, M^am., to at tend the meeting being conduct ed by Mrs. 11. A. Buffkins of Omaha. Elder A. D. Carter made a trip to I)|esMoines. According to reports, Mrs. Manson James and family will leave within the next two weeks for their new Des Moines home. Reception Held For Presiding Elder Reception was held for Pre siding Elder Oglefon Monday night, April 5, at the Bethel Center. Od great interest was the program at this time. Don’t forget the date of the Cleverettes Barnyard Frolic, Apr. 27, at Eagle Hall. DID YOU KNOW The John Turners are sport ing aDeSota ear? That George Lewis has re decorated The Little SaVoy? That Buster Means was “breaking them down" Satur day night? That two men of bolor are sporting women “fayes" ? Look out boys that friend wife does n't get your number. Oh, hum! If you can take heck, we can atpnd to see you get it. Attepd Quack Style Show Looking radiant aid lovely were the Misses Lula Mae Hall and Jeane Spinks who attended the Quack Style Show and Dance Monday night, April 5, at Dreamland llall, Omaha. Mrs. Ltila Hall expects to go to Minnesota, the latter part of thus week for a visit, with her son. The young Halls are “in f anticipating." Miss Clara Webb returned to DesMoines Sunday, Mar. 28, af ter a short stay in the city. Pr^-Easter Party Gala Affvair To say that the Pre-Easter party of which Miss Opal Har ris was hostess, was a success is to put it mildly. The house was beautiful in holiday colors. Among the out of town guests were: Miss Clara Webb of Des Moines, Mrs. Jovsephine Bell Miss Faith Patterson, Messrs.’ Roy Hunter and Gerald Parks, all of Omaha. Some ten Coun cil Bluffs couples were in at tendance. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reynolds were hosts at a breakfast Sun day, Mar. 28. Present were Miss Opal Harris and Messrs. Gerald Parks and Roy Hunter. Mr. Robert Christmas has pone to Iowa City where he will undergo treatment. Mr. Manson James of Des Moines spent Sunday with his family here. Mrs. Daisy Mize is a visitor in Kansas City. United Cab 1 Co. '1 ,ii Fully Insured Lowest Rates We appreciate your Patronage 718 W. Broadway Phone 3434 ►«... . i Clubs HOLLIS ART OLUB Mrs. AVallAr Pediok enter tained the club at the home of Mrs. S. S. Finlayson Thursday, April 1st. Hans were completed for the tea and bazaar to be held a,t. the home of Mrs. Emma Turner. A delightful repast was ser ved by the hostess. Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Matiie Turner on April 15. 20 CENTURY The club will observe Nation al Negro Health week at its next meeting April 8, at the home of Mrs. Inez Bowens. CLEVERETTES The club met with Mrs. Inez Willis on April 4. Next meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Novella Cage. THREE SQUARE GIRLS t Club met wi,th the sponsor, Mrs. Minnie Herndon. The girls will give a Birth day Party on Friday, April 9, a.t the home of Miss Virginia Holliday in celebration of the birthdays of Mrs. Minnie Hern don and Miss Omagean Harvey. Bethel Mission Society Society will meet with Mrs. M. Slater on Monday, April 12. Andrew J. Fitz, Jr., Condition Is Critical Mr. and Mrs. A. J: Fitz, Sr:, were called to the Oakdale Sanitarium the past week be cause of the critical illness of their son, A. J. Fitz, jr. No word had been received from them April 3, as to his condi tion. Many Attend Love Funeral Among ihe many Council Bluffs residents who attended the funeral of Mr. Ben Love, Omaha, March 31, were Mes darnes Gertrude Carbins, Mos sieFearfan, PearlGarbins, Nan nie Williams and Messrs. Jack Hemmet, I). Butler Walker, and Wilbox. Attend CookSng School Among those who attended the Cooking School Mar. 30 to April 2, at the Broadway The atre were Mcsdames Willie Mix on, Novella Cage, Vergie Ne vins, Elizabeth Wilson and Miss es Corinth^ Harvey, Kathleen Gamble and Virginia Holliday. Spend Wdek In Omaha; Mrs. Anna Workman and lit tle daughter Marlene spent the week end in Omaha visiting the mother and grandmother, Mrs. Delores Hardfyig, i*2211 Grant street. Mrs. Wm. Brown has return ed from Chicago, I1L Mrs Inez Willis lias returned to work after being confined to her home with an attack of influenza. Mrs. Hansel Lytle is ill in the Jennie Edmondson hosptal. Mrs. Elsie Herndon will leave for Detroit, Mich., soon. Mrs. Bessie Gordon spent Sat urday in Omaha visiting her parents. Mrs. Wm. Smith is indisposed Mrs. Maggie Perkins of Oma ha,, spent Sunday visiting in the home of her parents. MY FAVORITE RECIPE By Mrs. J: F: SirjoJthered Chicken tin Cream 1 youni roasting ehieken 3 tablespoons butter 3-4 cup dry white wine "Salt and pepper 3-4 cup heavy cream 6 small white onions 1 Slice lemon 1 teaspoon soy sauce Have the butcher cut a ten der young chicken in pieces as for srving. Sprinkle with sail and pepper and put in a heavy pot where the butter is already sizzling hot. Add carefully peel ed little onions and the wine and let cook closely covered for half an hour. Remove the cover and add cream, soy sauce and slice of lemon with peel and salt and pepper if nte'cessary and let boil hard for ten min utes. Arrange the pieces of chicken on a hot platter and pour the sauce over them. .. Fudge (By Mrs. MSgnon Redick) 2 cups sugar 4 tbsp. cocoa 1 cup milk 1-2 cup nuts Pinch of baking powder Pinch of salt 1 top. vanilla Butter size of walnut Mix sugar, cocoa, baking powder, salt and milk. Let it come to a slow boil. Cook un til it forms a soft ball in. cold water. Remove from fire and add vanilla and butter. Let it cool twenty minutes. Beat until it begins to harden. Add nuts and pour into buttered plate to harden. Cut into squares before cold and turn over each square while yet warm. Ely Bell Improving Mr. Ely Bell's condition is reported as being good in the Mercy Hospital. Mr. Bell was taken ill Sunday, March 28, and was taken to the hospital where he underwent a, major opera tion. Mrs. George Mina is indis posed. ECONOMY TAILOR Ohas. M. Simmons, Prop. 1812 N. 24th St. WE. 6370 Slvter Ice & Coal Co No extra charges on half tons of coal. Delivered within 30 blocks. 1301 No. 24th St AT 6355 MASON’S Bar-B-Q, Chili, Tamales and Fried Chicken to order 2024 Burt St. WE 6015 Our Churches CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 1618 Avenue B Eldex A. D. Carter, Phstor Sunday school at 10:30 a m. Mrs. G. Mina, Supt. Services at noon. YPWW at 6:30 p.m., Mr. Gamble Duncan president. General services at 8 00 p. m. Weekly services on Tuesday and Friday nights at 7:30 o’clock. CALVARY BAPTIST 16 Avenue Rev. J. A- Harris, Pastor Mrs. Ethel Carbins, Secretary Under the leadership of its new pastor, the*church has tak en on new life. Rev. Harris is an able speaker. Come out and hear him. Beulah Baptist Church will hold 3.00 o'clock services Sun day afternoon, April 11, at Cal vary, at which time Rev. Wm. Clayton, Beulah pastor, will preach. The public is invited to be present and hear this great | preacher. _n _ Mrs. Maderia Harvey was an Omaha visitor Saturday. Feel 40 years younger. Doctor* guaranteed recommended glandular formula, used successfully. Ordin ary strength—5 day supply $1; 2 weeks supply $2. Powerful Dyna mic Strength— 1 weeks supply $3; 2 weeks supply $6. Mention if for man or woman. Buy the beat. ACTIVA PRODUCTS, 4244 Lincoln Ave. Dept. Ml. Chicago, HI.. I made 1 my skin | shades s lighter! And now you, too, can have the joy of a lighter, clearer skin—free from freckles, pimples, blackheads, large pores, blotches. Tonight at bedtime just smooth on Nadi nola Bleaching Cream—no massaging, no rubbing. While you sleep it actually dis solves dark pigment — for Nadinola is double-acting. That’s why it gets results where ordinary bleaches fail. TEST ^et Nadinola today at any toi let counter or by mail postpaid, AT OUR 50c. If not delighted, money Dici( cheerfully refunded. NADI NOLA, Dept. 94, Paris, Tenn. oNadinolo^RleachingCream GHOST WRITING Means WE Write and 70U Get the Credit Letters, social and business; popular speeches and talks for Teachers, Ministers, Civic, Bus iness and Lodge leaders; ar ticles for publication. Your own work rewritten, revised, or criticised. Write us your needs and send 6 cents stamps fr more details. C. N. S. BUREAU 141 West 125th St., New York City Enterprising manager of store in Evanston, Illinois, provides Free parking accomodations for dogs after city ordinance goes into effect prohibiting dogs in grocery stores. Aristus and Patsy, the two wire haired terriers seem interested in the idea. OLD FOLKS HOME We wiish to .tjiank those who donated to the Old Folks Home: Mrs. Wjlla Ray: 2 cans of to matoes, 2 cans corn, jar peach es, can of cherries, 3 glasses of jelly: Saratoga Bchool society study class: Easter basket, grapefruit, oranges, apples, ba nanas, 1 package of mixed dried fruit, 2 glasses of jelly, 1 pint of conserve, pint of apple but ter, 1 package of cheesit. The religious educational committee of .the YWOA: 24 Easter eggs, 'grapefruit, oranges, apples, ba nanas, 2 pints of peaches, candy eggs. 'JWVWWUVW COFFEE JOHN’S ? Ill Bo. 14th St. ■, Biggest 10c Meals In City / / Everybody Welcome ;■ /.v.v.v.v/.'.v.w.vw.v. BOYS! GIRLS Create a Spirit of Cooper ation by joining the ‘‘GUID ITE CLUB” Read all about it in this is sue. Join NOW. NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Phone WEr,656 2414 Grant St IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP LUU* and Children’s Work A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street Beautiful Hair (Fly Mr*. E. liaker 2627-3 Ave.) Becoming Hair Styles Women with large heads and full faces should never wear the hair full or fluffily curled at the sides, but should wear the hair flat to the head at the sides, straight or slightly wav ed with only the ends of the hair n.t the back of the head curled over or under as a mat ter of choice of the wearer. Women with slender faces and sma.ll heads need exagger ated fluffy curls to add width appearance to the head and face. High forheada with the hair line on extended distance from the eyebrows should he cover ed n« much as possible by bring ing the hair down over the fore head; while low foreheuds with the hairline near the eyebrows should be worn uncovered. Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24t.h and LAKE STREET8 PRESCRIPTIONS Tree Delivery BUY SIMPSON GIFT CERTIFICATES NOW Redeemable at face value on a wit, overcoat, topcoat, tux edo, full dress suit, until July 1, 1937. GOOD as gifts for Christmas, birth days, graduation, anniver saries, father’s day, Easter, ete. GALL Charles H. Davis, the Simpson Mas __ WE 5627 ;; CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? I HAVS GOOD NEWS FOR YOU IrioHJm d «M pour troubl* anap bn pnn nnn Inn* tbn w*ril in tbn facn. SoUn nfl prnbinmn, ant what pnn wnnt and faar no anna •IrsamlMua. Yaw Hnppinnnn nnd Junua dnauunl that pnn print pour nun ilnndp aad and it ta .. . REV. CHAA r. COLBERT MS OW AVt DETROIT. MICM. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Purely Vegetable Laxative that costs only about 1 cant a doss CONSTIPATION is an enemy ot pleasure. It dulls your enjoy ment of the best entertainment and the best friends. ... To neglect constipation Is to Invite serious trouble. For your health's sake, take Black-Draught at the first sign of constipation. You’ll soon feel better. . . . Here is a laxative that is purely vegetable, prompt, and reliable. Try it! BLACK DRAUGHT I AGENTS I WANTED i Cannolene Ca minima Hair Grower Bloach Cream iDouble iPoubi* StrwnyfbJ - ir And Our 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Creation* Baginning our New Adverflniag Campaign wa wtfl qtve a free Start to Intelligent energetic man at women wfc* am ambitious to male# money and build up a Mialneae et,their awn eelBng beauty products el the better kind. Ours la aferlcdy a quality fine that appeal! to (be beet people everywhere, 'ten make mere money with a quality line and yon win valuable prime. Write si ence to Cana;, a Ccsmotics Co* ©opt 20-A, Atlanta, Ga. N-N-y. fct n._ Here’s Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money—Be Agent for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It’s Easy; Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS forSWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener, Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up to $40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. FREE SAMPLES Send No Money! Just fill in coupon and mall it today for FREE SAMPLES of Hair Dressing, Face Powder and Special Offer to AGENTS. Don’t wait. Mail the COUPON NOW! Valmor Products Co. 2241 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, IU. r I | VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dept. 165 { I 2241 Indiana Ave., Chicago, IN. I I I want to make Quick Money. Please send me | I Free Samples and Special Offer to Agents right away. I i I Name____........_....._.... I I | I Address_................._____..... I I | I £fmm..m~..mSL'mmmm mm Jf LITTLE JULIUS SNEEZER - -_ - by baker AH MVDEAR V01/N6 MAf/ | |— ~ -OR A ROBERT 1—1 NO-WEAlNT AMO YOURE LOOKJN'FOR FT’ HAVE VOU A CHARLES — — lou>S STEVEfYSONf \ArtATS MORE, THIS -ia*. ,4-^.1 THEM FELLERS. YOU Dickens in _ _ - aint no boardin' might try neit door. U HOUSE f _ ) _ HOUSE»j | THEY TAKE LODGERS ' t 1 IS TF- 1 : /» ® h I