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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1937)
_ He ir«ska *t«te hist«ri«al i»eioty Llneiln, l*eir*»ak« Mor Circulation ^ Than Any OolorQd News) aper Ever Published In . _ HEW TO THEUNEVgr __ o_, ,t Postoffiee. Omaha. Nebraska- Omaha. Nebraska, SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1937 Vol. XI No. 3-666 Edition Challenges Color Bar In Subway Union -- I New fork Subway Workers File Protest with La.uardia Chicago—Following a conference with a number of Negro subway conductors and motormen, who were ex-Pullmen porters and. members of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car porters, on the color bar in the B. R. T. against Race member ship, the Union which started out to organize the workers on the Independent suoway system. A- Phillip Randolph, International President of the Brother hood, call ed Mayor LaGuandia, of New York, and arranged a conference for Mr. Ashley L- Totten, International Secretary-Treasurer, with, a group of Negro subway conductors and motonnen for protest against tht alleged city sanctions of the organi zation of the subway workers by one of the Big Four Brotherhood Unions which discriminates against Negro workers. As a result of the conference with a large delegation of Negro subway motonnen and conductors, led by Totten, Mayor LaGuardia issued the following statement: “No union would be recognized on the city system that draws a -color line on that system-” “Of Course,’’ said the Mayor, “we are not going to tell them what to do on Tho Pennsylvania Railroad, or some other system.” Ashley L- Totten, militant Bro therhood International Secretary Treasurer, told the Mayor, that the Brotherhood of Railway Train men was exeluding from member ship 170 Negroes, conductors and motonnen, because of color, despite the fa°t that these workers had qualified through the regular exa mination which applied to white and black workers on the system. -o Swastika Golf Club Holds First Meeting Bv Billy Davis The Swastika Golf Club of Oma ha met at Urban League Commun ity Center on Monday, March 22nd. The meeting was called to order hy the president, P- Murray. Dur ing the busings meeting, a motion to change the name of the club to the “Cornhuskers,” was entertain ed. This change was accepted by the majority of the members. Former members of the club will bo charter members. Persons wish ing to join this club may obtain application blanks from any mem ber of the club. Meetings will be held the first and third Friday of each month at the Urban League Community Cfn/teir 'beginning at 8 p. m- All golfers are invited. A ! membership drive will be on until j the 15th of May, 1937. ANNUAL CORN FEAST HELD BY MASONS The A F & A M Scottish Rite Masons held its annual Roast Com Feast at the Masonic Hall, 26th and Blondo Streets, on Thursday night, March 24th, at 12 o'clock. W. C: Carter was the Most Wise Master in charge. The following officers were re elected and installed for the en suing year: W. C. Carter, Ira Stewart, H. J. Kenney, P: W: Murray, Art. Webster, J. H: Wakefield, Floyd Buckner. Re freshments were served by Ar thur Webster, treasurer of the Masons. A verv lame attend ance was reported. -1 Goodwill Spring Music Creating Great Interest By L. L. McVay Now that the Easter programs are all over the choirs have their interest centered on the Third An nual Goodwill Spring Musical, fea tvf’ing Omaha 'f leading jcdhoirs, assisted by the City Service Orch estra on the fourth Sunday, April 25th, at Pilgrim Baptist church, 25th and Hamilton streets, 2:45 p m. Many of the choirs have been work ing on their part of the program for some time. It is expected that all are doing the same. It has been asked by some choirs taking part if all choirs are to have on black robes. To this question, I will say again that you are to pic ture to us your choir as it appeal’s at your church. You use your re gular robes. However, you are to be dressed in vested robes, and not only dressed in your street clothes. You should also have your copy of the group numbers that are to be directed by Rev. J. S. Williams. You cannot do your best without the music, as these num bers will be some of the best fea tiures of the program. We hope you will put forth every effort to help make them so. ■-o Elks Lodge Hold Mother, Son Party In keeping with the custom es tablished a year ago, April 10th, a Mother-Sos party for the Junior Herd was held Monday night April 5th. The mothers of boys between tho ages of 12 and 18 were invited providing they brought their sons with them- Rev. R. A. Adams of St John AME church delivered the principal address. The sponsors of the John Henry Lewis fighting show promised to give all of the members of the Herd a freei ticket to the fight- Members of the Herd who are not financial can pay their dues to the Treasurer, Mr. C. B. Mayo at the Elks building --o-. Mrs. Marie Coulter, 2702 Ma ple street, has returned from the hospital after undergoing a serious operation. She is do ing nicely. WINS PRIZE Mrs. Anna Hilton, popular enter tainer, won first prize in a radio contest at the Rome hotel- A cash prize was awarded. She sang and played several numbers and was tho only contestant receiving an encore. This isn’t the only prize, that Mrs. Hilton has won, having been one of the winners on a Major Bowes program- Mrs. Hilton is be ing signed for radio work so we will be be hearing from her soon ■-o Swing to the Music of Eli Rice April 19, 1937 Dreamland Hall Admission 50 cents S. S. Brennan Lands In New ^ork M. anJ Mr-. G. Rayburn White retire ailerJ years in Europe Gives Thanks The pastor and officers of the Morning Star Baptist church wish es to express our deepest appre ciation to our many friends and parents for their cooperation m our Easter Day program- We feel d was one of the best we have ever had with the pains taken by our program pomimitV-eb, assisted by Mr-- W E. Fredericks and Mrs- Lee McGee, did their best to make this a day of Thanksgiving and praise to our maker and redeemer- It was indeed a splendid program render ed by our Sunday school and BYPIJ Little Misses Marian White and Margie Payne, ages 2 year, spoke their parts well. Remember Morn ing Star Baptist is where peace and harmony abides- Come with us and we will do thee good. Rev. W. Pruitt, pastor; Deacons Frederick, George and Richard Smith with J. Turner, chairman and Mrs- G.. W.. Stromile, church clerk. PORTLAND VSITORS RETURN HOME Mrs. Harry H. Hardy and her two daughters, Beverly Jean, 5, and Marlene, 3, returned homo last week after spending three months with Mrs, Hardy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson of Omaha. Mrs.. Hardy also went to Pensa cola, Fla., and enjoyed a delightful visit with her sister, Miss Alber tino Johnson from Tuskegee; two aunts, Mrs. Jonn Abney and Mrs. E.. Roister, and Godmother, Mrs. Rebecca Hamilton. Mrs.. Hardy’s home is in Portland, Oregon. --o Rev. W. S. Ferguson of Fort Smith, Ark., is a visitor in Oma ha this week. Rev. Ferguson is vice-moderator of the Antioch District Association of the Bap tist Church, Fort Smith. --—o Miss Lois Anne Herndon, togei>| her with her cousin, E*treii» Hor ton and Clara Selby, spent the Eas ter week end visiting in Fremont, Nebr. Miss Fidelia Rucker, charm ing daughter of Sgt. and Mrs. Thomas Rucker, 4409 Burt st., , left Sunday afternoon, April 4 for an indefinite visit in the Southland. Miss Rucker will •ini.T tir>f tmn oitstf'" * ”"h ville, Tenn., and together, after visiting interesting points in the south, they will return to Omaha,. Miss Rucker ils vehy active in church work at St. John AME Church of which she is a member. -o Alpha Eta Chapter, Kappa Al pha Psi, announces, through its polemart'h, Jess C Hutten, an an nual scholarship at a local univer sity, for the outstanding male graduate of any local high school, ach year. Hutten also announced the appointment of a committee composed of Arthur B. McCaw, chairman, James C. Jewell, Dillard Crawford, John Adams, jr. and Lloyd L. Lee, who will work out and announce the details of the scholarship at a later date. -o .. NOTICE! .. .All Junior Choir Directors are urged to meet Miss Ethel Jones, general director of the Guidite Club May Day Festival Monday evening April 5th at 8:15 p. m. at YWCA. All churches are urged to send in the names of those who are to contest for the honor of being named Queen to repre sent their respective churches at the mammouth May Day Festival Sunday May 16th at at 3:00 p. m., to Uncle Gil, Omaha Guide- Read the Guidite Page found in this paper for further information. Mr. Albert Bell, formerly an H and M. enipoyee, is very sick in a local hospital. *i Large Crowd Attend Quack Club Style Show One of the most brilliant affairs of the season was at the beautiful decorated Dreamland ballroom, given by the Quack Club, a eharm ing and popular group of young woniert who proved ideal hostesses to some 500 or more persons Mon day night at their 8th annual Style Show. .The ballroom was garbed in a white and green color scheme with tho orchestra stand at a disntance portraying the setting of an even ing sun against green palms and white summer suits worn by Har row’s Syn-Oo High Hatters, in the South Sea Island, indeed a beauti ful spectacle to behold- The frocks worn by the young ladies reflected the tone of the gay decorations- To have seem ijhe gjorgeous gowns paraded by some of Omaha’s most beautiful girls would most assur edly cause one to forget that there ever was a depression. Passing be fore your very eye were beautiful c.ung damsels attired in gowns of White Muir'', pink crepe with ntat hing accessories, Aqua marine with H accessories, white -‘'atin with 11 d accessories, black crepe with c Hit's Lone accessories, turquoise .aue satin, and white satin. The show was divided into four cues, Garden, Sports; Street; i' and evening; climaxing ith a wedding scene. Aside from ;bo tfciove mentioned show wore nodels for hair dress featuring Mi hael Beauty Slioppe, Ilomer Mc Craney Beauty Salon, Althouse Peauty Salon, Willa Johnson Beauty Salon, Mildred Turner Beauty Shop pe, Alice Moore Beauty Shoppe, Don Rose Beauty Shoppe, Martha Mills Grow Gloss Beauty Shop and the Wison Beauty School. Among the creators and sponsors of some of th© gowns worn by the beauty models were: Mr. John Smith, Mr I. S.. MqPherson, Kilpatrick de partment store, Trojan club; Aloli club, YWCA Membership Commit tee and the Entre Nous club. Tho Honorale Mayor, Johnny Owen was the master of Ceremony for this gala event. , -o Celebrates Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr.’ and Mrs- Henry C. Avant, 2432 Parker stcet, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home on Wednesday, with a reception. The couple have nine children living, namely: William C., Jeff D. and Mrs. Catherine Johnson, all of Alabama; Governor, Harvey, Massie, Emmett and Mrs- Lillian Dosey, all of Omaha; and John H of Chicago. They havo 17 grand children and three great grant ehil dien who arc all living. Many love ly and valuable gifts were received Mr. Avant is 74 years old, Mrs. Avant is 69. Mother H. B. Crockett of Kansas City, Mo., has arrived in our city and is the house guest of Mather L. W. Robin son, 2723 N. 23th Ave.. She will visit with the Church of God in Christ and other missions while in the ciity. -o Mrs. Sametta Moore, fomer ly of Omaha, but now living at Detroit, Mich., fell and broke her arm. She is convalescing at the home of her niece, Mrs. Beatrice Napier, 2616 N 27th >tree,t. House Votes Down Measure 256 to 122 Washington, Avris 7—Congressman A. W. Mitchell's bill representatives today . Led, ty Hamilton Fish, of New Ylork was defeated after a hot debates on the floor of tlhe house of the opponents fought, strenuously to have tflic Mitchell measure sidetracked. — — Carl Rabe Builds New Establishment Carl Rabe popular northsido beer tavern proprietor is constructing a modern brick building on Lake street near 24th which gives pro mise of being one of the most at tactive refreshment establishments on the northside The present Rabe’s Ituffet at) 2426 No- 24th S*-. is tihe oldest beer tavern on the north side. Rabe has five colored employe es -o MARRIED Miss Evelyn Perry and Mr. Rober^ Woodard were married Easter Sunday at the home of the bride’s parents, 2402 P. St. Rev. Johnson of the Bethel Bap tist. Church, solemnized ,the cer emony. ThP newlyweds were honored with a breakfast by Mrs. Perry. They had many vis itors during the day. -rs---, Mr. and Mr*. L. G- Ramsey, 2f*02 No.. 28th street, entertained at a Dut<’h Luncheon on Saturday night, April 3rd- Bridge and danc ing constituted the evening’s cn I tertaiment. Among the guests were [Mrs* Julia Farmer, Pauline Farm er, Ro*sie Farmer, Robert Jackson, i Louis Anne Herndon and Clarfi j Selby- A lovely time was reported -o— Mrs. Guy H. Crank, former ly Miss Edith Johnson of Oma ha,, is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. May Bassett, 2801 Ohio street. --O.. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, 31st and R Sts., are visiting and vaca tionong in Texas. Mrs. Nelson is planning to remain in Ilot Springh for treatment. -o Mrs. Ida Riddles, sponsorer and director of the Annual Style Show, presented at Allen Chapel AME Church, South Omaha, wishes to thank all per" sons who took part, in any way in making the Style Show a sue* cess. Especially is it desired that these persons accept not only the appreciation of Mrs. Riddles, but the pastor and the entire church membership is grateful to the Swanson Florist Shop, Brandeis Store, Mrs. El la Gibbs and others who ga,ve floral donations and equipment for the stage. Respectfully, D. C. Stephenson, Pastor Ida Riddles, Sponsor, Allen Chapel AME Church --O Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Gold stqn^have returned from Sioux City, Iowa, and are now at their new home in Elk City. They will be remembered as recent, newlyweds. -o Mr. and Mrs. L- G.. Ramsey, 2902 No. 28th street, visited in Fremont with the Herndon family. The vote was 256 against to 122 for. Since tho Mitchell measure ha* been defeated, the house will be forced (so take action on the Joseph Gavagan (New York) anti-lynch bill which i» favored by bheNAAGP and the entire Negro press. When the Mitchell bill was given a hearing before the house judi ciary committee on Wednesday of last week both those for and against were heard. Nevertheleea, the committee okeyed the bill and sent it to the house for action At the same time, Congressman Gavagan sent a petition to the ju diciary which forced his bill out of the committee’s hands and before the house on April 12th as the next order of business. All efforts to thwart Gavagan’s move failed For years, Congressman Hatton W. Sumners of Texas, chairman of the judiciary committee, has boast ed that no hearings on an anti lynrjhing bill would ever be held before him. yet when the Gavagan discharge petition was filed, he sud denly announced that he would hold a hearing on the Mitchell bill. SPEND X Night In Hollywood at the Omaha Guide’s Movie Style Revue.Become a movie star for a night. Meet the ‘doubles’ of your favorite Radio, Stage, and Screen stars the most col orful style parade of the sear son to be given at the beautiful Dreamland Ball Room Monday night, May 10th. Appropiate dance Music will be in the of fering. •-O Things You Should Know— Mr- Iasiah Carey appointed re presentative for the NU-1JNAMEL One Coat Paints. Mr. Carey will have at his store 2302 No- 27th street, a complete line of Nu-Enaniel paints that leave no brush marks, for all inside and outside surfaces The Schultze Bakery have em ployed two of our group in the per sons of Robert Williams and Ern est Caldwell. The Guide congratuates the two above firms who have caught step with other fair minded industries of Omaha, and hope for them great er returns in the future. -o To Open New Apartment Hotel An effort to meet the ever grow ing demand of small families and transients for more well equipped and conveniently located furnished apartments, Herman Friedlander, has purchased the building and property located on the south-east corner of 22nd and Lake Streets. He announces that this large structure which has about 25 rooms and a spacious lobby will be con verted immediately into kitchenette apartment hotel with all modern facilities. Special rental rates will be given to tenants of this new apartnijent hotel which is ac_ eessable to three car lines and only a few blocks from the center of the northside business district.