coriAl ^ ^ ^ 2 4. _ _ CLUBS AFFAIRS ^-O-C-l-e-t-y*' ORGANIZATIONS » QUACK CLUB -STYLE REVIEW & DANCE Dreamland Hall APRIL 5TH, 1937 -U-- * Prisciila Needlecrait Club The Priscilla Needlccraft Club met at 1 h home of Mrs. Mary Harold, 2211 N. 28th Ave., on Mar. 25. The afternoon was spent in sewing. A delightful two-course dinner was served by the hostess, that was greatly enjoyed. The next meeting will be on April 8, nt the home of Mrs. M aria McDaniels, 2«8f>fi Corby. | Les Debutantes Club Debutantes ('lull was or ganized a few month* ago. The officers are: President, Pearl Winston Secretary-treasurer, Myrtle Thomas (Tl ie, Arwilda, Stevenson Sg>i. at Arms, Alberta Bell Reporter, Juanita Lett. Other members, are: Julia Dordcn, Elaine Mease, John ette Coleman. Last month ihey gave a so cial in honor of Myrtle Thomas and Juanita Lett's birthdays. Ouir guests were Jasper Cole, Joe Melton, Leltoy Brice, W. D, Turner, David Hall, Harold Biddiex, Willie Hill and Albert HariRon. The club meets every Sunday. | Watch for onr next write-up very soon 'The Web*1"sir* Longue of Women Vetoes nnqV to -inoniipqp th*»t WPfHv op Th'nsiidM will So r»«nmPff. 'Hte nw**nb*r« red at the h/vrue of Mrs. Vers Oenbere. /•W* r,™vt *t♦••oot, on Tbnr«dev. M«eeh istb. Tbov wvrp served a delirious repeat.. If e Willing Worker dub met Thursday. March 25th, at the hom« of the president, Mrs. May berry, 2422 Erskine- The president opened the dub ns usual wi*h pray or and songs of the gosel. After all business transactions were over, Sister Gordon served a lovely lun eheon and everyone had a nice time. The president was glad to have so many members out and thanlkful to oil of the members for their cooperation. RUMMAGE SALE APRIL 6—7—8 316 So. 13TH ST By Council of Jewish Women —"'-‘■-HITTllrMftallMiWMT * 111' THE ENTRE NOUS CLUB of the Y W C A Is Giving A BAKE SALE at Robbins Drug Store 2306 LAKE ST. ) THURSv, APRIL 8TH START NOW ■ ■ The PIANO ii the bask musical instrument. Start new to make yours a happy musk'loving, mu* sic*making family. At Hospe’s it is easy to own a modern Piano. HOSPE —PIANO Co ins DOUGLAS ST. ! Wirephotos I with the News What Wire]pboto means to a newspaper reader was again s' rikingly shown last Friday, j The World Herald publish < c|fl 13 photographs with the news of the Texas disaster in ! its morning home edition. No | othf/r Nebraska paper had any \ pictures of the tragedy in its i morning edition. None had I I more than two in its evening B ft home edit ion. ■raiMu'MHBffT~m«, L-dc.c « lk Children’" s1 s'tu, Traveling bu r" floor lamp >, Radios and 1 e eulator Thu hi'i '.’ek'dil nr.uu i •< may be o', aim'd five tbr ug'i " U trading stnn.n sot up p.t this suov -—o The Junior Honximakem held a tea Mauh 21,st at the homp of Mr. and Mrs.Van. y, 2510 Chari.- L. . from 3 7 o’clock. It. v.„s • • aunceiraful, bo h fl/.nnr'rliy n d in (".'.tendance. At 5 o’ro'k !' , <* • t enjoyed u musical., no. l-ia were given Mr. Wiimo; h how ton, Mm. 1 oner, Man Pee and Mr. W'm. 1 at, ac a y hi'ded by Mins C- Dixon •-O .V,,.V,Y,YAVAV,V,V,W,V Bargains In Homes ; for Sale—Smrll down pay men's* 2610 Hinney St. 5 rooms, modern t 2.» II Hinney St., 6 rooms, modern j 2C29 Caldwell St fi rooms modem j 2621 Iturdette, 5 rooms modern j Many other bargains E. M- Davis Licensed Broker 2817 No. 24th St. WE 11GG \ • "* ’Y.kVAV.V.V.y.t,;, „• GRATEFUL FOR FLOWERS Mr*. Ella Long1, 2517 Lake street, of Zion Baptist church, wishes to *■' ink the me ml hers of Zion Baptist • t-ip- h for the lovely flowers sent her Monday. It • . l ong: has been a shut-in for the past two years,. -0-— M'ss Clara Webb, social worker from Des Moines, In., i» in the city. Mr. Robert. Williams is in the 'city visiting Mr. James Bailey, jr. Mr- Ernest (Wdw»ll of Sioux City is in town for n visit with his brother. George Caldwell, 2804 Er skine street. -o '■< nrd M"s. Sutherland, 20th nd Parker .« ’ eot, are the p"o>id .■iron*', of n bn by. M,A her and bihe nre doing: nice'y. I.....- ■■■— FOR QUALITY MERCHANDISE TRADE AT GO I. TON’S DRY COODS 2503 No. 24TH JA 5~57 FOR 5 \Tf * PlTivr APTS. TO EKNT Sll W.w. NS \ • \U . M i :\TS ■'•II v.t *!N' StriM't $1.00 $4,26 and $6 25 SHAN KLIN AGENCY 1711 Ouniing Street ■msraramsE Men’s Re-Sale Shop Everylhsng for Men and Boys. Hi h Quality—Low Prices -—Slightly Lscd Clothing— Use Our Will-Call Dept. 338 Securi ies Bldg. AT-46G5 I " ■ •■*v-v.v.v.v.v.v.v.vmv/w.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.*.v.v.“ fTHE GREATEST BOXING SHOVJ I IN OMAiiA HISTORY ICity Auditorium, Tues., April 13tM J 8:30 P.M. 3 jjJohn Henry Lewis—World's Light Heavyweight Champion i !; 10 Rounds VS. ■I Millionaire Murphy—Leading Contender for Heavy Title 3 ■I Gorilla Jones—Former World's MiddleweighJ Champion ! \ 10 Rounds VS. 3 > Battling Nelson— and Four Other All-Star Bouts I‘Prices—Ringside $3.30, Arena Reserved $2:20 Reserved $l7l0 General Admission 55c (All Prices Include Taxes |‘Seats Now On Sale: Jim Bell's Harlem, Sportsman's Cigar Store, 2008 Faraam St1 Baseball Headquarters 413 :\ S. 15th St., Eagle's Hjall 2220 N St: “"Council Bluffs: Baseball Headquarters, 144 W Broadway. WW^WWWWVWVWWWWVWWWVVVWft/VVW M'.t - Mary June Woods, 1911 No. '■xei. 15, _ vill have her fifteenth Hrthdav, March 31st. She is the HfUisrhter of Mrs. Catherine Woods of this city. -o Miss Helen Childs, of Sioux City Iowa, and a graduate of East high school, Des Moines, Iowa, is now in Onto ha serving in the capacity of stenographer for thy John Henry Lewis, light heavyweight cham pion, promotion syndicate. Prayer Doetor HILLS Incense Shop 2520 lake JA 5343 All 1 inds of ir.eense for j any use. Mamie rs -ALL KEN i/S"-' 1 ~ fRITZ SHOE REPAIR SHOP) 2033 North 24th St j " - ■ * - HERMAN’S MARKET HERMAN FRIEDLANDER Proprietor 1 12-lth and Luke Street VVEbster 5444 L_I KITCHEN MAGIC! r • ■ ... V ’ll -.— i OH 11 ic4 | $b Work Wonders with a Modern ELECTRIC ROASTER Thanks to the Modem Electric Roaster, tho luxury cf Eno ccck'ng is with'n the reach ct the mor.t modest purse. Without the unuel bother, yj j can deliciously bake, roast, bod cr stew whole meals at one t'm?. And there's a perfection all its cwn in cooking by electricity. SEE YOUR DEALER or Nebraska Poser Company Bubinettq Club The ltubmette Club met at the home of Mrs: Hattie John (son, 2401 Patrick Ave. A de lightful luncheon was served by ihe hostess. Members of ,tjhe club voted to send the pastor, Rev. M. K: Curry, a telegram wishing him a happy Easter. The next meeting will be on Friday, April 2, at the home of Mrs. Esther Barker, 28 and De caiur streets. t ton rn/u, co 22ND anri mOHOLAS STS. WE 2605 We Specialize on Quality Coal PROMPT DELIVERY *ra|1 Finn First’ RABE’S BUFFET BEER LIQUOR SOFT DRINKS DANCING 2425 N 24th JA 9195 Watson Bros. TRRANSPORTATION CO., INC Iitercity Freighting Omaha ’AWAVASVVVAVWiVbWV Call ATLANTIC 3322 nnd he ware of n SAFE TRIP LOW COST No charge for extra passengers Bonded Drivers FuBy Insured Cars THOS. J. CASEY President and General Manager wjyywww Friedman’s Shoe Store 1510 N. 24th St. JA. 0353 New Stars in Footwear Jolene Fashion Shoes Styled in Hollywood Different Colors in Gabardine ; i ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Rotb Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamp to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street WE ]517— 1518 THE OMAHA GUIDE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL .. DIRECTORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places._ Beauty Salons CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 No. 22nd St- WE 084G HOMER McCRANEY 2037 N. 24th St. At 5810 ELESE TURNER 2512 N. 24th St We. 2864 MILDRED TURNER’S BEAUTY SALON 2624 No. 27th (St. WE 2514 -I MARTHA MAYO Beauty Culturist Mat celling Finger-Waving WEbster 0274 2512 No- 24th St. Omaha Beer Gardens RABE’S BUFFET 2425 N. 24th St.Ja. 9195 Cafes American Wiener Shop 2509 N. 24th Street. KING YUEN CAFE 2010% N. 24th St. J». 8676 Alberta’s Sandwich Shop 4827 S. 26th St. Ma. 0967 Raybon’s Midget Cafe, 1922 N. 24th CHARLIE* PLACE 1602 N. 24th St._Wa. 4019 Cigar Stores MAIN EVENT Mil Lake St Ja. 9044 ELITE CIGAR STORE 2812 M. EMi StHa. 4226 Uaai Cara CONSOLIDATED AUTO PASTS 2601 Canine St At MM Drug Stores JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24th St. We. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake We. 0609 Cleaners and Tailors TOBY’S IDEAL CLEANERS 2237 N. 20th St. At. 6166 J. B CLEANERS & TAILORS 1805 N. 24th WE 6161 Electrical Appliances DONAHOO ft HOYLB Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Farnam St. Ha. 0600 Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Ave. Ke. 0318 Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and LakeWe. 6444 Garages E. L. MERRIWEATHER GARAGE 2209 No. 22nd St AT 6697 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St We. 1029 EDHOLM A SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th St_We. 9996 Monomeat Makers HEFT A NOYES 40th sad Forest Lawn Ka. 1799 METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1619 N. 94th SI_Wa 4799 Serrise sad Traaefer Skettoaa Lsvtaoa Osdsi SUtta, 9899 N. 99 NOSn-SOE TRANSFER 9414 Ossa* St Wa. 69M