■REVEALING' ifiur PAST, PRESENT and EUTRRE •• 0/ Aeee' wulace—v ^11 irmM»L*+ OM fane# ..—_ NOTE—Your question printed free in this column. Kor private reply semi liac and (sell aodressed stamped envelope for my New Astrological Reading and receive by return mail my udvice on three questions free. Sign your full name, birthdate and crrrect address. M. O- D.—I have in mind strong to nin away and I want to know what will my daddy do if I wa» to go? ...-.— Aits: In all seriousness I will say that if yon run away from home our FATHF1U wfculd com* after you imr | diattqf.y. It i* jt^t certain that he would also give yon the “spanking” of your life time. If you are wise, remain at home and wait a year or so for the good times that you are miss ing are you not too young to receive company? R. W—Will I make any mistnk'‘s on the night of graduation w ' ; whien am I goirg to git r.i.ii. and w ill he bo a good | • ' *• ; Ans: Have no fear that the man who meet* your requirements in a husband will not meet with your approval. You will have an oppor tunity to put this to a test dur'ng the latter part of thiN year. ARE YOU ONLY A. THREE-QUARTER WIFE? MEN.bocau.se they are men.can never understand a three quarter wife—a wife who Is all love and kindness three weeks In a month and a hell cat the rest of the l line. No matter how your back aches —how your nerves scream—don't take It out on your husband. For three generat Ions one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through” with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It holps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure hi the three ordeals of lifts: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching “middle age." Don't be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E. PINKHAM'9 Y Etl KTA B LE COM PO UN D and Go "Smiling Through." Mrs. Mahammitt’s School of Cookery 2116 No. 25th St. Phone WE 4129 Pricu*e of Veal 2 lb*, veal from shoulder or breast 2 tablespoons parsley 2 carrot* 1 medium sized onion Sulks celery Wipe meat, and cut in *mall j jieoe*, roll in flour and brown in small amount of hot fat. Cover with chopped vegeUble*. then cov< r with cold water. Bring to the boil ing point and continue cooking in moderate oven (326 degrees) for one hour and fifteen minute*. Eggs Bouquet 6 egg* Sardines flaked fine or minced ham 2 T. pimemtoc*, chopped Melted butter Salt, pepper, musUrd Ma*hed potatoes 2 T green pepper, chopped Par*lev C k <; T* hard 26 minute* in v,av, bel v ho ling point to in LABORERS FIGHT "IRONED OUT ’ IN POLICE OOURT The trouble between two WPA workers, who were involvpd in an alternoation Saturday night, was •,11 “ironed out” when they appear ed in p<0:> eoi«rt Monday morn ing. „ , El ward EHi«, 2fl. of 3448 Pink ney street, complaining witness against Mack Harris, 28, of 3410 Ledford avenue asiked that assault and battery charges be dropped. Tlbe tnKuill? afv>se wjhen Ffllis nuked Harris to pay him a $2 debt during the broadcast of the iSouth Jaicf^on basket bill game. Both said they were already excited by the gam*' and were easily provok ed. Harris hit Ellisi over the bead with a flatiron. Five stitches were tuJlVn to sew up the Wound- Harris said be would pay the doctor’s bill. sura tender hard cooked eggs. Peel and cut in halves. Take out the yolks and mash, mix with sardines elak**d fine, or finely min<'ed ham add melted butter to moisten. Sea son with salt, pepper and mustard. Put bade carefully in the white halves. Put a layer about an inch deep of mashed potatie* which has been seasoned and to which has been added 2 T. each of chopped gTeen pepper and pimentoee. Make depreg sions in which to stand the half egg» and put in the oven to heat thouroghly. Place a tiny sprig of parsley in each egg, and serve in dish in which it is baked. Cocpanut Bars 1-2 cup butter 1-2 cup brown sugar 1 cup flour Cream these ingredient* and bake 10 minutes. Spread out flat on pan While this is baking, beat 2 eggs in bowl, 1 cup brown sugar, 2 tablespoons flour 1-2 teaspoon baking powder, salt and vanilla. 1 1-2 cups canned cocoanut and 1 uup nuts. Put it over mixture in pan that you baked 10 min. and bake again 25 minutes extra slow. Cut in squares. - ’ I --- AAA Coal Company JA. 2159 Special Cash Prize— Fresh Off the Oars. Deep mined Super Southern COAL Tou $7.5U Half ton 3-75 5<» lbs. 2.05 ■ ■ Expert Auto Repairs _ Overhaul tag Our Specialty . All Work Guaraateedl Day an4 Night Service —Phone AT. 6697— Merriweather’s Garage We repair all makea and model* B_ L_ Morrlweothor, mt jMI No- Ktad 8t- Omaha. N*h^ “A NEW ALL FINISHED SERVICE” IB LBS. FOR $1.98 He EACH ADDITIONAL 1 OLND Entire Bundle Finished—All Men's Shirts Hand-Finished at No Extra Cost. Bundle Must Contain f>0% Flat Work THE IDEAL FALL AND WINTER SERVICE EMERSON LAUNDRY AND ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24th St_WE 1029 Sick List Miss Bertha Mae Walton 2021 N. 21st St., who injured her foot last week, is convalescing at her home. Mrs. Sally Simps0”, of 2216 Grant street, who has been con flict to her home for more than a week, is improving. —--o Benevolence Christian Wid ows Club will sponsor a Get Acquainted Tea on April 4th, which will he the fi rst Sunday in April, from 3 til 6 p. m., at the home of the president, Mrs. A. D. Turner, 1605 N. 27 st. We hope to be one of the outstand ing clubs of the city. We desire the goodwill and wishes of the people. DOLGOFF HARDWARE Paint. Glnw* and Varniah We do glazing and make wind«» shadea to order 1822 24 N. 24 WE 100" OLE’S Battery Station WE SPECIALIZE ON BAT TERY SERVICE 3014 N. 24th Ja 9999 ■ ■ i SHE LOST 207 j POUNDS OF FAT — Feel full of pep and possess the slender form you crave—yea can’t if you listen to gosslpers. To take off excess fat go light on fatty meats, butter, cream and sug ary sweets — eat more fruit and vegetables and take a half teaspson ful of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water every «»*«-»*"» elimi nate 'WCfcii Mrs. Klma Verlile <>f HaT.'* d« (Trace, Md., writes: "I took off 20 >bs.—my clothos fit me fine now.” No drastic cathart'ce—no consti pation—our ulirafu? d-d!f ’r:-w-sl ac tion when you take youi Itctlo asily dose of Kruschen. ANGELA MATE A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors MADE ME YOUNG AT FIFTY and gave me the youthful vital ity of a person of twenty years says Lieut. Clifford of New York. MATE is giving to thousands of run-down, nerv nus and weak elderly men and women new energy and vital ity and the thrill of youth and love again. I- •••■>; Warn, i far • - ssesmat YTr” ■* ■ u.si, uvmiiiUt lor one month’s supply. Money returned if not satisfied \ l-’in:I*; hook-, oil Sex Secrets worth $1.00 jiiveu absolutely trei ,» n ti each older received within ten days Write ai once foi ! >001 piiekave oi A.Ntihd.A MATE and Lieut < 'In lord ’» .story \ » l« 1 ft NORTH AMERICAN MATE CO. 4U8 Manhattan Avt., NEW YORK CITY S-C-K Ex. S CONGRATULATIONS TO THE OMAHA GUIDE ON ITS 10TII BIRTHDAY Readers of The Omfih-’ CHd«* you’ll also find The World Herald a nywraper to yovr likir g—complete in every sen«e of tho word—for the whole family. / Wirephotos . . with the News. .. Wha- Wirephoto mt'aus to a ! newspaper reader was ag..in i strikingly shown last Friday. I The World Herald published 13 photographs with the news I of the Te>:.as dis ster in its j morning home edition. No other Nebraska plaper had any pic tures of the tragedy in its 1 morning edition- Non,e hatd | more than two in its evening | home edition. ■ ■ ■ . -- This view of a wall of the New London, Tex., consolidated school shows evidence of the fury of the blast that killed hundreds of pupils and their teachers.—AP Wirephoto, copyright by Daily Oklahoman, Oklahoma City. _ ^ uu iuu ivnun nni dome uuys rib ou mi-riiBu guiei r Drawn for iris paper By risiiei \ Bn tOSH. I /CfeOOfcC «M I TO *«•€ Inca/ mowve l now oeeu ~ - c* Ikternational Cartoon Co.\ n y__ iexcuse Me i u-rliuE » )<*0 OUT P>ND Tftu< TO MOW'N, £'"'5)) V‘0?. W il ^ZP tfefsp £fer® The Omaha Cafe Under new Management For Y«ur Benefit, We Have Mr. [ V. Pace at The Omaha Cafe, to give the Southern Style Cooked Food—Hot and Fresh— Three • Times Daily. THE RIFF CLUB is open for > Private Dances by appointment —Drop in anytime and Dance to Your Favorite Tune._... 24 HOUR SERVICE 2124 N. 24th St. JA. 9398 North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL Celebrates the 15th Anniversary With a Big Shoe Repairing Sale Women’s Toplifte . $.15 Women’s half soles . 65c and up Men’s half soles 75c and up Men’s rubber heels 35c and up Childrens Half soles 50c and up 1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240 Flush Poisons From Kidneys and Stop Getting Up Nights BE HEALTHIER, HAPPIER— LIVE LONGER When you can get for 35 cents a supremely efficient and harmless stimulant and diuretic that will flush from your kidneys the wajtn matter, poisons and acid that are now doing you harm, why continue to break your restful sleep by get ting up thru the night. Just ask your druggist for Gold M<*dal Haarlem Oil Capsules—but be sure and get GOLD MEDAL— right from Haarlem in Holland Other symptomR of weak kidneys and irritated bladder are backache, puffy eyes, leg cramps, moist palms burning or scanty passage. HOW OFTEN CL YOU KISS AND EAKE UP? FEW husbands can understand why a wife should turn from a pleasant companion into a shrew for one whole week in every month. You can say "I'm sorry” and kiss and mako up easier before marriage than after. Be wise. If you want to hold your husband, j ou won't be a three-quarter wife. Pear three generations one woman has told another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. I'ink ham's Vegetable Compound, It helps Nature tone up tbe system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure In th" ikr.'ij ordeals of life: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood a. Ap proaching "middle age." Don’t be a three-quarter Wifb. take LYDIA E PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPO UN D and Go ''Smiling Through." I Kidneys fite Clean Out Acids The only way your body con clean o if Acids and poisonous wastes itom >'ftu Mood is thru H million tiny, delicn ie Km ney tubes or filters, but beware ot cne» i, drastic, irritating drugs. if functional Kidney or Bladder disorder* nm** y suffer from Getting Up Nighty, Nervous ness, Leg Pains. Backacne, Circles un '-r Kycm. Dizziness, hlieu.uatic l1;. ms. A «« Ity, Burning. Smarting or iteming. d »n fske chances. Gel the Doctor's gunrun teed , rescription called Ojh.*'X Tex). Works fast, safe nd & r« Tr ♦ • ! hours it must bring new vital!', v. wnd ' guaranteed to fix you up in ••n. v » ek or I money back on return of trnpi \ ■ rksge. Dystex coats only He a day or i•• rttgirl"T*i -nd the gunranife pro**-< *® ’ FOR A 6Q0D DAY’S WORK When You Get Sluggish (Constipated) Take a dose or two of BLACK DRAUGHT Work seems easier and there are more things of interest when you are really well — free from the bad feelings and dullness often attending con stipation. Take Black-Draught when you need a laxative. It has proved so good for prompt, re freshing relief from constipa tion that thousands of men and women rely on it for that purpose. If constipation has upset you. a ! few doses of Black-Draught should help to straighten you out. Try it. In 25-cent packages. purely vegetable ills