The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 20, 1937, 674 Edition, Page EIGHT, Image 8
Attend Church . . Morning Star Baptist Churct 2608 Franklin 3?. Rev. Win. Pruitt, Pastor Mrs. W E. Frederick, Rep. Sunday School opened at the usual hour, with Mrs. Williams superintendent, presiding. The lesson, “Jesus Prayed for Ilia good. There were new scholars present. At 11:110 a. m., the pastor spoke from Psalms 119:59, text “1 Thought On My Way." At. 3:00 p rn., a grand mu sical was sponsored by the IlY Pi , MBs floral inp l!ayd«*B, vice-president. There were vis itors from the various churche* of Omaha. At H-00 p. in,, tin* tnes-age was brought In t\s by Rev. Bed Solo of Pilgrim Baptist Chitreh. Wednesday night prayer ser vice was well at ended. The Spirit wio bi"h Thrn^ vere add e*1 to the ehnreh. Thursda- night. the Willing Workers Chili mcf at the home of Mrs. ,1. Bryant. 2414 Frank lin S . N’e't nicotine will he at 1he home of Mrs. Grave Kirfley, 2019 Clark Rt. Visitors an; friends are al ways welcome. CLEAVES’ TEMPLE C M. E. CHURCH 1'’V. n. W. F’n‘s, I'HMf >r Mrs. Henryp>ta Mnkirm, Reporter Sunday Morning services started a- usual with the Kuii •dav School well attended. The lesson, “Jesus Praying for Ilis Disciples’’ was one of I lie most beautiful proofs of His meek ness. Every man, woman, boy and girl .should attend Sunday School and church somewhere at this particular season of the year. There is much to be learn ed as to bow Jesus supplied Himself with spiritual strength. No mat er how holy we think we are, how pure our lives are. Jesus was t lip Son of God, not only could IP speak and be magnified greatly, vet he was so meek, so lowly, so bumble, that H® prayed at all times; but at this time, Ilis prayer was for the ones of us who bjoeve in Him. lie prayed that we might be kept both in youth and age if we but believed. Nest Sun day, Ho will puss on the road to Jerusalem, weeping not for Himself, but for the sins of that great city. His grief becoming so great He cried out, “0 Jeru salem, Jerusalem, how often would 1 have gathered thy children together, even as a ben gathereth her brood under her wings, ami ye would not.” He loves us just as great. The pastor spoke for the Ju nior Church on ‘‘I come not to call the righteous hut the sin ner to repentance”. Robt. Jack son and Haywood Taylor join ed the church and will be bap tized next Sunday morning. William Coleman will receive the church vows. At 11.00, the pastor spoke on “God’s care for llis people". Mrs. G. Garland, Mrs. Jones, both of whom have been very ill, were at the service. Mrs. M. Rouhlae is much improved. The Loyal Matrons Pew Ral ly was a huge success, thanks to the public. Mrs. J. D. Lewis was guest speaker at the Ep worth League The Forward Step and the Loyal Matrons are having a so-1 e.ial meeting at the home of | Mrs. Sara Firmer, 2618 Hamil ton street. Next Sunday is Quarterly Meeting. Rev. L. E: Rosser will be in charge of the services. Rev A. Phillips of Bethel A ME will preach the 3:00 p. rn. ser mon. Our thought for the week— “'WlhtfsoeVer exalte h ,'himself shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be ex alted.” i St. John A ME. Church, ‘The Friendly Church’ Rev. R. A. Adams, Pastor_ With ihe Easter Mason draw ing nearer and nearer, the iir t crest and spirit around the church and Sunday School is steadily increasing. I liev. Adams preached both morning and night services. Sunday morning his subject was “Tlie lsist Chri. t” and in the evening ‘The Absent Christ’ From these two subjects very strong sermons were preached. The spiritual aspect at tfie morn ing service ran unusually high. The Holy Spirit was very much in evidence from the choir stand to the back of the church. Wo only pray that - ueh Spirit may con inue. So sick list was turned in, but j wo wish for our >ick a speedy recovery. Easter Sunday will lie a hau lier day at St. John. The Sun day School will have its pro gram during the, Sunday School hour. Bishop Noah Williams will preach at tli(» morning ser »ice, and the choir will have its Easier canta a at 7:30 p. m. You ennnot afford to miss these services. After Easter the choir will start giving its fourth Sunday All Request program. Request for songs should come to us as early as possible. You can give such requestb to any member of the choir or to the pastor of the church. Road your church, social and fraternal news in The Guide. Mr. S. E. Gilbert, the now cir culation manager, is working very hard 1o keep youinformed through The Guide. -o-— ALJLEN CHAPEL CHURCH Rev. lb (\ Stephenson, Pastor Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Morning worship, 11:00 a.m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Alle Chapel Junior Church at. the Sunday School hour, topic, “Tlie Relation of the Sunday Serool to the Church”, by Miss P. Alston. This was very inspir ing and greatly enjoyed. Morning sermon was deliver ed by our pastor, topic, “The Real Rattle of Christian Lead ership” The Busy Bee Club had an other of its famous box lunches on Friday, which was a great success. Mrs. Jeraldine Martin is president of this club and Mrs. M. Shoals the secretary. M e are proud to announce that Bishop Noah W Williams will be tlie guest speaker at Al len Chapel on Easter Sunday, Mar. 28, at 3:00 p. m. We would be glad to see all of you at that service. ■-u Pleasant Green Baptist Church Rev. J .H. Reynolds, Pastor, Mrs. Lottie Keys, Reporter, Morning service at 11:30 o’ clock. Sermon was preached by Rev. Suiylwers of Ohio, who preachejd on “Baptism,” Ro mans 6:3-4. Ater service, there was baptising at Pilbrim Bap tist Church, 25 and Hamilton St. Seven young men were bap tized. I At 6:30 p. m., was BYPU ser vices. A very nice program was , rendered. Attendance good. At :30 p. itu, the pastor, Rev. j Reynolds, preached from Isaiah 2:187, “Though your sins he as scarlet, 1 will make thee white as snow.” Three members were taken into the church at this j meeting, making a total of el jeven for the day. Communion was conducted bv Rev. St. Clair and Rev. L: jC. Union. IN MEMORIAM Alma Zrtt Alien 1875—1936 MY MOTHER My Mother’s sweet and and shining face, Reflected her noble charm and grace. She is the dearest one to me, None other like her, will you see. She is the one who cheered when sad, And loved me whether good or bad. She shared my sorrows and my joys, I Since as a child I played with toys. '■> And when the shades of fl evening fell, I hear her tender, loving 11 For mo to rest from toil ■ and play, I To thank our God and I knee! and prjy. y She inspires me to do my best, And up to me will bo the rest. You see now what she means to me. I’ll do my best to make her see, That I appreciate what she has always sacrificed a | Mrs. Paul Barnett, fi Sisters and Brothers. B ! THIS WEEK IN RELIGION AND THOUGHT (by Robert L. Moody) A Tribute to Negro Woman- j hood: ‘‘H(» calm, he steadfast, I he courageous this is the mot* i to of Mary McLeod Bethune, as quoted from the Literary Di-1 gcst. We appreciate its liberal tribute to an “Angel” of our group. We hope thut the opt imism she expresses will in-; efrease greatly. Mrs, Bethune 1 says that “common hardships that hitherto has been absent.”] are welding a mutual interest ^ till, for more real women with a vision—women who will in-; spire our hundreds of girls in Omaha, and elsewhere to rise above degenerate conditions * someone has prayed, “God give us men.” \ es, Lord, also give us women who will he calm, steadfast and courageous. Balm Suday, March 21st. is celebrated as the day when Christ was acclaimed King by the multitude. Many of our churches will ho crowded with worshippers with palms in their hands. The palm is asign of victory and peace. Though we have little midst of chaos, wo may have hope for social peace in the peace and prove the Lordship and Kingliness of Christ by hav today, hut tomorrow it may cry crowd. It. may place you on high Beware of the praise of a ing Him ethroned in our hearts, today may sigh tomorrow.” ‘‘Crucify him”. ‘‘Fame is a va pour; popularity accident; rich es take wings. Those who cheer The one thing that endures is character.” —-o— - SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH 28 and Decatur St. Rev. M. B: Bilbrew, Pastor Minnie Bryant, Rep. The Sunday School is spon soring a Pre-Raster Tea Sun day, Mar. 21, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnett, 1923 N. 27th St. At 11:00 the past Sunday, Rev. Pettis brought the mes sage during the absence of the pastor. His text was found in Isaiah 22:22, subject, “The Re proving of Human Wisdom and Worldly Joy.” During the evening service, Rev. P^Ltisi fcjpoke from Mai. 4:2. His subject was “Back to God.” We enjoy hearing Rev. Pettis. Visitors are always welcome at Salem Visit the Neighborhood beau ty shop for your Easter hair dress. Owed and operated by Mrs. Lewis. 2855 Maple, JAckson 6110. METROPOLITAN OHUROH Rev. R. W. Johnson. Pastor Mrs. Willie \5arntfr, Rep. Sunday was n high day at the Metropolitan. At 11:00 a.m., Rev. Johnson preached from Genesis 41:37 40, subject, “I'reuaration”. The Spirit of the Lord is truly with us. At 3:30 p. m., the Crusaders Club cdtosed its Help Card Drive with a program. Rev. Garnett preached a wonderful serin oil /rom Daniel, subject, “Prayer Chages Things”. The 6:00 o’clock Union was well attended. Mrs. Woody used the 23 Psalms for the lesson. Mrs. Woody will be very happy to have you meet her at 6:00 p. m., each Sunday evening at the church. At 8:00 p. m., Rev. Johnson preached from Genesis 42:28, subject, “The Land of Love to Guide you”. If you love a good Bible, come to the Metropolitan and hear a serial on the Bible, that starts from Genesis and' goes io Revelation. Don’t forget the 9:30 a.m. Sunday School You are welcome to any of the Metropolitan services. Poisoned Kidneys Stop Getting Up Nights To harmlessly flush poisons and acid from kidneys and correct ir ritation of bladder so that you can stop “getting up nights" get a 35 cent package of Gold Medal Haar lem Oil Capsules and take as di rected. Other symptoms of kidney and binder weaknesses are scanty pufy eyes.—adv. HINES CLEANERS Hats Cleaned and Blocked. Alterations and Helming. If it can be cleaned, we will clean it. J. D. HINES, Prop, 2523 Q STREET t NEBRASKA j PRODUCE I t 2202-4-6 North 24th Street Phone WE 4137 | Poultry and Egg Dealers \ Our prices are reasonsable, | see us first. j Atty. John Adams, Jr Room 310 Karback Bloik NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. * In the matter of the estate of CHARLEY WILLIAMS deceased: All persons Interested In said matter are hereby nolfied that on the 12th day of March 1937 Lillie C. Williams filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that she be discharged from her trust as administratrix and that a hearing will be had cm said petition before said Court on the 10th day of April 1937 and that if you fall to appear before said Court on the said 10th day of April, 1937 at 9 o’clock a. m-, and contest, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. Bryce Crawford County Judge Be. 3 20 37 En- 4 3 37 .... Trailer Coaches built to order (Pleasure and Commercial) Coaches Repaired and remodeled Omaha Trailer i Coach Co. i F. J. Miller and F. Fisher, Mnfrs Trailer Accessories ;; 2812 No. 24th St, AT 0157 ATPERTA’S SANDWICH SHOP Barbecue—Cold Drinks Furnished Rooms MRS. HARRY NORMAN 4827 S 26 St. MA 0957 .■.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV.'.VAV CtRSKAGGS A New Neighborhood Store AT 16th and LOCUST (2911 North 16th) FRI. and SAT. SPECIALS No. 2 Can BEETS T...'..5c 110 lb. Bag PATOES .25c Macaroni 2 lb. bag 15c SPEGHETTI CABBAGE 2 lbs for .5c CORN FLAKES lge pkg. 9c | BACON Squares _ 17Vac i The most up-tcdate store on North 16th Street. ••• O MAH AS PIONEER DAIRY •••Q Louis Larsen Garage For service and number one j repair work Batteries and Tires !Come to Louis Larsen’s Garage 3014 No. 24th St. JA 9220 Wake up! It is time to get going 1 Change your oil. Put in Germ Process Oil. Check your grease, tires, batteries and fill with Conoco Ilronze and get going now. LEWIS SERVICE STATION TRADE AT— | Tuchman I Bros. 24th and LAKE ST. The Nor tfh-Omaha,s Largest I Food Market Orders Delivered PROMPTLY WE 0402 WE 0402 j WHITEN SKIN while you sleep Now—almost over night—you can make your skin many shades lighter—free from freckles, pim ples, blackheads, large pores, blotches. tonight at bedtime spread Nadinola Bleaching Cream on face, neck and arms. While you sleep it gently dissolves dark pigment. Remember—Nadinola is double acting. It gives results you have never found in apy ordinary bleach. T RY ®et Nadinola today at any toi ' let counter or by mail postpaid, AT OUR 50c. If not delighted, money nipg cheerfully refunded. NADI NOLA, Dept. 93, Paris, Tcnn. (J'fadinolxiffleartingCream LUCKY TALISMAN OF THE ORIENT Jinx Removing Incense 25c JOHN THE CONQUEROR Incense 25c Lucky oil believed to prevent evil, misfortune; to attract good luck, happin&s and pros perity. Send 25c for Jinx Removing Incense. ORIENT INCENSE CO. 5215 SOUTH 25th ST. Omaha, Nebraska. Mail orders Given Prompt Attention BUY YOUR EGGS FROM HANK Fresh from the Country every day Also Rhode Island Reds and Plymouth Rock Spring chickens Large Hen for your Sunday Dinner Fresh vegetables—all kinds of fruit at your door every day. No Middle Man Profit to Pay KEnwood 0609 AT 3670 Special AT 367o As long" as supply lasts—CASH ONLY Paris Semi Athr. Smokeless 10.00 5.25 2.75 Black beauty Semi Anthr. iP. or grate 9.50 5.00 2.65 : Black beauty Semi Anthr. biox 9.50 5.25 2 90j Comfort Semi Anthr. iP 9.00 4.75 2.50j Coke Blox 10.50 5.75 3.00] s retro Nut Coke 10.00 5.25 2/75 Nut Run Coke 8.00 4.25 2.25 Franklin Illinois Lump 8.00 4.25 2.25 Hot Flame Lump_7.50 4.00 2.15 American Lump 7.00 3.75 2.00 American Nut 6.75 3.60 1.90 American Coal Co. AT 3670 1224 No. 13th St. OL Office • Evenings Subscribers and Friends of Omaha Guide t Are Cordially Invited to Attend the Celebration of Its 10th Anniversary EASTER SUNDAY From 3 to 6p.m.