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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1937)
* I -H. M. FUNCHES. EDITOR- I ’ • ■’ f-riik «% : i>_ _ . . - * L _, _ J ' . §• ..Mrs. Edna.Ray of Omaha, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oli phant Thursday. Mrs . Fannie Reed who re cently suffered an attack of in testinal influenza, has recover ed. Mrs. Mary Wilson remains very ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reed. HOUSE OF BROCK FORD DAMAGED BY FERE The house of Mr. Brock Ford was damaged by fire Saturday March 13th. The fire was caus ed by a defective flue. Miss Vivian Morgan of Oma ha, spent the week end as the house guest of Miss Margaret Oliphant. Elder and Mrs. A. D. Carter spent the past week iri South • Omaha where Elder Carter con ducted meeting7In hi* church. “* “Mrs. ijetma-BiwWey*hi*H--re turned from ;T>cnver, Colorado. to* ' *■» Andrew Fitx, jr., is very ill in the Jennier Edmmvflsoh hos*5 • s.. i ■ - ' ><-! lnlul • :t ?: . “vnrit . Mrs. Katherirpe,;Spires, who recently returned fromon,Iowa City hospital-, Continues to Am> — ,,,, . Mr. anti Mm.'Irvin Miller 4™ the proud parents of a son. The mother and son are doing nibe ly. C. HOLLOWAY GETS FALL Mr. Clay Iloloway suffered a fall down the basement stairs the past week. No bones were broken. ' ! Mr. and Mrs. Logan Good low of Omaha, visited Mr. Hor ace Goodlow Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Cato, of Omaha, were visitors in the city Sunday. \ — Mra. Ollie Harris of Omaha visited her father, Mr. Horace Goodlow, sr., on Tuesday. | LUCISWAG1'— 11 11 rt COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA MERCHANTS . a § .., , , . . ! t ( I T - ' i •' r United Cab Co. Fully Insured Lowest Rates We appreciate your Patronage 718 W. Broadway Phone 3434 NELSON GROCERY Fern dale Foods 232 Broadway Ph. 2891 INDEPENDENT COAL and ICE j SERVICE FEATURES OIL TREATED COAL IOWA COAL Retailed Or By The Sack. HENRY RAYNER, REP. , - 1300-5 Ave. Tel. 235 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA... Mrs. Lillie Mills Home From NewMexico Trip Mrs. Lillie Mills returned to the eity Saturday from an ex tended trip to Albequcrque, New Mexico, where she visited her sister, Miss Angie Loyd,; who has been ill. Albequcrque weather is very changeable Mrs. Mills stated. During the day one could go without a coat, but would need blankets at night. First the sun would be shining, next it would be snowing. Flowers, hyacinths, crocus a/ud daffodils, are in bloom. The Spanish houses differ greatly from ours. Interesting, too, are the adobe houses of the Indiana Albequerque has more than six hundred Negroes. It boasts of one Federated Club having more than fifty members. It has a Masonic Temple. In the city there are several Negro mail cariers. , Returning to Council Fluffs, Mr's. Mills visited friends in Denver, Colorado. ■ • Mrs. Win. Coffee is confined jo bed by illness. HORACE GOODLOW HOME { ■)?. FROM H0Q03PITAL' Mr. Horaee GoodloWjsr., re-1 turnect t6 his Tibirte fmm -the' hospital Friday. Tlis eonditinn is greatly improved. Mr. Hiro Nichols remanis critically ill at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Botts and on Raymond of Glenwood, vis ited in the Horace Goodlow home Thursday. Little Dallas Jean Turner re turned home Tuesday from Om aha where she visited her aunt, Mrs. Lena Cato. 4 To Raise Money For Remodeling of Center Mesdames Elizabeth Wilson, Eva Finlayson and Minnie Herndon will raise funds for the purpose of remodeling the Cen ter. Mrs. Wilson will make salad dressing, which will be disposed of by Mesdames Herndon and Finlayson. Why not give these ladies} a “big Call them by telephone. Your order will be MIBWWP— , BEULAH ACTIVITIES The Usher Board of Beulah Church gave a Fish Fry Mon day, March 15, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bush. The deacons of Beulah Church will give an entertainment on Saturday, March 20, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Floyd. Mrs. Helen Lyon Hostess Mrs. Helen Lyon entertained at dinner Sunday. Guest list in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hawkins, jr., and Mrs. Audrey Hawkins Burnett. Was the robin that Kathleen Gamble saw the first sign of spring? Mr. Butler Walker was an Omaha visitor Tuesday. Where was the party which Jim Phoenix attended Sunday night at which he was so high ly entertained? And what was wrong with Shorty? Mrs. Audrey 1 law kips Bui" nett loft Wednesday for Coi pus Christi, Texas. _ 1« My Favorite Recipe Pineapple Ice Box Pudding (By Mrs. Inez Bowens) . < l Gup powdered sugar 1-4 lb. butter 2 Egg yolks, well beaten, 1 whipping greajn ISmall can grated pineapple, 2 Egg whites. Mix'! egg yoUd>. pineapple whipping cream, powdered sug ar together thoroughly. Beat egg whites stiff and fold into mixture. Roll out graham crackers fine and mix with melted but ter. Line tin with crackers and pour in filling and cover with graham crackersu Place in ice box at least thirty minutes be fore serving. 20 CENTURY CLUB The 20 Century Civic and Art Club met March 11 with Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson. Some sixteen members were present. Each club member will make a uniform to wear during the coming Federation. y Partial plans wore made for a tea to he given some tihie in April. The next meeiinff ‘kill he helA March 25, with Mm. 1«e* Lowcns rmntoii op’ goi>;JW ciwist 1^18 .ytvenuu B EWer A.,,D. Carter, Pla^or i tSpnday school at 10:36 am. Mrs’ G. Mina, Supt. Services at noon. YTWW at. 6:30 p ip.,. Mr. Gamble Hunean. president. General scryices .at gt-OO'p. m. Weekly services on Tuesday and Friday nights at i 7:30 o’clock. Mips Lula Mae Ilall was an Omaha visitor Monday. Little Pearlene Deamons who returned) t othe city Feb. 24th from the Iowa City hospital, will return to the hospital on April 1st. Mr. Ed Terry spent the week end in Omaha. THEY SAW LOUIS FIGHT Charles Teal, Elmer Spires, Mr. and Mrs. William Givens, Messrs. Wm. Teal and H. C. Burks were among those from the city who attended the Joe Louis fight Beautiful Hair (fty Mrs. E. Baker 2627-3 Ave.) Becoming Hair Styles In order to obtain a becom ing hair dress, several things must be taken under consider ation: 1st The height of the person for whom thie hair dress is in tended; 2nd, The length and thickness of the neck; 3rd, size and shape of the ears; and 4th, Size and shape of the face, es pecially the forehead. For in stance, persons of shora, stocky build should, if the face will permit, wear the hair a little full or fluffed at the crown— this adds height to the wearer. Vice versa, a very tall, lanky person can have the appear ,nce of a few inlhes taken from the height by wearing the hair' flat to the head at the crown. Continued Next Week.) MASON’S Bar-B-Q, Chili, Tamales and Fried Chicken to order 2024 Burt St. WE 6015 Siotix City, Iowa Mt. Olive Baptist Church Rev-, J. II. Patten, Vastor Mrs. Mable Owens, Rep, The monthly testimonial ser vice was held Sunday prqrninp. Sunday evening the Rev, Pat ten preaehej on “Our Conquer ing Jesus”. Holy Communion wup aflniLnistOied. {doth serv ices were well attended.. The Missionary Meeting un der the leadership of Mrs. No ua'Neal, was held at the home of Mrs. Frances Woods. This meet was well attended. The Willing Workers Club, under the leadership of Mrs. Frances Woods, is having a Waist Rally at the church on March 20th The Willing Wojrkeya Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Frances Woods Thursday at 4:30 p. m. The Trustee Board, under the leadership of Mr. Elder Ow ens, held its monthly meeting MondaV'evening at 7J3D at the church . The Factor's Aid met at the 1 home of Mrs. Frances'Ander son Thursday • '•evening; The weekly prir.e was won by the ^rSSMetff, Mid. Mtiido Owens. “'’Th^t-egWlnr Itiblf- Study tttet • fif tlife horde (k MNc Friuiees Wobfls ftiitf Was SveH oU'eWed. Mrs. Strollg Is til’d tearlier. -a ■ *' 1 II fl V* " The BYPU under the leader ship of Mr. Timothy Jaeksbn, I was well att ended Sunday-ev ening at the church. Some twen ty persons were present. We were all glad to see our vice president, Mrs. L. Z. Malone, teaching. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday at the church. Mrs. J. II, Patten, the pas tor’s wife sang a beautiful solo Sunday evening entitled, “The Change in Me." ’ The Junior Mothers under the leadership of Mis. Elnora Jen nings, had a wonderful report Friday evening. The Junior Deacon9 will have to wake up and do better this month. Little Thurman Jennings, jr., has been confined to his home for over a week. The whole church wishes him a speedy re covery. Mrs George Daniels of 311 S. Wall St., is able to be out again. We hope she will con tinue to improve that she may meet the auxiliaries real soon. Mrs. J. H. Newkirk was able to attend Sunday morning ser vice. She has been sick for quite a while. We hope she will con tinue to improve. Mr. Joe Woods has been on his vacation for two weeks. We all know he hated to see Mon day morning. COFFEE JOHN’S i 111 Bo. 14th St. J Biggest lOo Meals In City Everybody Welcome ^ AWiW/WAVAWWWA ECONOMY TAILOR Chas. M. Simmons, Prop. 1812 N. 24th St. WE. 6370 (Free Course In Hair Culture | Consisting of Msrcolling Fingorwaving Sk»«n*>• Formal* INCLUDING DIPLOMA BY MAIL Write CUBAN COSMETIC COMPANY " BOX 5315 — CHICAGO, ILL. LaaaAaaoso&^-soMSMBssotooaMMaoMaMiMia^ifeqeMasaMoaaaaBaMassaNHiMo r ’ ' ’ ' ‘ * * *•**«•*-«' ,,*,Wi*,',V.Wi,AVrV»*.VA vl *" * “One Woman-Shew” : M I ■ ' • 1 nous “One-Woman Show’’ actress rom St. Ivouis, Mo., who appeared* it Lincoln ational Temple,’1 nth and R atmeetH, Washington,j |». , hmt) Sotmde-y •Weying for! the., Musical r^rt ylub ,0/ ijhe Zeta * KJjt# Beta , sorority. Mji/i Swari,( a| .lc!,' Ray U,Williams, A ty,„ l i’jiclimaa Bldg. 2.Jlh jVHfi .1 tfk NOTICE OF ADM 1 Su S t R AT 10N In ih6‘V>u'nty'Cmirt bf Dotr^asj “oVinfy,’ NefcrWSS. ' fl !0’** In the matter uf the e|tate of 11ATT1B WILLI AMS, deceased;, | AIL persona,.interested in said matter are hereby noifmd. that urr the 3rd day of February, 1937 W. L. Myers filed a petition In said County Gourt, praying lhat his final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 8th day of March 1937, and that If you fall to appear before said Court °n the said 6th day of March, 1937 at 9 o’clock a. m-, and contest, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of hdrehlp, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. Bryce Crawford County Judge _ ■ J BOYS! GIRLS Create a Spirit of Cehper ation by joining the “QUID ITE CLUB” Bead all about it in this is sue. Join NOW. NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Ilaollng Moving and Storage Phone WE585C 3414 Great St IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BABBEB SHOP Ladles' and Children’« Work A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street. nnfcirtniil prominence toY her dra-j nmtlr HinV! singing ability. She has' appeared in Now'York twice1,• In’ Kentucky and Missouri', In suo-J twxiMfnl tomaMemt'iilii itl ,, miKntj ""■"gganirrar-tn_dL>! CAN* YW K££!*£# SPCRETi? i t itAvf. chat) news piiH-Ymr i J R#*«rdJ.-w of wbet y*ur tfdubU m*y, bn , c«n'look the world in the Far*. ‘ Sdive ail ^ r>robl«nn, R«t ah«lyw*v*nl and fear au> mj»n ( circumstances. Your HeppWst *Hd 5ucV4sa , demand that yaw print your name deafly j and send it to - * • REV* CHAS. P. CQI.B6RT S45UWLN AYt- DETKOIT. MICH. ; I OLE.’Sp Battery Station WE SPECIALIZE ON BAT TERY SERVICE 3014 N. 24th Ja9999 I --- “HOT GLO” LUMP Clean, large lump, long last ing, most economical $6.76 Ton Consumers Coal Co. • ATlan/tic 4444 Slyter Ice & Coal Co No extra chargee on half Ions of coal. Delivered within 30 blocks. ; 1301 No. 24th St AT 6355 BUY SIMPSON GIFT " ' OEBTlglOATllS MOW r , Redeemable at f;*ae value on a snit, overcoat, topcoat, tu^ ' edo, full drees suit, until ; July 1, 1937. GOOD < as gifts for Christmas, birth days, graduation, anniver saries, father’s day, Easter, eto, CALL Charles H. Davis, the Simpson Man WE 5627 • ; The Omaha Cafe Under new Management For Your Benefit, We Have Mr. V. Pace at The Omaha Cafe, to give the Southern Style Cooked Food—H<>t and Freeh— Three Tlmea Dally. THE RIFF CLUB in open for Private Dances by appointment —Drop In anytime and Dance: to Ycur Favorite Tune.. 24 HOUR SERVICE 2124 N. 24th St. JA. 9398 —.■■...■■■■■"" DOLGOFF HARDWARE *■' Paint, Class and Varnish. < W« do glazing and make window shades to order 1822 24 N. 84 WE 160f —*—*—--i 1 Plian^acy 24th and LAKE STIljSETg PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery .W.YA'WW/.W/.V .'AV -t " HOW OFTEN CAT VOsJ KISS AND MAKE UP? FEW husbands can understand why a wife should turn from a pleasant companion Into a shrew for ono whole week in every month. You can say “I'm sorry'' and lrtss and make up easier before marriage than after. Be wise. 1 f you want to hold your husband, you won't be a tlireo-quarter wife. For throe generations one woman, has told another how to go "mull ing through" with Lydia E. Pinl; bam's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three otdeais of life: 1. Turning fi ojj girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching “middle ago " Don't be a three-ouarter wife.l take LYDIA E PINKHAM'l, Vegetable ooMiom> d and! Go "bunbug Through." j i >_ AGENTS » WANTE1 Hair Grower • ; Bleach Cream (Double Strength . V d>eubl» Strength) V SOc And Our 18 Other Cihlntfne Beauty Creations Beginning our Rev M*dhM GHpiii we «■ give a Rm tort to intelligent emerged* mm to wmmmm wte aaa awhHlnC la Mate money and build np a baatoaaa a< Mr **■ aafflng beauty product* to din batter Bad. Ova la dMr • pilly tea dial appaala to to* beat people •▼aryurbec*. Tan Bate man money with a quality Bn* and yon win valuable pdaan. Wdto al mm to Cannon Cosmetics Cow Dept, 20-A* Atlanta. Ga. __N-N-F. El a__ Here’s Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money-Be Agent for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It’s Easy) Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money Making AGENT. M en and Women wanted everywhere asAGENTS for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair .Strength, Slda Brighte^er, jBleach Cream, Fga Powder, Perfumes, 3uO Products. You donh need any experience. Work fn Spare Timeor Full Tim§. we sKbtf J’touftout toJmake uj to $40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. FREE SAMPLES .Mjmg.ilUJ.IlJfflirjyf I Send No Money! . v<lBOR ,ROOUC„ co ^ IB Just fill m coupon and mail It I 22U Indiana Avo.. Chicago, III. | fe&sttwtw:! bi1"* • i (Special Oiler to AGENTS. Don’t , Name - 11,1111111,111 . , .-.j 12241 lad kina Avenue, Chicago, UL : J r~\ ...