The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 20, 1937, 674 Edition, Page TWO, Image 2
THE WOMAN’S WORLD Chatting \^Uh Anl"« II. Doan* Q I < l'»r ANI‘)___ f HOT CR0«8 ftHNS I think that home|®*de hot cross bum are always a special treat at this time of the year. What could be pore pleasant than the spicy ffmeTl of goodness? Well why not try your hand at these delicacies? Hot cross huns will surely warm the cockles of the heart. Here are three different hot cross bun reeipea. All good! Hut each a bit different «1th a dash of this and a bit of that Hot Cross Buns No. 1 One cup of scalded milk, one fourth cup sugar, two tablespoons butter, one half teaspoon salt, one yeast cake dissolved in one fourth cup lukewarm water, three fourths teaspoon cinnamon, two cups flour ono egg, well beaten, one fourth cup raisins, stoned and quartered or one furth cup currants. Add butter, sugar and salt to milk- When lukewarm, add dissolv ed yeast cake, cinnamon, flour and egg When thoroughly mixed add raisins, cover and let rise, Brush over wiyh beaten egg. Bakr 20 minutes in a moderate hot oven Ornament each with a cross cut in confectioner's frosting. Hot Cross Buns No. 2 Ono third cup sweetened con densed milk, one cup hot water, four tablespoons melted butter, one teaspoon salt, one yeast cake, about four and one half cups flour two teaspoons cinnamon, one fourth cup currants, one fourth cup rais ins, chopped. Dilute sweetened milk with hot water and bring to scalding point. Add butter and salt. Cool to lukewarm, then add yea«t cake dissolved in one fourth cup lukewarm water. Beat in thorough ly about half the flour, cinnamon, currants and raisins. Then add salt and remainder of flour or enough to make a dough. Knead well, place In a grease bowl, cover and let , rise for an hour and a half or un til double in bulk- Shape into bun* and bake in hot oven fifteen min utes. Decorate each bun with a rroe i mndo of confectioner's su |gar fronting. Hot (irtiM liuiWi No. 3 Scpbl one pint of milk and add | to it tiwo generous tablespoons of j tertte", three <p»**rt«*es cop sugar end a teaspoon salt. Cool until luko warm. Break two yeast cakes in rmaJt pieces and cov**r with one half cup warm water. Sprinkle ore hr ■" tern-' o n mhar. When rtiilk in Cool o-3j one cup slfpri flour, grating of nutmeg, one half to-i "p-trn lemon cy?r:i< t and hint thoroughly. When bitter is filled with air bubbles add three well Ipaten eggs, the d'.ssol'el yea-it erd another cup of flour. Beat thoroughly. Set mixture away in wafm place for several hours or o'er night- When batter is light and r.p« ngy and hn3 risen to twice its size add one cup finely shred ed citron, one cup dried currants or seedless ratsins and just enough flour to kneed dough thoroughly. Knead steadily from five to ten minute", place in greased bowl, brush the surface with a little butter, melted and et aside to re e again. Two hours before buns are to be served turn dough out on a bonrd. knead it lightly and break, ip pieces lhc size of a small egg-' Shape in neat balls and place close in a well-greased pan. Set in a, waitin, place to become very light, i (hit a deep cross in the surface of1 ach bun, using a sharp pair of shears dipped in flour before plac ing in the oven- When done brush over with a glaze made by mixing one tablespoon of cream with one tablespoon of sugar. Dry in a cool I oven. Then fill the crosses with i confectioners’ icing made of fine confectioners’ sugar n jxcd to a paste with warm water. Omaha Personal Notes Dave Peterson, 944 No. 26th is taking electrical treatments at the Lutheran hospital for arthritis. The Monthly Dinner held at Zion Baptist church on March 4th "as quifie a success. -o The Jolly Twenty club held its regular monthly meeting at the re sidence of Mr, Frank Stewart, 3015 Manderson St. on Saturday, Feb. 27th. -o Tho (Thurch of God in Christ held its Union meeting last week Rev. Win. Barker, successor to the Into Elder E. D. Robinson, pre sided. DROPS DEAD Mr. John A. Gardner, sr., drop ped dead Saturday, Mar. 6th, ab out 11:00 a. m. on the comer of 24th and Ohio- , Mrs. McField, 2705 Corby St., is ablo to bo out again after an at f pneumonia. -o Mr. W. T. Long, 2711 Maple St. who has been ill for about a year is improving in health. -o Mrs. H. Peters, 2817 No. 27th St. is suffering from an attack of influenza -o Lloyd Gray, jr., 2716 Corby St., is confined to his home as a re sult of having stuck a nail in his foot. GARFIELD TEA KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! You'll Ilk* the way it inopi you back, overnight, to the feeling of ' ratin' to go'’ fit MU ond intide cleanlinett! Eliminate the letl-over waiter thot hold you back cauie heodachet, In diaeition etc. Garfield Tea i» not a mroc i worker, but if CONSTIPATION botheriyou, It wll certainly ''do wonder.l" I0f and JS* of drugstore. — or. WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES of Garfield Tec and Garfield Headache Powdert to: GARFIEU TEA CO.. Dept. C, Irooklyn, N. Y. Mjrs. Mills, 2707 No. 25Lh St., Who received three broken ribs in n fall during the month of January is able to be out nguin. -o Mrs. Simpson, 2216 Grant St., is ill. -o Mrs. C. N. Panky, 2226 Ohio St. who has been ill for three weeks is improving- Mrs. Panky is repor ter for Christ Temple church. -o Mrs. Claudia Coleman. 2624 No. 25th St-, is reported ns being very ill. -o Mrs- John Gordon, 2932 No. 2Slh St-, is reported as being on the] sick list. --o Mrs. May Liee, 2932 Burdette, is on the sick li«t -o—— Mrs. Pearl Parks has been on the sick list. -o Mrs. Wright, 2723 Vi No. 26th St, is reported better after being ill. PATRONIZE OUR _ADVERTISERS ARE YOU ONLY A. THREE-QUARTER WIFE? MEN, because they are men. can never understand a three - quarter wife— a wife who Is all love and kindness three weeks in a month and a hell cat the rest of the time. No matter how your back aches —how your nerves scream—don't take It out on your husband. For three generations ono woman haa told another how to go "smil ing through" with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature toue up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional disorders which women must endure in the three ordeals of Me: 1. Turning from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. 3. Ap proaching "middle age." Don't be a three-quarter wife, take LYDIA E. PIN KHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND and Go "limiting Through," BEfliiTa.f RomAncEi Jjy, MaWMBUf 1 fha Ln isu'e Beauty Foundation was established f by th« Godafroy Manufacturing Company to study ( — methods of preserving women's natural beauty, and to moke tha results of tht* research available C. to tha pubde. I»let* unit exerrlsos for nvpr weight women hove been given In Ihl* column recently. so perhaps we'd belter suggest a Weight I ml III Ing course for the woman who Is too slender If yon are considerably under TreP'ht It miry require n g<w«l deal of lime and patience to arrive at a more normal figure Tour effort will tie worth while, however, for the Increased weight will tint only round out your figure nnd make It more nttmotive, hut If will also benefit your health Increase your stamina, and strengthen your re slstome to illness If you are too thin.—and those height and weight charts you see on scales nre a fairly good estimate of your proper weight.—see your doctor tlrst. Rome physical condi tion may he causing your thinness. ItefeelIve teeth. Infected tonsils and stomach disorders frequently result In chronic underweight. If you’re In reasonably good health, however, you should he able to pul on additional pounds by fol lowing the course outlined In (Ids column. First of all, be sure you nre getting plenty of sleep, about eight hours every night. In a well ventilated room. Secondly, any form of mild outdoor exercise, such ns swimming, walking, or tennis, will Improve your appetite and help you gain weight. If you’re Inclined to be the ner vous type, constantly "on the go." you must learn to relax. When you’re sitting down, check np on yourself. If your leg muscles nre tense, your hands drumming on the arms of the chair or twisting your handkerchief, mnke yourself relax Lie down a few minutes before your evening meal, and consciously relax every muscle In your body,— your feet and legs, your arms, and even the muscles In your face. Tour diet, of course, Is Important To start your weight-gaining pro srrnm, tt's ft com! Idea to rlesntsp your system by going for fltree rtnyej without fitly fond except liquids mid fruits, Drink plenty of wider, use; erenm In your cntTep but don’t drink, more Hum two cups of It a day , and be sure to get plenty of orange! juice, lemonade with sugar, grape fruit, pineapple, and so on. Then go hack to your usual meal schedule, but remember flint if you. habitually eat either too rn ich or too little. It will hinder your gnln-t Ing. ; Drink a quart of milk a day,— and Instead of drinking It all with! your meals, drink a glass of milk j In the middle of the afternoon, and before you go to bed drink another, glass of warm milk, or cocoa made) with rich milk. Mat plenty of fresh fruits and’ vegetables, and cultivate the habit of putting plenty of butter on them. Starchy foods such us baked po tatoes, rice, macaroni, spaghetti, and white bread should be includ-’ cr in your menus its often ns you| like. Kut creamed soups Instead of clear, strained soups. For desserts,! try puddings and pastries made with milk, sugar and eggs, and serve them with plenty of cream. Mayonnaise should take the place, of non-fattening salad dressings., Foods fried In butter or fat will help you gain weight If your di gestive system Is In good order; If; you can’t digest them thoroughly, however, nvold heavy, greusy fried fooda. trX whether or not you get out door exercise, spend about ten minutes before breakfast each morning doing simple exercises to increase your health and appetite. Not only will this simple program add to the attractiveness of your figure, but also your Improved phys ical condition will give you new energy and zest, adding to your en joyment of life. Goodwill Spring Musical The Goodwill Spring Musical is arousing a great deal of interest among the choirs which are to take part, in this great affair- Some of the choirs are purchasing new robes and old members are show ing tlheir real love and interest by coming hack to the rehearsals. When these choirs are dressed in their vested robes they will make n picture that one cannot afford to miss seeing. To be sure of getting n seat, one must lie nt, Pilgrim Baptist uhurch at 2:45 p. in. When the nroeersion-1 als start, the doors will b« closed! so an not to disturb the beauty and sacred ness of tbe same- The mem bers of the committee will ask all pastors to dismiss morning service in time for the musical. AMERICAN WIENER SHOf 2509 N. 24th, Street. BEST C1III.I AND BEST RED MOTS IN T11E WEST ALI, KINDS of SANDWICHES CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes Kinjcr Yuen Cafe 2010'/, N. 21th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 n. m. GHOST WRITING I Means WE Write and YOU Get the Credit Letters, social and business popular speeches and talks for Teachers, Ministers, Civic, Bus iness and Lodcre leaders; ar tides for publication. Your own work rewritten, revised, or criticised. Write us your needs and send 6 cents stamps £r more details. C. N. S. BUREAU 141 West 125t3i St., New York City WILLING WORKERS CLUB The Willing Workers club of the Metropolitan church met Thursday evening, March 4th, at 2422 Er skine, tlhe home of the ptresident, who opened th© meeting with prayer and songs. Mrs. Crumbley rejoined us. We! are always glad to have former members rejoin. We need all of our good workers A lovely luncheon was served by Sisters Riddles and Henderson af ter the business had been transact ed. Visitors are always welcome to at tend ^' 'meetings. Golden Brown Hair Dressing mw 2JX Kitm your bslr beautifully smooth and «'»•? to <''»»», Santa Dig naokago that mid bj m i ll at 50e. »t lout (arorltt dnut «tora NOW too. LUCK BAG FREE! ROc Algerian Majo Luck Hag and samples Hair Dressing. Fow der. Ointment Free Bend 10c to cover mailing cost Golden Brown Chemical Co., Dept. G, Memphle, Tenn. y / 7^ y' Mrs. Mahaimrtitt’s School of Cookery 2116 No. 25th St. Phone WE 4129 Dried Beef Chow on Toast Cut up into bits with a sharp knife, enough beef to fill one. cup and add to one ounce of J butter melted in the pan. Next add , 1 cup of tomato pulp seasoned with 1 one-half teaspoon paprika and one 1 fourth teaspoon dry mustard. Stir until the mixture Is very hot an4 then add one cup of grated cheese and three well beaten eggs and stir vigorously until it is like thick cre;<m. Pour this over hot butter ed toast and serve. Serves 8- If you wish to use this as a sandwich j spread, add two hard cooked eggsi as you remove from the fire. Coo^ and keep in the ice box. This makes( one pint of spread. Frozen Fruit Salad 4 egg yolks 4 T. vinegar 1 pt- cream, whipped 4 T- sugar t-4 lb. shredded almonds 1 small bottle maraschino cherries 1 small can sliced pineapple 12 marshallows cut in pieces 1 cup white Queen Ann cherries Cook to a custard. When cool add sugjr to the consistency of custard Let cool, then add the whipped cream and fruit. Pack in ice and j salt for 3 hours Salad Dressing 4 egg yolks 4 T. sugar 1 pt. cream (whipped) 4 T. vinegar •4 t. cayenne pepper Cook to a custard. When cool add whipped cream Branbury Tarts 2 c- flour 1 t. salt. 3-4 c- shortening ico water Cut shortening into flour with a knife and use enough ice water Why Laxatives Fail In Stubborn Constipation Twelve to 24 hours is too long to wait when relief from clogged bowels and constipation is needed, for then enor. mous quantities of bacteria accumu late, causing GAS, indigestion and many restless, sleepless niqhta. If you want REAL, QUICK RELIEF, take a liquid compound such as Ad lerika, Adlerika contains SEVEN ca thartic and carminative ingredients that act on the stomach and DOTH bowels. Most "overnight” laxatives contain one ingredient that acts on the lower bowel only. Adlcrika’s DOUBLE ACTION gives your system a thorough cleansing, bringing out old poisonous waste mat ter that may have caused GAS pain”, sour stomach, headaches and sleepless nights for months, Adlerika relieves stomach GAS at once ar.d usually removes bowel con gestion in less than two hours. No waiting for overnight results. Th.s famous treatment has boon recom mended by many doctors and drug gists for 35 years. Tako Adlerika or.e half hour before breakfast or one hour before bedtime and in a short whiio you will feel marvelously rcfrished. At all leading druggists TRIAL OFFER- For SPECIAL TRIAL SIZE send 10c, coin or stamps to Adlerika, Dept. 73, St. Paul, Minn, ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamp? to Newspapers. We CaU For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street WE 1517—1518 “A NEW ALL FINISHED SERVICE” 15 LBS. FOR $1.98 11c EACH ADDITIONAL POUND Entire Bundle Finished—All Men’s Shirts Hand-Finished at No Extra Cost. Bundle Must Contnin 50% Flat Work. THE IDEAL FALL AND WINTER SERVICE EMERSON LAUNDRY AND ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No, 24th St _WE 1029 DO YOU KNOW WHY - - - They Say Honesty Is the Best Policy ? Drawn loi this papei By fiShet - ■■ *“ > rfon (jOCOnl^s CT* f vn cwti / r . , JiMo.wHiw r Mv.« Nt- .: TC'UC Wt. T«WPM \ VOOWLtA O TINA'S. AFF | / |C NOT «E.F IFF *-lJ "** I T\M S T\M«. OF O' I W»BN StFNpFB. I ^ --D OF .AON tm* L W A'FKTP < ' >-CiVr ofTT STO.U.AT 40«0*J ! «» ^ -J NN. I ” ) THS «*WI I I > ~ ^TtnwATtOHAi Cartoon Co.. * rimma I ____ ■ ■_ If ^■^■■^■■■■■■■—i ■■V ■■ -- -- to^pake a paste which clears th bowli Roll and cut out infep Vich squares. Put two. teaspoons of filling iji center of each square Moisten edges with ic®water, fold over making a three -cornared tart. Press edges closely together. Make 3 slits in top with knife, brush with milk. Bake in quick oven 450 de grees for 20 minutes. Makes 25 tarts Filling 1-2 c. raisins 1-2 c. currants 4 figs, cut fine 4 T. orange juice 1 c- sugar -; 2t flour 2 T. w^ter 1-2 c- nuts, cut fine - Put raisins, currants, figs and water in double boiler and cook for 20 minutes. Then add orange juice. Mix flour and sugar, add to mixture- Mix well and cook 20 min utes longer. Take frq'm, fire and add nuts. TO REGAIN ENERGY AFTER THE Fl k/ nW'hen the Flu ft is *eft you t weak and dlscoufSRdd voc need 5ometn ing to put ( keen edge on * our appetite ; ■ inti to brace up vour di Restive system, to turn your food into strength-giving red oiood Hostetter’• I Stomachic Sitters ipseds ap ovary. You’ll feci o« tei with The firs' dose Pflonft'oiir drugs! ore right * iwav and pet started Quick y America * tonic <inct 8^3 Tastes Rood, doe? , Rood 8 OR DO tile 11 fiSSimm BITTERS ( North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL \ I Celebrates the 15th Anniversary With a Big Shoe Repairing Sale Women’s Topliffg ...„. $.15 Women’s half soles ..65c and up Men's half soles 75c and up Men's rubber heels 35c and up Childrens Half soles 50c and up 1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240 ■ SHE LOST 20 POUNDS OF FAT Feel full of pep and possess the slender form you cravo—you can’t If you listen to gossipers. To take off excess fat go light on fatty meats, butter, cream and sug ary sweets— eat more fruit and vegetables and take a half teaspoon ful of Knttchen Salts in a glass of lot water every rnr''”,ing \ttU *». - .i-% Krs. Eiroa Yerliie of Kavts do trace, Md., writer: “X took off 20 bs —my clothes fit me fine now.” No dr&’tie cithartic*—no consti Vdliot -Ud’ Om-af-’ 1 ac •ion when you take your little dally lose of Kmrehpn ANGELA MATE A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors MADE ME YOUNG AT FIFTY and gave me the youthful vital ity of a person of twenty years *a\rs Lieut. Clift."-.I „f New York. MATE is g i vin g t<v thousands of run-down, nerv ous and weak elderly men and women new energy and vital ity and the thrill of youth and love again. ONE DOLLAR for one month’s supply. Money returned if not satisfied FREE—Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely free with each order received within ten days Write at once for vour package of ANGELA MATP] and Lieut. Clifford s Story. Address NORTH AMERICAN MATE CO. 408 Manhattan Ave., NEW YORK CITY S-C-F. Ex. S. THE OMAHA GUIDE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL .. DIRECTORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places._ Beauty Salons CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 No. 22nd St WE 0846 HOMER McCRANEY 2037 N. 24th St. At 6810 " ELESE TURNER 2612 N. 24th St We. 2864 Beer Gardens RABE’S BUFFET 2426 N. 24th StJa. 9195 Cafes American Wiener Shop 2509 N. 24th Street KING YUEN CAFE 2010% N. 24th St. Ja. 8576 Alberta's Sandwich Shop 1827 S. 26th St Ma. 0967 Raybon’s Midget Cafe, 1922 N. 24th CHARLIWB PLACE 1602 N. 24th St We. 4019 Cigar Stores MAIN EVENT *416 Lake St. Ja. 8044 ELITE CIGAR STORE 2812 N. 24th St. Ha. 4226 Used Cars CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS 2601 earning St. At 666« Drag Stores JOHNSON DRUG 1804 N. 24th St We. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake We. 0609 Cleaners and Tailors TOBY’S IDEAL CLEANERS 2237 N. 20th St At 6166 J. B CLEANERS & TAILORS 1805 N. 24thWE 6161 Electrical Appliances DONAHOO & HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Farnam St. Ha. 0500 Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4506 Ames Ave.Ke. 0316 Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We. 5444 Garages E. L. MERRIWEATHER GARAGE 2209 No. 22nd St-_AT 6697 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. We. 1029 EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th St._We. 6055 Monument Makers HEFT & NOYES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke. 1738 Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1516 N. 24th St.We. 4737 Service and Transfer Stations Levison Service Station, 2303 N. Se NORTH-SIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St. We. 58M