The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 13, 1937, 674th EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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    WOW Refunds Large
Nearly 300,000 members of the
Woodmen of the World Life Insur
ance association were in receipt
week of checks totaling $1,500,000
returned to them by national head
quarters in Omaha.
The checks represent refunds of
assessments to all members who
have held beneficiary certificates
(in good standing on Dec. 31, 1936)
American and Chinese Dishes
King Yuen Cafe
2010*/i N. 24th St. Jnckson 8576
Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m.
Don't endanger the hap
ptnoee of your married
fife when delayed. De
pend on thia wonderful
[ newA.M. Periodic Relief
| Compound (Double XX
Strength). Quick, eaie.
■ mu . rnecvivv. seunw «™ciiuij
km * F the most puzzling.overdue,dtsoourag
v\ #0 mg,suppressed,scanty,unnatural period*.
v^VSENO NO MONEY unlem you with Just pay
rf Cpostman when delivered or you can safely
('4 'send money, saving P. O. extra charge*.
GUARANTEED. Try 4-dav test—satisfaction or
money refunded. Physician ■ new formula bring*
relief to thousands Mrs. M. K. write*—"Mimed my
monthly flow 2 ruos. I took your pill*, in 3 day* flow
started . Mr*. E.O E. *ay*—"Nothing I ever tried
lias given results like they do”. $2 00 for box Double
XX Strength. 2 for 53 50. Triple XXX Strength
for obstinate cases %5 00. TRIAL XX SIZE.^Sc
cash with order. Booklet Free. "Secret* Married
rnrri Women Should Know”. Don t be tat*
ri»LL« —Send vmtr order today.
Woman’s Dept. 24-D, 620 Orleans
St, Chicago
for more than two years.
‘•In two years, the Woodmen of
the World has returned three mil
lion dollars to its members through
these refunds,” DeEmmett Brad
shaw, president, said recently.
“The refunds of 1936 assessments
come as a result of exceptional,
gains in membership and financial
strength. It is highly gratifying
to turn this enormous amount back
to our members.”
More than 90,000 new members,
with insurance protection of more I
than $108,000,000, were enrolled |
during the past year, according to
Bradshaw and the net increase in
membership of the association was
more than twice that of the pre
ceding year.
The association increased its
gross assets in 1936 to almost 125
million dollars, which places it mil
lions of dollars ahead of its near
est rival in the fraternal insurance
The refund comes in addition to
the payment of $9,753,600 in bene
fits and $4,063,156 in loans made
on member’s certificates during
Carl Nigro
Shoe Repairing
Best Material
Expert Workmanship
311» North 24th Street
3 furnished apartments. WE
rrs8. _
Newly decorated, unfurnished
apartments, on car line. Call AT
T4S8-, AT 6423, WE 3678, Mrs.
COMFORTABLE rooms in Chris
tian home. AT 1996, 2230 Willis
FURNISHED room. 2236 Grant St
FURNISHED room for man only.
JAckson 2649
APT. to a couple or two men. 2230
Ohk> St
FURNISHED room AT 2623
Front Room for rent 1810 Nicho
las street
NICE furnished room, WE 2682!
FOR RENT—Love’s Kitchenette
Apartments, 2616-18 Patrick, or
2613 Grant st Call We. 6663.
MODERN room for right party,
married or single Phone Webster
6728, 2718 No. 28th A re.
VICE room in quiet home, near
carline. WE 2086
FOR ECONOMIC and comfort of
living try DIXON APTS., AT
AUTOMOBILE Trunk for sale WE
2407 Lake Street
PERRY AND §0N, Transfer, 2624
Caldwell, AT 0114
COLORED ladies and gentlemen
wanted for soliciting No deliver
ies. WA 7677.
SALESLADY—Over 30, Sales abil
ity. Personality, connections im
portant. Write for interview. The
Omaha Guide. 2418 Grant St.
AGENTS, salesmen, sell Face
Cream, Hair Dressing, Tonics,
Shampoos, etc. Big List. Prices
Low. Free catalog. Dept. A, Nation
al Supply Co., Richmond, Va.
Nappanee, Indiana.
Intelligence and Sales Dept, Good
5000 Representatives Wanted,
income assured. E. V. Publishing
House, 801-305 Elm at., Dept. N3.
AGENTS—ID daily selling Negro
Dolls. Write, National Co., 168
West 126th St., N. Y
Send 10c for six mo. subscription
to interesting magazine. Movie
News and Pictures. Box 452,
Dayton, Ohio.
wide social letter club: new
friends, romance; strictly confi
dential. Particulars free. KIS
MET, Boxx 6166-E., Met. Sta.
Los Angeles, Calif.
AGENTS — Sell Emperor Haile
Selassie Picture, (Sample 25c).
Negro Dolls, Flappers, African
League, 264 W. 135th St., New
MAKE 810 daily selling Negro
dolls, pictures. National Co.. 165
W. 126th St., New York City.
WANTED—Experienced salesmen
for rubber work gloves ns aide
line to retail trade. Liberty Rub
ber Glove Col. Winona. Man.
Student Today
By Monroe Coleman
The following is an excerpt of
the commencement speech as deliv
ered by Mr- Monroe Coleman:
“How far has education progress
ed in the last one hundred years?
This is a question which perhaps
many of us never ask. But those
of 'us who have had an education
of some kind, often ask those
questions; What have I derived
from my education? Am I better
suited for life than others who
may not have the same quality of
education as I? Does my education
make me superior to someone who
has not had the privilege of secur
ing an education. All of these ques
tion which one may ask leads us
to the fact that education is
worth only the difference it makes
in the activities of a person
who has been educated. All of our
success, all of our prosperity, all
of our good fortune depends upon
our ability to measure the results
which we have obtained.
The success of our education is
not measured in the number of
books we read, or how much we
know of arithmetic, geography,
history, music or art; but rather
in the difference of our activity
from the person who has been den
ied the advantages of a modern
education, and in the goodness
these differences add to our trans
actions with the world. In conclu
sion, are these differences desir
abla from the point of view of the
society in which we live.
Since education is a paramount
issue in our lives, it must have
some underlying aim, some funda
mental purpose. The original aims
of education was interpreted in
terms of knowledge or the ability
to make a living. Education in
tribal society, and tribal society
did possess an education consist
ing merely in learning to protect
ones self and to provide for ones
physical needs. Our modern edu
cation tends to help us get along
in life. We do not study matha
matics with just the intention to
solve the mo»t difficult equations
in all the world, nor do we study
art solely to paint the most beau
tiful picture in the world, but ra
ther through the knowledge of
same we are able to solve the pro
blems of life and to appreciate
through our eye developed by edu
cation the beauties found in the
Prominent Sioux City,
Iowa Lawyer Dies
Sioux City, la-, Mar. 13—Approx
imately 200 colored and white ci
tizens viewed the remains of the
body of Henri Lincoln Hill, pro
minent young attorney, who died
in the Methodist hospital, Sioux
City, following complicated attack
of pneumonia and nephitis.
Funeral services were held Mon
day, March 1st at the Malone A
M. E church with the Re.v. W. R.
Stewart, pastor, officiating. Mr.
Hill was the youngest Negro law
yer in Sioux City, both as to age
and point of service. He was the
on of the late A. Thomas Hill, who
was for years the principal of:
Pulaski Tennessee high school un-|
der whom Mr. Hill received his ^
preliminary schooling, later going
to Turner college, Shelbyville, Tenn.
from which he graduated in 1923
with the degree of B. Ph. Having |
a desire to take law he entered j
Howard university school of law I
in 1927 and subsequently finished
with the degree of L.L- B. in 1929. 1
While there he was quizz master
of the Tau Delta Sigma law frater
Mr. Hill went to Detroit in
where he served one year clerk
ship with the law firm of Lewis
Moines in January of 1931 where
and Rowlette, moving to Des
he Successfully passed the Iowa
State Jt&p examination with an
exceptional high mark
Mr. Hill moved to Sioux City in
1932 and set up a law office where
as champion for the right of his
Pace he enjoyed a lucrative pract
ice unto his death.
This young promising barrister
Ieavos to mourn his loss, a wife,
Mrs. Clynnia Hill; a son, John Hill
and two sisters, Mrs. Kizzie Lillian
[Howard Drew and Marie Hill, also
a host of other relatives and fri
ends. His passing is a definite loss
to the Negro race.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eldridge en
tertained at dinner honoring Mr.
Samuel Ellis. Mr. Ellis is enroute to
his home in Texas from St. Paul,
■ ■ o
Mrs. Cloma Scott, 2611 Decautr
St., was hofitess to the Ac« of
Clubs at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B- McCaw,
31281 Corby St., are the parents of
a son born to them at the Method
ist hospital, Monday morning Mar.
1st. Mother and son are doing nice
. * M in 11 ——
There have been sit down strikes
of all kinds but here’s a new one.
“What, no pretzels?” Sure, said
Anton Gohar, in the white apron,
owner of a tavern in Joliet, Illin
ois, to the boys who staged a sit
down strike when they learned
that price of beer had gone up to a
Governor Lehman and the Gov-:
ernors of five other states con
form! informally on unemploy
ment relief problems at the Leh-]
an home, 820 Park avenue- All
phases of relief problems were dis
cussed. Left to right standing:
Philip F. La Follette of Wisconsin,
Elmer A. Benson of Minnesota and
Robert E. Quinn of Rhode Island.
Seated, left to right, are: Henry
B. Horner of Illinois, Herbert II.
Lehman of New York, and Charlee
F. Hurley of Massachusetts.
Edward Picl^wWoad, a New
York City photographer assigned
to cover the Joan Morvan murder
story at Jamaica police station,
Queens, N. Y., grapples with Geo
rge Magnussen (bottom) when the
latter tried to stop Pickwoad from
taking pictures of his father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Fank Mag
nussen, and two younged brother*,
as they left the police station after
being questioned. A policeman and
detective try to stop the altercation.
Frank Magrussen, hp father, Is
shown shielding his face- Howard
Magnussen, 26, a brother of George,
allegedly confessed criminally as
saulting the 4-year old Joan which
resulted in her death
Campus night life at "Pop and
Ernie’s” Northwestern univer
sity’s new night club recently open
ed for students only. The cover
charge is 50 cents and the place
is operated on Saturday nights only
—opening night reservations to
taled over 200.
[Raising the Family- All that glitters Is not Pas moneyi • ’Fisher
M I — ——- ■■■■■ .. 1 . — -- 1 ‘ I .. ' ■ ^
\ /2-A*-/6- SlKTEE^ )
J DOU-fvRS- fvNM Uifty ,-J
\TH£. TpoOBLB (fjSrap
_56a international cartoon co w, r.~
talsing the Family- Evan at thai price Pa made a proln <il 19 j>Q| • .
2314 No. 21st Street
$4 00 $4 25 and $5 25$
1711 Ouming Street
Lake St. Coal Co.
2520 Lake Phone AT 2575
Quality cannot be substituted
Prompt delivery Service
Thomas Robinson, prop.
Gacf Gas AH
theTiiue, fian't
Eat or Sleep
“The gas on my stomach was so bad
I could not eat or sleep. Even my
heart seemed to hurt. A friend sug
gested Adlerika. The first dose I took
brought me relief. Now I oat as I
wish, sleep fine and never felt better."
—Mia. Jas. Filler.
Adlerika acta on DOTH upper and
lower bowels while ordinary laxatives
act on the lower bowel only. Adlerika
rlives your system a thorough cleani
ng, bringing out old, poisonous matter
that you would not believe was in your
system and that has been causing naa
Rains, sour stomach, nervousness and
eadaches for months.
Or, II, L. Skoub, Nett York, report* I
“In Addition It inlettlnal elotntlng, tdlrrthm
greatly redur.j bacteria and colon bacilli
Give your bowels a REAL cleansing
with Adlerika and ce.e how good you
feel. Just one spoonful relieves GAS
snd constipation.
At all leading druggists
TRIAL SIZE send 10c, coin ear
stamps to Adlerika, Dept 72, St.
Paul, Minn,
Johnson Drug Co.
We Fill Relief Prescriptions
WE. 0998 .. 1904 N 24th St.
% ^oS
To prove our battar o.w
and dIf f .r. nt wond.r
worklng pruning pom
sd. »nd nkh. brightening fac.
nowdet send for free large trial packages
and guaranteed his money making agent"*
protein!'Inn Writ, l.»rky Heart Lab , Dapt.
Q-35, Memphis, Tennessee.
20th & Grace St. WE 1660
The Elite Cigar Store
Direct Wire On All Sports
Come in Where It’s Comfortable
ladle* Especially Invited
Oar Policy la Give Yon Sdrvtoe
Eugene McGill, Mgr. HA422*
2314 N. 24th St
Omaha, Nebraska
Be Well Drees
ed and Com
fortable in Our
New 1937
} SPRING and
^ and up
1522 Harney JA. 1087
Omaha, Nebr.
■ I >42) Don’t be aUrm
KlrA W oil over delayed,
NEVER overdue, unnat
wo»Vi«» Mgjs">J5F*r
— —'/'^w new formula .TRIPLE-X RELIEF
COMPOUND is the Ust-actint, soft aid to mar
ried women. Acts without discomfort or rnconvo
I nience even in obstinate cases. Mrs. J. K.. wntra.
“2 period* overdue; relief in one day. Mr*. JJ.
M says: “Few doses worked fine. Don t taka
chances! Get this better, quicker help, lull treat
ment U- C. O. D. 15c extra. »*v pay
Instant shipment in plain, sealed wrapper, rtaa
catalog of Hygiene Articles.
•60S Cottage Grove Dept. |4-A
All kinds of Poultry and fresh Country Eggs direct from
the country.
Live Carp - Buffalo and Catfish
Special Prices to Churches and. Parties
Stoller’s Fish and Poultry Market
1623 North 24th Street JAckson 8699
Beautifully washed and returned just
damp enough to IRON.
Minimum bundle 48c
Edholm & Sherman
2401 North 24th St. We 6055