THE WOMAN S WORLD Chatting With Ard«n H. Duane fF«r ANF) Cocktail* Rice and Chee*e Cocktail Bull* Shrimp a la King— Potato Chips Pea* Rolls Olives Date Souffle and Hot Ginger Sauce Coffee Rice and Cheese Cocktail Balls Two cup* boiled rice, one table spoon prepared mu*tard, one cup nippy chee*e, salt, fat for frying, hor*e radish, W“rk cheese into balls not over one-half inch in diameter. Spread lightly with mustard and horse radish. roll in salted cooked ri-e, to cover completely. For thi* it is be*t not to rinse or fluff the rice so that the grains will adhere. Roll to make compact bull. Fry in very hot deep fat until golden brown Serve hot as appetizers with cock tails- In place of chee»e you may use anchovy pa*te, shrimp or cri*p bacon. Shrimp A La King One seeded green pepper, one half pound cleaned and sliced mush rooms cap*, three tablespoon* but ter, one small onion, chopped fine SHE LOST 20 POUNDS OF FAT Feel full of pep and posseea the ■lender form you crave—you can’t If you listen to gosslpera. To take off excess fat go light on fatty meats, butter, cream and sug ary sweets — cat more fruit and vegetables and take a half teaspoon ful of Kruschen Salts In a glass of hot water every nrK*-"'"*' *<■» nat> waste, Mrs. Klma Verltle of Havj"M d» Grace, Md, writes: “I took off 20 tbs.—my clothes fit me fine now." No drastic cathartics—no consti pation- out bliiu f j’ ' i/ *>»’»>i ac tion when you take youi little uail., dose of Kruschen CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? 1 HAVI GOOD NKWt FOR YOU R«#crdl— mi wkat your trouble u*r bo you oou loob tbo world la tbo loco. Sole* oil problem*, pot wbot you wool ond foor oo moa oircumotooco*. Your Hoppin*** ond Su««oo* domond tbot yon print your mm oloorty o*d *ond It to - - - REV. CHA3. P. COLBERT •41 OWEN AVE. DETROIT. MICH. GHOST WRITING Means WE Write and YOU Get the Credit Letters, social and business; popular speeches and talks for Teachers, Ministers, Civic, lous iness and Lodge leaders; ar ticles for publication. Your own work rewritten, revised, or criticised. Write us your needs and send 6 cents stamps fr more details. 0. N. S. BUREAU 141 West 125tk St., New York City one and one half teaspoon salt, one or'”, two cups milk, three table *poon» chotiped pimento, one f m-t.h teaspoon tabasco, one tea •poon chopped parsley, two cups •anned shrimps, three tablespoons flour. Cook shredded green pepper and reu lirooms caps in buttter for fiv - m'mi i s. Add chopped "nion, flour, -alt, p a ntes, parsley, tbaseo, i m/1 shrimp. Heat gently about two ■‘mitts. Ad i one an/1 one and one h I c ps milk gradually while ■ tirring constantly. Continue cook ing until thickened. Then add one h If cu’i milk to which the beaten egg has been added. Heat, well and t'or'e «n toast. Date Souffle Empty one package vanilla pud ding into sauce pan. Add '>»e cup diluted evaporated milk and mix well. Cook over slow fire until thick and smooth, stirring constant-^ ly. Add three well-beaten egg yolks | and. one third cup chopped dates j Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Turn into buttered baking dish or indivh'Jml ramek ', \f. Bake* irj a slow oven until firm and golden brown about forty-five minutes. I Serve at once with h<*fc ginger sauce. Hot Ginger Sauce Mix one third cup sugar and one tablespoon cornstarch thoroughly Add one cup diluted evaluated milk and cook slowly until smooth and creamy. Stir all the time. Add two tablespoons butter and one and ane half tablespoons chopped pre served ginger or crystallized gin ger. Add four tablespoons orange juice and one tablespoon lemon juice. Serve warm over the Date Souffle. CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes Kinja: Yuen Cafe 2010*/, N. 241h St. Jackson 857t Open from 2 p. in. until 3 a. m. rm KEEP CLEAN INSJPE! You'll Ilk* th* way It inapt you Pact, ov.n.itjht to th* totlmg ot 'rutin' to go til mu and intid* cl*anlin.til Ellmlnat* th. l*lt-ov.i waiter that hold you bock caul* h.odach.t, In dlq.ition, *1c. Gartl.ld fu it not a nn rad* work.r but It CONSTIPATION both.rt you. It wll certainly "do wond*nt" ICt and 25c1 ot druaitor*t — or, WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES ot Gorfl.Jd T** and GortUld Headache Powdert to: GARFIELF TEA CO., D*pt. C, Brooklyn, N. Y. THE OMAHA GUIDE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL .. DIRECTORY.. Save time, worry, confusion and money by consulting this complete Directory of Neigh borhood and City Business places. Beanty Salons CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE 2422 No. 22nd St WE 084G HOMER McCRANEY 2037 N. 24th St At. 5810 ’ ELESE TURNER 2512 N. 24th St.We. 2864 Beer Gardens RABE’S BUFFET 2425 N. 24th StJa. 9195 Cafes American Wiener Shop 2509 N. 24th Street KING YUEN CAFE 2010% N. 24th St Ja. 8576 ___ Alberta’s Sandwich Shop 4827 S. 26th St Ma. 0957 Raybon’a Midget Cafe, 1922 N. 24th CHARLIM PLACE 1602 N. 24th St. We. 4019 agar Stores MAIN EVENT MIS Lake St. Ja. 9044 ELITE CIGAR STORE 2112 N. 24th St. Ha. 4229 Used Cars CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS 2601 Coming St At 5U6 Drag Stores JOHNSON DRUG 1904 N. 24 th St We. 0998 DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake We. 0609 Cleaners and Tailors TOBY’S IDEAL CLEANERS 2237 N. 20th St. At. 5165 J. B CLEANERS & TAILORS 1805 N. 24thWE 6161 Electrical Appliances DONAHOO & HOYLE Norge Appliance Co. 2423 Farnam St. Ha. 0500 Graders W. F. HOCH Grading and Excavation 4606 Ames Ave. Ke. 0316 Grocery Stores HERMAN’S MARKET 24th and Lake We. 5444 Garages E. L. MERRIWEATHER GARAGE 2209 No. 22nd St- AT <697 Laundries EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 N. 24th St. We. 1029 EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 N. 24th St._We MM Monument Makers HEFT * NOYES 40th and Forest Lawn Ke. ITtt Produce Markets METROPOLITAN PRODUCE 1516 N. 24th St._We. 4787 Service and Transfer Stations Levison Service Station, 2306 N. 24 NORTH-SIDE TRANSFER 2414 Grant St We. 6666 BEHUTa-fRomnncEj Jry ^YYlnhljiy^cywrLiru^ The Larieuse Beauty Foundation was established ✓" ' by the Oodefroy Manufacturing Company to study f — method* of preserving women's natural beauty, ' ^ and to make ths results of this research available C to the public. Fur the wotmn wlo watches her cl!ft carefully, eliminating the fatly foods, hut still has trouble with n full!'ill! waistline, a few simple ex ercises will often wr rk miracles. The secret of successful exercls Ing Is persistence. Don't overwork your muscles with too heavy or too ninth exercising at one time, hut pick out a few mild exercises nnd stick at It You'll get heller results If .mmi exercise only live minutes every morning for three weeks than .vo" will If you wear yourself out with half an finer of exercise for n few mornings nnd then abandon I Iteiii. The exercises I nm going to give you for reducing the waistline nre rather strenuous, so he sure to ob sene this caution: Don't try to do too much at the start. If you nren’t In lopnoich physical condition, and especially If you are eonshlerahly overweight, begin with n few simple movements the first morning nnd gradually Incrensp the number. You ran easily overwork your muscles without renlh/lng It until you wake up the following morning, stiff nnd sore So remember: Take It easy nt tlrsl, but stick to It Do your exercising right nftet you get up nnd later you may mid n brief exer else period lust before retiring. Due of the best exercises for re ducing (lie abdomen Is to lie nn your back with your arms folded across your chest nnd your legs hooked tin der a heavy piece of furniture Then Without using your arms, pull the uppe- part of your body Into n sit ting position nnd lower It slowly buck to the floor. You may not he able to do this even once, the first day. but little by little, day by day It will become easier Then you ran gradually Increase the number of times vou do It each morning I nter you cnn make the exercise even more effective by turning the body first to the right, then te the left, ns you raise It front the floor. Another one: Lie on your bnck nnd slowly draw your legs upward, keeping the knees stiff, until they nre straight up nnd down; then lower them slowly to the floor. The slower your heels move, the more effective the exercise will be. After a few weeks of this, if you’re not too stout, try bringing the legs bnck over the bend ns fur ns you cnn, still keeping the knees straight, but allowing your hips to come up off the floor ns yon round your back. Women In perfect physical condi tion cnn touch their toes to the floor behind their hend, but you’d better keep nt the milder forms for a while before trying that. A third well knowr torso exercise Is to stand erect, feet pnrnllel nnd about ten Inches npnrt, arm* straight up over your hend. nnd then bend forward, keeping I he legs straight nnd the nbdo' '-n held In. nnd try to touch the floor. You prnbnhly won't he nlde to reach It st Mrst. hut stretch down as far ns yon can two or three times, nnd try ngnln the next dny. Tnke a deep breath before you start, let It out slowly ns you hend forward, nnd In hale deeply ns you come back up. There's nothing complicated about these exercises, hut If you spend five or ten minutes a dny at them, the results may surprise you. At first, lust use one of the exercises nnd do It only two or three times. I.nter you cnn Increase the number of times, nnd ndd a second exercise. Hut benr In mind thnt regularity of exercise, day In nnd dny out. Is more Important than the nmnunt of effort expended In Hny one dny. FOOTLIGHT FLICKERS (By Alvin Moses for ANT) New York, MJirch 6—Wlhat a strange handle, folk" exclaim at times, when referring to the moni-! ker of “LUCKY,” that Lucky Mil-1 tinder carts around the country1 side with him. They u«e to say the same thing we answer, about “Lucky Slim" Lindbergh and didn’t thnt angular one fall into a bucket of gold (La Bella Dame Morrow), even if it later brought heartbreaks and virtual exile from bin own country. Rut thin brief epistle concerns itself with a fel lnr named Millindcy n< t-Lind bergh, so suppose we get right back to our knitting—eh wot???? After listening enraptured away back in the wings of beautiful Apol lo theatre, the I/eo Brecher-Frank Schiffman playhouse to the tantal izing strains of the ‘Millinder Orch estra nnd Choral Organization,’ one need wonder no longer why he thought upon the plow handle “LUCKY.” Have you ever tried disbanding (giving walkinp papers) to a bunch of guys who rated right up there in the front row of jazzland play ing? If yt'u UtMp you know all the pitfalls and detours such a haz ardous operation entails. There's the beloved public whom with out th-.-ir unstinted applause and approbation NO PAY CHECKS GO OUT You've gotta please those gallery-1 perdhers who wh'istle and ‘ n"it like a disabled steamboat of early Mississippi river patent at the slightest false break, as well ns the “bald-paters” who sit away down front in order to better see the shapely underpinnings of the sprightly ladies of the ensemble. Lucky Millinder was doing this we thought, uhout as well as the Lun cefords, Flj t'cher Hendersons, Claude Hopkins, Earl Hines' et al. Everyone read of the account that Millinder had disbanded the ‘‘Blue Rhythniers, ’ and the talk in the lobby front savored of: “Wonder what kind of a gang Millinder is going to saddle upon us n"w. They CAN’T (famous term of the bro ther);.be as good as this old crew. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS “A NEW ALL FINISHED SERVICE” 15 LBS. FOR $1.98 11c EACH ADDITIONAL POUND Entire Bundle Finished—All Men's Shirts Hand-Finished at No Extra Cost. Bundle Must Contain 50% Flat Work. THE IDEAL FALL AND WINTER SERVICE EMERSON LAUNDRY AND ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 No. 24 th St_ WE 1029 [■REVEALING' your FAST, PRESENT and EUERRE •• &J A9CE' WWLACE— y>wq—» ranbU^ e« AssrieJW ftt*3C - ~ — — NOTE—Your question printed free in this column. For private eply send 25c and (self addressed stamped envelope for my New Vstrological Reading and receive by return mail my advice on three | (uesiions free. Sign your full name, birthdate and crn-ect address. I). C. J.—Will you please tell me ','ho went to see my husband and l.< Id him about my boy friend? Ans; This knowledge has been a matter of common gossip in your , neijyd>o J'lood for quite a while. No one told hint directly. The news reached him the way all gossip does. You forget the old saying .... “beware your sins will find you out.” M. L- G.—What is wrong with my back and will it interfere with my future vocation ? Ans: Y«u have strained your back and unfortunately you have not shown it the proper considera tion. You can overcome this if you will only realize your back is *‘sick and act accordingly. Sea a doctor immediately. M. L. M.—Will I be able to go back heme and get away from the life I am living? Ans: By all means abandon your present life of wastefulness and dissipation and return home so (hat your conscience can once more know the peace of a useful and honorable life- There M nothing awaiting you at the end of your present trail except unhappiness. C. C.—Must I continue to live with my husband and take his mean treatment or would it Le best for me to leave him ? Ans; There is no law or circum 1 stances that can force you to live with your husband if he mistreats ■ you Put the matter before him ! plainly.. either he must treat you ns a wife or go his way ALONE. | You can carry out your point in this way. -- j R. S_My question is this; I am Help Kidneys m Don’t Take Drastic Drugs Vour Kidneys contain 9 million tiny tubes or filters which may be endangered by neglect or drastic, irritating drugs. Be careful. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make you suffer from Getting Up Nights. Nervousness, Boss of Pep. Beg Pains, Rheumatic Pains, Dizziness, Cir cles Under Eves. Neuralgia, Acidity, Burning. .Smarting or Itching, you don’t need to take chajices. All druggists now have the moat modern advanced treat* ment for these troubles—a Doctor’s pres crlption called Cystex (Stag Tex). Works fast—safe and sure. In 48 hours It must bring new vitality and is guaranteed to make you feel 10 years younger in one week or money back on return of empty package. Cystex costa only 3c a dose at druggists and the guarantee protects you to oe married soon- 1 love inis g-iii| very much. Tell me what I should do. A ns; Do nothing other than re solve to love the girl, honor her, forever remain fa;thfu! in every way and be sure to always pro vide her w'ith a home . she will DO THE REST. If you carry out this points you two will live a hap py wedded life. M- H. B.—Do you think I will ever have good health again and : what ab 'ut my children in my fu- | turc life? Ans: By carefully supervising | your diet and closely guarding your health back to a normal state, you will again be your old self. RETRAIN from all heavy work and strenuous exercises. Childbirth will follow a little later on in life L. W- S.—Has my common-aw husband given up this woman he has been going with? Ans: Your husband is no longer interested in the woman you speak of but he has a weakness for a pretty face and will frequently tip out on you if given the chance. However, he will never become seriously involved with any other woman. G. H.—My father lived in one of the flooded towns and I want to know if he is all right. Ans: Yes.your father is very much alive and well. He is still in the town where you heard from him last. You will hear from him after the emergency is past. TO REG A3,\ mERG* AFTER THE ft tj 'K'heo the Hu nas ifit you weak auJ discouraged v>c need something »o put * Keen edge on vour appetite and to brace up vour di* ? gestive system, to turn your tooa mo strength-giving red nlood, HOltetttn Stomachic Bitters speeds up recovery. You’ll feel net > ter with the first dose Phoaeyour dreg store right away and get started quick ly America's tonic since 1853 Tastes good, docs good .8 02 oottle $ L 50 HOSTETTER’S HITTERS j I Expert Auto Repairs _ Overhauling Our Specialty . All Work Guaranteed! Day and Night Service 1—Phone AT. 6697— Merriweather’s Garage We repair all make* and mod da H_ L_ Merrier aether, prep net No- Had Bt_ Oamhe. Nek, MASON’S Bar-B-Q, Chili, Tamales and Fried Chicken to order 2024 Burt St. WE 6015 North 24th Street SHOE HOSPITAL Celebrates the 15th Anniversary With a Big Shoe Repairing Sale Women’s Toplifts . $.15 Women’s half soles ..65c and up Men’s half soles 75c and up Men’s rubber heels 35c and up Childrens Half soles 50c and up 1807 No. 24th St. WE 4240 AMERICAN WIENER SHOP 2509 N. 24th, Street. BEST CHILI AND BEST RED HOTS IN THE WEST ALL KINDS of SANDWICHES ANGELA MATE A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors MADE ME YOUNG AT FIFTY and gave me the youthful vital ity of a person of twenty years says Lieut. Clifford of New York. MATE is giving to thousands of run-down, nerv ous and weak elderly men and women new energy and vital ity and the thrill of youth and love again. ONE DOLLAR for one month s supply. Money returned if not satisfied FREE—Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely free with each order received within ten days. Write at once for your package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford’s Story. Address NORTH AMERICAN MATE CO. 408 Manhattan Ave., NEW YORK CITY S-C-F. Ex. S. __ __ETsfra lb Like to k I lam mm Hwoy I—0—1 AlE^ UlHPC'T I Q d»d TH*r\J \ thrift ’JNTERNATlONAL CA&TQAM C&m V I JI International Cartoon Co, it.t. 11 j | j | j|