Attend Church . . FIRST SPIRITUAL TEMPLE NO. 0 241 h and lilmdn Streets Haughtier M. Q’.dnn, Leader Rev. V.. Jackson, Ain't Piutflf Sunday school a> 8 45 o’clock. Surday morning service a* ll:Of o'clock, l ev. Jackson in charge. Sunday night rervlce at 8:0f o'clock, 1 aughtei Marian Quinn lr cha rge . Everyone welcome. Monday night developing doss a1 2621* IHnr.ey St., no charge. * Tu« day r.lgh’ Bible class a! the Temple Thursday night al .ndny. The A. 0. E. League hud a very interesting lesson which wus well discussed. Our lesson for Sunday, Feb. 28,h was, ‘‘ltea ' sons for Praying.” The scrip ture lesson wus Mutt. 28:41, Luke 18:1_8. Come and join us in our song festutWix o’clock p. m. MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH 2608 Franklin Sired Rev, W. Pruitt, Pastor ' Mrs- W- E, Fredericks, Reporter Sunday school opened at 9:30 a. m. Attendance was good. At 11 30 a. ni. the pastor spoke from the Isaiah 55:8, His subject was ‘‘Cod’s Thought and .Man’s.’ B. Y. I*. U. at 6 p. m. wus largely attended. Visi tors were present. At 8 p. m. the pastor brought jo us again another burning message from St. John 15 :13. 11 is text was ‘‘(Iron cr love hnthiio man tha** this, that a man lay down his life for his friend',,” subject, 1 ‘‘Christ Laid Down His Life.” • One soul was added to Ihc I church. The pastor seemed at | his best both morning and night I For spiritual food, come to Morning Star. PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH 27 In the month the choir wil1 hnv1 f an all request program. Thi i financial drive is moving alom nicely, but it will be much bet ter if each one does his full duty. The church and friends wish to express their sympathy 1 lo the families of Sister Aquil la Wilson und Sister Tillie Simpson, both members of the Stewardess Board, who passed last week. j These good sisters have work* ed hard for their church for 1 many y< ars. Sister Simpson was president of the Senior | Stewardess Board and was al ways faithful to her duty . —. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Bilbrew, Pastor Minnie Bryant, Reporter Sunday was a splendid day at Salem. The Sunday school , started the day with a group of eager boys and girls to learn the gospel of Jesus. Christ. Our Sunday school is progress ing under the leadership of our new superintendent, Mr. John Rosebaugh. At 11 a. m. our pastor, Rev. N. B. Bilbrew, brought to us a forceful gospel message from the 7th chapter of Acts 55-67 verses. He point ed out in his sermon what kind of men deacons should he. He said, “that they should' be fill ed with the Holy Ghost.” The B. Y. P. U, opened at 5 o’clock p. m. in a thirty minute song service conducted by Mr. E. T, Voting. The Valentine Tea spon sored by the B. Y. P. U. was a remarkable success. If you seek efficiency, livelihood, and am bitious workers, attend the Sa lem B. Y. P. U. A^ 8 p. m. our pastor brought to us another soul stirring message. Ilis text was found in I Kings 19:19-20 verses. Our hearts were made to burn as he spoke to us. The sick of the church are Mrs. Gregory, Mo ther Robinson, and Mrs. Kin dal. Visitors are always wel come at Salem. CLAIR CHAPEL M. E. CHURCH By Georgia Goosby Suday February 21st was our i fourth quarterly conference, the District Superintendent, Rev. R. L. James brought to us some wonderful thoughts in Christian living. Sunday school was well attended and much interest being manifested by the teachers to make it a better Sunday school. We are working in the in terest of the Million Unit fel lowship. The District Superin tendent preached a wonderful sermon at the morning worship, his subject was “Christ, the Eternal King.” Luke 1-33. “And He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and of His Kingdom there shall he no end.” His thoughts wore cen tered on love, and when love can enter the hearts of men we can obtain peace. Its founda tions is truth and its unlimited power in every phase of life. Truth crushed to the earth will rise again. We must ho posses sors and not professors of Christ to let him rule supreme in our lives. Communion was at three o’clock with Rev. Adams delivering the message. Evening service the district superintendent again preached a wonderful sermon. The sick of the church are all improv ing. Young People’s League at fi p. m. each Sunday evoning. Come anjd help these young people lift up a standard for Christ. They are our future church. Each Sunday evening at 7:15 p. m. the young people are sposoring a silent worship period which will go into the evening service. Your are wel come to all our services. Wo are glad to see the com i" of spring which brings new life to everything. I Elder Thomas Goodwin oi Spiritual Temple No. ft in Lea 1 venworth.'Kas., is carrying or 1 a week of meetings at the Spir r itual No. G. There will he pro ■phesying everying night. I % ' I H'III III II I—— IN MEMORY OF MY MOTHER Mrs. Mary Cage, who died February 25, 1933 We loved her, yes we loved h»*r Though God, lie loved her best He has silently called her To a home of eternal rest. Oilie Redd Father Sister Brother Clarinda, Iowa SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Revi D- Nicholson, Pastor Sunday school was fair. On account of the snow storm, the pastor was lale for morning service. Evening service was well attended. Rev. C. Adams of Pilgrim Baptist church, Omaha, was a visitor. He prea ched a stirring sermon. We are glud to have our friends drop in on us. -. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Curry, Pastor E, Matthews, Reporter Sunday school had an attend ance of 108 pupils. At the close of the lesson period, a program in keeping with Lincoln's birthday was rendered hv the young people’s department. Baptizing followed ihe pro gram. There were seven can didates for baptism, and there were others to be baptized at the evening service. Rev. Curry was at his best at the 11 o’ clock service. Tie spoke again from the book Joshua 8:30. Joshua was remarkable for his courage and also for his obed_ ienee to the will of Cod. We were glad to see Mrs. Landrum out Sunday. She has been ill for several weeks. Mr. Scott, chairman o fthe finance com mittee reports $185.24 from last Sunday’s rally. There are others to report. We are ask ing young people from all over the city to join us in making the young people’s day a suc cess at Zion on Sunday begin ning with the 11 o’clock ser vice and continuing through out the day. This Week in Religion and Thought By Robert L. Moody February seems to be the month of outstanding men. On February 22ndwe celebrate the birthday of two men, George Washington and James Russell Lowell. Oh, how great it would be if all men would learn to realize in life what Lowell put into words. “Earth gets its price for what Earth gives us; The beggar is taxed for a corner to die in. The priest hath his fee who who comes and shrives us We bargain for the graves we lie in; At the devils booth are all things sold, Eneh ounce of dross costs its ounce of gold For a cap and bells our lives pay, Bubbles we buy with a whole soul’s tasking: ‘Tis heaven alone that is given away, ‘Tis only God may be had for the asking.” Not we give but what we share,— For the gift without the giver is bare: Who gives himself with his alms feeds three— Himself, his hungering neighbor, and Me.” i Taken from ihe— “The Vision of Sir Lawnfal’’ —James R. Lowell This easily unfolds the thou ght of our Sunday school lesson this week. We often speak, of “ten to one "chances. Well, ' the new commandment is a “ten to one" charge: “Love one another.” Rev. D. C. Stephenson Wanted in Southwest Missouri Conference Dr. D. C. Stephenson Rev D. C. Stephenson, pro gressive young pastor of the o fthe Allen Chapel A. M. B. church, South Omaha, was sum moned to Kansas City, Mo., by the authority of Bishop Noah W. Williams, and urged to ac cent an appointment in the Southwest Missouri Annual Conference, through one of the presiding elders. While the new assignment is considered a great promotion over his worlc here, the Rev. Stephenson is not eager to leave Allen Chapel where he has labored for the past year. Pressure is being used to secure his immediate acceptance, but Rev. Stephenson desires to re main and tlk with the officers and members of his church. Most likely the Presiding El der of the Omaha District will attend Quarterly Meeting Day at Allen Chapel, Febr. 28th, at which time the Second Quarter ly Meeting service will be held. WILLIAMS BROADCASTING CHOIR PLEASES AUDIENCE Singers Displays Artistry and Feeling in Program by S- Edward Gilbert The Rev. J. S. Williams Broad casting Choir which is heard over station WAAW. each Sunday af tern