The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 27, 1937, 672nd EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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The P«k Up {lib iret at tii<»
h>>m« of Mrs. Wh t1 ■ 22nd nod Gnu'"
Htieets. Tbs pro ldent presided, Af
ter tne meet ng wus over, Mr*. I.
M Clive, n'st-'t 1 by oihors, ren
dered a wonderful prog am. Won
derful papers we. e red byd fferotu
persons. M'-, J- I'• Lewis was the
gulest 8pe:>1 er_ Bhe b' I ught to us
a wonderful m<*n<age vvti:i'h was
enj'lynd by nl . Afier the pr grant
w«s over, a d lielous luncheon w is
AAA Coal Company
JA. 2159
Special Cash Priae— Fresh
Off the Oars.
Deep mined Super Southern
COAL Ton $7.50
Half ton 3.75
500 lbs. 2.05
“We Employ Three Colored Men"
and |W aarr af a
No charge for extra passenger*
Ponded I>river» Fully Insured Cars
President and General Manager
2122 Norht 24th St
Get Your red hov. Barbecue
done Southern Style. Service
with a smile.
Open all Nite
Expert Piano Tuning and
Repairing Done Reasonable.
Guaranteed Satisfaction
JA. 7317 2610 Seward
We specialize in nothing but
Bar-B-Q. Once you try it you
will always buy. Drop in and
see us some time.
WE. 2605
We Specialize on Quality
‘Cali The Lion First’
You must be free from constipa
tion to have a good, clear complex
If not eliminated in due time, the
wastes of digestion produce poisons
and the skin must do more than its
share In helping to get rid of them.
So for a clear, healthy skin, re
member the Importance of bowel
regularity. At the first sign of con
stipation, take Black-Draught — the
purely vegetable laxative. It brings
such refreshing relief from ordinary
constipation troubles, and tends ta
leave the bowels acting regularly
until some fu
ture disturb
ance Interferes.
Insist on
You can get
It in
served- Mrs J. II Reynold* was a
visitor. We Invite each and every
I <r><> t>> attend the meetings of the
| Pick Up club.
When Mi's Bertha Walton cn
• Lerlained at a luncheon Sunday at
her homo patriotic dec’-rations, in
k«tping wi.b the b ‘th(Jay of Cie>rge
VS a'fhingt-fa were u«jd Her guests
Were Mr* Ada Ooekett, Mrs.
Maiyanna Ixjve and Mi^. Aathaon;
Mrs- Maud Walton, 2118 No. 28
street, wi#ie» toj announce the en
gagement of her daughter, Bertha
to Mr James L. Smith, of the city.
This wedding will take p'ace in
tihtj early spring. Miss Walton was
formerly 4 e wife <tf Mr- Fmnds
pnttomon, ,
Mrs. F, L- Wesely of 2113 No.
26th street, has ju^lt returned to
Iho city fr'j/tn Muskogto, Okla.,
where rhe stj ended the funeral of
her sister, Mrs. Saraih McSwan,
Mrs McSwnn was a prominent
jnomber of the St- James Baptiat
church of thalt city,
Rev. and Mra. Reynolds, oif Coun
cil Bluffs, la., were the dinner
guest" of Mrs. Lottie Keyes, 2217
No 26th street on Sunday after
noon. An enjoyable time was spent
The Pastor's Aid dub of piea
Pleasant Green Baptist church met
the homo of Mrs, Davis, 2619
Hamilton street on Tue?*day at 2
p- m.
The Willing Workers dub of
Pleasant Green Baptist church met
Thursday at the. home of Mr». L
Keys, 2217 Nv. 25ith street,
Mrs. E. Wilhite, 2872 Binney
street left Monday to make h©r
home in California
Mi's. Hannah Scott, 2411 Hamil
ton ilitre*?t, who underwent a ma
jor operation at Nicholas Senn
hospital, In recovering nicely Her
Mister Mrs. L. TerriH, M<>barly Mo,
Is at her bedside..
M. A Clark, Ft. Omaha, is act
ing sergeant of the colore*! detach
mentt at the Fort. Louis Hawkins,
who ha* been in the service for 13
years, is eligible for a discharge
in March
Mrs. Ethel Marrow, 2(538
Hamilton street, is doing nice
ly after a serious operaiion.
Mr. Frank Johnson,, 2606
Patrick Ave., has been on the
sick list.
Mrs. Kate Adam, Mrs. Anna
White and Mrs. Carrie Griffin
entertained a few friends on
Valentine day in honor of Mrs.
Mamie Simmons’ birthday.
Mrs. Simmons received a num
ber of lovely birthday gifts.
Tattle Helen Jean Gray was
honored at a birthday party on
Valentine’s day. About 20 lit
tle friends were in attendance.
She received numerous gifts.
The little baby of Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Gray, 2433 Parker
street, has been very ill.
Mr .Hnd Mrs. Jack Collier,
Topeka, Kas., arrived in the
city to attend the funeral of
their sister Mary Collier, who
recently passed.
Ur. J. T. Lewis, Fort Scott,
1 Ka ., was c-a led <o the city to
1 nd the funeral of his aunt,
Mrs. T. K. Simpson. Dr. Lewis
|Jeft Thursday morning for his
1 home
Mrs. A. Dryant, 2432 Parker
has returned to her home from
the hospital where she p,ave
bir.h to a baby. Mother and
baby are doing nicely.
Mrs. Millard Woods, Lin
coln, Nebr., was the week-end
house guest of Mrs. Wiliam
lludgenn, 2427 Erskine street.
Mrs. Ethel Littlejohn, 1722
No. 27th street ,is on the sick
Mrs. H. Hogan, 1724 No. 27!
street ,is repor.ed sick.
Mrs. W. W. Reaves left for
Des Moines to join her husband
there. She will be gone indefin
Rev. Johnson’s
House Robbed
The home of Rev. R. W.
Johnson, pastor of the Metro- j
politan Spiritual church, was
robbed of money belonging
to the church and also money
belon^ig ^to IMadam Eisen,
who is conducting meeting at
the church. Entrance was
through a window. Detectives
are at work on the case.
Little Katie Marie Allen,
2217 Grace street celebrated her
birthday Sunday Febr. 21st. A,
good time was had by the 24
guests present, in the p’aying
of games. Delicious refresh
ments were served. Many nice1
gifts were received from her
parents and friends.
Mrs. Wm. Gordon, who wns
called to the bedside of her
sick mother in Hannibal, Mo.,|
has arrived back in the city.
She reports that her mother m
somewhat better but is not
quite out of danger. Mrs. Gor
<’ we rertly missed by her
many friends, especially the
members of Hie Metropolitan
Spiritual church. The church at
large wisbm for be” moGie.' a
speedy recovery.
Mrs. Tda Westfield is back
home from the hospital and is
convalescing nieelv.
' -
Mrs. Anna Fountain, 997 No.
27th St., received a dislocat
ed shoulder blade from a. fall
on the ice.
ut Ui Mice
Soft, gleaming, youthful-looking hair
— have you this charm that wins
men's hearts? If not, use Godfrey's
Larieust. Ugly streaks and patches of
grey disappear as if by magic ... with
but a single application of this famous
preparation. Color wanted comes
evenly. Black, jet black, dark, medium
or light brown. So quick and easy to
use, so sure, so satisfactory. Don't
wait—get a bottle from your dea1 .-r,
If your dealer
does not have
h ‘i^*;.25 HAIR COLORING
> yvvy¥¥¥¥wvwyw ^
Around and Around
With Youth
By Ruth Harris
The Boy Scouts of Troop 79
are giving a dance Friday, F^b,
£26ih at the Masonic Hall,
The Clirl Reserves have an
nounced tha^ they are going to
camp in .June, The camping
fee is $8 for 24 days. All girls
are invited to attend. They wil'
camp at Camp Brewster, Belle
vue, Nebr,
The following persons receiv
ed honorable mention in the
final tryout for the Central high
school Itoad Show: Doris Ware Beasley, Julia Dona'd
son, Arwilda Stevenson, Nellie
Bassett and Geraldine Fields.
Th'i.s show is to be given at Cen
tral high school on March 11,
12, and 13.
The Girls’ and Boys' Forum
held a^ the “Y” Sunday after
noon proved to be very interest
ing and in keeping with Ne
gro History Week. High school
siudents of both the white and
Negro races attended. Those
taking part in thus program
were Misses Ruth Marshall, Al
thea Young Bette Davis, Doris
Ware, Rowena Jones and Mary
Wiggin; and Messrs. Foster
GoodJett, Milton Moore and
Harold Biddieux. The program
was enjoyed by all.
Girl Reserve Notes
On Sunday, Febr. 21st the
Boy and Girl Forum Comini.tee
sponsored an interracial meet
ing in observance of Negro
History. Miss Ruth Marshall of
Central Y. W. C. A. and Mr.
Coffman of the Y. M. C. A. co
operated in developing this ser
vice. Rachel Covington, chair
man, Boy and Girl Forum, pre
sided. Althea Bightner gave a
reading on Negro History which
was not only informs ional but
was very well given. Spirituals
were sung by Foster GooeHett,
poems were given by Rowena
Jones and Betty Davis. The
part that the Negro has played
in music, literature, art and
science was interpreted by
Mary lietlie Wiggins, Rowena
Jones, Milton Moore and Doris
Ware. The Negro Anthem was
sung by Harold Biddicux. Mrs.
Wiggins, vice chairman, com
mitte of management, closed
the service .
On. Tuesday, Febr. 23rd, the
Technical high school Girl Re
serves and Junior and Senior
Girl Reserves club met together |
at the North Side Branch, Peg
Mahoney, president, Technical
high, the advisors, Miss Jelen
and Mr. Smitman were intro
duced l\v our president, Miss
Olive Willis. Part of the pro
gram rendered by our girls was
as follows: Violin solo by Mary
Green, saxophone solo by Ber
nice Grice, piano solo by Gro
ver Marshall and reading by
Myrdle Thomas.
The Blue Triangle Girl Re
serve club has elected new of
ficers for the spring term. The
The Elite Cigar Store
Direct Wire On All Sports
Come In Where It’s Comfortable
Ladies Especially Invited
Our Policy is Give You Service
Eugene McGill, Mgr- HA422.
2314 N. 24th St
Omaha, Nebraska
president iis Viola Littlejohn
viee president, Archie Mae
Young; secretary, Dorothy
Crawl; y, assistant, Audrey
Preston and treasurer Louise
Paints and Patches, an oper
etta in two aeis will be given
at the Central Y. W. C. A.
March 12th. Miss Este'la Ro
bertson, director a,nd Miss Ber
tha Young, pianist. The lead
ing characters are: Lawrence
Smith, Ka'.y Beasley, Louise
Wright, James Murray, Lloyd
Neal, Olive Willis, Doris New
land, Betty Davis, William
Franklin, Lillian McGill, Doro
thy Gravlfj, p'fhri^tine Taylor
Fred and Edward Martin, Har
old’ Riddieux, George Sledd, Is
aac McDonald,
The Girl Reserve Committee
and Advisors will meet jointly
on Saturday, Feb. 27th at one
o’clock at the Y. W. C. A.
Mr. Eugene Fostei, Kansas
City, Mo., is visiting his sister,
Mrs. Gladys Collins, 2610 Se
w-ard. He will he in the city
for several days.
Mr. H. C. Talbert, 2610 Se
ward and Mr. Robert Simsi.',
1712 No. 25.h street celebrated
their birthdays on Saturday,
Pebr. 13th. They were enter
tained by their wives who pre
sented them with a lovely
birthday cake. Cards and other
games constituted the even
ing’s enjoyment. We wish Mr.
Talbert and Mr. Simsil many
more happy birthdays.
Mr. Wilbur Clark, 1207 No.
27th street, is getting along
nicely in a local hospital after
two years’ illness .
Mrs. Nellie Jenkins, Musko
gee, Okla., is visiting her son,
Mr. Nolan Anderson and her
sister, Mrs. V. A. London, 1524
So. 25th street. She is also vi
siting Mrs. R. M. Ewing, 2616
Seward street. Mrs. Jenkins
came to the city with the in
tention of seeing the Joe Louis
fight, but since it was called
off, she will return to her home
soon. She reports an enjoyable
stay in our city.
The Board of the Old Folk’s
Home met at the Community
Center and held election of of
ficers for the year. Thee lection
was ns follows: Mrs. Kirtley,
president; Mrs. Mallard, first
vice president; Mrs. Graham,
second vice president and Dr.
A. L. Hawkins, treasurer. We
wish to thank those who gave
donations to the home. Mrs.
Harris gave one dozen oranges,
one dozen apples, a package of
cookies; the Imamuel Home do
nated a jar of candy, and ten
of the members called at the
home and rendered a very in
teresting program .to the im
mates. Saratoga school gave a
bushel basket of fruit in which
were oranges, apples, grape
fruits, ,bananas, two boxes of
crackers; one package of cho
colate cookies and dates.
Miss Lenora Lindsay of Jo
plin, Mo., is visiting in tbe city
and is the house guest of Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Carey, 2636
Binnev St. Many entertain
Imeats are planned in her honor.
Mrs. Mahammitt’s
School of Cookerie
2116 No. 25th St.
Phone WE 4120
Standard Foamy
4 eggs
Vs tea-spoonful salt
4 tablespoons hot milk or water
Ms teaspoonful baking powder
1 tablespoonful butter
Separate eggs; beat yolks slight
ly and add salt, pepper and hot
milk or water Continue beating
until thick and lemon colored- Beat
egg whites until frothy, add pow
der and beat until stiff. Fold into'
yolk mixture. Heat pan, add but- i
ter, and when melted turn in egg j
mixture and cook slowly until puff- J
ed up and brown on both sides and
bottom- Plaice in mr>de<mte, 360
degrees F., to finish cooking the j
top. Serve at once either plain or
with crisp bacon.
This Omelet can be filled with
jelly and used as a dessert—or can
be filled with cavair and passed
before a meal—or can be made
into Individual Omelets and filled
with cavair.
Escal'oped Spaghetti
Boil in quart of water two
hours (1 lb. beef diced, 1 green pep
per chopped, 2 onions dh«*pped).
1 pkg spaghetti
1 can tomatoes
1 can mushrooms
1 can peas strained
Boil spaghetti in waiter until
soft. Mix all together. Cover top
thickly with cheese and butter.
Bake two hours.
Porcupine Salad
12 halves qf pears
4 pkgs. cream cheese
1 teaspoon onion juice
% /teaspoon salt
Dash Cayenne pepper
1 cup almonds
2 heads lettuce ,
jl lemon
Mash cheese- Season with cay
enne. Salt and onion juice. Squeeze
lemon juice over pears and let
stand a few minutes. Drain p>ar*
before putting on lemrfi juice.
When ready fill pears with cheese.
Shred lettuce. Place pears with
cheese side down and split almonds
and stick in pears to look like por
cupinefc a»id cover with
di easing.
Cook rice in water 25 minutes.
When cool, mix with I cup whip
ped cream and put in ice-box until
very cold.
Ms cupbrown sugar
V* cup of cream
Cook until right thickness. Serve
hot over rices.
Battery Station
Specialized Auto Repair
Service by expert Workmen
Call or See Mr. Jorgensen
3014 No. 24th S t. JA 9999
Long Distance Hauling
Moving and Storage
I'hone WE565# 2414 Grant 8t.
A Baby to Love?
If you yearn for a baby of your
own, won’t you write us in full
confidence a(td ]elt us send you in
teresting information pn tlhis sub
ject, (together with a $1 package
of Kazenp for trial? Send no
money—j.yst name and address.
Uh« all- If satisfied s-n 1 JM; jf
nojfc, your report can t r' rge
and you owe nothing Wrlcu L.adol
O-, 628 Had Bldg-, Kansas City,
Mo. }
AT 5810 2037 N 24th St.
Homer McCraney
Great Bargains In
For Rent or Sale
2640 Binney St. 5 rooms,
modern must be sold—easy
E. M Davis
Licensed Broker
2817 No. 24th St. WE 1166 j
V .VW.V.W.V.’.VW.V.y;
2202-4-6 North 24th Street
Phone WE 4137
Poultry and Egg Dealers
Live Poultry, Ducks,
Geese, Chickens
and Turkeys.
I . !!
24th and Lake Street
WEbster 5444
£ 24th and Lake WE 5444 j
| — T
3 Useful Prizes Given >
Away Each Week
jj Just Come To Our Store and Register. You 5
% Don’t Have To Be Present To Win. 5
§ - I
■‘-The Lucky Persons will be Announced In5
| j
;j This Advertisement each week jj
Watch For It !
1 I