The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 27, 1937, 672nd EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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• t . , , ., , -..:
Chicago, Peb. 27—When James Bruno Herbert, freshman
at New York university who runs for the New York Curb ex
change, von the Columbia Council 500 meter >«u at the »Urf
of the cun entin'door season in the fin time of 1 minute
seconds as he causedse?cie.: eyebrows to Ilf!. S ill, he he In t
raced against be®t in the field
Two weeks ago Saturday night
at Boftfcon, he was entered in the
Trout 600 yards. Present also was
Eddie O’Brien of Syracuse, white
speedster wiho hadnltj 'been in two
years of running on the boards
O’brien was expected to win but
Herbeilt came in first. Some of the
boys explained this defeat of the
faVorite by point ting out that
the Sryacuse youngster miscount
ed ftihe laps, spjrinted, and at the
finish line found he had made a
mistake and must make one more
lap But Herbert w'ofrv, and incident
ally established a track record of
So tttha silage was all set for a
week ago Saturday night in New
Yc|rk for tflie classic MiHrose 600.
Competing against him were John
Woodruff, the Pett and Olympic
sensation; this same Eddie O’Brien
who wanted hs revenge, and; Qhar
lia Beetham of Ohio State, national
intercollegiate half mile champion
It was considered the finest field
ever assembled for the event
But it didnlt matter Herbert
wool again, nosing out O’Brien by
approximately a foot In the fast
time of 1:12-6. He was the first
sepia ever to win this classic race
and wr'^te his name beside such
white track immortals as Ted Mer
edith, ChpiFi^s Hor | <a‘JM, Dhvta
Caldwell, Eaj-1 Eby and Alex Wil
So they can’t laugh off Herbert
Flash Kidneys of
Acids and Poisons
Stop Getting Up Nights
When kidneys are clogged they
become weak—the bladder is irri
tated—often passage is scanty
and smarts and burns—sleep is
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bathroom are frequent. The right
harmless and inexpensive way to
stop this trouble and restore
healthy action to kidneys and
bladder is to get from any drug
gist a 85-cent box of Gold Medal
Haarlem Oil Capsules and take
as directed—you won’t be disap
pointed— but be sure and get
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap
sules—the original and genuine
—right from Haarlem in Holland
—a grand kidney stimulant and
diuretic. Remember also that oth
er symptoms of kidney and blad
der trouble are backache, leg
cramps, puffy eyes, moist palms
and nervousness
anymore, He has become the sen
sation of the 1937 indoor season and
and may repeat outdoors but in A.
A. U- m«ets °nly, f°r like Wood
miff in tihe spring of 1936, he is
barred from intercollegiate compet
ition because of his freshman stat
James Bruno Herbert is 22 yea's
old, He sftands six feet tall and
weighs 154 pounds. He was born
in Harlem July 20, 1914 and is ma
joring in physics and hopes event
ually to teach. At the Curb Ex
change he is employed as a pctrter.
Occasionally he plays tike trumpet
at night in dance bands for extra
cash, but can't make a habit of it
as ithis keeps him up too late.
Ho became interested in track
while at 9tuytvesant high school
and in 1933 won t<he city quarter
mile title in 51 seconds, but since
then has appeared mainly in relays.
Running for the Curb Exchange,
ho helped win the 1,000 meter and
1,600 meter A. A. U- relay cham
pionships the same night two years
ago, also was a member of the
quartet winning the A. A. U
1,600 meter relay championship at
Lincoln, Nebr.
Prom now on, Herbert is a mark
ed man. The boys will be out to
beat him, for a dhap who wins
three important individual trophies
during the same campaign against
the type of competition he has
faced is a lad to be reckoned with
Odds and Ends
Chicago will get a chanc© to see
for itself if Eulace Peacock, the
Temple flash who holds three out
door sprint and two indoor sprint
'ictorjes and a broad jump triumph
over Jesse Owens, can come back.
He will run in the Daily News re
lays on March Gth. Cornelius Jojhn
son will also be present to compete
in tt'.ie high 'jum[p.We'J John
Henry Lewis has whipped A1 Ef
toro twice now. If John Henry licks
him again, they ought to let him
keep the body.
Tuskegee has awarded its wo
men’s track and field team for its
great showing at Providence, R I.,
on July 4tih when it won second
place from the nation's finest. With
somo of the girls undoubtedly vic
tims of staKe fright and appear
ing for the first time before a big
crowd of white tjpecbatoifc, itjhey
should by no|w be cured and this
year ought to be ready to really
bust marks. And we hope they do.
apartments for rent
8 furnished apartments. WE
B738. __
Newly ^ecoratecJ, unfiirnlshed
apartments, on car line. Call AT
7435., AT 5423, WE 3678, Mrs.
Dixon. _
COMFORTABLE rooms in Chris
tian home. AT 1995, 2230 WlWs
Ave. ___
FURNISHED room. 2235 Grant St.
FURNISHED room for man only
JAckson 2549 _
APT. to a couple or two men. 2230
Ohio St.
FURNISHED room AT 2523
Front Room for rent. 1816 Nicho
las street.
NICE furnished room, WE 2582.
FOR RENT—Love's Kitchenette
Apartments, 2516-18 Patrick, or
3613 Grant st. Call We. 6653.
MODERN room for right party,
married or single Phone Webster
6728, 2718 No- 28th Ave.
NICE room in quiet home, near
carline- WE 2085
FOR ECONOMIC and comfort of
living try DIXON APTS., AT
AUTOMOBILE Trunk for sale WE
2407 Lake Street.
PERRY AND SON, Transfer, 2624
Caldwell, AT 0114.
COLORED ladies and gentlemen
wanted for soliciting No deliver
ies. WA 7677.
SALESLADY—Over 30, Sales abil
ity. Personality, connections im
portant. Write for interview. The
Omaha Guide, 2418 Grant St.
AGENTS, salesmen, sell Face
Cream, Hair Dressing, Tonics,
Shampoos, etc. Big List. Prices
Low. Free catalog. Dept. A, Nation
al Supply Co., Richmond, Ya.
Nappanee, Indiana.
Intelligence and Sales Dept. Good
6000 Representatives Wanted.
income assured. E. V. Publishing
House, 301-305 Elm st., Dept. N3.
AGENTS—ID daily selling Negre
Dolls. Write, National Co., 163
West 126th St., N. Y
Send lOo for six mo. subscription
to interesting magazine, Movie
News and Pictures. Box 462,
Dayton, Ohio.
wide social letter club: new
friends, romance; strictly confi
dential. Particulars free. KIS
MET, Boxx 6166-E., Met. Sta.
Los Angeles, Calif.
AGENTS — Sell Emperor Haile
Selassie Picture, (Sample 25c).
Negro Dolls, Flappers, African
League, 254 W. 135th St, New
MAKE $10 daily selling Negro
dolls, pictures. National Co., 165
W. 126th St., New York City.
WANTED—Experienced salesnuu
for rubber work gloves as ride
line to retail trade. Liberty Rub
ber Glove Co. Winona. Man.
Crescents Take Two
From Bronx Whites
i -
By Marlon Marshall, Calvin Service
New York, Feb. 27—The Pass
aic Crescents triumphed over tjie
Bronx Cavanaughs at Vasa Temple
Sunday nignt, 31-24, on a slippery
Aft Passaic, N- J. the Crescents
p tiled the second to their list of
victims whan thay trounced tha New
Yorkers to the tune of 44-36 Thurs
day night at Casey haljl.
The game dtnrtod ftt a sI(lw pace,
botih teams casually passing and
dribbling the bail- Although they
lost many chances at scoring by
failing to tlr<^p the leather into the
cage after an excellent toss, and
losing seven oiit of ten free tosses
the home team held the lead throu
ghfjut the entire game, coming out
!at thei heavy end of 10-7 at the
quarter and 21-17 at the half
The third quarter offered more
excitement as the visitors endeavor
ed td gain the lead and the locals
refused to give in as they chalked
up six markers before their oppon
ents successfully shot a technical
the ninth and every one perfect
Leading by seven points and an
xious to defeat this team who had
won nine consecutive games van
quishing such teams as the Jamaica
Cardinals and the Whirlwinds, thci
Passaic qulntqt thrilled the crowd
with their trick passes as they de
termined to keep )n the load- They
remained in possession of the ball
the best part of the time though
wihen they lost it the visiting team
managed to break through the Cres j
cent defense to ring up two morei
“Puggy” Bell led the scoring par
ade with eleven points followed by
Charlie Isles and “Gas” Holms with
Collegiate Sports
Tuskegee, Feb. 27—The Tuske
gee girls quint stopped Talladega,
35-17, Saturday night.
Baltimore, Peb. 27 (C)—Ben
jamin Hawkins, guard, and “Bojay”
Sewell, center were elected co;cap
tains for the ‘38 Morgan college
grid squad.
Greensboro, Feb. 27 (C)—The A.
and T. Aggies toc^c the Howard
Bisons, 27-25, in a stiff cage battle
Richmond, Fob. 27 (C)—The Un
ion Panthers won over the Virgin
ia Tntjans, 44-38, Frday.
Montgomery, Feb. 12 (C)—The
‘Ranw State Hornets were checked
in their winning streak, 30-20, by
Morehouse cagers on Lincoln’s birth
Knoxville, Feb- 26 (C)—The
Knoxville college Wolverints lost to
tjhe Morris Brown ibasketeers in
two games, 31-23, and 43-32, Fri
and Saturday.
Greensborq, Feb. 27 (C)—A. and
T. college is all set for the second
annual basktfiboU tourney wjhY-'h
begins Febr. 27th.
Six Compoers Works
On Cotton Club Show
Under the personal supervision
of Irving Mills, the score for the
new show at the famous Oitton
Club in New York is being writ
ten by a half dozen famous com
puters. The new show will star
Duke Ellington and his orchestra!
and Ethel Waters of "Stormy Wea
ther” fame- The premier© will be
staged about March 13th.
Ellington will write original mu
slo for a couple <»f the production
numbers which Mills has suggested.
.'Reginald Forsythe, the English
composer wihq wrote "Serenade to
a Wealthy Widow” and other hits,
will collaborate with Andy Razaf,
another another noted colored wri
ter, on several numbers.
Lupin Plen and Lee Wainer have
ccfapl cited a sensational number
“Strike Mu Blue," for the new
Another team for song writers, Leo
David and Don Rodman, who were
responsible for the current hit,
‘‘The IXiAess Had the Duke for
Dinner,” have been placed under
contract by Mills and also are work
ing on the score.
Bill Robinson Selects
White Girl As Dancing]
Partner In New Film
Los Angeles, Calif., Febr. 27
(ANP—Comment rather captious
in character Is running the gamut
in moving picture circles here be
cause Bid Robinson has interceded
with studio officials in behalf of a
white girl who wifi work opposite
him in “Cafe Meitrople” the new
20|th Century Fox rn'ivie. The whita
girl will blacken her face to dance
as Bojangles partner in the pro
duction and speculation is rife re
garding Robinson’s failure to choose
a colored girl for the favored spot
siince there are so many capable
dancers eager to share the favored
Geneva Sawyer, a white dancer on
the Fox lot has been given the
role, is reported to have profited
through Bojangles’ free hearted
teaching of his dancing steps to her
as well as to many other white per
sons ifl the studios including
Shirley Temple, Eleanor Pqwell,,
Eleanor Whitne.y, Tiny Gamberelli
andAylolph Menjau. Bill Is said to
have been bij delighted with Miss
Sawyer’s ability to mimic his steps
that he W'ent Ito considerable len
gths to have her cast opposite him.
Robinson’s vogue and his insistence
are said to have encouraged studio
officials to overlook the fact that
a white wman will be dancing with
a Negrq artor, the fact that she
will be in black face proving a mi
tigating factor
Bojangles is one of the most po
pular of the Negro performers am
<fng the white actors and studio
attaches in Hollywood- He has a
flair for cultivating the opposite
g -oup and and often stages elabor
ate functions to which he invjtes all
and sundry- He can frequently be
fitund in the center of a group of
whites, regaling them with his in
imiablo stories usually portray
ing some senegambian in a humor
ous role.
Footlight Flickers
(By At Moaee for ANP)
The Real Dope On
R)la Fitzgerald
Now York, Feb. 27—Currently
the st<ry hn« been going the rounds
these past three week* In which
the “writing boys" have sort of
contradicted themselves at times,
concerning tlhat pojrm'ar “swing
singer” Ella Fitzgerald.
Possibly you have or have not
read whcnein a certain mMpstro
Benny Goodman, had dangled $6,000
(all at one time), in the face of
the businesslike C^aiok We(bb, in
order* to snare the exclusive ser
vices of the ex-amateur nite prodigy
Doubtless y^u listened to the “pro
and con” chit-chat that naturally
joes arise from such controversies
where more than a five-dollar bid
tends to bind the panties thereto.
..and should we add in aiur legal
minded fashidn, thereunder.
But, aflter pulling a rabbit or tw<>
3ut of the hat ala “Black Herman
(bo^m). we come up with this
rather startling bit of Info that be
rightfully characterized as a true
First, just in order t° keep all
of the record books for future pos
ter!!/ sort of okey-doke. THERE
QUESTION. Rumor hits been run
ning amuck t't tthe extent that
pleasing UtAlo Ella has been work
ing for the “slave’s wage” of $20
weekly, wherein the “Chickadee,”
has been siheUing out to the tune
(i55) for every seven days of toil
before the flickering globules.
Miss Fitzgerald, is never con
tracted along with the band. Her
services are secured under entire
ly separate working agreement- Mr
Goodman used our “Harlem Swing
ster Par Excellence,” some three
times at the ratiher fair rate ol
. iuar&ntM to help you sot • n** ti
life. No case beyond hope. Stop eany
Inir! Write me today. Information FREE I
ft. WILLIAMS, Journal Square Sta.
Dept. o. Jersey City, N. J.
$360 each setting, and for SEVEN
recif'dings made for the DECCA
COMPANY under orchestral gen
tua of Goodman and the boys, tfur
informant tells u« that llte sum
ranged a roped $376 per recording.
‘‘Chick," played a fine part In
bringing Miss Fifczgcnald to the
spot she occupies in the public’s
affection and some position of that
is going to be repeated her® Un
der his personal supervision, Mjss
Fitzgerald was rehearsed In a num
ber of songs in Chick’s apartment
with a certain well known piano
player, running over the numbers
He has atiH'd behind Ella through
thick and thin- Another story would
carry us into the angle of SAVOY
of that, more anon. For Riho time
being, this ought tto( adjust the.
wobbly records a little as the $6,000
offer that BENNY GOODMAN
Johnson Drug: Co.
We Fill Relief Pre«rnpj tons
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Still Coughing?
No matter how many medicines
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Even If other remedies have
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All kinds of Poultry and fresh Country Eggs direct) from
the country.
Live Carp - Buffalo and Catfish
Special Prices to Churches and Parties
Stoller’s Fish and Poultry Market
1623 North 24th Street JAckson 8699
Beautifully washed and returned just
damp enough to IRON.
Minimum bundle 48c
Edholm & Sherman
2401 North 24th St. We 6055
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Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Moneywould buy
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