The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 13, 1937, 670th EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    Attend Church . .
2tl4i and Blondo Streets
Haughtier M. Quinn. Lender
Rev. C. Jackson. Ass t Pastor
Sunday school at 0:45 o'clock
Sunday morning service at 11:00
o’clock Rev. 2a It son In charge.
Sunday night service at 8:00
0 clock. Daughter Marian Quinn In
C ge
Everyone welc omf.
Monday nbt'it developing class a*
2520 Binr.oy St., no charge.
Tuesday nigh* Bible class at the
T mpie
Thursday night altar call and
healing and prophesying, M ,!her
Ro»le Jones In charge.
2025 North 21 Street
It. L. MOODY, Pastor
Edna W. Moody, Reporter
R.g. lai services were held last
Sunday, The morning message wai,
“.f'wua, God’s Light in the World"!
Nodeelaration of scripture la m°re
forceful Ifhan Jno 8:12, “I am the
1 , hi. >i the world, he that foRoweth
me shall not wa!k in darkness." 111
is very stiange that many profess j
t follow Christ and yet walk In
g ss darkness- Hut the answer is
Beware Coughs
frcm common coUU
Thai Hang On
No matter how many medicine*
j ju have tried ; ••* your 001.,, b, ohes
< jld or bronchi; 1 trrltai on, you car.
get rell*f i -.w Wu.h GtoGmuislon.
Bertr/jg :,rmibh> may be t’.ywi..? tnc
you cannot allurd to take a clianct
v.lh anything Je. i than Crcoh.ul
Bion. which goes right to tho seat
cf the trouble to a'd nature to
Boothe and haul Ura inflamed mgm
bnines an the germ-laden phlegm
• loosened pud expelled.
•:ven ir' other remedies have
J .ik’d, don’t bo discouraged, your
i rugpist is authorized to guarantee
hTeomulslon arid to refund your
money If you are not satisfied with
results from the very first bottle
Oet Creomulsion right now. (Adv.l
FOR A 6000 j
You Get
Take a dose
or two of
Work seems easier and there
are more things of interest
when you are really well —
free from the bad feelings and
dullness often attending con
Take Black-Draught when
you need a laxative. It has
proved so good for prompt, re
freshing relief from constipa
tion that thousands of men
and women rely on it for that
II constipation has upset you, a
lew doses of Black-Draught should
help to straighten you out. Try it.
In 25-cent packages.
purely vegetable
I Jno. 1:6, “If we say we have fel
lowship with and walk in darkness,
we lie and d° not tell the truth "
Tho evening mossage was, ‘‘The
Uplifted Christ” Today, as in the
liays of Moses, people have sinned
because they have spoken aga'nst
(!<>d and agalrirflj their leaders as
tho Israelites spoke against Moses.
Only when ifcse who are sfcricken
e 1 because this rebelliousness, look
unto Jesus, as they did to the ser
pent, and H'e “And as Moses
lii'fl <1 up She erpe.nt In the wilder
ness, even so must ih« Son of Man
be lifted 'up " Jno. 3:14,
25di and Decatur Streets
Rev I). W, Hass, Pastor
Henryetta Makins, Reporter
Our thought for the week: “O
magnify 'Jho Lord with me and let
u • exalt His name together" Psalm
Sunday was cold, gloomy and
ill izzly, yerti many <»f the true be-1
I vers were faithful. The pastor
was in the stand all day. At Jun
ior church the pastor talked, “Con
fession1 ‘ Saying regardless to the
service we render our efforts are
worthless without confessing Christ
referring to “Whosoever therefore
shad confess me before men him
wnl I confess also wtih my Father
which is in heaven,” Mutt. 10:32
uml “It tlv>u shall believe in thy
heart) that God hath raised him
from tho deud, thou shait be sav
ed " Romans 10:9
Tho 11 o'clock sermon was very
interesting originating from Isaiah
10:41. Mrs. Jean Mercer reiated
tho grand old story of “Ben Hur”
at Epwortlh league. A beautiful
group listened profoundly interest
ed 1n. every word and phrase. Si
lence reigned only to be broken by
the clear voice of Mrs. Mercer The
night sermon from Isaiah 6:8 came
in the form of a question, ‘‘Who
Is Ready To Go For the Lord,” Em
phasis was placed on "we, singul
ar, I , "Are we ready? Am "l
Tho Loyal Matrons met this week
at the home of Mrs, Eva Mae Har
os, 2715 No. 2fith St The Forward
Step dub met aft the church.
The Young People's dub wip
give n program In keeping with
Ntgro History Week, Friday, Feb
12th at 8 p- m.
We luyve a wonderful Sunday
school. Go to church next Sunday
and start tiho day with this depart
ment!. To the sick we say, “.Jesus
Christ sets us free from the fear
of sin and sickness and the word of
God restores us harmony and heai
See you next week
AT 5810 2037 N. 24th St.
Homer McCraney
Chas. M. Simmons, Prop.
1812 N. 24th St. WE. 6370
Appetizing barbecue, delicious
fried chicken, just-right chili and
heavenly tamales at Mason’s. 2024
Burt St.
Piano Value j
“Winter” Studio Upright
* Full, Standard Keyboard
* Beautiful Walnut Finished Case
* Fine Tone and Action
* Constructed to Give Years of Service
Made by one of the world’s leading piano manufactur
ers. Specially designed to fit small rooms an apart
ments. An ideaJ instrument for the beginner student.
Trade-In Allowance _ PER WEEK
For Your Pay 1 25 0N BALANCE I
Obsolete Piano J " p^ Small Carrying
1516-18 DODGE ST. 6th and Broadway, Council Bluffa
Rev. P. J. Sears, Pastor
29th and T Streets
Joshua Henderson, Reporter
Bethel would like for the public
at large 80 notice some of her im
provements under the leadership of
Rev, P, J Sears, Let us start with
!h« Sunday school. On Thursday
nights, the teachers are taught by
th« pastor. Everf Sunday morning
j Mr- Charles Wa'l sees to it that the
[school ig opened at 9:30 This de
I partment Is being conducted so ef
i fecftively that grown men as well
j as young people are giving their
I lives t« Jesus- We have ten wait
ing to be baptised. The mission sis
ters are headed by Mrs- Marie
Kings. They j^re doing what they
can to help the unfortunate in our
community. Recently theypurchas
c.d a library for thepastor’s study
and covered the pulpit and aisles
whlh beautiful carpet The BYPU is
taking on new life. Rev, and Mrs
P. J. Sears, Joshua Henderson, Mr
Warren Alston, Sylvester Stroud,
and Rev. William Collins, Mrs, N
B Northerots, Mi*s Cectla Wills,
Alice Garner and L. Newson are the
one who will see |tp it that Bethel
will have a great union. We arc
having a special program next
Sunday evening the Booster club
YMCA and YWCA will start in a
very short while
Every member Is asked to take
an active part in some of these
Tlia pastor preached a powerful
set mon on “Home ond ChrlstaJn
Training” last Sunday morning.
Tho Union Usher board meet
ing will be held Sunday Febr. 14th
at 3 p- m. A respond program from
various boards will be rendered
2316 North 25th Street
Elder I*. 0. Green, Pastor
Mrs. C. A. Bray boy. Reporter
Sunday school met at the usual
hour At 11:30 a. m., Rev Green
delivered a wonderful lesson from
Genesis 45:5- Sunday night Rev.
Green brought a wonderful thought
to everyone. The sermon was found
in Jermlah 6:1.
28th and Decatur Streets
Rev- M. B. BUbrew, Pastor
Mrs, Minnie Bryant, Reporter
Services were good and well at
tended Inspite of the inclement
weather and icy streets- Sunday
school, with our new superintendent
Mr. J"hn R"sebaugh, ts getting off
to a good start as well as the B. Y.
P- U., with Wm- Cooper In his 8th
year as president.
Pastor BUbrew brought two
burning messages. His 11 a- m
subject was ‘Get Up Off Your
Fa/’e,” Joshua, 7:10. His 8 pm.
subject was “Go Forward Israel,”
Exodus 14:16- AH feasted as he
poured ou^ of his soul in unto us
the bread of life. With a new and
comfortable church edifice and one
of the besit) preachers in the coun
try, Salem invites the public to
make It your winter church quar
“The Friendly Church”
Rev. R. A. Adams, Pastor
Sunday school stinted the act
ivities of the day and boasted of
good attendance. Due Ito the fact
that Sunday was Quarterly Meet
ing day, Rev. McDonald of Kansas
City preached the morning service.
His subject was ‘‘Prayer.” Rev W.
C- B. Lewis, the presiding elder was
unable to attend the meeting due
to Illness. At 3 p m. the Lord’s
Supper was administered to those
who wished to partake At 6 o’
clock, the Christian Endeavor So
ciety met with Lawrence Lewis, the
president presiding. Great things
are expected of this society under
tho leadershiy of Mr. Lewis
The night services were conduct
ed per usual, and again the Lord’s
Supper was served to who
wrero not present at the afternoon
WE. 2605
We Specialize on Quality
I ‘Call The Lion First’
22nd and Crant Sts.
Rev- M- K. Curry, Pastor
E. Matthews, Reporter
Sunday school was we'l attended
and much interest was manifested
in declassing the wonderful topic.
Jesus the light of the world- Two
more wejje rvddttd to the cihurch
The pastor preached at It o’clock
from Joshua 6th chapter through
Sho 15th verse His subject wa,s
“Discovering Hbs Unseen Captain.”
Christians sometimes are like Jos
hua when they feel they can go no
farther and giving up in dispair,
the Unseen Captain, who is the
Lord of Host, is very near them,
wafting to fight the battles of life.
Rev P. J. Sears and choir had
charge of the afternoon service.
Bethel, south side, was well repre
sented and wa*s very liberal in the
financial effort. Rev. Sears spoke
from Ezekiel 7th chapter, 23rd ver
so Subject; “TTie Chain of Christ
ian Insuance.” His subject was
1 and dealt with present con
ditions now existing in the homes,
or. tbe streets and in the churches
and the unwholesome conditions that
are now prevailing in all because
the chain of Christian influence has
been broken in the home and in
the churches.
14th and Avenue A, C<>. Bluffs
Rev- C- E. White, Pastor
Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morn
ing service 11 a. m- Evening ser
vice 8 p m. The mothers board has
replaced the stained glass window
that was broken by hoodlums some
months ago The window wax giv
en to mho churc h a number of years
ago by a group of young men of
our city nnd originally cost one
hundred and six dollars It ls really
a work of art. Mrs- Mattie Turner
and Mrs- Agnes Gross were lunch
g'uexitjc of Mrs. Lucinda Wright,
Friday evening- Mrs. Katherine,
Ford entered Iowa University hos
pital Thusday. Her many friends
take this means to wish her a
speedy recovery- The home of Mrs.
Martha Wilson was a center of en
tertainment on Tuesday Fobr. 2nd
in honor of Mr. J. Green’s birth
The Mother’s Board will meet at
the residence of Mrs Mary Shavers
on Tuesday, Feb. lGth Miss Sally
Harold is very id at her home and
Mrs. Nannie Williams, the sister of
Miss Harold suffered a painful in
jury from a fall on the ice. The
infant son of Mr. and Mrs Coffey is
very ill with the flu of the brain.
Sick list: Mrs. Blanche Golden, Mrs.
Willie Mixon, Mrs Harold, Mr, J- O.
Wilson, Mrs. Gertrude White, Mr
Church I|yhas la/ndj Mr. Vincent
Mrs. Antoine Huff Reporter
Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor
Forysteen Burroughs, Reporter
Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morn
ing worship 11:00 a m- BYPU 6 p.
m. Evening worship 8 p- m
Services were as usual with the
pastor, Rev F. P. Jones in charge.
Communion was observed during
the evening worship.
Mr». Johnson who has been ill
for quite a while attended services
for the first time since her illness.
Those who still remain on the sick
list are: Mrs Jackson, Mrs. David
son, Bro. A T.. Stewart, Mrs. E C..
Hill, Mrs L. Wade and Mrs. Wright
The Mission Circle is giving a
Martha Washington Tea, Febr. 18
at the parsonage, 2422 Ohio St
Every one is cordially invited to
com® out and help make this event
a success.
Visitors and friends are Invited
to attend the services A cordial wel
come for all.
26th and Lak<* Streets
Tho church is progressing nice
ly und*'r the pastorage of Rev. J
C. Crowder. Sunday school at 9:30
a- nv Morning services at 11:30 a,
m. BYPU at 6:00 p. m. Mission ser
vice on Tuesdav at 7:30
Rally for building started Feb
TtJh and will end the first Sunday
In April,
All are welcome to worship with
Mr. Johnson's BrilHantin® Hair
Grower is 3 times as strong It
makes short , kinky hair long and
straight- For FREE SAMPLE.
Send potsal card to MR- JOHNSON
Co., Dept. 129 GD 212 S- FRANK
LIN Chicago 111.
FUCHS Machinery & Supply Co.
1102-4 FARNAM ST. Telephone ATlantic 7050
27th and Franklin Streets
Uev. J. H. Reynolds, I’&stor
Mrs. Lottie Keyes, Reporter
Morning service at 10:46 a. m
Tho choir was on itSme- The devo
tions were lead by the deacons of
the church. At 11 a. m the. pas^r
started the morning services. The
opening prayer was by Brother
Green. Scripture lesson was read
by the pastor At 3 p. m, the Young
church had its meeting. The ser
vice was in keeping wkflh Negro
History Week- The President, Mr.
F.iulknci*, Jprasicfed. Eveniniy ser
vices started at 7:45 p m, and was
lead by f,he pastor, Rev J. H. Rey
nolds. The' Lord’s Supper was ser
ved at 8 o’clock
1837 North 21th Street
ReV. N. C- Cannon, Pastor
Mrs. W- B. Robinson, Clerk
Our church wa» spirit filled a'l
day. Our pa»t'>r Is preparing to
leave on his research tour to which
he has been appointed. His first
trip will be to New York, Colorado
and Ohio Rev. W. L. Cannon will
bo in charge of the church-. We in
vite you to worship with us.
2302 Grace Street
Rev. Gtenna M- Howell, Pastor
Rev. W. I. Burch, Presiding Elder
Rev- J. W. Martin, Bishop
Sunday service
11 a. m , preaching
2 to 3 p. m. Sunday school
8 p m-, preaching
Wednesday, 8 to 9 Class meeting
At St. Paul A. M. E- Zion church
Founder’s Day was celebrated
with a lengthy program. All fin
anees for the day went to Living
ston college in North Carolina. The
progra^n consisted of congregation
a* Singing’, suripiiy.-v u-nu*nj'
the pastor and a sermon by Rev.
Swain. Ills subject was, “Great Is
A song by the congregation; a
paper on Founder’s Day, by Mrs
Reynold,1^; solp, Miss Marietta
Wright; Lecture on “True Leader
ship,” by Mr. Evans; 10 minutes’
discussion on paper by Mrs. Edna
Mitchell, Mr. Milton, Mrs. Lee and
Elder Bridgeford; duet by Eva
Whidby and F Phelps; Dramatic
reading by Mrs. Mitchell; lecture
on “Value <>f United Effect,” by Mr.
Herbert Milton; Reading by Mar
cetta Wright; a song, reading by
Adeil Phelps and a summary of
the program by Evangelist Eld
ridge. The program was very in
Are you troubled in mind be
cause of your obligations and nec
essities of life without seeing or
knowing how you are going to meet
Let us, just for a while, dismiss
from our minds ail the worries per
taining to material things so that
we may eater into an understand
ing of God’s law whereby he will,
out of no way, majke a way for him
who belileves, doubting nothing,
Now, with the mind free from ma
terial care, you can apply your
mind to thought control. Knowing
that before we receive anything i
we must first think it, brings the!
conscious mtnd injto action- you
know that you could not become
a great sculpture or a great artist
overnight. But by studying the law
that underlines vocations, you can,
in time, develop the. mind into what
you want it to be. With the positive
thought-force working consistently
for you, you will note a gradual
change taking place. You will take
on a prosperous outlook and things
around you win begin to reflect the
prosperous thought that you are
radiating In them. Jesus knew the
law of thought and when he said,
“I am the father of one,” He was
using the positive terms In send
ing this thought! to the cosmic or
spirit forces the “I” will do for you
when you make your cosmic forces
by bringing the “I” or the consci
ous mind into play, realizing and
knowing that what ever you ask of
the cosmic forces witjhout doubt
you shall get. What would happen
to you if you p’aced your hand upon
a hot st»ve? It would burn because
the law of bodily resisbence could
not resist t»he law of positiveness,
(for heat is positive). Suppose you
place a stone in such a position that
a tiny drop of water could fall upon
it. It will in time wear a hole in
the stone. Just so will t!he mind do
with the cosmic forces when you
properly harness your thoughts
with that positive force. Now, in
order to do this, you must first of
all tell the cosmic forces just what
you want Then let nothing stop
your mind from keeping tjhis
thought in front of the cosmic for
We, the family, of the late
Arthur M. Anderson, express
our sincere appreciation to our
many friends for their kindness
and sympathy extended to us
during our recent sadness.
William Afodeifjon, De riot.
Michigan, father
Hurbert Anderson, Saginaw,
WGliei Anderson, New York
Jessie J. Anderson, Detroit,
Lela Averett, Omaha, Nebr.
Flossie Mayberry, Omaha
Flexie Stewart, Omaha
John Anderson, Omaha
Sarah Bradley, Omaha
ce, always putting the ‘I* first with
the full determination a,nd the be
lief that, you are getting or will
have just what you ar® asking for.
AH things are created first in
thought form. This thought in
turn works unseeingly In conjunc
tion with the great cosmic law ma
terialization in bringjng about the
things you ar asking for. It does
not matter who you are or what
you are,, you can have just what
you want Rut} you must believe it
with every fiber, every cell, and ev
ery muscle of your being. The thing
must become a part of you in
IJhought and in action In your
spare time everyday, bring the * I
am” or ‘<1 have” into play- Repeat
the 8’nought over and over. The
positive force of your being then
come in tune with 'tihe great God
law or the cosmic law of the as trial
world bringing to pass whalfc you
have asked f"r. You must have
faith in God, in your fellow man,
and in yourself- Knowing that tihe
great storehoure of God will supply
your every need. The great cosmic
law is unchangeable as Jesus savs.
“Ask Hhe Father in my najme,
doubting nothing and ye will re
This law of thought is older than
man. It Us not something new. We
are just beginning to understand
how to apply it. The spirit! world
is bringing these things to man for
his use. LetjJ /u|s be up and doing
that we might understand the great
God law a,nd 'use what God has
given us.
George Harrington,
Spiritual Missionary
Stomach Gas
So Bad Seems
To Hurt Heart
"The gas on my stomach was so bad
I could out «»t op sleep. Even my
heart reamed to hurt. A friend sug
gested Adlerlka. The first dose I took
brought me relief. Now I eat as I
wish, sleep hue and never felt better.”
—Mrs. Jas. Filler.
Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and
lower bowels while ordinary laxatives
act on the lower bowel only. Adlerika
gives your system a thorough cleans
ing, bringing out old. poisonous matter
that you would not believe was in your
system and that has been causing gas
pains, sour stomach, nervousness and
headaches for months.
Dr. H. L. Shot! b, Now York, report*/
"ft* addition to iniattinal dooming. Adlerlka
greatly reducer bacteria and colon bacilli.”
Give your bowels a REAL cleansing
with Adlerika and see how good you
feel. Just one spoonful relieve* GAS
and stubborn constipation.
TRIAL OFFER; For Special Trial
treatment, send 10c, stamps or coin
t<* Adlerika Dept. 75, St. Paul
Mrs. Elizabeth Yancy, 1602 No.
27th street, who has been confined
to her home since the first of Jan.
with influenza, was able o be out
for the first time last Sunday.
Hats Cleaned and Blocked.
Alterations land Relining.
If it can be cleaned, we will
clean it.
J. D. HINES, Prop,
2314 No. 21st Street
$4 00 $4 25 and $5 25$
Gas, electricty, heat furnished to
each apartment; bath for all.
Apply 1711 Cuming Street
Houses to rent 3, 4, 5, 6> 7 t0 10
Buy yourselfabusiness.
For sale all kinds of businesses.
Many other bargains in property.
$50, $100, $150 to $300 down.
Wanted manor woman who can In
vest $600- Job pays $60 per month.
Money invested draws 5 per cent,
position as salesman
Wanted .third partner In coal busi
ness, who can invest $350.
Don’t try to reach me by phone
come to the office.
1711 Cuming Street
Los Anereles
Since the eighth reduc
tion in long distance tele
phone rates during the last
ten years you can tele
phone at night or any t'ime
Sunday from your home
in (Omaha) to the farth
est corners of the United
States for ($2.50.)
Walter S. Gifford, presi
dent of the American Tele
phone ana Telegraph Com
pany, said recently: “_
.....We shall continue with
every expectation that long
distance rates may 'in time
he further reduced, arad
that whatever shortcom
ings there may be in the
service today will be elim
inated so far as humanly
Northwestern Bell
Telephone Company
IS your hair beginning to gray? Has
it become “streaky” or off color
from the use of hot irons or straight
eners? If it has, use Godefroy’s Lari
ease. This amazing preparation will
color your hair to a beautiful even
shade of black, jet black, dark, medi
um or light brown ... giving it the
soft, shimmering, lustrous finish so
much admired by everyone. Try
Godefroy’s Larieuse TODAY. If not
satisfied, your dealer will refund your
If your dealer
doei not have
direct to HAIR COLORING m
Livn a Healthier, Happier,
Longer Life
Thousands of man and women
wonder why backache bothers them
—why they have to visit the bath
room often at night—why flow is
scanty and sometimes smarts and
Any one of these symptoms
means that your kidneys and blad
der need attention now before these
minor symptoms develop into seri
ous trouble.
To flush out waste poisons and
acid from kidneys, soothe your ir
ritated bladder and put healthy
activity into them, get a 85-cent
package of GOLD MEDAL Haar
lem Capsules and take as directed.
This harmless, tried and true
medicine always works—you’ll fed
better in a few days, as the su
premely effective diuretic and kid
ny stimulant drives excess uric arid
from the body which is often the
aggravation of joint agony, sciatica
and neuritis.
But be sure and get GOLD MEDI
AL Haarlem Oil Capsules—the ori
ginal and genuine—right from
Haarlem in Holland. All good
things are imitated.